


  • 了解H2O是什么,在哪些地方大放异彩
  • H2O的安装与初步使用
  • 迫不及待地去安装使用(哈哈哈)



H2O的核心代码是用Java编写的。在H2O中,使用分布式的Key/Value存储来访问和引用所有节点和机器上的数据、模型、对象等。这些算法是在H2O的分布式Map / Reduce框架之上实现的,并且利用Java Fork / Join框架来实现多线程。数据是并行读取的,并分布在整个集群中,并以压缩的方式以列状格式存储在内存中。 H2O的数据解析器具有内置的智能功能,可以猜测传入数据集的模式,并支持以多种格式从多个源获取数据。

H2O的REST API允许外部程序或脚本通过HTTP上的JSON访问H2O的所有功能。 Rest API使用H2O的Web界面(Flow UI),R binding(H2O-R)和Python binding(H2O-Python)。

深度学习,Tree Ensembles和GLRM等各种有监督和无监督算法的速度,质量,易用性和模型部署方便使得H2O成为大数据数据科学非常受欢迎的API。



H2O对 Scala, R, and Python并没有硬性要求,但是Java是必须要会的。接下来我们就讲下在python环境中安装H2O。

$ pip install requests
$ pip install tabulate
$ pip install scikit-learn


$ pip install -f http://h2o-release.s3.amazonaws.com/h2o/latest_stable_Py.html h2o




import h2o
from h2o.automl import H2OAutoML

# Import a sample binary outcome train/test set into H2O
train = h2o.import_file("https://s3.amazonaws.com/erin-data/higgs/higgs_train_10k.csv")
test = h2o.import_file("https://s3.amazonaws.com/erin-data/higgs/higgs_test_5k.csv")

# Identify predictors and response
x = train.columns
y = "response"

# For binary classification, response should be a factor
train[y] = train[y].asfactor()
test[y] = test[y].asfactor()

# Run AutoML for 30 seconds
aml = H2OAutoML(max_runtime_secs = 30)
aml.train(x = x, y = y,
          training_frame = train,
          leaderboard_frame = test)

# View the AutoML Leaderboard
lb = aml.leaderboard
Checking whether there is an H2O instance running at http://localhost:54321..... not found.
Attempting to start a local H2O server...
  Java Version: openjdk version "1.8.0_131"; OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_131-8u131-b11-0ubuntu1.16.10.2-b11); OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.131-b11, mixed mode)
  Starting server from /home/ora/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/h2o/backend/bin/h2o.jar
  Ice root: /tmp/tmphnkk6mvy
  JVM stdout: /tmp/tmphnkk6mvy/h2o_ora_started_from_python.out
  JVM stderr: /tmp/tmphnkk6mvy/h2o_ora_started_from_python.err
  Server is running at
Connecting to H2O server at successful.
H2O cluster uptime: 02 secs
H2O cluster version:
H2O cluster version age: 16 days
H2O cluster name: H2O_from_python_ora_l1c8zv
H2O cluster total nodes: 1
H2O cluster free memory: 6.976 Gb
H2O cluster total cores: 4
H2O cluster allowed cores: 4
H2O cluster status: accepting new members, healthy
H2O connection url:
H2O connection proxy: None
H2O internal security: False
H2O API Extensions: XGBoost, Algos, AutoML, Core V3, Core V4
Python version: 3.6.0 final
Parse progress: |█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 100%
Parse progress: |█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 100%
AutoML progress: |████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 100%
Parse progress: |█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 100%
model_id auc logloss
StackedEnsemble_AllModels_0_AutoML_20180201_101807 0.787269 0.554504
StackedEnsemble_BestOfFamily_0_AutoML_20180201_101807 0.783812 0.557977
GBM_grid_0_AutoML_20180201_101807_model_0 0.779296 0.562086
GBM_grid_0_AutoML_20180201_101807_model_2 0.779109 0.560944
GBM_grid_0_AutoML_20180201_101807_model_1 0.775373 0.564924
GBM_grid_0_AutoML_20180201_101807_model_3 0.773419 0.567071
GBM_grid_0_AutoML_20180201_101807_model_4 0.755339 0.630771
DRF_0_AutoML_20180201_101807 0.740823 0.605117
XRT_0_AutoML_20180201_101807 0.735793 0.604911
GLM_grid_0_AutoML_20180201_101807_model_0 0.686224 0.634806
# The leader model is stored here
Model Details
H2OStackedEnsembleEstimator :  Stacked Ensemble
Model Key:  StackedEnsemble_AllModels_0_AutoML_20180201_101807
No model summary for this model

