Leetcode - Sort List

Leetcode - Sort List_第1张图片

My code:

 * Definition for singly-linked list.
 * public class ListNode {
 *     int val;
 *     ListNode next;
 *     ListNode(int x) { val = x; }
 * }
public class Solution {
    public ListNode sortList(ListNode head) {
        if (head == null)
            return null;
        int count = 0;
        ListNode temp = head;
        while (temp != null) {
            temp = temp.next;
        return sortList(head, count);
    private ListNode sortList(ListNode head, int count) {
        if (count <= 1)
            return head;
        int left = 0;
        int right = 0;
        if (count % 2 == 0)
            left = count / 2;
            left = count / 2 + 1;
        right = count - left;
        ListNode leftHead = head;
        ListNode rightHead = null;
        int countNode = 0;
        ListNode temp = head;
        while (temp != null) {
            if (countNode == left) {
                rightHead = temp.next;
                temp.next = null;
                temp = temp.next;
        ListNode subLeftHead = sortList(leftHead, left);
        ListNode subRightHead = sortList(rightHead, right);
        ListNode dummyNode = new ListNode(-1);
        ListNode tempDummy = dummyNode;
        int countLeft = 0;
        int countRight = 0;
        while (countLeft < left && countRight < right) {
            if (subLeftHead.val <= subRightHead.val) {
                tempDummy.next = subLeftHead;
                subLeftHead = subLeftHead.next;
                tempDummy = tempDummy.next;
            else {
                tempDummy.next = subRightHead;
                subRightHead = subRightHead.next;
                tempDummy = tempDummy.next;
        if (countLeft == left)
            tempDummy.next = subRightHead;
            tempDummy.next = subLeftHead;
        return dummyNode.next;
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ListNode n1 = new ListNode(8);
        ListNode n2 = new ListNode(7);
        ListNode n3 = new ListNode(6);
        ListNode n4 = new ListNode(5);
        ListNode n5 = new ListNode(4);
        ListNode n6 = new ListNode(3);
        ListNode n7 = new ListNode(2);
        ListNode n8 = new ListNode(1);
        n1.next = n2;
        n2.next = n3;
        n3.next = n4;
        n4.next = n5;
        n5.next = n6;
        n6.next = n7;
        n7.next = n8;
        Solution test = new Solution();
        ListNode head = test.sortList(n1);
        while (head != null) {
            head = head.next;

My test result:

Leetcode - Sort List_第2张图片

用递归么,一层层递归下去,用普林斯顿算法课的说法叫做, bottom -up.
思想还是归并排序的思想,在这里我想说一个小技巧,那就是, dummy node.
即 temp.next = null;
同时,链表操作我还是有些地方没注意到,像这道题目,通过dummy node来将两个子链表合二为一,并且排序,没有用到额外的空间,dummy node 就像是细线一样,将这些结点重新串在了一块儿。

总结: Merge Sort, LinkedList, Recursion
Because TOEFL is on the way.

Anyway, Good luck, Richardo!

My code:

 * Definition for singly-linked list.
 * public class ListNode {
 *     int val;
 *     ListNode next;
 *     ListNode(int x) { val = x; }
 * }
public class Solution {
    public ListNode sortList(ListNode head) {
        if (head == null)
            return null;
        return sort(head);    
    /** sort this list */
    private ListNode sort(ListNode head) {
        if (head == null || head.next == null)
            return head;
        ListNode slow = head;
        ListNode fast = head;
        /** find the middle node in the linkedlist using slow and fast pointers */
        while (fast.next != null && fast.next.next != null) {
            slow = slow.next; // jump 1 node for slow pointer
            fast = fast.next; // jump 2 nodes for fast pointer
            fast = fast.next;
        ListNode leftHead = head;
        ListNode rightHead = slow.next;
        slow.next = null; // cut the connection between left and right sub linked list
        /** sort these two sub linked lists separately */
        leftHead = sort(leftHead); // make sure this sub lis is sorted
        rightHead = sort(rightHead);
        /** merge them into one sorted linked list */
        return merge(leftHead, rightHead);
    /** merge these two sub sorted lists */
    private ListNode merge(ListNode leftHead, ListNode rightHead) {
        if (leftHead == rightHead)
            return leftHead;
        ListNode leftScanner = leftHead;
        ListNode rightScanner = rightHead;
        ListNode head;
        /** ensure the head node */
        if (leftHead.val < rightHead.val) {
            head = leftHead;
            leftScanner = leftScanner.next;
        else {
            head = rightHead;
            rightScanner = rightScanner.next;
        ListNode scanner = head;
        /** merge two linked lists until one of them is finished */
        while (leftScanner != null && rightScanner != null) {
            if (leftScanner.val < rightScanner.val) {
                scanner.next = leftScanner;
                leftScanner = leftScanner.next;
            else {
                scanner.next = rightScanner;
                rightScanner = rightScanner.next;
            scanner = scanner.next;
        /** connect the rest of the other list to this new sorted list */
        if (leftScanner == null)
            scanner.next = rightScanner;
            scanner.next = leftScanner;
        return head;
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Solution test = new Solution();
        ListNode a0 = new ListNode(3);
        ListNode a1 = new ListNode(2);
        ListNode a2 = new ListNode(4);
        a0.next = a1;
        a1.next = a2;
        ListNode head = test.sortList(a0);
        while (head != null) {
            head = head.next;

这道题目写了一会儿。以前的写法是不对的。因为我声明了一个dummy node需要内存,然后一层层下来就是, log(n) 的复杂度,就不再是常数级别了。
然后其他就差不多了,就是 merge sort the linked list

Anyway, Good luck, Richardo!

My code:

 * Definition for singly-linked list.
 * public class ListNode {
 *     int val;
 *     ListNode next;
 *     ListNode(int x) { val = x; }
 * }
public class Solution {
    public ListNode sortList(ListNode head) {
        return helper(head);
    private ListNode helper(ListNode head) {
        if (head == null || head.next == null) {
            return head;
        ListNode slow = head;
        ListNode fast = head;
        while (fast.next != null && fast.next.next != null) {
            slow = slow.next;
            fast = fast.next.next;
        ListNode right = slow.next;
        ListNode left = head;
        slow.next = null;
        left = helper(left);
        right = helper(right);
        return merge(left, right);
    private ListNode merge(ListNode leftHead, ListNode rightHead) {
        if (leftHead == null) {
            return rightHead;
        else if (rightHead == null) {
            return leftHead;
        ListNode left = leftHead;
        ListNode right = rightHead;
        ListNode dummy = new ListNode(-1);
        ListNode curr = dummy;
        while (left != null || right != null) {
            if (left == null) {
                curr.next = right;
                curr = curr.next;
                right = right.next;
            else if (right == null) {
                curr.next = left;
                curr = curr.next;
                left = left.next;
            else if (left.val < right.val) {
                curr.next = left;
                curr = curr.next;
                left = left.next;
            else {
                curr.next = right;
                curr = curr.next;
                right = right.next;
        return dummy.next;

这道题目本身没有什么难度。空间复杂度是O(1),虽然用了dummy node,但是是在merge中使用的,使用完了后立刻释放。

Anyway, Good luck, Richardo! -- 08/17/2016

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