AGI STK 11.6 and EOIR 11.6 新特性


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STK 11.6 Features


  • The new Lambert Solver design tool enables you to set initial and final states based on STK objects or central bodies, invoke specialized options to condition departure and arrival conditions, export a sequence based on the Lambert solution, and automate the process with Connect.
  • Astrogator now offers the Legendre-Gauss-Radau scheme of discretization for optimizing a finite maneuver using direct transcription. This is in addition to the Legendre-Gauss-Lobatto method offered since STK 11.5.


  • The ability to use custom target signatures has been added for use in your EOIR analysis. You can import modeled or database signatures, including laser beam signatures, into STK via external files and perform various analysis tasks, such as:
    • Illuminating of space objects with lasers.
    • Docking sensors and laser communications.
    • Simulating complex system interactions of EMR.
  • The EOIR default rendering mode was optimized to improve the speed for generating both synthetic scenes and sensor-to-target metrics.


  • A new Multifunction type has been added to the Radar object which models an abstract phased array radar with multiple pencil beams. Each beam, which may be single or dual (Pol) channel, can be used to perform Search/Track analysis.
  • New RF-based Access constraints have been added to the Radar object which are applicable to radars using the new Multifunction type. These constraints compute either the minimum of a metric across all beams or the maximum of a metric across all beams, where the metric is an RF metric, such as Single Pulse, SNR, Integrated PDet, Dwell Time, etc.
  • STK validates that the sum power of all active beams on a Multifunction Radar does not exceed the maximum power limit of the radar system.
  • All Multifunction radar model settings are available via Connect and the STK object model.

SDF Enhancements

  • The SDF can now be used as the default location for the user’s STK home directory.
  • The Report and Graph Manager now allows report and graph styles to be imported from and exported to the SDF.
  • Aviator now supports the ability to import/export files from/to the STK Data Federate from most file selectors.
  • Most connect commands that accept a file as an option can now use files located on the SDF.


  • STK now supports visualization of 3D Tiles, which is a specification designed to optimally stream massive 3D data sets into a scene. You can display 3D Tile sets hosted from a Geospatial Content Server (GCS) or from your local file system.
  • glTF models now support Draco compression and the specular glossiness material extensions allowing for additional model content to be used in STK. Additionally, visual contrast of lit glTF models has been improved so non-metallic parts of a model no longer look washed-out.
  • Picking the 3D volume of a multi-beam transmitter, multi-beam receiver, or multifunction radars now displays the beam name in addition to the object instance name.


  • The new Aero/Prop maneuver mode enables a more realistic application of the performance capabilities without affecting any existing use cases, specifically for turns and push/pull maneuvers. It captures how aircraft can maneuver more aggressively at higher speeds simply due to the lift-generation capability. It also enables Basic Maneuver procedures to match the available vertical plane capability to the required horizontal plane maneuver, so the aircraft flies a more realistic trajectory.
  • The ability to ignore the flight path angle when computing the vertical plane accelerations has been added to handle the situation where maneuvering limits are specified, but the aircraft is flown in a way where those limits prevent the aircraft from being able to perform the requested maneuver.

    The calculation is modified to compute the pitch rate at zero flight path angle, and that pitch rate is then converted to the required acceleration at the actual flight condition. The need for this feature is typically encountered when a user specifies a push over load factor close to 1.0 G to model gentle non-aggressive maneuvers.

    When the flight path angle is high, the steady state load factor to hold that flight path angle could be less than the specified push over load factor, making it impossible to push over and reduce the flight path angle.

  • Optional temperature, Mach and dynamic pressure limits were added to the Missile performance model system to augment the values specified for climb/cruise/descent performance model speeds.
  • A new wizard has been added to allow for the easy computation of the appropriate fuel flow for the Reference State procedure.
  • The contour display on the Advanced Fixed Wing External Powerplant UI now handles non-linear data more appropriately.
  • Q (dynamic pressure) and TASDot were added as inputs to the various MATLAB control and guidance strategies. This enables the ability to more easily model the effects of aerodynamics, and incorporate the longitudinal acceleration of the vehicle into its control and guidance processing when Aviator is handling the TASDot calculations.

Analysis Workbench

  • File-based CalcScalars now support additional interpolation methods that restrict their interpolated value to the sample values themselves.
  • A new TimeArray component for Analysis Workbench, called TrendingControlTimes, reports times for vehicles and their subobjects that are used during Access sampling to alert when the trend in the translational or attitude motion changes.
  • Three new properties have been added to the IAgCrdnCalcScalarFile interface in the object model to control interpolation of CalcScalars that use an input data file.

General Astro

  • The Facility/Place/Target object now has an option to save terrain-based az-el mask files in binary, greatly reducing the file size and the time it takes to save and load the file.
  • Covariance interpolation is now available when exporting 6x6 covariance in STK External ephemeris files, when the covariance is created by HPOP (and the setting to allow covariance interpolation is enabled) or by an STK External ephemeris file that has an appropriate covariance interpolation method set.
  • The WMM and IGRF magnetic field models now include the coefficient update made for 2015-01-01.


  • The Satellite database, EOP, Weather, and GPS Almanac files were updated with data available as of 03/22/19.
  • The Sensor Footprint Area report and graph are now available under Installed Styles.
  • The Ceres central body now uses the latest DAWN mission analysis results. This includes a reduction in its gravitational parameter, a change in the size of its oblate spheroid shape, an updated gravitational model (CERES18D), and an attitude model consistent with the updated gravity model.
  • A new Automation sample demonstrates how to get an access report between two objects in C++.
  • New examples of a C# Drag model plugin and a C# Density model plugin were added to the coding examples.

Important Documentation Updates

This release contains the following new tutorials:

  • Introduction to STK's Multifunction Radar. Model and use multiple beams to scan search zones and track targets using STK's Multifunction Radar.
  • Spiral to GEO using an Optimal Finite Maneuver. Use Astrogator's low thrust capability by moving a satellite from a spiral orbit to a GEO orbit.

We also upgraded the following Astrogator tutorials to use more realistic scenarios:

  • Mission to Sun-Earth L1. Model a mission to Sun-Earth L1 point.
  • Maintaining GEO Slot. Design and perform station keeping using Autosequences to maintain a GEO slot.
  • Introduction to Autosequences. Raise the apogee and perigee of a satellite using automatic sequences.
