Diary of a Wimpy Kid 2 - Day 12

Day 12, Page 112-123


1.  spill the beans

(1)原文:So if I can figure out away to spill the beans without Rodrick finding out, I'm gonna go for it.


(3)造句:I don't wanna spill the beans to anybody.

2. catch off guard

(1)原文:But I was caught a little off guard when Rowley's next-door neighbor Leland answered instead.


(3)造句:I was caught a little off guard, when Mom came back early.

3. take sth. with a grain of salt

(1)原文:So I think I'll just take Rodrick's opinion with a grain of salt.


(3)造句:I guess I should take all Peter says with a grain of salt.


1. Albert Murphy has already written back and forth with his pen pal a bunch of times, and it's costing them a lot of money in stamps.

(1)结构:it's costing them a lot of money in...

(2)仿写:I've already learned German in the Goethe-Institute for two years, and it's costing me a lot of money in learning.

(3)原文改写:Albert Murphy has already written back and forth with his pen pal a bunch of times, and they spent a lot of money in stamps.


When I came to Harbin, I remembered the story "Harbin Enveloped in Darkness". Have you ever heard the story telling told by Wanggang? I like it so much. I guess Wanggang's voice is super amazing, so that his role-play is pretty lifelike vivid.

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