

#define RACChannelTo(TARGET, ...) \
metamacro_if_eq(1, metamacro_argcount(__VA_ARGS__)) \
    (RACChannelTo_(TARGET, __VA_ARGS__, nil)) \
    (RACChannelTo_(TARGET, __VA_ARGS__))


/// Creates a RACKVOChannel to the given key path. When the targeted object
/// deallocates, the channel will complete.
根据`key path` 创建一个`RACKVOChannel`。当目标对象释放的时候,这个`channel`会完成。

/// If RACChannelTo() is used as an expression, it returns a RACChannelTerminal that
/// can be used to watch the specified property for changes, and set new values
/// for it. The terminal will start with the property's current value upon
/// subscription.

/// If RACChannelTo() is used on the left-hand side of an assignment, there must a
/// RACChannelTerminal on the right-hand side of the assignment. The two will be
/// subscribed to one another: the property's value is immediately set to the
/// value of the channel terminal on the right-hand side, and subsequent changes
/// to either terminal will be reflected on the other.
如果这个宏被用在等式的左边,那等式的右端必须有一个`RACChannelTerminal`。这两个将会互相订阅:立即给等式右边的`channel terminal`设置属性值,以及一个`terminal`的后面的变化会反映到另一个`terminal`上。

/// There are two different versions of this macro:
///  - RACChannelTo(TARGET, KEYPATH, NILVALUE) will create a channel to the `KEYPATH`
///    of `TARGET`. If the terminal is ever sent a `nil` value, the property will
///    be set to `NILVALUE` instead. `NILVALUE` may itself be `nil` for object
///    properties, but an NSValue should be used for primitive properties, to
///    avoid an exception if `nil` is sent (which might occur if an intermediate
///    object is set to `nil`).
///  - RACChannelTo(TARGET, KEYPATH) is the same as the above, but `NILVALUE` defaults to
///    `nil`.
`RACChannelTo(TARGET, KEYPATH, NILVALUE)`将会给`TARGET`的`KEYPATH`创建一个`channel`。如果这
`RACChannelTo(TARGET, KEYPATH)`与上面一样,只是`NILVALUE`默认为`nil`。

/// Examples
///  RACChannelTerminal *integerChannel = RACChannelTo(self, integerProperty, @42);
///  // Sets self.integerProperty to 5.
///  [integerChannel sendNext:@5];
///  // Logs the current value of self.integerProperty, and all future changes.
///  [integerChannel subscribeNext:^(id value) {
///      NSLog(@"value: %@", value);
///  }];
///  // Binds properties to each other, taking the initial value from the right
///  side.
///  RACChannelTo(view, objectProperty) = RACChannelTo(model, objectProperty);
///  RACChannelTo(view, integerProperty, @2) = RACChannelTo(model, integerProperty, @10);

上面,把RACChannelTo的注释分析完了。然后宏的定义中通过metamacro_if_eq来调用(RACChannelTo_(TARGET, __VA_ARGS__, nil)) or (RACChannelTo_(TARGET, __VA_ARGS__))

/// Do not use this directly. Use the RACChannelTo macro above.
    [[RACKVOChannel alloc] initWithTarget:(TARGET) keyPath:@keypath(TARGET, KEYPATH) nilValue:(NILVALUE)][@keypath(RACKVOChannel.new, followingTerminal)]



/// Initializes a channel that will observe the given object and key path.
/// The current value of the key path, and future KVO notifications for the given
/// key path, will be sent to subscribers of the channel's `followingTerminal`.
/// Values sent to the `followingTerminal` will be set at the given key path using
/// key-value coding.
/// When the target object deallocates, the channel will complete. Signal errors
/// are considered undefined behavior.
/// This is the designated initializer for this class.
/// target   - The object to bind to.
/// keyPath  - The key path to observe and set the value of.
/// nilValue - The value to set at the key path whenever a `nil` value is
///            received. This may be nil when connecting to object properties, but
///            an NSValue should be used for primitive properties, to avoid an
///            exception if `nil` is received (which might occur if an intermediate
///            object is set to `nil`).
- (id)initWithTarget:(__weak NSObject *)target keyPath:(NSString *)keyPath nilValue:(id)nilValue;

- (id)init __attribute__((unavailable("Use -initWithTarget:keyPath:nilValue: instead")));


初始化一个`channel`观察给定对象的`key path`。

`key path`当前的值,以及以后`KVO`的通知值,都会被发送给`channel`的`followingTerminal`的订阅者。
`followingTerminal`发送的值将会使用`KVC`的方式设置给对象的`key path`。



`target` - 被绑定的目标对象。
`keyPath` - 被观察和设置值的`keyPath`。
`nilValue` - 当收到`nil`值,将`nilValue`设置给`keyPath`。当连接一个对象的属性的时候这个值可能是`nil`,但是一个`NSValue`应该用原始属性,来避免收到`nil`导致的异常(中间对象被设置为`nil`可能发生



/// Methods needed for the convenience macro. Do not call explicitly.

