很多的Java工程师,可能都知道Hibernate是当前优秀的、广泛使用的OR mapping 框架。框架清晰、操作方便、性能优良。
l 服务启动时,缓存表数据;
l 命名艺术;
l 配置文件加载和解析;
l 唯一键生成;
l 优秀库的使用
l 异常架构设计等等。
l 设计细节和命名艺术
l 最佳实现
l 实现机制
l 优美代码
l Hql实例
l 参考资料
引用java大师一句话。Question:是否有一种益智的训练或有趣的行为让你觉得能使你成为一名更好的开发者?Josh Bloch:我认为数学和写作能使你成为更好的开发者。数学与编程一样,要求严谨的思维。而写作会强迫你去组织你的想法。数学和写作都训练了相同的审美机能,而这对于写出好的程序也是必需的。
* An implementation of the
* simply throws an exception when a connection is requested. This implementation
* indicates that the user is expected to supply a JDBC connection.
* @see ConnectionProvider
* @author Gavin King
public class UserSuppliedConnectionProvider implements ConnectionProvider {
创建方法: new开头
* Instantiates a connection provider given either System properties or
* a java.util.Properties instance. The ConnectionProviderFactory
* first attempts to find a name of a ConnectionProvider subclass in the
* property hibernate.connection.provider_class. If missing, heuristics are used
* to choose either DriverManagerConnectionProvider,
* DatasourceConnectionProvider, C3P0ConnectionProvider or
* DBCPConnectionProvider.
* @see ConnectionProvider
* @author Gavin King
boolean linkedHashSupport;
try {
linkedHashSupport = true;
catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) {
linkedHashSupport = false;
* The helper instance which contains much of the code which we
* delegate to.
protected NestableDelegate delegate = new NestableDelegate( this );
log.debug( "processing collection mappings" );
* Are statistics logged
public boolean isStatisticsEnabled();
// 接受外部传入的加载器
public Configuration addResource(String path, ClassLoader classLoader) throws MappingException {
// 根据当前线程上下文加载器
* Read mappings from an application resource trying different classloaders.
* This method will try to load the resource first from the thread context
* classloader and then from the classloader that loaded Hibernate.
public Configuration addResource(String path) throws MappingException {
log.info( "Reading mappings from resource: " + path );
ClassLoader contextClassLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
InputStream rsrc = null;
if (contextClassLoader!=null) {
rsrc = contextClassLoader.getResourceAsStream( path );
if ( rsrc == null ) {
rsrc = Environment.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream( path );
if ( rsrc == null ) {
throw new MappingException( "Resource: " + path + " not found" );
try {
return addInputStream( rsrc );
catch (MappingException me) {
throw new MappingException( "Could not read mappings from resource: " + path, me );
protected String[] getMappings() {
return new String[] {
public SAXReader createSAXReader(String file, List errorsList, EntityResolver entityResolver) {
public DOMReader createDOMReader() {
public Configuration addInputStream(InputStream xmlInputStream) throws MappingException {
try {
List errors = new ArrayList();
org.dom4j.Document doc = xmlHelper.createSAXReader( "XML InputStream", errors, entityResolver )
.read( new InputSource( xmlInputStream ) );
if ( errors.size() != 0 ) {
throw new MappingException( "invalid mapping", (Throwable) errors.get( 0 ) );
add( doc );
return this;
catch (DocumentException e) {
throw new MappingException( "Could not parse mapping document in input stream", e );
finally {
try {
catch (IOException ioe) {
log.warn( "Could not close input stream", ioe );
private static void bindNamedQuery(Element queryElem, String path, Mappings mappings) {
private static void handleCustomSQL(Element node, Join model) throws MappingException {
public interface Interceptor {
public boolean onLoad(Object entity, Serializable id, Object[] state, String[] propertyNames, Type[] types) throws CallbackException;
public boolean onSave(Object entity, Serializable id, Object[] state, String[] propertyNames, Type[] types) throws CallbackException;
public class Configuration implements Serializable {
protected Map sqlResultSetMappings;
protected Map filterDefinitions;
protected List secondPasses;
protected List propertyReferences;
2 表示 to,始终常用的表述方式。
auxiliary 辅助的, 补充的; 备用的
含义:使)具有资格, (使)合格
public static String qualify(String catalog, String schema, String table) {
public interface Cache {
public long getSizeInMemory();
public long getElementCountOnDisk();
* Generates increasing identifiers (in a single VM only).
