Convert XLS to tab delimited.

Use ADO and the Jet OLEDB provider, which can read the contents of excel files without actually opening Excel.


Public  Sub ConvertXLSToTab( ByVal xlsFileName  As  StringByVal tabTextOutputFile  As  String
         Dim connectionString  As  String =  " Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=' " & xlsFileName &  " ';Extended Properties='Excel 12.0;HDR=YES'; "
         Dim strSQL  As  String =  " SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$] "
         Dim excelConnection  As OleDb.OleDbConnection =  New OleDb.OleDbConnection(connectionString)
         Dim dbCommand  As OleDbCommand =  New OleDbCommand(strSQL, excelConnection)
         Dim dataAdapter  As OleDbDataAdapter =  New OleDbDataAdapter(dbCommand)
         Dim ds  As  New DataSet
        dataAdapter.Fill(ds,  " dTable ")
         ' DataGridView1.DataSource = ds.Tables("dTable").DefaultView
         Dim strLine  As  String
         Dim objStreamWriter  As StreamWriter
        objStreamWriter = File.CreateText(tabTextOutputFile)
         For  Each row  As DataRow  In ds.Tables( " dTable ").Rows
             Dim column  As DataColumn
            strLine =  ""
             For  Each column  In ds.Tables( " dTable ").Columns
                 If (strLine <>  ""Then strLine = strLine & vbTab
                strLine = strLine & row(column).ToString()
             Next column
         Next row
     End Sub


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