这个类目提供的是宏定义所需要的一些方法, 不应该显式调用。


- (RACChannelTerminal *)objectForKeyedSubscript:(NSString *)key;
- (void)setObject:(RACChannelTerminal *)otherTerminal forKeyedSubscript:(NSString *)key;

这两个方法也就是为了使该类可以通过key-value方式取值的。如上面的宏[[RACKVOChannel alloc] initWithTarget:(TARGET) keyPath:@keypath(TARGET, KEYPATH) nilValue:(NILVALUE)][@keypath(RACKVOChannel.new, followingTerminal)],通过字面量的方式获取值。



* target 目标对象。
* keyPath 目标对象的keyPath
* currentThreadData RACKVOChannelData对象。

* - (void)createCurrentThreadData; 创建一个RACKVOChannelData对象。
* - (void)destroyCurrentThreadData; 销毁一个RACKVOChannelData对象。


- (RACKVOChannelData *)currentThreadData {
    NSMutableArray *dataArray = NSThread.currentThread.threadDictionary[RACKVOChannelDataDictionaryKey];

    for (RACKVOChannelData *data in dataArray) {
        if (data.owner == (__bridge void *)self) return data;

    return nil;


- (id)initWithTarget:(__weak NSObject *)target keyPath:(NSString *)keyPath nilValue:(id)nilValue {
    NSCParameterAssert(keyPath.rac_keyPathComponents.count > 0);

    NSObject *strongTarget = target;

    self = [super init];
    if (self == nil) return nil;

    _target = target;
    _keyPath = [keyPath copy];

    [self.leadingTerminal setNameWithFormat:@"[-initWithTarget: %@ keyPath: %@ nilValue: %@] -leadingTerminal", target, keyPath, nilValue];
    [self.followingTerminal setNameWithFormat:@"[-initWithTarget: %@ keyPath: %@ nilValue: %@] -followingTerminal", target, keyPath, nilValue];

    if (strongTarget == nil) {
        [self.leadingTerminal sendCompleted];
        return self;

    // Observe the key path on target for changes and forward the changes to the
    // terminal.
    // Intentionally capturing `self` strongly in the blocks below, so the
    // channel object stays alive while observing.
    RACDisposable *observationDisposable = [strongTarget rac_observeKeyPath:keyPath options:NSKeyValueObservingOptionInitial observer:nil block:^(id value, NSDictionary *change, BOOL causedByDealloc, BOOL affectedOnlyLastComponent) {
        // If the change wasn't triggered by deallocation, only affects the last
        // path component, and ignoreNextUpdate is set, then it was triggered by
        // this channel and should not be forwarded.
        if (!causedByDealloc && affectedOnlyLastComponent && self.currentThreadData.ignoreNextUpdate) {
            [self destroyCurrentThreadData];

        [self.leadingTerminal sendNext:value];

    NSString *keyPathByDeletingLastKeyPathComponent = keyPath.rac_keyPathByDeletingLastKeyPathComponent;
    NSArray *keyPathComponents = keyPath.rac_keyPathComponents;
    NSUInteger keyPathComponentsCount = keyPathComponents.count;
    NSString *lastKeyPathComponent = keyPathComponents.lastObject;

    // Update the value of the property with the values received.
            [observationDisposable dispose];
        subscribeNext:^(id x) {
            // Check the value of the second to last key path component. Since the
            // channel can only update the value of a property on an object, and not
            // update intermediate objects, it can only update the value of the whole
            // key path if this object is not nil.
            NSObject *object = (keyPathComponentsCount > 1 ? [self.target valueForKeyPath:keyPathByDeletingLastKeyPathComponent] : self.target);
            if (object == nil) return;

            // Set the ignoreNextUpdate flag before setting the value so this channel
            // ignores the value in the subsequent -didChangeValueForKey: callback.
            [self createCurrentThreadData];
            self.currentThreadData.ignoreNextUpdate = YES;

            [object setValue:x ?: nilValue forKey:lastKeyPathComponent];
        } error:^(NSError *error) {
            NSCAssert(NO, @"Received error in %@: %@", self, error);

            // Log the error if we're running with assertions disabled.
            NSLog(@"Received error in %@: %@", self, error);

    // Capture `self` weakly for the target's deallocation disposable, so we can
    // freely deallocate if we complete before then.