* Not valid across multiple VMs. Identifiers are not necessarily
* strictly increasing, but usually are.
public final class Timestamper {
* A set of rules for determining the physical column
* and table names given the information in the mapping
* document. May be used to implement project-scoped
* naming standards for database objects.
Usually update() or saveOrUpdate() are used in the following scenario:
· the application loads an object in the first session
· the object is passed up to the UI tier
· some modifications are made to the object
· the object is passed back down to the business logic tier
· the application persists these modifications by calling update() in a second session
saveOrUpdate() does the following:
· if the object is already persistent in this session, do nothing
· if another object associated with the session has the same identifier, throw an exception
· if the object has no identifier property, save() it
· if the object's identifier has the value assigned to a newly instantiated object, save() it
· if the object is versioned (by a
· otherwise update() the object
and merge() is very different:
· if there is a persistent instance with the same identifier currently associated with the session, copy the state of the given object onto the persistent instance
· if there is no persistent instance currently associated with the session, try to load it from the database, or create a new persistent instance
· the persistent instance is returned
· the given instance does not become associated with the session, it remains detached
* Called before a flush
public void preFlush(Iterator entities) throws CallbackException;
* Called after a flush that actually ends in execution of the SQL statements required to synchronize
* in-memory state with the database.
public void postFlush(Iterator entities) throws CallbackException;
public interface SessionImplementor extends Serializable {
l 每一个方法调用前,首先验证session有效性。
public abstract class AbstractSessionImpl implements SessionImplementor {
protected transient SessionFactoryImpl factory;
private boolean closed = false;
protected void errorIfClosed() {
if ( closed ) {
throw new SessionException( "Session is closed!" );
protected boolean invokeDeleteLifecycle(EventSource session, Object entity, EntityPersister persister) {
public void evict(Class persistentClass) throws HibernateException {
l 结构清晰
l 易于扩展,使用多态性。
public interface ConnectionProvider { // A strategy for obtaining JDBC connections.
l DriverManagerConnectionProvider
* A connection provider that uses java.sql.DriverManager. This provider
* also implements a very rudimentary connection pool.
* @see ConnectionProvider
* @author Gavin King
l DatasourceConnectionProvider
* A connection provider that uses a DataSource registered with JNDI.
* Hibernate will use this ConnectionProvider by default if the
* property hibernate.connection.datasource is set.
* @see ConnectionProvider
* @author Gavin King
l 事件注册
l 公共功能
l 独立功能采用独立的接口格式
public final class SessionImpl extends AbstractSessionImpl
implements EventSource, org.hibernate.classic.Session, JDBCContext.Context {
private Environment() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); }
// cannot be instantiated
private ConnectionProviderFactory() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); }
l HibernateException
例如:public class SessionException extends HibernateException {
命名启示:1、根据软件品牌命名 2、spring按照应用层次命名:DataAccessExcepton
* Any exception that occurs inside the persistence layer
* or JDBC driver. SQLExceptions are always wrapped
* by instances of JDBCException.
* @see JDBCException
* @author Gavin King
public class HibernateException extends NestableRuntimeException {
l JDBCException
* Wraps an SQLException. Indicates that an exception
* occurred during a JDBC call.
* @see java.sql.SQLException
* @author Gavin King
public class JDBCException extends HibernateException {
* An interface to be implemented by {@link java.lang.Throwable}
* extensions which would like to be able to nest root exceptions
* inside themselves.
* @author Daniel Rall
* @author Kasper Nielsen
* @author Steven Caswell
* @author Pete Gieser
* @version $Id: Nestable.java 4782 2004-11-21 00:11:27Z pgmjsd $
* @since 1.0
public interface Nestable {
* The base class of all runtime exceptions which can contain other
* exceptions.