ModelMetricsBinomialGLM: stackedensemble
** Reported on train data. **

MSE: 0.10619313022292985
RMSE: 0.32587287432821077
LogLoss: 0.36728814169184465
Null degrees of freedom: 7993
Residual degrees of freedom: 7986
Null deviance: 11050.743244827558
Residual deviance: 5872.202809369212
AIC: 5888.202809369212
AUC: 0.9569241768110353
Gini: 0.9138483536220705
Confusion Matrix (Act/Pred) for max f1 @ threshold = 0.4510434688048974: 
0 1 Error Rate
0 3039.0 708.0 0.189 (708.0/3747.0)
1 240.0 4007.0 0.0565 (240.0/4247.0)
Total 3279.0 4715.0 0.1186 (948.0/7994.0)
Maximum Metrics: Maximum metrics at their respective thresholds
metric threshold value idx
max f1 0.4510435 0.8942200 221.0
max f2 0.3725997 0.9326728 253.0
max f0point5 0.6114940 0.9036081 158.0
max accuracy 0.5056487 0.8855392 200.0
max precision 0.9380498 1.0 0.0
max recall 0.1695174 1.0 349.0
max specificity 0.9380498 1.0 0.0
max absolute_mcc 0.5056487 0.7701297 200.0
max min_per_class_accuracy 0.5333867 0.8849746 190.0
max mean_per_class_accuracy 0.5333867 0.8852705 190.0
Gains/Lift Table: Avg response rate: 53.13 %
group cumulative_data_fraction lower_threshold lift cumulative_lift response_rate cumulative_response_rate capture_rate cumulative_capture_rate gain cumulative_gain
1 0.0100075 0.9118284 1.8822698 1.8822698 1.0 1.0 0.0188368 0.0188368 88.2269838 88.2269838
2 0.0200150 0.9032538 1.8822698 1.8822698 1.0 1.0 0.0188368 0.0376737 88.2269838 88.2269838
3 0.0300225 0.8976278 1.8822698 1.8822698 1.0 1.0 0.0188368 0.0565105 88.2269838 88.2269838
4 0.0400300 0.8922493 1.8822698 1.8822698 1.0 1.0 0.0188368 0.0753473 88.2269838 88.2269838
5 0.0500375 0.8878612 1.8822698 1.8822698 1.0 1.0 0.0188368 0.0941841 88.2269838 88.2269838
6 0.1000751 0.8646618 1.8822698 1.8822698 1.0 1.0 0.0941841 0.1883683 88.2269838 88.2269838
7 0.1499875 0.8402188 1.8775524 1.8807000 0.9974937 0.9991660 0.0937132 0.2820815 87.7552369 88.0699971
8 0.2000250 0.8133639 1.8446244 1.8716754 0.98 0.9943715 0.0923004 0.3743819 84.4624441 87.1675448
9 0.2999750 0.7490769 1.7951059 1.8461629 0.9536921 0.9808173 0.1794208 0.5538027 79.5105903 84.6162910
10 0.4000500 0.6641860 1.6281634 1.7916290 0.865 0.9518449 0.1629385 0.7167412 62.8163409 79.1628951
11 0.5 0.5605949 1.4158250 1.7165058 0.7521902 0.9119340 0.1415117 0.8582529 41.5824997 71.6505769
12 0.5999500 0.4321141 0.9258223 1.5847802 0.4918648 0.8419516 0.0925359 0.9507888 -7.4177664 58.4780151
13 0.7000250 0.3225593 0.3788068 1.4123751 0.20125 0.7503574 0.0379091 0.9886979 -62.1193195 41.2375098
14 0.7999750 0.2409276 0.0989428 1.2482731 0.0525657 0.6631744 0.0098893 0.9985872 -90.1057155 24.8273085
15 0.8999249 0.1645587 0.0141347 1.1112038 0.0075094 0.5903531 0.0014128 1.0 -98.5865308 11.1203781
16 1.0 0.0558224 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.5312735 0.0 1.0 -100.0 0.0
ModelMetricsBinomialGLM: stackedensemble
** Reported on validation data. **

