

①N-VAR A commentary is a description of an event that is broadcast on radio or television while the event is taking place. 实况报道

•  He gave the listening crowd a running commentary.


②N-COUNT A commentary is an article or book which explains or discusses something. 评论性文章 (或书籍)

•  Ms. Rich will be writing a twice-weekly commentary on American society and culture.


③N-UNCOUNT Commentary is discussion or criticism of something. 评论

•  The show mixed comedy with social commentary.



ADJ If something is commonplace, it happens often or is often found, and is therefore not surprising. 常见的

•  Inter-racial marriages have become commonplace.



①V-T If one thing complements another, it goes well with the other thing and makes its good qualities more noticeable. 衬托

•  Nutmeg, parsley and cider all complement the flavour of these beans well.


②V-T If people or things complement each other, they are different or do something different, which makes them a good combination. 补充

•  There will be a written examination to complement the practical test.


③N-COUNT Something that is a complement to something else complements it. 衬托物; 补充物

•  The green wallpaper is the perfect complement to the old pine of the dresser.



①N-COUNT A compliment is a polite remark that you make to someone to show that you like their appearance, appreciate their qualities, or approve of what they have done. 恭维话

•  You can do no harm by paying a woman compliments.


②V-T If you compliment someone, you give them a compliment. 恭维

•  They complimented me on the way I looked each time they saw me.



①ADJ Something that is concise says everything that is necessary without using any unnecessary words. 简洁的

•  Burton's text is concise and informative.


②ADV 简洁地

•  He'd delivered his report clearly and concisely.


③ADJ A concise edition of a book, especially a dictionary, is shorter than the original edition. 简明的 (版本)

•  ...Sotheby's Concise Encyclopedia of Porcelain.



①N-UNCOUNT A message of condolence is a message in which you express your sympathy for someone because one of their friends or relatives has died recently. 吊唁

•  Neil sent him a letter of condolence.


②N-PLURAL When you offer or express your condolences to someone, you express your sympathy for them because one of their friends or relatives has died recently. 哀悼

•  He expressed his condolences to the families of the people who died in the incident.



①ADJ Information that is confidential is meant to be kept secret or private. 保密的

•  She accused them of leaking confidential information about her private life.


②ADV 保密地

•  People can phone in, knowing that any information they give will be treated confidentially.


③ADJ If you talk to someone in a confidential way, you talk to them quietly because what you are saying is secret or private. 悄悄的

•  "Look," he said in a confidential tone, "I want you to know that me and Joey are cops."


④ADV 悄悄地

•  Nash hadn't raised his voice, still spoke rather softly, confidentially.



①N-COUNT A configuration is an arrangement of a group of things. 布局; 排列

•  ...Stonehenge, in southwestern England, an ancient configuration of giant stones.


②N-UNCOUNT The configuration of a computer system is the way in which all its parts, such as the hardware and software, are connected together in order for the computer to work. (计算机系统的) 配置

•  Prices range from $119 to $199, depending on the particular configuration.



①N-UNCOUNT If something happens in conformity with something such as a law or someone's wishes, it happens as the law says it should, or as the person wants it to. 依照

•  The prime minister is, in conformity with their constitution, chosen by the president.


②N-UNCOUNT Conformity means behaving in the same way as most other people. 随大流

•  Excessive conformity is usually caused by fear of disapproval.



N-VAR A confrontation is a dispute, fight, or battle between two groups of people. 争执; 对抗

•  The commission remains so weak that it will continue to avoid confrontation with governments.

