HDFS:Hadoop分布式文件系统(HDFS)被设计成适合运行在通用硬件(commodity hardware)上的分布式文件系统。它和现有的分布式文件系统有很多共同点。但同时,它和其他的分布式文件系统的区别也是很明显的。HDFS是一个高度容错性的系统,适合部署在廉价的机器上。HDFS能提供高吞吐量的数据访问,非常适合大规模数据集上的应用。HDFS放宽了一部分POSIX约束,来实现流式读取文件系统数据的目的。HDFS在最开始是作为Apache Nutch搜索引擎项目的基础架构而开发的。HDFS是Apache Hadoop Core项目的一部分。
public static void read(Path path) throws IOException{
FileSystem hdfs = HdfsUtils.getFilesystem(); //步骤 1
FSDataInputStream fsDataInputStream = hdfs.open(path); //步骤 2
IOUtils.copyBytes(fsDataInputStream, System.out, 4096,false); //步骤 3
package com.yq.common;
import java.net.URI;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem;
public class HdfsUtils {
public static FileSystem getFilesystem(){
FileSystem hdfs=null;
Configuration conf=new Configuration();
URI uri = new URI("hdfs://localhost:9000");
hdfs = FileSystem.get(uri,conf);
catch(Exception ex){
return hdfs;
FSDataInputStream fsDataInputStream = hdfs.open(path);
public FSDataInputStream open(Path f) throws IOException {
return open(f, getConf().getInt("io.file.buffer.size", 4096));
public abstract FSDataInputStream open(Path f, int bufferSize) throws IOException;
public FSDataInputStream open(Path f, final int bufferSize) throws IOException {
Path absF = fixRelativePart(f);
return new FileSystemLinkResolver() {
public FSDataInputStream doCall(final Path p)
throws IOException, UnresolvedLinkException {
return new HdfsDataInputStream(
dfs.open(getPathName(p), bufferSize, verifyChecksum));
public FSDataInputStream next(final FileSystem fs, final Path p)
throws IOException {
return fs.open(p, bufferSize);
}.resolve(this, absF);
public DFSInputStream open(String src, int buffersize, boolean verifyChecksum)
throws IOException, UnresolvedLinkException {
// Get block info from namenode
return new DFSInputStream(this, src, buffersize, verifyChecksum);
DFSInputStream(DFSClient dfsClient, String src, int buffersize, boolean verifyChecksum
) throws IOException, UnresolvedLinkException {
this.dfsClient = dfsClient;
this.verifyChecksum = verifyChecksum;
this.buffersize = buffersize;
this.src = src;
this.cachingStrategy =
* Grab the open-file info from namenode
synchronized void openInfo() throws IOException, UnresolvedLinkException {
lastBlockBeingWrittenLength = fetchLocatedBlocksAndGetLastBlockLength();
int retriesForLastBlockLength = dfsClient.getConf().retryTimesForGetLastBlockLength;
while (retriesForLastBlockLength > 0) {
// Getting last block length as -1 is a special case. When cluster
// restarts, DNs may not report immediately. At this time partial block
// locations will not be available with NN for getting the length. Lets
// retry for 3 times to get the length.
if (lastBlockBeingWrittenLength == -1) {
DFSClient.LOG.warn("Last block locations not available. "
+ "Datanodes might not have reported blocks completely."
+ " Will retry for " + retriesForLastBlockLength + " times");
lastBlockBeingWrittenLength = fetchLocatedBlocksAndGetLastBlockLength();
} else {
if (retriesForLastBlockLength == 0) {
throw new IOException("Could not obtain the last block locations.");
private long fetchLocatedBlocksAndGetLastBlockLength() throws IOException {
final LocatedBlocks newInfo = dfsClient.getLocatedBlocks(src, 0);
if (DFSClient.LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
DFSClient.LOG.debug("newInfo = " + newInfo);
if (newInfo == null) {
throw new IOException("Cannot open filename " + src);
if (locatedBlocks != null) {
Iterator oldIter = locatedBlocks.getLocatedBlocks().iterator();
Iterator newIter = newInfo.getLocatedBlocks().iterator();
while (oldIter.hasNext() && newIter.hasNext()) {
if (! oldIter.next().getBlock().equals(newIter.next().getBlock())) {
throw new IOException("Blocklist for " + src + " has changed!");
locatedBlocks = newInfo;
long lastBlockBeingWrittenLength = 0;
if (!locatedBlocks.isLastBlockComplete()) {
final LocatedBlock last = locatedBlocks.getLastLocatedBlock();
if (last != null) {
if (last.getLocations().length == 0) {
if (last.getBlockSize() == 0) {
// if the length is zero, then no data has been written to
// datanode. So no need to wait for the locations.
return 0;
return -1;
final long len = readBlockLength(last);
lastBlockBeingWrittenLength = len;
currentNode = null;
return lastBlockBeingWrittenLength;
private final List blocks; // array of blocks with prioritized locations
public static void copyBytes(InputStream in, OutputStream out, int buffSize, boolean close)
throws IOException {
try {
copyBytes(in, out, buffSize);
if(close) {
out = null;
in = null;
} finally {
if(close) {
public static void copyBytes(InputStream in, OutputStream out, int buffSize)
throws IOException {
PrintStream ps = out instanceof PrintStream ? (PrintStream)out : null;
byte buf[] = new byte[buffSize];
int bytesRead = in.read(buf);
while (bytesRead >= 0) {
out.write(buf, 0, bytesRead);
if ((ps != null) && ps.checkError()) {
throw new IOException("Unable to write to output stream.");
bytesRead = in.read(buf);