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New Features
STK 11.4 Features
Analysis Workbench
· You can now create a Data Element Scalar CalculationTemplate for a Satellite, LaunchVehicle or Missile using covariance dataelements.
· A new scalar calculation type, Surface Distance betweenPoints, has been added which produces the surface distance along the ellipsoid.
· A new option to compute AOA has been added to the SimpleMissile Aerodynamics model (Aviator Pro license). By default, AOA is hardwiredto zero, although the strategy is able to calculate drag and max aerodynamiclift parameters, which are used by certain advanced propagation features. Byenabling the calculation of AOA, the vehicle may be used within the FlyAOAstrategy, enabling the modeling of trajectories with phugoid motion and otherinteresting capabilities (such as hypersonic trajectories that bounce off theatmosphere). The user interface behind this capability is simpler than mostother aerodynamic models in the Aviator stable, thus making the advancedcapabilities a bit more accessible to everyday users.
· New options within the Advanced Fixed Wing performancemodel system have been added to cache intermediate results for fuel flow andfor aerodynamics. These caches are enabled by default for new scenarios butmust be enabled for existing scenarios to maintain backwards compatibility.These new options can dramatically speed up calculations with minimal accuracyimpact for performance-intensive aerodynamic and propulsion models.
· When creating an Aviator aircraft, it is now possible toquickly update STK to recommended Aviator settings, such as changing the STKanimation mode to X Real Time for optimal graphics performance.
· The site/procedure rename functionality was improved toavoid a possibly lengthy recalculation. You can now rename both site andprocedure in a single step.
· A Sub/Super/Hypersonic aerodynamic model was added forthe Advanced Fixed Wing performance system. This model is designed to provide a"full speed range" option for modeling high speed aircraft - forhypersonics this represents a "first principles" model that canprovide significant insight. It makes use of a thin airfoil theory at all 3speed realms, and allows the user to independently control the frontal arearatio as well as transonic and wave drag factors for fine control over drag.The UI for the model provides contours of AOA, Thrust Required, leading edgeand wing bottom temperature, etc. as functions of altitude and Mach making iteasy to specify aircraft size and appropriate engine models.
· Stop conditions were added to the Intercept strategy(part of Aviator Pro license) for TimeToGo and closure required with HighOff-Boresight capability. In addition, the relative range constraint is nowoptional.
· A new time-varying thrust steering option is availablefor finite maneuvers. This option supports polynomial and sine terms to controlthe azimuth and elevation of the thrust vector throughout the duration of themaneuver.
· Initial implementation of the State Transition Matrixwithin Astrogator has been completed. This functionality supports, for the timebeing, consecutive propagate segments. Use is enabled by adding the appropriatefunction to your propagator; reporting of values via Calculation Objects in theComponent Browser.
· A new Mean Local Time of Ascending Node AstrogatorCalculation object is available. This calculation object produces a smoothlyvarying function that reports the Mean Solar Time for the instantaneousascending node and matches the Mean Solar Time calculation object at theascending nodes.
· A new single-parameter bisection search profile is nowavailable. This profile offers a simplified option for a user to vary a singlecontrol to achieve a desired result.
· Position, velocity and position+velocity magnitudedifference across segments calculation objects are now available.
· The Jacchia Bowman 2008 atmospheric density model is nowavailable for use in Astrogator.
· Chains, which provides the ability to compute linkedaccesses between many pairs of objects, has undergone a significant upgrade inSTK 11.4. Performance was a key focus, so the ability to use the STK ParallelComputing Extension has been added for 11.4 to distribute access calculationsacross multiple cores on a single machine or distributing the computations overa cluster. To support the Parallel Computing Extension, the way constellationswere handled within a chain was refactored which improved performance whenusing constellation constraints even without the use of multiple cores or acluster. Reductions in serialization times and memory footprint are additionalbenefits of the refactoring.
· The Constellation “Logical Restriction” Constraint (AllOf, Any Of, At Least N, Exactly N, None Of) has been split into two constraintsto allow the constellation to have different logical restrictions based onwhere the constellation sits in the chain, whether it’s in the “from” or “to”access position in a chain. This is especially useful in chains that haveconstellations linking to other constellations or for constellations which areused multiple times in a chain.
· Phased Array Antenna element spacing can now be specifiedin absolute distance units in addition to the current wavelength ratio units.
· An option to change the graphics coordinate system hasbeen add to the Communications 2D and 3D graphics pages. This allows the userto define the graphics in one of the three available antenna coordinate system,Polar, Rectangular, and Spherical Az/El. Previously, the only coordinate systemavailable was Polar.
· The "Use APD Detector Model" check box has beenremoved from the laser receiver model in STK. It has been replace by a combobox that allows the user to select the type of optical detector to use, "APDPhotodetector" or "PIN Photodetector". The "APDPhotodetector" option is equivalent to the old model when the "UseAPD Detector Model" check box was selected. The "PINPhotodetector" option uses the same equations for modeling the detector asthe "APD Photodetector" except the noise figure and detector gaindefault to 0 dB.
· The ability to use the Spectral Flux Density as a FOM forCoverage has been added.
· All files found in ProgramData\AGI\STK 11 (x64) which canbe updated via the Dynamic Update Utility can now be placed in the user’sConfig directory (in a similar folder structure to ProgramData) and these localfiles will take priority over the files in ProgramData. This allows the user toupdate dynamic files copied from ftp.agi.com without the need for adminpermission in cases where the user can’t write to ProgramData. The DynamicUpdate Utility will automatically place files in the appropriate directory inConfig if files in ProgramData are not writeable.
· The ArcGIS REST Ui plugin now supports https and clientcertificates/PKI.
The ParallelComputing extension has been updated to support secure connections (SSL, mutualSSL & access control) to an STK Scalability cluster.
General Astro
· The HPOP Force Model panel has been reorganized into tabsto enhance the user experience.
· The DTM 2012 atmospheric density model has been added asan option for modeling atmospheric density around the Earth.
· Satellite Database searches now use .tce file datadirectly when performing searches using filter values such as inclination,apogee, perigee and period.
· The Solar Panel Tool computational performance has beenimproved by utilizing the computer's graphics card (GPU) when possible.
· Settings for 2x, 3x, 4x antialiasing have been added,which can dramatically improve performance in producing high qualityanti-aliased visualization.
· Visualization of AWB components have been overhauledallowing for improved thickness and length scaling. Thickness can now beconfigured for individual vectors and axes.
Object Model
· A new calculation scalar type for calculating the surfacedistance between two points has been added.
· Two new methods have been added to the MTO trackcollection, AddTracksWithPosData() and ExtendTracksWithPosData(), whichefficiently add or extend MTO tracks using CBF or LLA data.
· Viewer help is now available online and Viewer will takeyou to the online help if online operations are allowed.