上一章我们已经讲完了关于Mybatis的分页用法,其实MyBatis 还具有的一个强大的特性之一通常是它的动态 SQL 能力。 如果你有使用 JDBC 或其他 相似框架的经验,你就明白要动态的串联 SQL 字符串在一起是十分纠结的,确保不能忘了空格或在列表的最后省略逗号。Mybatis中的动态 SQL 可以彻底处理这种痛苦。对于动态SQL,最通俗简单的方法就是我们自己在硬编码的时候赋予各种动态行为的判断,而在Mybatis中,用一种强大的动态 SQL 语 言来改进这种情形,这种语言可以被用在任意映射的 SQL 语句中。动态 SQL 元素和使用 JSTL 或其他相似的基于 XML 的文本处理器相似。MyBatis 采用功能强大的基于 OGNL 的表达式来消除其他元素。
我们常用的几个节点元素有if,choose(when, otherwise),trim(where, if),foreach。真正使用下来我感觉有点像XSLT的用法。详细用法说明(点我)
(1)if 的用法
还记得上一章中我们有再ViisitMapper的分页配置中看到if节点吗,如果pageIndex>-1 and pageSize>-1的时候就加入相应的分页SQL,否则就不添加(默认取全部),如下:
<select id="getListByPagenate" parameterType="PagenateArgs" resultType="Visitor"> select * from ( <include refid="getListSql" /> <include refid="orderBySql"/> ) t <if test="pageStart>-1 and pageSize>-1"> limit #{pageStart}, #{pageSize} if> select> <sql id="getListSql"> select * from Visitor where status>0 sql> <sql id="orderBySql"> order by ${orderFieldStr} ${orderDirectionStr} sql>
(2)choose (when, otherwise)的用法
choose when 主要在多个条件的情况下只满足其中一个条件的应用场景中使用,例如这里就构建一个query条件,分别传递id,name与createTime。假设我们查询Visitor表时,如果VisitorId有值则,使用Id查询,如果VisitorName有值则采用VisitName查询,如下,还是在david.mybatis.demo.IVisitorOperation接口类中添加List
package david.mybatis.demo; import java.util.List; import david.mybatis.model.BasicQueryArgs; import david.mybatis.model.PagenateArgs; import david.mybatis.model.Visitor; import david.mybatis.model.VisitorWithRn; public interface IVisitorOperation { /* * 添加访问者 */ public int add(Visitor visitor); /* * 删除访问者 */ public int delete(int id); /* * 更新访问者 */ public int update(Visitor visitor); /* * 查询访问者 */ public Visitor query(int id); /* * 查询List */ public ListgetList(); /* * 分页查询List */ public List getListByPagenate(PagenateArgs args); /* * 分页查询List(包含Rownum) */ public List getListByPagenateWithRn(PagenateArgs args); /* * 基础查询 */ public Visitor basicQuery(int id); /* * 动态条件查询(choose,when)实例 */ public List getListChooseWhenDemo(BasicQueryArgs args); /* * 动态条件查询(where,if)实例 */ public List getListWhereDemo(BasicQueryArgs args); /* * 动态查询(foreach)实例 */ public List getListForeachDemo(List ids); }
xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN" "http://mybatis.org/dtd/mybatis-3-mapper.dtd"> <mapper namespace="david.mybatis.demo.IVisitorOperation"> <resultMap type="Visitor" id="visitorRs"> <id column="Id" property="id" /> <result column="Name" property="name" /> <result column="Email" property="email" /> <result column="Status" property="status" /> <result column="CreateTime" property="createTime" /> resultMap> <sql id="getListSqlConditions"> select * from Visitor sql> <select id="getListChooseWhenDemo" resultMap="visitorRs" parameterType="BasicQueryArgs"> <include refid="getListSqlConditions" /> <where> <if test="queryStatus>0"> status=#{queryStatus} if> <choose> <when test="queryId!=0"> and id=#{queryId} when> <when test="queryName!=null"> and name like #{queryName} when> <otherwise> and createTime>= #{queryTime} otherwise> choose> where> select> mapper>
(3)where if (trim)的用法
<select id="findActiveBlogLike" resultType="Blog"> SELECT * FROM BLOG WHERE <if test="state != null"> state = #{state} if> <if test="title != null"> AND title like #{title} if> <if test="author != null and author.name != null"> AND author_name like #{author.name} if> select>
<select id="findActiveBlogLike" resultType="Blog"> SELECT * FROM BLOG WHERE select>
<select id="findActiveBlogLike" resultType="Blog"> SELECT * FROM BLOG WHERE AND title like ‘someTitle’ select>
所以针对这种我们可以在建立choose when条件示例,同样在IVisitorOperation接口类中加入相应的方法public List
xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN" "http://mybatis.org/dtd/mybatis-3-mapper.dtd"> <mapper namespace="david.mybatis.demo.IVisitorOperation"> <sql id="getListSqlConditions"> select * from Visitor sql> <select id="getListWhereDemo" resultMap="visitorRs" parameterType="BasicQueryArgs"> <include refid="getListSqlConditions" /> <where> <if test="queryStatus>0"> status>0 if> <if test="queryId>0"> and id=#{queryId} if> <if test="queryName!=null"> and name like=#{queryName} if> <if test="queryTime!=null"> and createTime>=#{queryTime} if> where> select> mapper>
在常用的动态SQL中我们有个业务场景是要where id in 一大串的ID,像这种情况我们就可以用到foreach啦,不必自己辛辛苦苦去拼接Id字符串啦。同样的步骤还是在IVisitorOperation接口类中加入相应的方法public List
xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN" "http://mybatis.org/dtd/mybatis-3-mapper.dtd"> <mapper namespace="david.mybatis.demo.IVisitorOperation"> <sql id="getListSqlConditions"> select * from Visitor sql> <select id="getListForeachDemo" resultMap="visitorRs"> <include refid="getListSqlConditions"/> where status>0 and id in <foreach collection="list" item="item" index="index" open="(" separator="," close=")"> ${item} foreach> select> mapper>
/* * 动态查询foreach实例 */ public static void getListForeachDemo(Listids) { SqlSession session = MybatisUtils.getSqlSession(); IVisitorOperation vOperation = session.getMapper(IVisitorOperation.class); List ls = vOperation.getListForeachDemo(ids); for (Visitor visitor : ls) { System.out.println(visitor); } } /* * 动态查询where if实例 */ public static void getListWhereCondition(int id, String name, Date createTime) { name = name == "" ? null : name; SqlSession session = MybatisUtils.getSqlSession(); BasicQueryArgs args = new BasicQueryArgs(id, name, createTime); IVisitorOperation vOperation = session.getMapper(IVisitorOperation.class); List ls = vOperation.getListWhereDemo(args); if (ls.size() == 0) System.out.println("查无匹配!"); else { for (Visitor visitor : ls) { System.out.println(visitor); } } } /* * 动态查询choose when实例 */ public static void getListChooseWhenDemo(int id, String name, Date createTime) { name = name == "" ? null : name; SqlSession session = MybatisUtils.getSqlSession(); BasicQueryArgs args = new BasicQueryArgs(id, name, createTime); IVisitorOperation vOperation = session.getMapper(IVisitorOperation.class); List ls = vOperation.getListChooseWhenDemo(args); if (ls.size() == 0) System.out.println("查无匹配!"); else { for (Visitor visitor : ls) { System.out.println(visitor); } } }