uid, supplier_id, license, driver_id, organization_id, car_model, car_type, frame_no, engine_no, car_price,
oil_card, first_regist_date, insurance_date, insurance_amount, check_date, remark, create_user, create_time, update_time, update_user,carowner,
device_no, attr1, attr2, attr3, attr4, attr5, delete_flag
and (license like CONCAT('%',#{keyword},'%')
OR car_model like CONCAT('%',#{keyword},'%')
OR carowner like CONCAT('%',#{keyword},'%')
OR frame_no like CONCAT('%',#{keyword},'%')
OR engine_no like CONCAT('%',#{keyword},'%')
OR oil_card like CONCAT('%',#{keyword},'%')
OR device_no like CONCAT('%',#{keyword},'%')
and license like CONCAT('%',#{license},'%')
and organization_id = #{organizationId}
and car_model like CONCAT('%',#{carModel},'%')
and carowner like CONCAT('%',#{carowner},'%')
and car_type = #{carType}
and frame_no like CONCAT('%',#{frameNo},'%')
and engine_no like CONCAT('%',#{engineNo},'%')
and car_price = #{carPrice}
and oil_card like CONCAT('%',#{oilCard},'%')
and first_regist_date = #{firstRegistDate}
and insurance_date = #{insuranceDate}
and insurance_amount = #{insuranceAmount}
and check_date = #{checkDate}
and remark = #{remark}
and create_user = #{createUser}
and update_time = #{updateTime}
and update_user = #{updateUser}
and device_no like CONCAT('%',#{deviceNo},'%')
and attr1 = #{attr1}
and attr2 = #{attr2}
and attr3 = #{attr3}
and attr4 = #{attr4}
and attr5 = #{attr5}
and delete_flag = #{deleteFlag}
and uid in(select a.carinfo_id from tb_car_info_driver a where a.delete_flag='0' and a.driver_user=#{driverUsers})
insert into tb_car_info(
uid, supplier_id, license, driver_id, organization_id, car_model, car_type, frame_no, engine_no, car_price,oil_card, first_regist_date,
insurance_date, insurance_amount, check_date, remark, create_user, create_time,update_time, update_user,carowner,device_no,attr1,attr2,attr3,attr4,attr5,delete_flag
) values (
#{uid}, #{supplierId}, #{license}, #{driverId}, #{organizationId}, #{carModel}, #{carType}, #{frameNo}, #{engineNo}, #{carPrice},#{oilCard}, #{firstRegistDate},
#{insuranceDate}, #{insuranceAmount}, #{checkDate}, #{remark}, #{createUser}, #{createTime}, #{updateTime}, #{updateUser},#{carowner},#{deviceNo},#{attr1},#{attr2},
insert into tb_car_info_driver (carinfo_id, driver_user, delete_flag) values
(#{uid}, #{item}, #{deleteFlag})
delete from tb_car_info where uid = #{uid}
delete from tb_car_info_driver where delete_flag = '0' and carinfo_id = #{uid}
delete from tb_car_info where uid in
update tb_car_info
license = #{license},
driver_id = #{driverId},
organization_id =#{organizationId},
car_model = #{carModel},
car_type = #{carType},
frame_no = #{frameNo},
engine_no = #{engineNo},
car_price = #{carPrice},
oil_card = #{oilCard},
first_regist_date = #{firstRegistDate},
insurance_date = #{insuranceDate},
insurance_amount = #{insuranceAmount},
check_date = #{checkDate},
remark = #{remark},
create_user = #{createUser},
update_time = #{updateTime},
update_user = #{updateUser},
carowner = #{carowner},
device_no = #{deviceNo},
delete_flag = #{deleteFlag}
attr1 = #{attr1},
attr2 = #{attr2},
attr3 = #{attr3},
attr4 = #{attr4},
attr5 = #{attr5}
where uid = #{uid}
update tb_car_info_driver set delete_flag = '1' where delete_flag = '0' and carinfo_id = #{uid}
from tb_car_info
where uid=#{uid}
select driver_user from tb_car_info_driver where delete_flag='0' and carinfo_id=#{uid}
(SELECT CASE WHEN TIMESTAMPDIFF(MINUTE,create_time,NOW())>5 THEN 3 ELSE STATUS END FROM tb_gps_record WHERE device_no=ci.device_no ORDER BY create_time DESC LIMIT 1) AS STATUS
from tb_car_info ci
order by ${orderByClause}
limit #{offset} , #{pageSize}
FROM tb_car_info b WHERE
b.uid NOT IN(
SELECT a.`carinfo_id` FROM tb_car_info_driver a where a.delete_flag='0')