MSE: 0.18783313364822057
RMSE: 0.4333972007849388
LogLoss: 0.555646918852381
Null degrees of freedom: 2005
Residual degrees of freedom: 1998
Null deviance: 2777.4964239309966
Residual deviance: 2229.2554384357527
AIC: 2245.2554384357527
AUC: 0.7876166353248658
Gini: 0.5752332706497316
Confusion Matrix (Act/Pred) for max f1 @ threshold = 0.3557814003482815: 
0 1 Error Rate
0 463.0 495.0 0.5167 (495.0/958.0)
1 128.0 920.0 0.1221 (128.0/1048.0)
Total 591.0 1415.0 0.3106 (623.0/2006.0)
Maximum Metrics: Maximum metrics at their respective thresholds
metric threshold value idx
max f1 0.3557814 0.7470564 271.0
max f2 0.1919339 0.8565737 352.0
max f0point5 0.6149732 0.7418069 157.0
max accuracy 0.5108126 0.7228315 198.0
max precision 0.9245128 1.0 0.0
max recall 0.1152450 1.0 383.0
max specificity 0.9245128 1.0 0.0
max absolute_mcc 0.5108126 0.4439970 198.0
max min_per_class_accuracy 0.5377255 0.7156489 187.0
max mean_per_class_accuracy 0.5108126 0.7216001 198.0
Gains/Lift Table: Avg response rate: 52.24 %
group cumulative_data_fraction lower_threshold lift cumulative_lift response_rate cumulative_response_rate capture_rate cumulative_capture_rate gain cumulative_gain
1 0.0104686 0.9059318 1.8229735 1.8229735 0.9523810 0.9523810 0.0190840 0.0190840 82.2973464 82.2973464
2 0.0204387 0.8987579 1.7227099 1.7740644 0.9 0.9268293 0.0171756 0.0362595 72.2709924 77.4064420
3 0.0304088 0.8917429 1.8184160 1.7886059 0.95 0.9344262 0.0181298 0.0543893 81.8416031 78.8605932
4 0.0403789 0.8877437 1.6270038 1.7487042 0.85 0.9135802 0.0162214 0.0706107 62.7003817 74.8704175
5 0.0503490 0.8811732 1.8184160 1.7625085 0.95 0.9207921 0.0181298 0.0887405 81.8416031 76.2508503
6 0.1001994 0.8536235 1.7227099 1.7427082 0.9 0.9104478 0.0858779 0.1746183 72.2709924 74.2708215
7 0.1500499 0.8239882 1.5887214 1.6915498 0.83 0.8837209 0.0791985 0.2538168 58.8721374 69.1549796
8 0.2003988 0.7921643 1.5540398 1.6570013 0.8118812 0.8656716 0.0782443 0.3320611 55.4039755 65.7001253
9 0.3000997 0.7256447 1.4068798 1.5739044 0.735 0.8222591 0.1402672 0.4723282 40.6879771 57.3904415
10 0.4002991 0.6465250 1.2760814 1.4993559 0.6666667 0.7833126 0.1278626 0.6001908 27.6081425 49.9355946
11 0.5 0.5432006 1.0814790 1.4160305 0.565 0.7397807 0.1078244 0.7080153 8.1479008 41.6030534
12 0.6001994 0.4459747 0.9046846 1.3306646 0.4726368 0.6951827 0.0906489 0.7986641 -9.5315408 33.0664642
13 0.6999003 0.3588501 0.7273664 1.2447247 0.38 0.6502849 0.0725191 0.8711832 -27.2633588 24.4724723
14 0.8000997 0.2856659 0.6094717 1.1651697 0.3184080 0.6087227 0.0610687 0.9322519 -39.0528275 16.5169675
15 0.8998006 0.2029565 0.4593893 1.0869669 0.24 0.5678670 0.0458015 0.9780534 -54.0610687 8.6966865
16 1.0 0.0667329 0.2190289 1.0 0.1144279 0.5224327 0.0219466 1.0 -78.0971099 0.0
ModelMetricsBinomialGLM: stackedensemble
** Reported on cross-validation data. **

