Textual Entailment(自然语言推理-文本蕴含) - AllenNLP

自然语言推理是NLP高级别的任务之一,不过自然语言推理包含的内容比较多,机器阅读,问答系统和对话等本质上都属于自然语言推理。最近在看AllenNLP包的时候,里面有个模块:文本蕴含任务(text entailment),它的任务形式是:



Textual Entailment
Textual Entailment (TE) models take a pair of sentences and predict whether the facts in the first necessarily imply the facts in the second one. The AllenNLP TE model is a re-implementation of the decomposable attention model (Parikh et al, 2017), a widely used TE baseline that was state-of-the-art onthe SNLI dataset in late 2016. The AllenNLP TE model achieves an accuracy of 86.4% on the SNLI 1.0 test dataset, a 2% improvement on most publicly available implementations and a similar score as the original paper. Rather than pre-trained Glove vectors, this model uses ELMo embeddings, which are completely character based and account for the 2% improvement.


AllenNLP集成了EMNLP2016中谷歌作者们撰写的一篇文章:A Decomposable Attention Model for Natural Language Inference

Textual Entailment(自然语言推理-文本蕴含) - AllenNLP_第1张图片



 Textual Entailment(自然语言推理-文本蕴含) - AllenNLP_第2张图片


 Textual Entailment(自然语言推理-文本蕴含) - AllenNLP_第3张图片


 Textual Entailment(自然语言推理-文本蕴含) - AllenNLP_第4张图片





前提:Two women are wandering along the shore drinking iced tea.

假设:Two women are sitting on a blanket near some rocks talking about politics.


 Textual Entailment(自然语言推理-文本蕴含) - AllenNLP_第5张图片




 Textual Entailment(自然语言推理-文本蕴含) - AllenNLP_第6张图片




前提:If you help the needy, God will reward you.

假设:Giving money to the poor has good consequences.


Textual Entailment(自然语言推理-文本蕴含) - AllenNLP_第7张图片



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