



这次,非常有幸,在学校的精心安排之下,我们参访了京瓷集团。京瓷集团由稻盛和夫27岁时创办,不仅如此,他在52岁时还创办了日本的第二电信KDDI, 这两家公司都在他的有生之年进去了世界500强,两个公司皆以惊人的力道成长。78岁时,稻田和夫出任破产重建的日航董事长,仅仅用了一年时间,就实现了“V”字形的反转,被誉为日本20世纪的经营之圣,稻盛哲学创办人。



























Why only KYOCERA

has always been so successful?

I always say:"It is because it has a firm philosophy of business and shares them with our employees."

-- Inamori Kazuo

Fortunately,it is really my honor to participate the IFP group that visiting Japan’s company arranged by our school, during this period, we visited Kyocera group which was founded by Inamori Kazuo, when he was 27 years old. not only for that, he also set up at Japan's second telecom company : KDDI, at the age of 52. both of the companies are all in the world top 500 in his lifetime, the two companies are at an astonishing strength growth. At the age of 78, he joined in Japan airlines as their CEO , but the company at that time was nearly bankruptcy, just for one year time, under his reconstruction, it realizes the reversal of the "V" glyph, and he also known as the saint of business of the 20th century, Japan Inamori philosophy founder.

So this time I really happy that I can touch and learn his strong management art, to the grasp of human nature, to form a judgment of accurate, all of these were really give many good impact and meaningful values for our work and life, career and family, it has great reference significance。

Hard period in building Kyocera ,Kazuo Inamori through the way by answering various questions asked by himself in job and life, and continue thinking, all of these actions will guide Kyocera to become success and maintain the unique and profound philosophy forever.

What is his philosophy of business?

Firstly, one core.

1, Respect for nature and love for mankind. The motive is good, the selfishness is gone.

Secondly, two ideas.

1. Pursue the happiness of both material and spiritual aspects of all employees, and contribute to the progress and development of human society.

2. The business operator's mission is to protect employees and their families.

Thirdly, three secrets.

1.Personality charm. Operator, must have the personality charm.

2.Proficient in finance. Business operator, want to calculate account, want to

see understand financial statement.

3. Common philosophy. Let the staff have the same judgment, good and evil standards, and

carry out to everyone, every day, every work.

Lastly. Ten principles of philosophy.

1. Good causes and good results. Believe in the law of cause and effect.

2. if you can visualize one thing for its program and results clearly in your mind, you can do it.

3, Once we have a strong desire to persevere and work hard, it can produce inspiration, in

fact, the inspiration that exists in our cells.

4,goodness = gratitude + altruism. Goodness is two things: gratitude and altruism.

5. We were attracted to everything we encountered. (the dharma is called: attraction)

6. One thing, as long as the motivation is good, the method and process are good, and with unremitting efforts, there is no need to worry about the result.

7. When youthink you can't, it's the beginning of work.

8. Twoconditions of happiness: being a good person and paying no less than anyone!

9. The only secret of success is to continue to do as much as anyone else! Work as hard as you can!

10.Seemingly complex phenomena, they are simply projections of simple things.

"Make hearts as principal " is the core concept in the business philosophy of kazuo. He said: "I am running a business that is focus on the heart. In other words, my business revolves around how to build a firm, trusting relationship between people in the enterprise.

Carefully taste, you can discover that Kazuo Inamori teaching is a kind of method, is nothing more than the heart, and is the heart of humanity, war, business enterprise, actually, 500 years ago , in the history of China, there is a talented man, military philosopher whose name is Wang Yangming ,who had already share his mind and philosophy, teaching people to fight, they are taught the same experience: "to the conscience", the truth of being a men.

Return to our daily life and work, whatever which items mentioned as above, it verified by the facts and proved to be effective, review all of our life procedure and everything we did, we can find that many simple truth, we see it, know it , but ignore it. So through this visiting, we have deeply study and thinking, it also  give a great confident for us to face the future’s new life.