    [strongTarget.rac_deallocDisposable addDisposable:[RACDisposable disposableWithBlock:^{
        [self.leadingTerminal sendCompleted];
        self.target = nil;

    return self;

1. 将target keyPath保存到实例变量中。
2. self.leadingTerminal self.followingTerminal设置名字。
3. 检验target对象是否存在。如果不存在,self.leadingTerminal发送完成事件,函数返回;如果存在;继续进行。
4. 调用NSObject (RACKVOWrapper)中的rac_observeKeyPath:options:observer:block:方法观察目标对象的keyPath的变化。回调中根据参数判断执行destroyCurrentThreadData方法,还是将value值发送出去。
5. 接下来拿到keyPath的不同元素值。
6. 对self.leadingTerminal进行订阅。主要逻辑在subscribeNext:中:

* 如果`keyPath`由多个字段组成,那么就获取`keyPath`中倒数第二个位置的对象;如果`keyPath`只有一个字段,那么就获取对象本身。这样保证仅仅更新一个对象的一个属性。
* 调用`createCurrentThreadData`方法存储`self`。
* 设置`ignoreNextUpdate`为`YES`,保证忽略掉`didChangeValueForKey:`的回调。
* 通过`setValue:forKey:`给对象设置值。

7. 在对象的清理对象中添加一个清理对象,该清理对象的清理任务是发送完成信息,并将target的引用置为nil

- (void)createCurrentThreadData {
    NSMutableArray *dataArray = NSThread.currentThread.threadDictionary[RACKVOChannelDataDictionaryKey];
    if (dataArray == nil) {
        dataArray = [NSMutableArray array];
        NSThread.currentThread.threadDictionary[RACKVOChannelDataDictionaryKey] = dataArray;
        [dataArray addObject:[RACKVOChannelData dataForChannel:self]];

    for (RACKVOChannelData *data in dataArray) {
        if (data.owner == (__bridge void *)self) return;

    [dataArray addObject:[RACKVOChannelData dataForChannel:self]];


- (void)destroyCurrentThreadData {
    NSMutableArray *dataArray = NSThread.currentThread.threadDictionary[RACKVOChannelDataDictionaryKey];
    NSUInteger index = [dataArray indexOfObjectPassingTest:^ BOOL (RACKVOChannelData *data, NSUInteger idx, BOOL *stop) {
        return data.owner == (__bridge void *)self;

    if (index != NSNotFound) [dataArray removeObjectAtIndex:index];


接下来是RACKVOChannel (RACChannelTo)类目的方法实现:

- (RACChannelTerminal *)objectForKeyedSubscript:(NSString *)key {
    NSCParameterAssert(key != nil);

    RACChannelTerminal *terminal = [self valueForKey:key];
    NSCAssert([terminal isKindOfClass:RACChannelTerminal.class], @"Key \"%@\" does not identify a channel terminal", key);

    return terminal;


- (void)setObject:(RACChannelTerminal *)otherTerminal forKeyedSubscript:(NSString *)key {
    NSCParameterAssert(otherTerminal != nil);

    RACChannelTerminal *selfTerminal = [self objectForKeyedSubscript:key];
    [otherTerminal subscribe:selfTerminal];
    [[selfTerminal skip:1] subscribe:otherTerminal];



- (void)test_objectRelease
    void (^testBlock)(void);
    @autoreleasepool {
        testBlock = ^(void){
            NSIndexPath *indexPath = [[NSIndexPath alloc] init];
            id x = RACChannelTo(indexPath, length);
            NSLog(@"x -- %@", x);
            [RACChannelTo(indexPath, length) subscribeNext:^(id x) {
                NSLog(@"objectRelease -- next -- %@", x);
            } error:^(NSError *error) {
                NSLog(@"objectRelease -- error");
            } completed:^{
                NSLog(@"objectRelease -- completed");
            [indexPath.rac_willDeallocSignal subscribeNext:^(id x) {
            } error:^(NSError *error) {
            } completed:^{
    // 打印日志:
     2018-09-03 18:08:05.248582+0800 TestRACKVOChannel[68679:3857179] x --  name:
     2018-09-03 18:08:05.249317+0800 TestRACKVOChannel[68679:3857179] objectRelease -- next -- 0
     2018-09-03 18:08:05.249829+0800 TestRACKVOChannel[68679:3857179] objectRelease -- completed
     2018-09-03 18:08:05.250107+0800 TestRACKVOChannel[68679:3857179] 333333
     2018-09-03 18:08:05.250280+0800 TestRACKVOChannel[68679:3857179] finished

