
level the playing field  创造公平竞争环境

level the paying field  创造公平支付环境

predetermined amount  预算

become overdrawn  透支

unscathed  毫发无伤

fintech=financial technology

mount a challenge  应对挑战

online transaction  在线交易所

bank cards  信用卡

incumbent 负有责任的

be cumbersome for  不方便的

transform the landscape  改变现状

kick-stat competition  发动竞争 (脚踏启动器)

explicit consent  明确同意

integrate into


be tightened up  限制

wave through 通过

sophisticated checks  复杂的审核

rock-bottom  最低价

dumb pipes   哑管道(没人关心)

block competition  妨碍竞争

system is robust  系统强大

bank face 银行信誉

rule be waters down   削弱(掺水)

bare  one’s teeth  张牙舞爪

cit change  引起改变

team up with  合作

track cashflow and invoices 查询现金流和发票

via co-operation 合作远景