* @author Rafal Krzewski
* @author Daniel Rall
* @author Kasper Nielsen
* @author Steven Caswell
* @version $Id: NestableRuntimeException.java 8137 2005-09-09 15:21:10Z epbernard $
* @see org.apache.commons.lang.exception.NestableException
* @since 1.0
public class NestableRuntimeException extends RuntimeException implements Nestable {
public final class JDBCExceptionHelper {
public final class ExceptionUtils {
A Hibernate Session is a transaction-level cache of persistent data. It is possible to configure a cluster or JVM-level (SessionFactory-level) cache on a class-by-class and collection-by-collection basis. You may even plug in a clustered cache. Be careful. Caches are never aware of changes made to the persistent store by another application (though they may be configured to regularly expire cached data).
By default, Hibernate uses EHCache for JVM-level caching. (JCS support is now deprecated and will be removed in a future version of Hibernate.) You may choose a different implementation by specifying the name of a class that implements org.hibernate.cache.CacheProvider using the property hibernate.cache.provider_class.
Table 19.1. Cache Providers
Cache |
Provider class |
Type |
Cluster Safe |
Query Cache Supported |
Hashtable (not intended for production use) |
org.hibernate.cache.HashtableCacheProvider |
memory |
yes |
EHCache |
org.hibernate.cache.EhCacheProvider |
memory, disk |
yes |
OSCache |
org.hibernate.cache.OSCacheProvider |
memory, disk |
yes |
SwarmCache |
org.hibernate.cache.SwarmCacheProvider |
clustered (ip multicast) |
yes (clustered invalidation) |
JBoss TreeCache |
org.hibernate.cache.TreeCacheProvider |
clustered (ip multicast), transactional |
yes (replication) |
yes (clock sync req.) |
private Environment() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); }
if ( x == chars.length - 1 ) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "unmatched placeholder start [" + property + "]" );
Hibernate3 向hibernate2兼容时,
l 定义单独包:org.hibernate.classic,
* An extension of the Session API, including all
* deprecated methods from Hibernate2. This interface is
* provided to allow easier migration of existing applications.
* New code should use org.hibernate.Session.
* @author Gavin King
public interface Session extends org.hibernate.Session {
例如: Table
l 程序设计方式
l 文件加载方式
public abstract class TestCase extends junit.framework.TestCase {
l 对所有Session事件都配置监听器。
l 在系统初始化configuration.configure时,把所有监听器都注册进入。
l 动作和实现分离,当某个动作发生时,触发一个事件,对应的监听器,获得该事件后完成一定的活动。
l need a configuration entry telling Hibernate to use the listener in addition to the default listener
l may register it programmatically
l 每一个事件,都有一个对应的监听器。
l 监听器,需要预先注册。
l 当某个动作发生时,主动的触发事件。
l public class EventListeners
n A convience holder for all defined session event listeners
l AbstractEvent
n private final EventSource session;
n Defines a base class for Session generated events.
l DeleteEvent
l public class DefaultDeleteEventListener implements DeleteEventListener {
l SessionImpl
public void delete(Object object) throws HibernateException {
fireDelete( new DeleteEvent(object, this) );
It is often useful for the application to react to certain events that occur inside Hibernate. This allows implementation of certain kinds of generic functionality, and extension of Hibernate functionality
A fetching strategy is the strategy Hibernate will use for retrieving associated objects if the application needs to navigate the association. Fetch strategies may be declared in the O/R mapping metadata, or over-ridden by a particular HQL or Criteria query.
Hibernate3 defines the following fetching strategies:
· Join fetching - Hibernate retrieves the associated instance or collection in the same SELECT, using an OUTER JOIN.
· Select fetching - a second SELECT is used to retrieve the associated entity or collection. Unless you explicitly disable lazy fetching by specifying lazy="false", this second select will only be executed when you actually access the association.
· Subselect fetching - a second SELECT is used to retrieve the associated collections for all entities retrieved in a previous query or fetch. Unless you explicitly disable lazy fetching by specifying lazy="false", this second select will only be executed when you actually access the association.
· Batch fetching - an optimization strategy for select fetching - Hibernate retrieves a batch of entity instances or collections in a single SELECT, by specifying a list of primary keys or foreign keys.
l 常量参数配置:
n 软件版本、db访问属性、软件属性、系统属性等
n 配置文件参数定义。采用小写字母、连接词用“_”分割。例如:"hibernate.use_sql_comments"
l 解析方法、存储方式
* Provides access to configuration info passed in Properties objects.
