select count(*) from country
union all
SELECT count(distinct Code, Name, Continent, Region, SurfaceArea, IndepYear, Population, LifeExpectancy, GNP, GNPOld, LocalName, GovernmentForm, HeadOfState, Capital, Code2)
FROM world.country
union all
select count(*) from
SELECT Code, Name, Continent, Region, SurfaceArea, IndepYear, Population, LifeExpectancy, GNP, GNPOld, LocalName, GovernmentForm, HeadOfState, Capital, Code2
FROM world.country
group by Code, Name, Continent, Region, SurfaceArea, IndepYear, Population, LifeExpectancy, GNP, GNPOld, LocalName, GovernmentForm, HeadOfState, Capital, Code2
) a;
发现使用count(distinct xxx)后的结果居然和group by 去重的数据不一致;
SELECT distinct Code, Name, Continent, Region, SurfaceArea, IndepYear, Population, LifeExpectancy, GNP, GNPOld, LocalName, GovernmentForm, HeadOfState, Capital, Code2
FROM world.country
SELECT distinct Code, Name, Continent, Region, SurfaceArea, IndepYear, Population, LifeExpectancy, GNP, GNPOld, LocalName, GovernmentForm, HeadOfState, Capital, Code2
FROM world.country
Code is not null and
Name is not null and
Continent is not null and
Region is not null and
SurfaceArea is not null and
IndepYear is not null and
Population is not null and
LifeExpectancy is not null and
GNP is not null and
GNPOld is not null and
LocalName is not null and
GovernmentForm is not null and
HeadOfState is not null and
Capital is not null and
Code2 is not null
使用count(distinct xxx) 时会自动过滤字段为NULL的值,而group by 不会,所以两个结果不一致。