Unity3d 移动平台宕机bug 之 ParticleSystemRenderer::UpdateCachedMesh






0x2053c8e:add    r7,sp,#0xc




0x2053c9a:mov.w  r10,#0x0


0x2053d16:str.w  r10,[sp,#4]


0x2053d42:blx0x294c5d8;symbol stubfor:memcpy

0x2053d46:ldr.w  r10,[sp,#4]            ; The game crashes here



09-29 22:14:48.257 3093-3093/? A/DEBUG:     r0 be2aabb0  r1 00000000  r2 0000000c  r3 00000000

09-29 22:14:48.257 3093-3093/? A/DEBUG:     r4 cc83fc10  r5 cc0ce8d0  r6 be2aabb0  r7 0000000c

09-29 22:14:48.257 3093-3093/? A/DEBUG:     r8 cc83fdac  r9 00000000  sl 00000006  fp 00000000

09-29 22:14:48.257 3093-3093/? A/DEBUG:     ip 80000000  sp eeb72290  lr e0d8111c  pc f6df87cc  cpsr a0010010

09-29 22:14:48.307 3093-3093/? A/DEBUG: backtrace:

09-29 22:14:48.307 3093-3093/? A/DEBUG:     #00 pc 000177cc  /system/lib/

libc.so (__memcpy_base+272)

libunity.so (_ZN22ParticleSystemRenderer16UpdateCachedMeshEv+684)

libunity.so (_ZN18AwakeFromLoadQueue30PersistentManagerAwakeFromLoadEi17AwakeFromLoadMode+176)

libunity.so (_ZN18AwakeFromLoadQueue30PersistentManagerAwakeFromLoadEv+128)

libunity.so (_ZN18LoadSceneOperation21CompleteAwakeSequenceEv+132)

libunity.so (_ZN18LoadSceneOperation25PlayerLoadSceneFromThreadEv+316)

libunity.so (_ZN18LoadSceneOperation19IntegrateMainThreadEv+184)

libunity.so (_ZN14PreloadManager26UpdatePreloadingSingleStepENS_21UpdatePreloadingFlagsEi+388)

libunity.so (_ZN14PreloadManager16UpdatePreloadingEv+328)

libunity.so (_Z10PlayerLoopbbP10IHookEvent+616)


libunity.so (_Z15UnityPlayerLoopv+880)

libunity.so (_Z12nativeRenderP7_JNIEnvP8_jobject+264)

 2/oat/arm/base.odex (offset 0x22000) (boolean com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayer.nativeRender()+76)

 2/oat/arm/base.odex (offset 0x22000) (boolean com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayer.a(com.unity3d.player



在Models 导入的说明文档中到找到了一个选项:Read/Write Enabled 如果设置为enabled的话,那就可以进行内存拷贝。 文档连接

修复该宕机bug,就是需要把 Read/Write Enabled 勾上选项

Read/Write Enabled 选项说明

Enables the mesh to be written at runtime so you can modify the data; it makes a copy in memory. When this option is turned off, it saves memory since Unity can unload a copy of mesh data in the game. However, if you are scaling or instantiating meshes at runtime with a non-uniform scale, you may have to enable “Read/Write Enabled” in their import settings. The reason is that non-uniform scaling requires the mesh data to be kept in memory. Normally this is detected at build time, but when meshes are scaled or instantiated at runtime you need to set this manually. Otherwise they might not be rendered in game builds correctly. The same applies if you need to create MeshColliders at runtime.

如果导入的mesh需要做 non-uniform scale (不均匀缩放),那就需要进行一次拷贝操作,那么对于mesh导入时,需要设定为可以读写,否者就会出现宕机或渲染的对象不正确的情况。



说明在导入时 Scale Factor 参数的设置会比较重要

Unity’s physics system expects 1 meter in the game world to be 1 unit in the imported file. If you prefer to model at a different scale then you can compensate for it here. Defaults for different 3D packages are as follows .fbx, .max, .jas, .c4d = 0.01, .mb, .ma, .lxo, .dxf, .blend, .dae = 1 .3ds = 0.1


尽量在导入时机会做好标准缩放了,那么就不需要在scale 或 instantiating 时进行多份内存拷贝了。 

// 检测工具

public static void CheckFXBReadWriteEnable()


string artPath = "Assets/Resourcex/art";

var paths = Directory.GetFiles(artPath, "*.meta", SearchOption.AllDirectories).Where(s => s.ToLower().EndsWith("fbx.meta"));

foreach (string path in paths)


using (StreamReader fsRead = new StreamReader(path))


int isReadable = 0;

float globalScale = 1f;

while (!fsRead.EndOfStream)


string line = fsRead.ReadLine();

if (line.IndexOf("isReadable") != -1)


string[] items = line.Split(':');

if (items.Length==2)


isReadable = Int32.Parse(items[1]);



else if (line.IndexOf("globalScale") != -1)


string[] items = line.Split(':');

if (items.Length == 2)


globalScale = float.Parse(items[1]);




if (globalScale != 1 && isReadable == 0)


Debug.LogErrorFormat("import model [ {0} ] scale factor is [{1}] must set read/write enable",

path, globalScale);





你可能感兴趣的:(Unity3d 移动平台宕机bug 之 ParticleSystemRenderer::UpdateCachedMesh)