* Hibernate has two property scopes:
* instantiated. Each instance might have different property values. If no
* properties are specified, the factory calls Environment.getProperties().
* determined by the Environment properties.
* The only system-level properties are
* Environment properties are populated by calling System.getProperties()
* and then from a resource named /hibernate.properties if it exists. System
* properties override properties specified in hibernate.properties.
* The SessionFactory is controlled by the following properties.
* Properties may be either be System properties, properties
* defined in a resource named /hibernate.properties or an instance of
* java.util.Properties passed to
* Configuration.buildSessionFactory()
l 提供多种加载文件方式, 包括:hbm.xml、属性文件并提供默认方式。
public Configuration configure() throws HibernateException {
configure( "/hibernate.cfg.xml" );
return this;
public Configuration addResource(String path) throws MappingException {
public Configuration addResource(String path, ClassLoader classLoader) throws MappingException {
public Configuration addInputStream(InputStream xmlInputStream) throws MappingException {
l 创建SessionFactory,初始化:db基本设置等。
l 生成:创建、删除、更新Schema Script等
* Provides access to configuration info passed in Properties objects.
* Hibernate has two property scopes:
* instantiated. Each instance might have different property values. If no
* properties are specified, the factory calls Environment.getProperties().
* determined by the Environment properties.
* The only system-level properties are
* Environment properties are populated by calling System.getProperties()
* and then from a resource named /hibernate.properties if it exists. System
* properties override properties specified in hibernate.properties.
* The SessionFactory is controlled by the following properties.
* Properties may be either be System properties, properties
* defined in a resource named /hibernate.properties or an instance of
* java.util.Properties passed to
* Configuration.buildSessionFactory()
l Settings
Settings that affect the behaviour of Hibernate at runtime
l SettingsFactory
n Reads configuration properties and configures a Settings instance.
n SessionFactory name
n JDBC and connection settings
n Interrogate JDBC metadata。 获得DB的基本信息
n SQL Dialect
n use dialect default properties
n Transaction settings
n JDBC and connection settings
n SQL Generation settings
n Query parser settings
n Second-level / query cache
n SQL Exception converter
n Statistics and logging
n Schema export
// 根据类名获得类
public static Class classForName(String name, Class caller) throws ClassNotFoundException {
public static Constructor getDefaultConstructor(Class clazz) throws PropertyNotFoundException {
public void initializeListeners(Configuration cfg) {
Field[] fields = getClass().getDeclaredFields();
for ( int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++ ) {
Object[] listeners;
try {
Object listener = fields[i].get(this);
if (listener instanceof Object[]) {
listeners = (Object[]) listener;
else {
catch (Exception e) {
throw new AssertionFailure("could not init listeners");
public void setListeners(String type, String[] listenerClasses) {
Object[] listeners = (Object[]) Array.newInstance( eventListeners.getListenerClassFor(type), listenerClasses.length );
for ( int i = 0; i < listeners.length ; i++ ) {
try {
listeners[i] = ReflectHelper.classForName( listenerClasses[i] ).newInstance();
catch (Exception e) {
throw new MappingException(
"Unable to instantiate specified event (" + type + ") listener class: " + listenerClasses[i],
setListeners( type, listeners );
l 为接口提供缺省实现。
l 为属性值设置初始值。
n EventListeners
l public abstract class AbstractVisitor {
n Abstract superclass of algorithms that walk a tree of property values of an entity, and perform specific functionality for collections, components and associated entities.
l new OnUpdateVisitor( source, id ).process( entity, persister );
* Responsible for maintaining the queue of actions related to events.
* The ActionQueue holds the DML operations queued as part of a session's
* transactional-write-behind semantics. DML operations are queued here
* until a flush forces them to be executed against the database.
* @author Steve Ebersole
public class ActionQueue {
* An operation which may be scheduled for later execution.
* Usually, the operation is a database insert/update/delete,
* together with required second-level cache management.
* @author Gavin King
public interface Executable {
* MessageHelper methods for rendering log messages relating to managed
* entities and collections typically used in log statements and exception
* messages.
