Linux 系统监控
Processes: 355 total, 3 running, 352 sleeping, 1540 threads 22:53:50
Load Avg: 2.23, 1.85, 1.79 CPU usage: 2.91% user, 3.4% sys, 94.3% idle
SharedLibs: 203M resident, 47M data, 29M linkedit.
MemRegions: 67938 total, 2480M resident, 96M private, 956M shared.
PhysMem: 9029M used (3177M wired), 7345M unused.
VM: 995G vsize, 627M framework vsize, 66673141(0) swapins, 67456042(0) swapouts.
Networks: packets: 10075546/9110M in, 7870367/1935M out.
Disks: 5209393/349G read, 3216109/340G written.
36055 git 0.0 00:00.06 1 0 10 928K 0B 0B 35626
36054 git 0.0 00:01.33 2 0 11 7628K 0B 0B 35626
36052 mdworker 0.0 00:00.06 4 1 48 5224K 0B 0B 36052
36051 mdworker 0.0 00:00.03 3 1 46 2932K 0B 0B 36051
36050 mdworker 0.0 00:00.06 4 1 48 8084K 0B 0B 36050
36049 top 2.8 00:06.87 1/1 0 25 3400K 0B 0B 36049
35964 bash 0.0 00:00.07 1 0 16 2668K 0B 0B 35964
35963 login 0.0 00:00.02 2 1 29 1132K 0B 0B 35963
35961 Google Chrom 0.0 00:05.98 18 2 156 77M 0B 0B 4804
35955 git-remote-h 0.1 00:00.29 2 1 37 10M 0B 0B 35626
35954 git 0.0 00:00.02 1 0 10 6932K 0B 0B 35626
35949 git-remote-h 0.1 00:00.26 2 1 37 4672K+ 0B 0B 35626
35948 git 0.0 00:00.01 1 0 10 968K 0B 0B 35626
35940 bash 0.0 00:00.00 1 0 8 460K 0B 0B 35626
然而还有个好用的工具那就是 glances(惊鸿一瞥)
brew install -y glances
Linux Ubuntu:
apt install -y glances
Linux Centos:
yum install -y glances
pip install glances
CPU [ 9.3%] CPU / 9.3% nice: 0.0% ctx_sw: 441 MEM - 61.2% SWAP - 52.6% LOAD 8-core
MEM [ 61.3%] user: 6.7% inter: -2515 total: 16.0G total: 2.00G 1 min: 1.69
SWAP [ 52.6%] system: 2.7% sw_int: 446 used: 9.80G used: 1.05G 5 min: 1.72
idle: 90.7% syscal: 0 free: 6.20G free: 970M 15 min: 1.73
NETWORK Rx/s Tx/s TASKS 195 (939 thr), 195 run, 0 slp, 0 oth sorted automatically by cpu_percent, flat view
awdl0 0b 0b
bridge0 0b 0b CPU% MEM% VIRT RES PID USER NI S TIME+ Command
en0 2Kb 864b 39.3 0.7 3.45G 121M 293 yuqibing 0 R 11:12.56 /Applications/Utilities/Terminal.
en1 0b 0b 4.9 0.9 4.21G 155M 18921 yuqibing 0 R 47:40.92 /Applications/Google
en2 0b 0b 2.9 0.1 2.44G 13.1M 4811 yuqibing 0 R 22:06.99 /System/Library/Frameworks/VideoT
lo0 280b 280b 2.7 0.3 2.41G 43.9M 38637 yuqibing 0 R 0:03.34 /Library/Frameworks/Python.framew
p2p0 0b 0b 2.4 1.2 9.44G 190M 4809 yuqibing 0 R 1h10:32 /Applications/Google
utun0 0b 0b 1.4 1.7 5.19G 276M 4804 yuqibing 0 R 2h05:54 /Applications/Google
utun1 0b 0b 1.2 0.7 2.96G 115M 370 yuqibing 0 R 7:49.55 /System/Library/Input Methods/SCI
0.5 2.3 4.04G 383M 19198 yuqibing 0 R 3:53.39 /Applications/Google
DISK I/O R/s W/s 0.3 0.6 3.63G 103M 35137 yuqibing 0 R 0:42.80 /Applications/Google
disk0 494K 0 0.1 0.2 3.55G 34.1M 18920 yuqibing 0 R 1:15.87 /Applications/Google
disk2 0 0 0.1 0.5 3.70G 83.3M 18944 yuqibing 0 R 3:57.14 /Applications/Google
disk3 0 0 0.1 0.5 3.67G 90.0M 19058 yuqibing 0 R 1:23.48 /Applications/Google
0.1 0.1 4.48G 10.1M 19543 yuqibing 0 R 0:54.79 /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines
FILE SYS Used Total 0.1 0.2 3.57G 25.7M 19560 yuqibing 0 R 0:52.25 /Applications/Google
/ (disk1) 115G 233G 0.1 0.6 3.39G 106M 35625 yuqibing 0 R 0:01.54 /Applications/Google
_sX-NG-R8 18.0M 22.4M 0.0 0.4 2.67G 72.3M 111 root 0 R 2:18.93 /System/Library/CoreServices/logi
_CCB6B9D7 118G 233G 0.0 0.1 2.41G 13.4M 278 yuqibing 0 R 0:54.79 /usr/sbin/cfprefsd agent
0.0 0.1 2.43G 20.3M 279 yuqibing 0 R 1:11.77 /usr/libexec/UserEventAgent (Aqua
SENSORS 0.0 0.1 2.40G 11.8M 281 yuqibing 0 R 2:58.90 /usr/sbin/distnoted agent
Battery 46% 0.0 0.2 2.45G 25.4M 283 yuqibing 0 R 0:49.88 /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreTe
0.0 0.1 2.43G 16.4M 284 yuqibing 0 R 0:12.73 /usr/libexec/lsd
0.0 0.1 3.46G 18.3M 285 yuqibing 0 R 1:55.30 /usr/libexec/trustd --agent
0.0 0.1 2.42G 13.4M 289 yuqibing 0 R 0:06.44 /System/Library/CoreServices/shar
Glances 会用一下几种颜色来代表状态:
man glances来参看。
glances -s
Define the password for the Glances server
Password (confirm):
Glances server is running on
当你执行了glances -s命令后,会让你为 Glances 服务器设置密码。当你设置完毕,你将看到 “Glances server is running on” (Glances 服务器正在 的 61209 端口运行)的消息。当 Glances 服务器启动后,到本地执行下面的命令来指定服务器IP地址或主机名以链接。
注:这里的172.16.27.56是我 Glances 服务器的 IP 地址。glances -c -P
-B 地址
来设置绑定地址,也可以通过 -p 端口
来绑定监听的 TCP 端口-p 端口
来指定服务器端口-P 密码
$ pmap -d 5647
$ free
total used free shared buffers cached
Mem: 8193564 7868388 325176 0 198848 2645932
-/+ buffers/cache: 5023608 3169956
Swap: 0 0 0
cat /proc/meminfo
/proc/cpuinfo cpu的相关信息