MSE: 0.19021917932290436
RMSE: 0.4361412378151192
LogLoss: 0.5597680244722494
Null degrees of freedom: 7993
Residual degrees of freedom: 7986
Null deviance: 11053.314251577507
Residual deviance: 8949.571175262323
AIC: 8965.571175262323
AUC: 0.7816115854774708
Gini: 0.5632231709549416
Confusion Matrix (Act/Pred) for max f1 @ threshold = 0.39478250550345867: 
0 1 Error Rate
0 2001.0 1746.0 0.466 (1746.0/3747.0)
1 689.0 3558.0 0.1622 (689.0/4247.0)
Total 2690.0 5304.0 0.3046 (2435.0/7994.0)
Maximum Metrics: Maximum metrics at their respective thresholds
metric threshold value idx
max f1 0.3947825 0.7450529 256.0
max f2 0.1915353 0.8603172 349.0
max f0point5 0.5904633 0.7343911 164.0
max accuracy 0.5084678 0.7069052 201.0
max precision 0.9356320 1.0 0.0
max recall 0.0908959 1.0 389.0
max specificity 0.9356320 1.0 0.0
max absolute_mcc 0.5756414 0.4173777 171.0
max min_per_class_accuracy 0.5307710 0.7045637 190.0
max mean_per_class_accuracy 0.5756414 0.7085280 171.0
Gains/Lift Table: Avg response rate: 53.13 %
group cumulative_data_fraction lower_threshold lift cumulative_lift response_rate cumulative_response_rate capture_rate cumulative_capture_rate gain cumulative_gain
1 0.0100075 0.9088610 1.8352131 1.8352131 0.975 0.975 0.0183659 0.0183659 83.5213092 83.5213092
2 0.0200150 0.9004900 1.7410996 1.7881563 0.925 0.95 0.0174241 0.0357900 74.1099600 78.8156346
3 0.0300225 0.8947453 1.8587415 1.8116847 0.9875 0.9625 0.0186014 0.0543913 85.8741465 81.1684719
4 0.0400300 0.8870404 1.7175712 1.7881563 0.9125 0.95 0.0171886 0.0715799 71.7571227 78.8156346
5 0.0500375 0.8800252 1.7881563 1.7881563 0.95 0.95 0.0178950 0.0894749 78.8156346 78.8156346
6 0.1000751 0.8521482 1.6987485 1.7434524 0.9025 0.92625 0.0850012 0.1744761 69.8748528 74.3452437
7 0.1499875 0.8207969 1.6133741 1.7001653 0.8571429 0.9032527 0.0805274 0.2550035 61.3374146 70.0165333
8 0.2000250 0.7892257 1.5293442 1.6574334 0.8125 0.8805503 0.0765246 0.3315281 52.9344243 65.7433353
9 0.2999750 0.7135059 1.3569304 1.5573075 0.7209011 0.8273561 0.1356251 0.4671533 35.6930446 55.7307489
10 0.4000500 0.6280223 1.2046527 1.4690887 0.64 0.7804878 0.1205557 0.5877090 20.4652696 46.9088654
11 0.5 0.5422533 1.0412557 1.3835649 0.5531915 0.7350513 0.1040735 0.6917824 4.1255655 38.3564869
12 0.5999500 0.4489542 0.9281781 1.3076987 0.4931164 0.6947456 0.0927714 0.7845538 -7.1821882 30.7698728
13 0.7000250 0.3627716 0.7740835 1.2314135 0.41125 0.6542173 0.0774664 0.8620202 -22.5916529 23.1413487
14 0.7999750 0.2811813 0.6384169 1.1573237 0.3391740 0.6148554 0.0638097 0.9258300 -36.1583071 15.7323691
15 0.8999249 0.1935312 0.5394741 1.0887024 0.2866083 0.5783987 0.0539204 0.9797504 -46.0525916 8.8702362
16 1.0 0.0550341 0.2023440 1.0 0.1075 0.5312735 0.0202496 1.0 -79.7655992 0.0
# If you need to generate predictions on a test set, you can make
# predictions directly on the `"H2OAutoML"` object, or on the leader
# model object directly

preds = aml.predict(test)

# or:
preds = aml.leader.predict(test)
Parse progress: |█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 100%
stackedensemble prediction progress: |████████████████████████████████████| 100%
stackedensemble prediction progress: |████████████████████████████████████| 100%


aml = H2OAutoML(max_runtime_secs = 30)
aml.train(x = x, y = y,
          training_frame = train,
          leaderboard_frame = test)