* @author Max Andersen, Gavin King
public final class MessageHelper {
private MessageHelper() {
public static String infoString(String entityName, Serializable id) {
public final class JDBCExceptionReporter {
l 记录相关组件jar的详细信息。包括:版本、名称、依赖关系
l 依赖关系:
required for standalone operation (outside application server)
l 通过ant脚本,提取信息
versioncheck.name=version checker
l Documentation
l Run a single unit test
l 格式化时间
<format property="subversion" pattern="yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"/>
l 使用cvs命令
<target name="patch" depends="checkstyle"
description="Create a patch">
<cvs command="-q diff -u -N" output="patch.txt"/>
Session session = sessionFactory.openSession();
Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction();
for ( int i=0; i<100000; i++ ) {
Customer customer = new Customer(.....);
if ( i % 20 == 0 ) { //20, same as the JDBC batch size
//flush a batch of inserts and release memory:
原来 hibernate 支持各数据库函数,只要之前定义了hibernate.dialect=org.hibernate.dialect.SQLServerDialect
1.StringBuffer hql = new StringBuffer(512)
.append("from CfgProduction prod where prod.prodStatus='").append(CfgProductionConstants.ProdStatus.PRE_CANCEL)
.append("' and sysdate>prod.invalidTime");
2.对时间的直接操作"and (sysdate - c.insertTime <= 31) and c.status =:status");
where to_char(field1,'yyyy-MM')='2006-11'、
where to_char(field1,'yyyy-MM-dd')=' 2006-11-03 '
1 SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
2 Date ld = df.parse(" 2006-01-01 ");
3 Calendar rd = Calendar.getInstance();
4 rd.setTime(ld);
5 rd.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 23);
6 rd.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 59);
7 rd.set(Calendar.SECOND, 59);
8 Query query = sessoin.createQuery("from Order where date between :l and :r");
9 query.setParameter("l", ld);
10 query.setParameter("r", rd.getTime());
11 return query.list();
where to_char(field1,'yyyy-MM')='2006-11'
catch (HibernateException he) {
log.error("Could not synchronize database state with session");
throw he;
1.Hibernate的类:MatchMode。 FlushMode设计的很好。
Usboss中,ProdOperateType ,对操作类型和操作描述成对进行定义。
1. 根据hibernate的实现机制,默认是:操作了20条数据后,进行session.flush();session.clear(),然后开始新的循环。
public static final String EMPTY_STRING="";
public static final char DOT='.';
public static final char UNDERSCORE='_';
public static final String COMMA_SPACE=", ";
public static final String COMMA = ",";
public static final String OPEN_PAREN = "(";
public static final String CLOSE_PAREN = ")";
public static final char SINGLE_QUOTE = '/'';
Helper methods for rendering log messages and exception
Insert 使用了SequencedHashMap
来自commons-collections- 2.1.1
Insert 中
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer( columns.size()*15 + tableName.length() + 10 );
Implementors must be threadsafe (preferrably immutable) and must provide a constructor of type (net.sf.hibernate.map.PersistentClass, net.sf.hibernate.impl.SessionFactoryImplementor).
BasicPropertyAccessor 内部类的实现方式
public static final class BasicSetter implements Setter {
1. 操作配置文件的类 ConfigHelper 有ClassLoader的使用机制。
2. 操作XML文件的类 XMLHelper
错误情况:使用update有时候会出现Illegal attempt to associate a collection with two open sessions的异常,但是在取得对象后使用session.close()也不行,会出现另外的一个异常session is not open or is closed,原来就是getHibernateTemplate().update(object),修改为getHibernateTemplate().merge(object)问题解决。
1. 在hibernate2.1中,没有merge函数,在3.*版本中已经有了该方法。但是可以采用saveOrUpdateCopy方法,它的实现代码和merge是一样的。源代码是一样的。
2. 代码注释是:
* Copy the state of the given object onto the persistent object with the same
* identifier. If there is no persistent instance currently associated with
* the session, it will be loaded. Return the persistent instance. If the
* given instance is unsaved or does not exist in the database, save it and
* return it as a newly persistent instance. Otherwise, the given instance
* does not become associated with the session.
* @param object a transient instance with state to be copied
* @return an updated persistent instance
public Object saveOrUpdateCopy(Object object) throws HibernateException;
* Copy the state of the given object onto the persistent object with the same
* identifier. If there is no persistent instance currently associated with
* the session, it will be loaded. Return the persistent instance. If the
* given instance is unsaved, save a copy of and return it as a newly persistent
* instance. The given instance does not become associated with the session.
