2012年5月份,ENISA发布了一份名为National Cyber Security Strategies 的研究报告,对欧盟各成员国现有的国家网络空间安全战略(CyberSecurity Strategies)进行了枚举介绍,分析和对比。报告给出了个成员国的网络空间安全战略的原稿地址,具有参考价值。同时,该报告还简要分析了美、加、日三国的网络空间安全战略。

报告指出,A national cyber security strategy (NCSS) is a tool to improve the security and resilience of national infrastructures and services. It is a high-level, top-down approach to cyber security that establishes a range of national objectives and priorities that should be achieved in a specific timeframe. As such it provides a strategic framework for a nation’s approach to cyber security.

