
1, Have you insulated your house to reduce heat loss?

insulate /ˈɪnsjəleɪt/ 动词 使隔热;使隔音 

To insulate something such as a building means to protect it from cold or noise by covering it or surrounding it in a thick layer.

eg: Is there any way we can insulate our home from the noise?

2, They were quite the altruistic bunch, claiming that their strongest motivation was to protect the environment, followed by helping future generations and saving money.

altruistic /ˌæltruˈɪstɪk◂/ 形容词 利他的;无私的

If your behaviour or motives are altruistic, you show concern for the happiness and welfare of other people rather than for yourself.

eg: Were his motives entirely altruistic?

3, You don't have to know everything yourself and can save your resources for whatever your specialty is, be it making the finest hippopotamus-hide loincloths, or the most accurate predictions about the stock market.

hippopotamus-hide loincloths 可变名词 兽皮;毛皮 

A hide is the skin of a large animal such as a cow, horse, or elephant, which can be used for making leather.

eg: the process of tanning animal hides

4, It's why undecided voters can be persuaded by poll numbers, and why it counts as “news” when parents are fighting in the aisles over the hottest new toy

aisle 纵直通道,走道 

An aisle is a long narrow gap that people can walk along between rows of seats in a public building such as a church or between rows of shelves in a supermarket.

5, This study is one of many confirming that we are the lemmings our mothers always warned us not to be.

lemming /ˈlemɪŋ/ 可数名词(如旅鼠般)盲目从众者,随大流者 

If you say that a large group of people are acting like lemmings, you are critical of them because they all follow each other into an action without thinking about it.

eg: Whether The Conference Board’s Consumer Price Index goes up or down, the media spreads the word, people read/hear about it and lemming-like follow in "their" footsteps.

These two interventions demonstrate the importance of social proof for supporting behavior change. We may be willing to give up our vices and cultivate new virtues if we believe that it will more firmly secureus a spot in our most cherished tribe.



We believe that we are independent-minded persons, and other people have no influence over us. But the truth is not, we cannot separate ourselves from our social instincts. Why not use this? Join in a group, just check in and encourage each other can provide a boost of social support to our self-control.
