
音频:Ring around the roses.







2.I am a frog

S: 变青蛙!

M: I am a frog. (我躺在床上)

S: 青蛙不是这样的!

M: Okey. Here I am.(我蹲在床上跳起来)

S: 你是女青蛙吗?

M: Yes. I am mother frog. I can lay eggs. bu~ Now, you see.I laid some eggs.

S: I am the egg.

M: pop,~ the egg cracked out of a little tadpole. the tadpole can swim. He is looking for his mother.

说到这里,《找妈妈》 里的故事情节娃记不清,于是拿出挂图,看了下动画。

Little tadpole asked mother duck who is his mother. Mother duck said, his mother has wide mouth and big eyes. He found a fish. So he asked if she is his mother. Mother fish said she is not his mother, his mother has four legs. So he went on looking for. Then he found a turtle. But the turtle said she is little turtle's mother. His mother has white tummy. So he went on looking for.Then he found a goose. But the turtle said she is little goose's mum. His mum has grreen clothes and she can swim and sing.So he went on looking for his mum and then he met a frog."hello, have you seen my mum? My mum has big eyes, wide mouth, four legs, white tummy. she has green clothes and she can swim and sing.""Silly boy, I am your mom."""big eyes, wide mouth, four legs, white tummy. she has green clothes.Yes, you are my mum!  I find my mum!  But I don't look like you,why?""When you grow up, you will look like me!"

2. Chase that big bad mosquito

帐篷里进来一只蚊子被娃发现了,于是来了一个现场版的《chase that big bad bug》,给了娃机会结果真是出乎意料,他真的拍死了




《忙忙碌碌镇》《All about bugs》还有妈妈洗澡时姥姥给娃读了一本《我要来抓你啦》
