
-rw-r--r--  1 root root 98954220 Mar 17 17:02 centos-6-x86.tar.gz利用下载的包 创建镜像:cat centos-6-x86.tar.gz | docker import - centos-6-x86-64(名字自己定义)把一个现有的镜像,导出成文件:docker save -o centos_with_net.tar  IMAGE ID:docker:/root# docker  imagesREPOSITORY          TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             VIRTUAL SIZEcentos_6.5_net      scan                9e2de3fc0748        About an hour ago   398.6 MBcentos_with_net     scan                92b2e7f857ae        2 hours ago         269.5 MBjanuswel/centos     latest              088820de4929        12 days ago         198.3 MBlinux123            jj                  088820de4929        12 days ago         198.3 MBlinux123            latest              088820de4929        12 days ago         198.3 MBlinux123            xxx123              088820de4929        12 days ago         198.3 MBcentos              latest              bb3d629a7cbc        12 days ago         196.6 MBblalor/centos       latest              f01c1b138488        21 months ago       322.4 MBdocker:/root# docker save -o centos_with_net.tar 92b2e7f857aedocker:/root# ls -ltrtotal 377296-rw-r--r--. 1 root root      7572 Jan 15  2015 install.log.syslog-rw-r--r--. 1 root root     27312 Jan 15  2015 install.log-rw-------. 1 root root      1342 Jan 15  2015 anaconda-ks.cfg-rw-r--r--  1 root root 277186048 Mar 17 17:07 centos_with_net.tar-rw-r--r--  1 root root 109115444 Mar 17 17:07 centos-6-x86.tar.gz导入镜像:docker load and use -f to forceError: failed to remove images: [92b2e7f857ae]docker 停止容器:docker:/root# docker load                             92b2e7f857ae        2 hours ago         269.5 MBjanuswel/centos     latest              088820de4929        12 days ago         198.3 MBlinux123            jj                  088820de4929        12 days ago         198.3 MBlinux123            latest              088820de4929        12 days ago         198.3 MBlinux123            xxx123              088820de4929        12 days ago         198.3 MBcentos              latest              bb3d629a7cbc        12 days ago         196.6 MBblalor/centos       latest              f01c1b138488        21 months ago       322.4 MB倒回之后没有名字:docker:/root# docker tag 92b2e7f857ae centos_with_net:czcbdocker:/root# docker imagesREPOSITORY          TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             VIRTUAL SIZEcentos_6.5_net      scan                9e2de3fc0748        About an hour ago   398.6 MBcentos_with_net     czcb                92b2e7f857ae        2 hours ago         269.5 MBlinux123            jj                  088820de4929        12 days ago         198.3 MBlinux123            latest              088820de4929        12 days ago         198.3 MBlinux123            xxx123              088820de4929        12 days ago         198.3 MBjanuswel/centos     latest              088820de4929        12 days ago         198.3 MBcentos              latest              bb3d629a7cbc        12 days ago         196.6 MBblalor/centos       latest              f01c1b138488        21 months ago       322.4 MB