- (void)test_objectValue
    NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:@"xxx"];
    [RACChannelTo(url, absoluteString) subscribeNext:^(id x) {
        NSLog(@"objectValue -- %@", x);
    // 打印日志:
     2018-09-03 18:10:41.637527+0800 TestRACKVOChannel[68816:3865455] objectValue -- xxx

- (void)test_assignLeft
    Person *person1 = [[Person alloc] init];
    person1.name = @"xxx";
    Person *person2 = [[Person alloc] init];

    RACChannelTerminal *t1 = RACChannelTo(person1, name);
    RACChannelTerminal *t2 = RACChannelTo(person2, name);
    t1 = t2;

    [t1 subscribeNext:^(id x) {
        NSLog(@"assignLeft -- person1 -- %@", x);

    [t2 subscribeNext:^(id x) {
        NSLog(@"assignLeft -- person2 -- %@", x);

    person1.name = @"111";
    person2.name = @"222";
    person1.name = @"111";

    // 打印日志:
     2018-09-07 19:44:53.288422+0800 TestRACKVOChannel[83516:10605027] assignLeft -- person1 -- (null)
     2018-09-07 19:44:53.288654+0800 TestRACKVOChannel[83516:10605027] assignLeft -- person2 -- (null)
     2018-09-07 19:44:53.289223+0800 TestRACKVOChannel[83516:10605027] assignLeft -- person1 -- 222
     2018-09-07 19:44:53.289471+0800 TestRACKVOChannel[83516:10605027] assignLeft -- person2 -- 222

- (void)test_defaultValue
    Person *person1 = [[Person alloc] init];
    person1.name = @"111";

    RACChannelTerminal *t = RACChannelTo(person1, name, @"xxx");
    [t subscribeNext:^(id x) {
        NSLog(@"defaultValue -- person1 -- %@", x);

    person1.name = nil;
    person1.name = @"111";
    [t sendNext:nil];
    NSLog(@"person1 -- %@", person1.name);
    [t sendNext:@"111"];
    NSLog(@"person1 -- %@", person1.name);

    // 打印日志:
     2018-09-07 19:58:16.114824+0800 TestRACKVOChannel[84107:10645989] defaultValue -- person1 -- 111
     2018-09-07 19:58:16.115331+0800 TestRACKVOChannel[84107:10645989] defaultValue -- person1 -- (null)
     2018-09-07 19:58:16.115639+0800 TestRACKVOChannel[84107:10645989] defaultValue -- person1 -- 111
     2018-09-07 19:58:19.421380+0800 TestRACKVOChannel[84107:10645989] person1 -- xxx
     2018-09-07 19:58:19.421651+0800 TestRACKVOChannel[84107:10645989] person1 -- 111

- (void)test_defaultValue1
    Person *person = [[Person alloc] init];
    person.value = 1;

    RACChannelTerminal *t = RACChannelTo(person, value, @6);
    [t subscribeNext:^(id x) {
        NSLog(@"defaultValue1 -- person -- %@", x);

    [t sendNext:nil];
    NSLog(@"person -- %d", person.value);
    [t sendNext:@"111"];
    NSLog(@"person -- %d", person.value);

    // 打印日志:
     2018-09-07 20:09:24.039908+0800 TestRACKVOChannel[84609:10679989] defaultValue1 -- person -- 1
     2018-09-07 20:09:24.040277+0800 TestRACKVOChannel[84609:10679989] person -- 6
     2018-09-07 20:09:24.040544+0800 TestRACKVOChannel[84609:10679989] person -- 111

- (void)test_defaultValue2
    Person *person = [[Person alloc] init];
    person.value = 1;

    RACChannelTerminal *t = RACChannelTo(person, value);
    [t subscribeNext:^(id x) {
        NSLog(@"defaultValue1 -- person -- %@", x);

    [t sendNext:nil];
    NSLog(@"person -- %d", person.value);
    [t sendNext:@"111"];
    NSLog(@"person -- %d", person.value);

    // 打印日志:
     2018-09-07 20:10:04.779842+0800 TestRACKVOChannel[84648:10682324] defaultValue1 -- person -- 1
     /Users/ys/Desktop/TestRACKVOChannel/Pods/ReactiveCocoa/ReactiveCocoa/RACKVOChannel.m:131: error: -[TestRACKVOChannelTests test_defaultValue2] : failed: caught "NSInvalidArgumentException", "[ setNilValueForKey]: could not set nil as the value for the key value."

