Linux xargs用法的简单例子



日常工作中,xargs指令非常有用。本文将给初学者讲解几条实用的Linux xargs指令例子

  1. 找出所有的.png文件并用tar工具进行归档整理
    # -print0: print the files you find
    # -0: deal with the spaces in the files name
    find ~/Downloads/ -name *.png -type f -print0 | xargs -0 tar -cvzf images.tar.gz
    tar: Removing leading `/' from member names
    /home/wlin/Downloads/Screen Shot 2019-03-18 at 1.49.53 PM.png
    /home/wlin/Downloads/reproduced_error (1).png
    /home/wlin/Downloads/reproduced_error (3).png
    /home/wlin/Downloads/Screenshot from 2019-01-18 08-34-04.png
    /home/wlin/Downloads/reproduced_error (2).png
  2. 将多行输出变为一行输出
    # print all files under the /tmp dir in one line
    $ ls /tmp | xargs
    1 hsperfdata_root hsperfdata_wlin krb5cc_24766_zKHknd log lua_KKkOvA mozilla_wlin0 pip-uninstall-fnntxqjn ssr systemd-private-62580f5e23a84a1bbdf71c879dd7defe-chronyd.service-XzjNM9 systemd-private-62580f5e23a84a1bbdf71c879dd7defe-colord.service-7Qprc5
    # print all user accounts in one line
    $ cut -d: -f1 < /etc/passwd | xargs
    root bin daemon adm lp sync shutdown halt mail operator games ftp nobody systemd-network dbus polkitd unbound rpc postfix colord sshd saslauth abrt open setroubleshoot rtkit pulse gluster radvd ntp chrony tss usbmuxd geoclue qemu nm-open sssd rpcuser nfsnobody gdm rhel-liveuser avahi mysql dictd cara postgres dev test apache
  3. 统计某一目录下每个文件的单词数
    $ find /home/wlin/RC_CI/ -name *.py -type f -print0 | xargs -0 wc
       58   158  2136 /home/wlin/RC_CI/auto_testing_CI/
       67   204  2206 /home/wlin/RC_CI/auto_testing_CI/
       56   184  2698 /home/wlin/RC_CI/auto_testing_CI/
      122   443  4706 /home/wlin/RC_CI/auto_testing_CI/
       58   149  2119 /home/wlin/RC_CI/auto_testing_CI/
      219   943 11084 /home/wlin/RC_CI/auto_testing_CI/
      144   564  6547 /home/wlin/RC_CI/auto_testing_CI/
       45   107  1551 /home/wlin/RC_CI/auto_testing_CI/
  4. 找到所有符合条件的文件并批量删除
    # '-v' shows which files are removed
    $ find ~/RC_CI -name auto_testing_CI -type d -print0 | xargs -0 rm -v -rf
    removed ‘/home/wlin/RC_CI/auto_testing_CI/’
    removed ‘/home/wlin/RC_CI/auto_testing_CI/’
    removed ‘/home/wlin/RC_CI/auto_testing_CI/’
    removed ‘/home/wlin/RC_CI/auto_testing_CI/’
    removed ‘/home/wlin/RC_CI/auto_testing_CI/’
  5. 将文件批量复制到指定的多个目录下
    $ echo ~/RC_CI/auto_testing_CI ~/RC_CI/bug_regression_CI | xargs -n 1 cp -v
    ‘’ -> ‘/home/wlin/RC_CI/auto_testing_CI/’
    ‘’ -> ‘/home/wlin/RC_CI/bug_regression_CI/’
  6. 批量重命名文件夹和文件
    $ find /home/wlin/Downloads/ -name phantomjs-icon.png  -type f | xargs -n1 rename -v 'phantomjs-icon.png' 'phantomjs-icon.jpg' 
    `/home/wlin/Downloads/phantomjs-1.9.8/src/phantomjs-icon.png' -> `/home/wlin/Downloads/phantomjs-1.9.8/src/phantomjs-icon.jpg'
    `/home/wlin/Downloads/phantomjs-2.0.0/src/phantomjs-icon.png' -> `/home/wlin/Downloads/phantomjs-2.0.0/src/phantomjs-icon.jpg'
  7. 删除目录下除了特定文件外的所有文件
    $ find . -type f -not -name '*gz' -print0 | xargs -0 rm -v 
    removed ‘./errata_services_template/Errata_Makefile’
    removed ‘./errata_services_template/’
    removed ‘./errata_services_template/errata-all-services-in-one-pod.yaml’
    removed ‘./errata_services_template/errata-template.yaml’
    removed ‘./errata_services_template/et-default-staging-settings.configmap’
    removed ‘./errata_services_template/et-default-staging-settings.secret’
  8. 遇到特定字符终止执行
    # If the end of file string occurs as a line of input, the rest of the input is ignored.
    $ echo 'aaa ddd bbb ccc' > 1.txt
    [wlin@localhost upshift]$ xargs -E 'ddd'  -a 1.txt echo
  9. 输出执行的指令
    $ find ~/Downloads -name "1.png" -type f  | xargs -0 -t
    echo /home/wlin/Downloads/P70526-130554.jpg/1.png
