差异表达基因分析:差异倍数(fold change), 差异的显著性(P-value) | 火山图

Differential gene expression analysis:差异表达基因分析

Differentially expressed gene (DEG):差异表达基因

Volcano Plot:火山图


差异倍数(fold change)

fold change翻译过来就是倍数变化,假设A基因表达值为1,B表达值为3,那么B的表达就是A的3倍。一般我们都用count、TPM或FPKM来衡量基因表达水平,所以基因表达值肯定是非负数,那么fold change的取值就是(0, +∞).

为什么我们经常看到差异基因里负数代表下调、正数代表上调?因为我们用了log2 fold change。当expr(A) < expr(B)时,B对A的fold change就大于1,log2 fold change就大于0(见下图),B相对A就是上调;当expr(A) > expr(B)时,B对A的fold change就小于1,log2 fold change就小于0。通常为了防止取log2时产生NA,我们会给表达值加1(或者一个极小的数),也就是log2(B+1) - log2(A+1). 【需要一点对数函数的基础知识】

差异表达基因分析:差异倍数(fold change), 差异的显著性(P-value) | 火山图_第1张图片


为什么不直接用表达之差,差直接有正负啊?假设A表达为1,B表达为8,C表达为64;直接用差B相对A就上调了7,C就相对B上调了56;用log2 fold change,B相对A就上调了3,C相对B也只上调了3. 通过测序观察我们发现,不同基因在细胞里的表达差异非常巨大,所以直接用差显然不合适,用log2 fold change更能表示相对的变化趋势。

虽然大家都在用log2 fold change,但显然也是有缺点的:一、到底是5到10的变化大,还是100到120的变化大?二、5到10可能是由于技术误差导致的。所以当基因总的表达值很低时,log2 fold change的可信度就低了,尤其是在接近0的时候。A disadvantage and serious risk of using fold change in this setting is that it is biased[7] and may misclassify differentially expressed genes with large differences (B − A) but small ratios (B/A), leading to poor identification of changes at high expression levels. Furthermore, when the denominator is close to zero, the ratio is not stable, and the fold change value can be disproportionately affected by measurement noise.



差异表达基因分析:差异倍数(fold change), 差异的显著性(P-value) | 火山图_第2张图片

假设检验首先必须要有假设,我们假设A和B的表达没有差异(H0,零假设),然后基于此假设,通过t test(以RT-PCR为例)算出我们观测到的A和B出现的概率,就得到了P-value,如果P-value<0.05,那么说明小概率事件出现了,我们应该拒绝零假设,即A和B的表达不一样,即有显著差异。



差异表达基因分析:差异倍数(fold change), 差异的显著性(P-value) | 火山图_第3张图片




  • RNA-seq基本分析流程
  • DEG分析的常用算法
  • 常见DEG工具的方法介绍和相互比较



做生物生理生化生信数据分析时,最常听到的肯定是“差异(表达)基因分析”了,从最开始的RT-PCR,到基因芯片microarray,再到RNA-seq,最后到现在的single cell RNA-seq,统统都在围绕着差异表达基因做文章。






  • 发育过程中关键基因的表达变化 - 发育研究
  • 突变材料里什么核心基因的表达发生了变化 - 调控研究
  • 细胞在受到药物处理后哪些基因的表达发生了变化 - 药物研发








The mean UMI counts per cell of this gene in cluster i
The log2 fold-change of this gene's expression in cluster i relative to other clusters
The p-value denoting significance of this gene's expression in cluster i relative to other clusters, adjusted to account for the number of hypotheses (i.e. genes) being tested.


The differential expression analysis seeks to find, for each cluster, genes that are more highly expressed in that cluster relative to the rest of the sample. Here a differential expression test was performed between each cluster and the rest of the sample for each gene.

The Log2 fold-change (L2FC) is an estimate of the log2 ratio of expression in a cluster to that in all other cells. A value of 1.0 indicates 2-fold greater expression in the cluster of interest.

The p-value is a measure of the statistical significance of the expression difference and is based on a negative binomial test. The p-value reported here has been adjusted for multiple testing via the Benjamini-Hochberg procedure.

In this table you can click on a column to sort by that value. Also, in this table genes were filtered by (Mean UMI counts > 1.0) and the top N genes by L2FC for each cluster were retained. Genes with L2FC < 0 or adjusted p-value >= 0.10 were grayed out. The number of top genes shown per cluster, N, is set to limit the number of table entries shown to 10000; N=10000/K^2 where K is the number of clusters. N can range from 1 to 50. For the full table, please refer to the "differential_expression.csv" files produced by the pipeline.



Comparative analysis of differential gene expression analysis tools for single-cell RNA sequencing data

For data with a high level of multimodality, methods that consider the behavior of each individual gene, such as DESeq2, EMDomics, Monocle2, DEsingle, and SigEMD, show better TPRs. 这些工具敏感性高,就是说不会漏掉很多真的DEG,但是会包含很多假的DEG。
If the level of multimodality is low, however, SCDE, MAST, and edgeR can provide higher precision. 这些工具精准性很高,意味着得到的DEG里假的很少,所以会漏掉很多真的DEG,不会引入假的DEG。


time-course DEG analysis

Comparative analysis of differential gene expression tools for RNA sequencing time course data 



Question: How to calculate "fold changes" in gene expression?

Exact Negative Binomial Test with edgeR

Differential gene expression analysis



ggplot的boxplot添加显著性 | Add P-values and Significance Levels to ggplots | 方差分析



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