






 * Inserts an 80 or 160 sample block of data into the farend buffer.
 * Inputs                       Description
 * -------------------------------------------------------------------
 * void*          aecInst       Pointer to the AEC instance
 * const float*   farend        In buffer containing one frame of
 *                              farend signal for L band
 * int16_t        nrOfSamples   Number of samples in farend buffer
 * Outputs                      Description
 * -------------------------------------------------------------------
 * int32_t        return        0: OK
 *                              12000-12050: error code
int32_t WebRtcAec_BufferFarend(void* aecInst,
                               const float* farend,
                               size_t nrOfSamples);


 * Runs the echo canceller on an 80 or 160 sample blocks of data.
 * Inputs                       Description
 * -------------------------------------------------------------------
 * void*         aecInst        Pointer to the AEC instance
 * float* const* nearend        In buffer containing one frame of
 *                              nearend+echo signal for each band
 * int           num_bands      Number of bands in nearend buffer
 * int16_t       nrOfSamples    Number of samples in nearend buffer
 * int16_t       msInSndCardBuf Delay estimate for sound card and
 *                              system buffers
 * int16_t       skew           Difference between number of samples played
 *                              and recorded at the soundcard (for clock skew
 *                              compensation)
 * Outputs                      Description
 * -------------------------------------------------------------------
 * float* const* out            Out buffer, one frame of processed nearend
 *                              for each band
 * int32_t       return         0: OK
 *                              12000-12050: error code
int32_t WebRtcAec_Process(void* aecInst,
                          const float* const* nearend,
                          size_t num_bands,
                          float* const* out,
                          size_t nrOfSamples,
                          int16_t msInSndCardBuf,
                          int32_t skew);



// Estimates and returns the delay between the far-end and near-end blocks. The
// value will be offset by the lookahead (i.e. the lookahead should be
// subtracted from the returned value).
// Inputs:
//      - handle        : Pointer to the delay estimation instance.
//      - near_spectrum : Pointer to the near-end spectrum data of the current
//                        block.
//      - spectrum_size : The size of the data arrays (same for both far- and
//                        near-end).
//      - near_q        : The Q-domain of the near-end data.
// Output:
//      - handle        : Updated instance.
// Return value:
//      - delay         :  >= 0 - Calculated delay value.
//                        -1    - Error.
//                        -2    - Insufficient data for estimation.
int WebRtc_DelayEstimatorProcessFix(void* handle,
                                    const uint16_t* near_spectrum,
                                    int spectrum_size,
                                    int near_q);


// WebRtcAecm_UpdateChannel(...)
// This function performs channel estimation. NLMS and decision on channel storage.
// @param  aecm         [i/o]   Handle of the AECM instance.
// @param  far_spectrum [in]    Absolute value of the farend signal in Q(far_q)
// @param  far_q        [in]    Q-domain of the farend signal
// @param  dfa          [in]    Absolute value of the nearend signal (Q[aecm->dfaQDomain])
// @param  mu           [in]    NLMS step size.
// @param  echoEst      [i/o]   Estimated echo in Q(far_q+RESOLUTION_CHANNEL16).
void WebRtcAecm_UpdateChannel(AecmCore* aecm,
                              const uint16_t* far_spectrum,
                              const int16_t far_q,
                              const uint16_t* const dfa,
                              const int16_t mu,
                              int32_t* echoEst) {


// CalcSuppressionGain(...)
// This function calculates the suppression gain that is used in the Wiener filter.
// @param  aecm     [i/n]   Handle of the AECM instance.
// @param  supGain  [out]   (Return value) Suppression gain with which to scale the noise
//                          level (Q14).
int16_t WebRtcAecm_CalcSuppressionGain(AecmCore* const aecm) {


 // Add comfort noise.
  ComfortNoise(aec->num_bands > 1, &aec->seed, efw, comfortNoiseHband,
               aec->noisePow, hNl);


