


// Sampling variables
#define ADC_SAMPLE_MAX_LEN		2000
__attribute__((section(".ram4"))) static volatile int16_t m_curr0_samples[ADC_SAMPLE_MAX_LEN];
__attribute__((section(".ram4"))) static volatile int16_t m_curr1_samples[ADC_SAMPLE_MAX_LEN];
__attribute__((section(".ram4"))) static volatile int16_t m_ph1_samples[ADC_SAMPLE_MAX_LEN];
__attribute__((section(".ram4"))) static volatile int16_t m_ph2_samples[ADC_SAMPLE_MAX_LEN];
__attribute__((section(".ram4"))) static volatile int16_t m_ph3_samples[ADC_SAMPLE_MAX_LEN];
__attribute__((section(".ram4"))) static volatile int16_t m_vzero_samples[ADC_SAMPLE_MAX_LEN];
__attribute__((section(".ram4"))) static volatile uint8_t m_status_samples[ADC_SAMPLE_MAX_LEN];
__attribute__((section(".ram4"))) static volatile int16_t m_curr_fir_samples[ADC_SAMPLE_MAX_LEN];
__attribute__((section(".ram4"))) static volatile int16_t m_f_sw_samples[ADC_SAMPLE_MAX_LEN];
__attribute__((section(".ram4"))) static volatile int8_t m_phase_samples[ADC_SAMPLE_MAX_LEN];


    flash : org = 0x08000000, len = 16k
    flash2 : org = 0x0800C000, len = 393216 - 16	/* NEW_APP_MAX_SIZE - CRC_INFO */
	crcinfo : org = 0x0805FFF0, len = 8		/* CRC info */
    ram0  : org = 0x20000000, len = 128k    /* SRAM1 + SRAM2 */
    ram1  : org = 0x20000000, len = 112k    /* SRAM1 */
    ram2  : org = 0x2001C000, len = 16k     /* SRAM2 */
    ram3  : org = 0x00000000, len = 0
    ram4  : org = 0x10000000, len = 64k     /* CCM SRAM */
    ram5  : org = 0x40024000, len = 4k      /* BCKP SRAM */
    ram6  : org = 0x00000000, len = 0
    ram7  : org = 0x00000000, len = 0


    .ram4 (NOLOAD) : ALIGN(4)
        . = ALIGN(4);
        . = ALIGN(4);
        __ram4_free__ = .;
    } > ram4


#if defined (CCMRAM)
#if defined (__ICCARM__)
#pragma location = ".ccmram"     //这里是针对IAR的语法
#elif defined (__CC_ARM) || defined(__GNUC__)
__attribute__( ( section ( "ccmram" ) ) )    //这里是针对GCC等编译器的语法
  * @brief  It return the Vqd componets fed in input plus the feed forward
  *         action and store the last Vqd values in the internal variable.
  * @param  pHandle Feed forward  strutcture.
  * @param  Vqd Initial value of Vqd to be manipulated by FF .
  * @retval Volt_Components Vqd conditioned values.
Volt_Components FF_VqdConditioning( FF_Handle_t * pHandle, Volt_Components Vqd )
  int32_t wtemp;

  pHandle->VqdPIout = Vqd;

  wtemp = ( int32_t )( Vqd.qV_Component1 ) + pHandle->Vqdff.qV_Component1;

  SATURATION_TO_S16( wtemp )

  Vqd.qV_Component1 = ( int16_t )wtemp;

  wtemp = ( int32_t )( Vqd.qV_Component2 ) + pHandle->Vqdff.qV_Component2;

  SATURATION_TO_S16( wtemp )

  Vqd.qV_Component2 = ( int16_t )wtemp;

  return ( Vqd );

