
1. pinnacle, [singular] the most successful, powerful, exciting etc part of something

e.g. *pinnacle of

She had reached the pinnacle of her political career.

*at the pinnacle of something

2. encapsulate=

*1 to express or show something in a short way SYN sum up 

The words of the song neatly encapsulate the mood of the country at that time.

encapsulate something in something Her whole philosophy can be encapsulated in this one sentence.

*2 to completely cover something with something else, especially in order to prevent a substance getting out encapsulate something in something The leaking fuel rods will be encapsulated in lead.—encapsulation

3. debilitate 

*1 to make someone ill and weak 

He was debilitated by his illness.

*2 to make an organization or system less effective or powerful 

The state is debilitated by inefficiency and corruption.

—debilitating. adj:  debilitating disease