* This operation cascades to associated instances if the association is mapped
* with cascade="merge".
* The semantics of this method are defined by JSR-220.
* @param object a detached instance with state to be copied
* @return an updated persistent instance
public Object merge(Object object) throws HibernateException;
merge(Object entity)
Copy the state of the given object onto the persistent object with the same identifier.update
(Object entity)
Update the given persistent instance, associating it with the current Hibernate Session.
参考文档:如果你确定当前session没有包含与之具有相同持久化标识的持久实例,使用update()。 如果想随时合并你的的改动而不考虑session的状态,使用merge()。
org.springframework.orm.hibernate.HibernateSystemException: Illegal attempt to associate a collection with two open sessions;
nested exception is net.sf.hibernate.HibernateException: Illegal attempt to associate a collection with two open sessions
net.sf.hibernate.HibernateException: Illegal attempt to associate a collection with two open
所以要在同一个请求的同一个事务中执行”加载-修改-保存”这个周期,以保证他们是被同一个Hibernate session操作
所以在Spring中的HibernateTemplate中Spring写了一个closeSessionIfNecessary(Session session)方法来判断事务是否结束,而在自己写的DAO中当多个如果想运行这样的操作,就不能在单个方法中closeSession,而应该进行判断,事务是否结束,可在DAO中包含下列方法:然后在每个CRUD方法后面吧closeSession替换成closeSessionIfNecessary
public static void closeSessionIfNecessary(Session session, SessionFactory sessionFactory) {
if (session == null) {
SessionHolder sessionHolder =
(SessionHolder) TransactionSynchronizationManager.getResource(sessionFactory);
if (sessionHolder != null && sessionHolder.containsSession(session)) {
closeSessionOrRegisterDeferredClose(session, sessionFactory);
1. read-only mode (i.e. FlushMode.NEVER)
1、 字段是否为空对应
2、 字段类型要正确,例如:数据库是varchar,导入数据时,就不能是number型的。
:exception setting property value with CGLIB (set hibernate.cglib.use_reflection_optimizer=false for more info) getter of com.qnuse.zj114boss.po.CfgEnterpriseOrderRelationPK.?; nested exception is net.sf.hibernate.PropertyAccessException:
public void query(String sql, RowCallbackHandler handler) throws DaoException{
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("执行查询SQL语句,并逐条处理结果数据,SQL=[" + sql + "]");
try {
getJdbcTemplate().query(sql, handler);
} catch (DataAccessException e) {
throw new DaoException(e.getMessage(), e);
public Object query(final String sql, final ResultSetExtractor rse) throws DataAccessException {
Assert.notNull(sql, "SQL must not be null");
Assert.notNull(rse, "ResultSetExtractor must not be null");
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Executing SQL query [" + sql + "]");
class QueryStatementCallback implements StatementCallback, SqlProvider {
public Object doInStatement(Statement stmt) throws SQLException {
ResultSet rs = null;
try {
rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql);
ResultSet rsToUse = rs;
if (nativeJdbcExtractor != null) {
rsToUse = nativeJdbcExtractor.getNativeResultSet(rs);
return rse.extractData(rsToUse);
finally {
public String getSql() {
return sql;
return execute(new QueryStatementCallback());
sql.append("select SEQ_HAND_CHARGE_HISTORY.nextval from dual");
long sn = queryForInt(sql.toString());
//Execute a query for a result object, given static SQL.
String sql = "select execute_time from cfg_group_send_plan where oid="+planId;
Date groupSendTime = (Date)getBaseJdbcDao().queryForObject(sql, Date.class);
* Execute a query given static SQL, mapping each row to a Java object
* via a RowMapper.
new ExportToFileRowCountCallbackHandler(BUFFER_NUMBER,
getAbsoluteExportFile(date), DATA_SEPARATOR));
// 每一个参数对应符号 ?
