【Android】[Problem]-"Waiting for target device to come online".


win10专业版(创意者),Android studio 2.3.1

分析1:此处参考了Android 中 adb 相关问题一文,出现此问题的原因大多是因为adb的端口被占用(eclipse,模拟器等)。
分析2:也可能有这种问题,博主就是这种问题,参考了 “waiting for target device to come online” in Android Studio 2.3 一文
分析1:命令行(win+r–cmd)定位到android_sdk/platform-tools/目录下,执行”adb kill-server”

分析2:I was also having the same issue 2 days ago when i update my android studio, today I solve my issue when I was playing around with settings then I saw that in my SDK tools setting Android Emulator is uncheck so I simply checked that box and now emulator is working fine. 
Try this steps may work for you also: 
Go to SDK tools > SDK Tools 
Check Android Emulator and click Apply(另附阿狗家翻译)

译文:分析2:2天前我也有同样的问题,当我更新我的Android  studio,今天我解决我的问,当我处理设置,然后我看到在我的SDK工具设置Android模拟器是不检查,所以我只是检查了 盒子和现在的模拟器工作正常。尝试这个步骤也可以为你工作:转到SDK工具> SDK工具检查Android模拟器,然后单击应用
