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  1. 又是纯数学题. Black Jack.
    给你infinity张牌. Card value 1到10. Find the probability that a card will bust. P(bust|x=hand)
    玩家17 to 21时赢, 超过21 bust.
    答案:Leetcode 837

  2. 给你N幅画. 每幅画都有price和quality. 用最低价格买K幅画, with 0 Constraint: 买的画必须遵守minimum price for 那幅画. 用了一个ratio来买一幅画, 剩余的K-1幅画都要遵守这个ratio.
    答案:Leetcode Minimum Cost To Hire K Workers

  3. i. 给你一个tree. 里面多了一条edge, 所以不是binary tree了. Remove 那个多余的edge.
    ii. Implement power(x,y) st it returns x^y. Optimize 它

public double myPow(double x, int n) {
        if (n == 0)
			return 1;
		double res = myPow(x, n / 2);
		return n % 2 == 0 ? res * res : n < 0 ? res * res * (1 / x) : res * res * x;
  1. i. 猜字游戏. 给你一个secret word, 一个guess word. Return
    ii. 迷宫. 给你一个有一些墙的迷宫. 怎么从start去到end.
    答案:Leetcode Guess the word

  2. 一个俄罗斯小哥, 人狠话不多.
    给你一个infinite size length array, 和list of queries in the format of , find the maximum number from index i to index j in array.