// return a List that contains a Map per row
List queryForList(String sql, Object[] args) throws DataAccessException;
// 实例
StringBuilder contentSQL = new StringBuilder(100);
contentSQL.append(" WHERE UPPER_CONTENT_NAME = ?");
Listnew Object[]{StringUtils.upperCase(contentName)}); //this.queryForList(contentSQL.toString());
throw new AuthorizationException("没有找到内容文件");
ContentTO content = new ContentTO();
content.contentCode = (String) contentResult.get(0).get("CONTENT_CODE");
content.filePath = (String) contentResult.get(0).get("FILE_PATH");
注意: 在spring中,可以直接的用getSession直接的获得session
* 处理一行数据,完成数据校验、入库、内存数据库同步
* @param batchImportParameter 批量操作的参数
* @param line 批量文件中的一行数据
* @param lineNum 数据行号
* @param batchId 批次号
* @return badRow 错误行数据
private BadRow processImportLine(BatchImportParameter batchImportParameter,String line,int lineNum, String batchId) throws Exception{
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
StringBuffer content = new StringBuffer();
logger.debug("start of the processImportLine:"+content.toString());
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(line)) {
BadRow badRow =new BadRow();
return badRow;
String[] elements = line.split(","); // 英文的分割符号
BadRow badRow = validate(elements);
if(badRow != null && badRow.isExistErrMessage()){
return badRow;
Transaction transaction = null;
SessionFactory sessionFactory = getSessionFactory();
Session session = sessionFactory.openSession();
try {
BaseHibernateObject po = getPo(elements, batchId, batchImportParameter);
transaction = session.beginTransaction();
mdbSynchronize(po, MdbRefreshUtil.ACTION_INSERT);
} catch (DaoException e) {
badRow = new BadRow();
} catch(Exception e) {
badRow = new BadRow();
if(transaction != null){
throw e;
} finally {
return badRow;
public static String unqualify(String qualifiedName) {
int loc = qualifiedName.lastIndexOf(".");
return ( loc < 0 ) ? qualifiedName : qualifiedName.substring( qualifiedName.lastIndexOf(".") + 1 );
protected static String addUnderscores(String name) {
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer( name.replace('.', '_') );
for (int i=1; i
if (
Character.isLowerCase( buf.charAt(i-1) ) &&
Character.isUpperCase( buf.charAt(i) ) &&
Character.isLowerCase( buf.charAt(i+1) )
) {
buf.insert(i++, '_');
return buf.toString().toLowerCase();
In addition, a "fetch" join allows associations or collections of values to be initialized along with their parent objects, using a single select. This is particularly useful in the case of a collection. It effectively overrides the outer join and lazy declarations of the mapping file for associations and collections
queryStringBuffer.append("select distinct d from ").append(getClassName(getPoClass())).append(" d, " +
"CfgOrderRelation c where ((not exists (select c.comp_id.accountId from CfgOrderRelation c " +
"where d.accNumber = c.comp_id.accountId)) or (d.accNumber = c.comp_id.accountId " +
"and c.comp_id.serviceId not like :notLikeServiceId)) " +
"and d.smsSentStatus =:smsSentStatus order by d.accNumber");
logger.debug("/n== the queryString is: " + queryStringBuffer.toString());
try {
Query queryObject = null;
queryObject = getHibernateTemplate().createQuery(getSession(), queryStringBuffer.toString());
queryObject.setString("notLikeServiceId", "YYHB%");
queryObject.setString("smsSentStatus", DatYyhbAccountConsts.SmsSentStatus.NO_SENT_SMS);
logger.debug("end of the buildQueryCondition()");
Write fine-grained classes and map them using
Use an Address class to encapsulate street, suburb, state, postcode. This encourages code reuse and simplifies refactoring.
Declare identifier properties on persistent classes.
Hibernate makes identifier properties optional. There are all sorts of reasons why you should use them. We recommend that identifiers be 'synthetic' (generated, with no business meaning).
Identify natural keys.
Identify natural keys for all entities, and map them using
Place each class mapping in its own file.
Don't use a single monolithic mapping document. Map com.eg.Foo in the file com/eg/Foo.hbm.xml. This makes particularly good sense in a team environment.
Load mappings as resources.
Deploy the mappings along with the classes they map.
Consider externalising query strings.
This is a good practice if your queries call non-ANSI-standard SQL functions. Externalising the query strings to mapping files will make the application more portable.
Use bind variables.
