vimum 的快捷键

Navigating the page
j, : Scroll down (scrollDown)
k, : Scroll up (scrollUp)
h : Scroll left (scrollLeft)
l : Scroll right (scrollRight)
gg : Scroll to the top of the page (scrollToTop)
G : Scroll to the bottom of the page(scrollToBottom)
d : Scroll a page down (scrollPageDown)
u : Scroll a page up (scrollPageUp)
  : Scroll a full page up (scrollFullPageUp)
  : Scroll a full page down (scrollFullPageDown)
r : Reload the page (reload)
gs : View page source (toggleViewSource)
yy : Copy the current URL to the clipboard(copyCurrentUrl)
yf : Copy a link URL to the clipboard(LinkHints.activateModeToCopyLinkUrl)
p : Open the clipboard's URL in the current tab(openCopiedUrlInCurrentTab)
P : Open the clipboard's URL in a new tab(openCopiedUrlInNewTab)
i : Enter insert mode (enterInsertMode)
f : Open a link in the current tab(LinkHints.activateMode)
F : Open a link in a new tab(LinkHints.activateModeToOpenInNewTab)
o : Open URL, bookmark, or history entry(Vomnibar.activate)
O : Open URL, bookmark, history entry, in a new tab (Vomnibar.activateInNewTab)
T : Search through your open tabs(Vomnibar.activateTabSelection)
b : Open a bookmark(Vomnibar.activateBookmarks)
B : Open a bookmark in a new tab(Vomnibar.activateBookmarksInNewTab)
gf : Cycle forward to the next frame on the page(nextFrame)
    Using find
/ : Enter find mode (enterFindMode)
n : Cycle forward to the next find match (performFind)
N : Cycle backward to the previous find match(performBackwardsFind)
    Navigating history
H : Go back in history (goBack)
L : Go forward in history (goForward)
    Manipulating tabs
K, gt : Go one tab right (nextTab)
J, gT : Go one tab left (previousTab)
g0 : Go to the first tab (firstTab)
g$ : Go to the last tab (lastTab)
t : Create new tab (createTab)
yt : Duplicate current tab (duplicateTab)
x : Close current tab (removeTab)
X : Restore closed tab (restoreTab)
? : Show help (showHelp)
