mysql 先查询后新增


1.  利用CONCAT(fromPartyId,partyId) 拼接的字符串做唯一性限制

insert into relation 
(fromPartyId, partyId, isDelete, inputDate, inputMan, updateDate, updateMan) 
select fromPartyId, partyId, isDelete, inputDate, inputMan, updateDate, updateMan from car  where isDelete = 0
and CONCAT(fromPartyId,partyId)  not in(
  select concat(fromPartyId,partyId) from relation

2. 利用NOT EXISTS,查询整条数据,做唯一性查询

insert into relation 
(fromPartyId, partyId, isDelete, inputDate, inputMan, updateDate, updateMan) 
select fromPartyId, partyId, isDelete, inputDate, inputMan, updateDate, updateMan from car  where isDelete = 0 and NOT EXISTS (
   select fromPartyId, partyId, isDelete from relation where isDelete = 0