As in JDBC, always replace non-constant values by "?". Never use string manipulation to bind a non-constant value in a query! Even better, consider using named parameters in queries.
Don't manage your own JDBC connections.
Hibernate lets the application manage JDBC connections. This approach should be considered a last-resort. If you can't use the built-in connections providers, consider providing your own implementation of org.hibernate.connection.ConnectionProvider.
Consider using a custom type.
Suppose you have a Java type, say from some library, that needs to be persisted but doesn't provide the accessors needed to map it as a component. You should consider implementing org.hibernate.UserType. This approach frees the application code from implementing transformations to / from a Hibernate type.
Use hand-coded JDBC in bottlenecks.
In performance-critical areas of the system, some kinds of operations might benefit from direct JDBC. But please, wait until you know something is a bottleneck. And don't assume that direct JDBC is necessarily faster. If you need to use direct JDBC, it might be worth opening a Hibernate Session and using that JDBC connection. That way you can still use the same transaction strategy and underlying connection provider.
Understand Session flushing.
From time to time the Session synchronizes its persistent state with the database. Performance will be affected if this process occurs too often. You may sometimes minimize unnecessary flushing by disabling automatic flushing or even by changing the order of queries and other operations within a particular transaction.
In a three tiered architecture, consider using detached objects.
When using a servlet / session bean architecture, you could pass persistent objects loaded in the session bean to and from the servlet / JSP layer. Use a new session to service each request. Use Session.merge() or Session.saveOrUpdate() to synchronize objects with the database.
In a two tiered architecture, consider using long persistence contexts.
Database Transactions have to be as short as possible for best scalability. However, it is often neccessary to implement long running application transactions, a single unit-of-work from the point of view of a user. An application transaction might span several client request/response cycles. It is common to use detached objects to implement application transactions. An alternative, extremely appropriate in two tiered architecture, is to maintain a single open persistence contact (session) for the whole lifecycle of the application transaction and simply disconnect from the JDBC connection at the end of each request and reconnect at the beginning of the subsequent request. Never share a single session across more than one application transaction, or you will be working with stale data.
Don't treat exceptions as recoverable.
This is more of a necessary practice than a "best" practice. When an exception occurs, roll back the Transaction and close the Session. If you don't, Hibernate can't guarantee that in-memory state accurately represents persistent state. As a special case of this, do not use Session.load() to determine if an instance with the given identifier exists on the database; use Session.get() or a query instead.
Prefer lazy fetching for associations.
Use eager fetching sparingly. Use proxies and lazy collections for most associations to classes that are not likely to be completely held in the second-level cache. For associations to cached classes, where there is an a extremely high probability of a cache hit, explicitly disable eager fetching using lazy="false". When an join fetching is appropriate to a particular use case, use a query with a left join fetch.
Use the open session in view pattern, or a disciplined assembly phase to avoid problems with unfetched data.
Hibernate frees the developer from writing tedious Data Transfer Objects (DTO). In a traditional EJB architecture, DTOs serve dual purposes: first, they work around the problem that entity beans are not serializable; second, they implicitly define an assembly phase where all data to be used by the view is fetched and marshalled into the DTOs before returning control to the presentation tier. Hibernate eliminates the first purpose. However, you will still need an assembly phase (think of your business methods as having a strict contract with the presentation tier about what data is available in the detached objects) unless you are prepared to hold the persistence context (the session) open across the view rendering process. This is not a limitation of Hibernate! It is a fundamental requirement of safe transactional data access.
Consider abstracting your business logic from Hibernate.
Hide (Hibernate) data-access code behind an interface. Combine the DAO and Thread Local Session patterns. You can even have some classes persisted by handcoded JDBC, associated to Hibernate via a UserType. (This advice is intended for "sufficiently large" applications; it is not appropriate for an application with five tables!)
Don't use exotic association mappings.
Good usecases for a real many-to-many associations are rare. Most of the time you need additional information stored in the "link table". In this case, it is much better to use two one-to-many associations to an intermediate link class. In fact, we think that most associations are one-to-many and many-to-one, you should be careful when using any other association style and ask yourself if it is really neccessary.
Prefer bidirectional associations.
Unidirectional associations are more difficult to query. In a large application, almost all associations must be navigable in both directions in queries.
1. www.hibernate.org