- (void)test_initWithTarget
    RACKVOChannel *channel = [[RACKVOChannel alloc] initWithTarget:nil keyPath:@"x" nilValue:nil];
    [channel.followingTerminal subscribeNext:^(id x) {
        NSLog(@"initWithTarget -- %@", x);
    } error:^(NSError *error) {
        NSLog(@"initWithTarget -- error");
    } completed:^{
        NSLog(@"initWithTarget -- completed");
    // 打印日志:
     2018-09-05 18:19:01.996935+0800 TestRACKVOChannel[51978:7093207] initWithTarget -- completed

- (void)test_initWithTarget1
    Person *person = [[Person alloc] init];
    RACKVOChannel *channel = [[RACKVOChannel alloc] initWithTarget:person keyPath:@"name" nilValue:nil];
    [channel.followingTerminal subscribeNext:^(id x) {
        NSLog(@"channel -- %@", x);
    } error:^(NSError *error) {
        NSLog(@"channel -- error");
    } completed:^{
        NSLog(@"channel -- completed");
    person.name = @"111";
    person.name = @"222";
    // 打印日志:
     2018-09-05 18:21:13.890100+0800 TestRACKVOChannel[52108:7096914] channel -- (null)
     2018-09-05 18:21:13.891254+0800 TestRACKVOChannel[52108:7096914] channel -- 111
     2018-09-05 18:21:13.891982+0800 TestRACKVOChannel[52108:7096914] channel -- 222
     2018-09-05 18:21:13.892426+0800 TestRACKVOChannel[52108:7096914] channel -- completed

- (void)test_initWithTarget2
    Person *person = [[Person alloc] init];
    Person *nPerson = [[Person alloc] init];
    Person *nnPerson = [[Person alloc] init];
    person.person = nPerson;
    nPerson.person = nnPerson;
    RACKVOChannel *channel = [[RACKVOChannel alloc] initWithTarget:person keyPath:@"person.person.name" nilValue:nil];
    [channel.followingTerminal subscribeNext:^(id x) {
        NSLog(@"channel -- %@", x);
    } error:^(NSError *error) {
        NSLog(@"channel -- error");
    } completed:^{
        NSLog(@"channel -- completed");
    nnPerson.name = @"nnperson";
    nPerson.name = @"nperson";
    person.name = @"person";
    // 打印日志:
     2018-09-05 18:26:29.194820+0800 TestRACKVOChannel[52399:7106058] channel -- (null)
     2018-09-05 18:26:29.195286+0800 TestRACKVOChannel[52399:7106058] channel -- nnperson
     2018-09-05 18:26:29.195911+0800 TestRACKVOChannel[52399:7106058] channel -- completed

- (void)test_initWithTarget3
    Person *person = [[Person alloc] init];
    Person *nPerson = [[Person alloc] init];
    Person *nnPerson = [[Person alloc] init];
    person.person = nPerson;
    nPerson.person = nnPerson;
    RACKVOChannel *channel = [[RACKVOChannel alloc] initWithTarget:person keyPath:@"person.person.name" nilValue:nil];
    [channel.followingTerminal subscribeNext:^(id x) {
        NSLog(@"channel -- %@", x);
    } error:^(NSError *error) {
        NSLog(@"channel -- error");
    } completed:^{
        NSLog(@"channel -- completed");
    [channel.followingTerminal sendNext:@"xxxxx"];
    NSLog(@"nnperson -- %@", nnPerson.name);
    NSLog(@"nperson -- %@", nPerson.name);
    NSLog(@"person -- %@", person.name);
    // 打印日志:
     2018-09-07 20:30:04.708969+0800 TestRACKVOChannel[85422:10739392] channel -- (null)
     2018-09-07 20:30:04.709409+0800 TestRACKVOChannel[85422:10739392] nnperson -- xxxxx
     2018-09-07 20:30:04.709758+0800 TestRACKVOChannel[85422:10739392] nperson -- (null)
     2018-09-07 20:30:04.709919+0800 TestRACKVOChannel[85422:10739392] person -- (null)
     2018-09-07 20:30:04.710376+0800 TestRACKVOChannel[85422:10739392] channel -- completed

