snort 安装指南
. 准备
   1 .安装 apache, mysql(我是安装在 /opt 目录下的,略)
   2 .安装 php
1). 安装 zlib
          ./configure --prefix=/opt/zlib- --shared
          make && make install
      2). 安装 gd
          a. 安装 libpng
          b. 安装 jpeg
             ./configure --prefix=/opt/jpeg- --enable-shared
             make && make test
            (if 'make' says it can't find ./libtool, then modify LIBTOOL=./libtool to LIBTOOL=/usr/bin/libtool in Makefile)
            mkdir -p /opt/jpeg-/bin /opt/jpeg-/man/man1 \
/opt/jpeg-/include /opt/jpeg-/lib
            # 我不知道,为什么会这样:jpeg make install
            # 不会自动创建上述目录。
            make install && make install-lib && make install-headers
         # export PATH=/opt/libpng-/bin:$PATH
         # CPPFLAGS=-I/opt/libpng-/include ./configure
           --prefix=/opt/gd- \
           --with-png=/opt/libpng- \
      3). 安装 php
           下载并安装 MySQL-shared-community ([url][/url])
          # cp /usr/lib64/* /opt/mysql/lib/mysql/
          # ./configure --prefix=/opt/php- 5.2.2 \
            --with-apxs2=/opt/apache2/bin/apxs \
            --with-mysql=/opt/mysql \
            --with-gd=/opt/gd- \
            --with-jpeg-dir=/opt/jpeg- \
            --with-png-dir=/opt/libpng- \
            --with-zlib-dir=/opt/zlib- \
            --enable-sockets \
            --enable-url-includes \
          添加下面两行到 httpd.conf:
         # LoadModule foo 如果 httpd.conf 已经包含      
         # LoadModule 语句,则不需要该行)
         AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
         # make && make test && make install
         # cp php.ini-dist /opt/php-/lib/php.ini
          修改 php.ini: mysql.sock=/tmp/mysql.sock(根据 MySQL
         # echo "" > /opt/apache2/htdocs/test.php
         检查是否能够正常浏览 test.php
      4). 安装 pcre
5). 安装 libdnet
6). 安装 libnet
二.安装和配置 snort
1. 安装
# export PATH=/opt/libdnet-/bin:/opt/\
# ./configure --prefix=/opt/snort- 2.6.1 .4 \
--with-mysql=/opt/mysql \
--with-libpcre-includes=/opt/pcre-/include \
--with-libpcre-libraries=/opt/pcre-/lib \
--with-dnet-includes=/opt/libdnet-/include \
--with-dnet-libraries=/opt/libdnet-/lib \
--with-libnet-includes=/opt/libnet-/include/ \
--with-libnet-libraries=/opt/libnet-/lib \
--enable-gre \
--enable-flexresp2 \
--enable-react \
      建立 snort 用户及相关目录
# groupadd snort
# useradd -g snort snort -s /sbin/nologin
# mkdir /etc/snort
# mkdir /etc/snort/rules
# mkdir /var/log/snort
# cd etc/
# cp * /etc/snort
      下载并安装 rules
# tar -zxvf snortrules-snapshot-CURRENT.tar.gz
# cd rules
# cp * /etc/snort/rules/
  2. 配置
  修改 /etc/snort/snort.conf
preprocessor stream4_reassemble
preprocessor stream4_reassemble: both,ports 21 23 25
53 80 110 111 139 143 445 513 1433
output database: log, mysql, user=snort password= dbname=snort host=localhost
# cd  /etc/init.d
# wget [url][/url]
# chmod 755 snort
# chkconfig snort on.
     配置 MySQL
mysql>create database snort;
mysql>grant insert,select on root.* to snort@localhost;
mysql>set password for snort@localhost=password
mysql>grant create,insert,select,delete,update on snort.*
to snort@localhost;
mysql>grant create,insert,select,delete,update on snort.*
to snort;
mysql -u admin -p < /opt/software/snort/snort-
2.6.1 .4/schemas/create_mysql snort
mysql>show databases;
mysql>use snort;
mysql>show tables;
三.安装 BASE
    1. 安装 PEAR 软件包
         修改 php.ini "include_path=.:/opt/php-/lib/php" 下载下面的三个包: Image_Canvas Image_Color
         安装包:# pear install Image*
    2. 安装 ADODB 上下载
        # mv adodb.tgz /opt/apache2/htdocs/
        # tar -zxvf adodb.tgz
     3. 安装 BASE 上下载
    # mv base- /opt/apache2/htdocs/base
        # cp base/base_config.php.dist base/base_config.php
         修改 base_config.php
              $BASE_urlpath = "/base";
              $DBlib_path = "/var/www/adodb/ ";
              $DBtype = "mysql";
              $alert_dbname = "snort";
              $alert_host = "localhost";
              $alert_port = "";
              $alert_user = "snort";
              $alert_password = "password_from_snort_conf";
     4. 初始化 BASE
打开 [url]http://yourip/base[/url]
点击 setup page 链接,在 setup page
点击 “setup BASE AG
     5. 提示: /etc/snort/snort.conf 文件中的 /usr/local/lib... 可能会
        /usr/local/lib... 为正确的路径即可
四.安装 oinkmaster ( 以自动更新 rules)
    # mkdir p /opt/oinkmaster-/etc \
          /opt/oinkmaster-/bin /etc/snort/backup
# chown -R snort:snort /etc/snort/rules /etc/snort/backup
    # cp oinkmaster-/ /opt/oinkmaster-/bin/
    # cp oinkmaster-/contrib/*.pl /opt/oinkmaster-/bin/
    # cp oinkmaster-/oinkmaster.conf /opt/oinkmaster-/etc/
    添加如下行到 oinkmaster.conf:
       url = [url]
       url = [url][/url]
       url = [url][/url]
    # cd /etc
    # /opt/oinkmaster-/bin/ \
      /etc/snort/rules > autodisable.conf
    创建脚本 oinkdaily 并加入到 crontab
      # cat /opt/oinkmaster/bin/oinkdaily
        /opt/oinkmaster-/bin/ \
           -C /opt/oinkmaster-/etc/oinkmaster.conf \
-C /etc/autodisable.conf -o /etc/snort/rules \
-b /etc/snort/backup 2>&1 \
| mail -s "oinkmaster" [email][email protected][/email]
      # crontab -u snort -e
        30 5 * * * /opt/ oinkmaster-/bin/oinkdaily
        修改 /etc/resolv.conf iptables 以便 crontab 能够发邮件到 
        [email][email protected][/email]
注:对于很简单的软件安装,./configure & make & make install 就可以搞定
   的, 没有写出详细的步骤。