MpscGrowableArrayQueue是JCTools里的一个工具,是对于特定场景化的定制,即MPSC(Multi-Producer & Single-Consumer),在这种场景下,相对于BlockingQueue,能够满足高性能的需要。
像我的一篇文章说的(Caffeine高性能设计剖析),如果对Caffeine设置了expireAfterWrite或refreshAfterWrite,那么每次写操作都会把afterWrite的task放在一个MpscGrowableArrayQueue里,之后再异步处理这些task。一般写操作有可能并发进行,有多个生产者, 但是只用一个线程来处理,来降低复杂度,这里的场景就很适合mpsc了。
, poll
, peek
等常规方法,但由于特定化的场景,由于设计上的原因,做了一点限制,相当于牺牲了一些功能,不支持这三个方法:remove(Object o),removeAll(Collection),retainAll(Collection)。
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/** * An MPSC array queue which starts at initialCapacity and grows to maxCapacity in linked chunks, * doubling theirs size every time until the full blown backing array is used. * The queue grows only when the current chunk is full and elements are not copied on * resize, instead a link to the new chunk is stored in the old chunk for the consumer to follow. */ public class MpscGrowableArrayQueue |
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//生产者的最大下标 private volatile long producerLimit; //生产者数组的mask,偏移量offset & mask得到在数组的位置 protected long producerMask; //生产者的buffer,由于会产生的新的数组buffer,所以生产者和消费者各自维护自己的buffer protected E[] producerBuffer; //生产者的当前下标 private volatile long producerIndex; //消费者的当前下标 private volatile long consumerIndex; //消费者数组的mask protected long consumerMask; //生产者的buffer protected E[] consumerBuffer; |
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/** * @param initialCapacity the queue initial capacity. If chunk size is fixed this will be the chunk size. * Must be 2 or more. * @param maxCapacity the maximum capacity will be rounded up to the closest power of 2 and will be the * upper limit of number of elements in this queue. Must be 4 or more and round up to a larger * power of 2 than initialCapacity. */ // 可以指定init size,或者不指定 public MpscChunkedArrayQueue(int initialCapacity, int maxCapacity){ super(initialCapacity, maxCapacity); } public MpscChunkedArrayQueue(int maxCapacity){ super(max(2, min(1024, roundToPowerOfTwo(maxCapacity / 8))), maxCapacity); } MpscChunkedArrayQueueColdProducerFields(int initialCapacity, int maxCapacity){ super(initialCapacity); RangeUtil.checkGreaterThanOrEqual(maxCapacity, 4, "maxCapacity"); RangeUtil.checkLessThan(roundToPowerOfTwo(initialCapacity), roundToPowerOfTwo(maxCapacity), "initialCapacity"); //数组有一个最大的限制,最大值为Pow2(max)*2,例如你指定max=100,maxQueueCapacity=256 maxQueueCapacity = ((long) Pow2.roundToPowerOfTwo(maxCapacity)) << 1; } public BaseMpscLinkedArrayQueue(final int initialCapacity){ RangeUtil.checkGreaterThanOrEqual(initialCapacity, 2, "initialCapacity"); //初始化的size为2的整数倍 int p2capacity = Pow2.roundToPowerOfTwo(initialCapacity); //这里mask为什么不是p2capacity - 1,是因为把最后一位当作是否resizing的标记 //所以这里的容量是虚扩成2倍,所以后面看到下标index追加时是加2,而不是1 //而且在获取数组的偏移量offset时,把数组的arrayIndexScale也除以了2 //所以要注意index和limit的数值都为实际容量的2倍 long mask = (p2capacity - 1) << 1; //初始化数组 E[] buffer = allocateRefArray(p2capacity + 1); //生产者的数组指向初始化数组 producerBuffer = buffer; //buffer对应的mask producerMask = mask; //消费者的数组指向初始化数组 consumerBuffer = buffer; //(同上) consumerMask = mask; //生产者的最大值limit等于mask soProducerLimit(mask); } |
可以看出初始化时初始化了init size的数组,以及mask,limit等。
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public boolean offer(final E e) { if (null == e) { throw new NullPointerException(); } long mask; E[] buffer; long pIndex; while (true) { long producerLimit = lvProducerLimit(); pIndex = lvProducerIndex(); //最低位为1说明在resize,继续自转等resize结束 if ((pIndex & 1) == 1) { continue; } mask = this.producerMask; buffer = this.producerBuffer; //pIndex >= producerLimit有几种可能 //idnex小于等于limit,说明生产者的位置达到了数组的“末端”,这里用引号是因为实际上不是,准确来说是可允许存放元素的位置 if (producerLimit <= pIndex) { //通过offerSlowPath判断该进行什么操作,retry还是resize等(下面展述) int result = offerSlowPath(mask, pIndex, producerLimit); switch (result) { case CONTINUE_TO_P_INDEX_CAS: break; case RETRY: continue; case QUEUE_FULL: return false; case QUEUE_RESIZE: //扩容(下面展述) resize(mask, buffer, pIndex, e, null); return true; } } //走到这里说明producerLimit > pIndex,即允许添加元素 //用当前的index进行cas操作来设置值,成功则退出;失败说明存在并发,则继续while循环 if (casProducerIndex(pIndex, pIndex + 2)) { break; } } //这里通过arrayBaseOffset和arrayIndexScale获取数组的偏移量 final long offset = modifiedCalcCircularRefElementOffset(pIndex, mask); //根据偏移量offset把元素设进去 soRefElement(buffer, offset, e); return true; } |
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private int offerSlowPath(long mask, long pIndex, long producerLimit) { //消费者下标 final long cIndex = lvConsumerIndex(); //用当前mask获取当前buffer的size(其实就是mask) long bufferCapacity = getCurrentBufferCapacity(mask); //如果已经有消费的话,那么下面条件会成立 //如果是这种情况,就需要把已经消费的空位利用起来,像ring buffer一样 if (cIndex + bufferCapacity > pIndex) { //通过cas设置limit,limit的大小为 if (!casProducerLimit(producerLimit, cIndex + bufferCapacity)) { //失败则重试 return RETRY; } else { //成功则出去cas pIndex return CONTINUE_TO_P_INDEX_CAS; } } //检查是否有空位,因为queue在初始化时有设置maxQueueCapacity else if (availableInQueue(pIndex, cIndex) <= 0) { //返回full return QUEUE_FULL; } //来到这里说要扩容了,把最后index的最后以为置为1,表示resizing else if (casProducerIndex(pIndex, pIndex + 1)) { //返回resize return QUEUE_RESIZE; } else { //说明已经resize了,返回继续重试,等待resize完成 return RETRY; } } |
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private void resize(long oldMask, E[] oldBuffer, long pIndex, E e, Supplier |
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public E poll() { final E[] buffer = consumerBuffer; final long index = lpConsumerIndex(); final long mask = consumerMask; //获取数组的偏移量 final long offset = modifiedCalcCircularRefElementOffset(index, mask); //获取数据 Object e = lvRefElement(buffer, offset); if (e == null) { if (index != lvProducerIndex()) { //正常来说不会为null,但是在offer添加数据时使用putOrderedObject,即lazySet,在并发时可能会发生,所以while继续读取 do { e = lvRefElement(buffer, offset); } while (e == null); } //cIndex == pIndex 说明没有数据 else { return null; } } //link到下一个数组 if (e == JUMP) { final E[] nextBuffer = nextBuffer(buffer, mask); return newBufferPoll(nextBuffer, index); } //置为null来释放内存 soRefElement(buffer, offset, null); soConsumerIndex(index + 2); return (E) e; } |