- (void)test_objectForKeyedSubscript
    RACKVOChannel *channel = [[RACKVOChannel alloc] initWithTarget:nil keyPath:@"xxx" nilValue:nil];
    RACChannelTerminal *leadingTerminal = channel[@"leadingTerminal"];
    RACChannelTerminal *followingTerminal = channel[@"followingTerminal"];
    NSLog(@"objectForKeyedSubscript -- %@ -- %@", leadingTerminal, channel.leadingTerminal);
    NSLog(@"objectForKeyedSubscript -- %@ -- %@", followingTerminal, channel.followingTerminal);
    // 打印日志:
     2018-09-05 18:30:56.059122+0800 TestRACKVOChannel[52645:7114225] objectForKeyedSubscript --  name:  --  name:
     2018-09-05 18:30:56.061642+0800 TestRACKVOChannel[52645:7114225] objectForKeyedSubscript --  name:  --  name:

- (void)test_setObject_forKeyedSubscript
    Person *person = [[Person alloc] init];
    RACKVOChannel *channel = [[RACKVOChannel alloc] initWithTarget:person keyPath:@"name" nilValue:nil];
    RACChannelTerminal *leadingTerminal = channel[@"leadingTerminal"];
    RACChannelTerminal *followingTerminal = channel[@"followingTerminal"];
    [leadingTerminal subscribeNext:^(id x) {
        NSLog(@"setObject_forKeyedSubscript -- leadingTerminal -- %@", x);
    [followingTerminal subscribeNext:^(id x) {
        NSLog(@"setObject_forKeyedSubscript -- followingTerminal -- %@", x);

    person.name = @"111";
    person.name = @"222";

    RACChannel *c = [[RACChannel alloc] init];
    [c.leadingTerminal subscribeNext:^(id x) {
        NSLog(@"setObject_forKeyedSubscript -- c -- leadingTerminal -- %@", x);
    [c.followingTerminal subscribeNext:^(id x) {
        NSLog(@"setObject_forKeyedSubscript -- c -- followingTerminal -- %@", x);

    RACSubject *subject = [RACSubject subject];
    [subject subscribeNext:^(id x) {
        NSLog(@"setObject_forKeyedSubscript -- subject -- %@", x);

    person.name = @"333";
    person.name = @"444";

    [channel.followingTerminal subscribe:subject];
    channel[@"followingTerminal"] = c.followingTerminal;

    person.name = @"555";
    person.name = @"666";
    // 打印日志:
     2018-09-07 19:26:56.048024+0800 TestRACKVOChannel[82793:10553073] setObject_forKeyedSubscript -- followingTerminal -- (null)
     2018-09-07 19:26:56.048409+0800 TestRACKVOChannel[82793:10553073] setObject_forKeyedSubscript -- followingTerminal -- 111
     2018-09-07 19:26:56.048599+0800 TestRACKVOChannel[82793:10553073] setObject_forKeyedSubscript -- followingTerminal -- 222
     2018-09-07 19:26:56.048920+0800 TestRACKVOChannel[82793:10553073] setObject_forKeyedSubscript -- followingTerminal -- 333
     2018-09-07 19:26:56.049116+0800 TestRACKVOChannel[82793:10553073] setObject_forKeyedSubscript -- followingTerminal -- 444
     2018-09-07 19:26:56.049244+0800 TestRACKVOChannel[82793:10553073] setObject_forKeyedSubscript -- subject -- 444
     2018-09-07 19:26:56.049529+0800 TestRACKVOChannel[82793:10553073] setObject_forKeyedSubscript -- followingTerminal -- 555
     2018-09-07 19:26:56.049629+0800 TestRACKVOChannel[82793:10553073] setObject_forKeyedSubscript -- subject -- 555
     2018-09-07 19:26:56.049766+0800 TestRACKVOChannel[82793:10553073] setObject_forKeyedSubscript -- c -- leadingTerminal -- 555
     2018-09-07 19:26:56.049925+0800 TestRACKVOChannel[82793:10553073] setObject_forKeyedSubscript -- followingTerminal -- 666
     2018-09-07 19:26:56.051151+0800 TestRACKVOChannel[82793:10553073] setObject_forKeyedSubscript -- subject -- 666
     2018-09-07 19:26:56.053572+0800 TestRACKVOChannel[82793:10553073] setObject_forKeyedSubscript -- c -- leadingTerminal -- 666
