给 OpenPOP.Net 加一个小功能,可用于收取邮件时监测数据流量!

最近写了一个自动收邮件的机器人,原来一开始偷懒"娶"了 COM 组件 JMail:
封装 JMail 4.4 的 POP3 为 .Net 组件 (.dll 程序集),实现 "邮件(附件) 到达" 等 "事件"!
后来经人介绍认识了 OpenPOP.Net

老规矩: 我的代码随便 Copy & Paste 到任意一个 .cs 文件中 csc 即可测试! (结构不够清晰

namespace OpenPOP.MIMEParser
 using System;
 using System.IO;
 using System.Text;
 using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
 using System.Collections;
 using System.Globalization;


 /// Summary description for Attachment.

 public class Attachment : IComparable
  #region Member Variables

  private string _contentType = null;
  private string _contentCharset = null;
  private string _contentFormat = null;
  private string _contentTransferEncoding = null;
  private string _contentDescription = null;
  private string _contentDisposition = null;
  private string _contentFileName = "";
  private string _defaultFileName = "body.htm";
  private string _defaultFileName2 = "body*.htm";
  private string _defaultReportFileName = "report.htm";
  private string _defaultMIMEFileName = "body.eml";
  private string _defaultMSTNEFFileName = "winmail.dat";
  private string _contentID = null;
  private long _contentLength = 0;
  private string _rawAttachment = null;
  private bool _inBytes = false;
  private byte[] _rawBytes = null;


  #region Properties


  /// raw attachment content bytes

  public byte[] RawBytes
    return _rawBytes;
    _rawBytes = value;


  /// whether attachment is in bytes

  public bool InBytes
    return _inBytes;
    _inBytes = value;


  /// Content length

  public long ContentLength
    return _contentLength;


  /// verify the attachment whether it is a real attachment or not

  /// this is so far not comprehensive and needs more work to finish
  public bool NotAttachment
    /*    if (_contentDisposition==null||_contentType==null)
         return true;
         return (_contentDisposition.IndexOf("attachment")==-1 && _contentType.IndexOf("text/plain")!=-1); */
    /*    if (_contentType==null)
         return true;
         return (_contentFileName!="");*/
    if ((_contentType == null || _contentFileName == "") && _contentID == null) //&&_contentType.ToLower().IndexOf("text/")!=-1)
     return true;
     return false;



  /// Content format

  public string ContentFormat
    return _contentFormat;


  /// Content charset

  public string ContentCharset
    return _contentCharset;


  /// default file name

  public string DefaultFileName
    return _defaultFileName;
    _defaultFileName = value;


  /// default file name 2

  public string DefaultFileName2
    return _defaultFileName2;
    _defaultFileName2 = value;


  /// default report file name

  public string DefaultReportFileName
    return _defaultReportFileName;
    _defaultReportFileName = value;


  /// default MIME File Name

  public string DefaultMIMEFileName
    return _defaultMIMEFileName;
    _defaultMIMEFileName = value;


  /// Content Type

  public string ContentType
    return _contentType;


  /// Content Transfer Encoding

  public string ContentTransferEncoding
    return _contentTransferEncoding;


  /// Content Description

  public string ContentDescription
    return _contentDescription;


  /// Content File Name

  public string ContentFileName
    return _contentFileName;
    _contentFileName = value;


  /// Content Disposition

  public string ContentDisposition
    return _contentDisposition;


  /// Content ID

  public string ContentID
    return _contentID;


  /// Raw Attachment

  public string RawAttachment
    return _rawAttachment;


  /// decoded attachment in bytes

  public byte[] DecodedAttachment
    return DecodedAsBytes();



  /// release all objects

   _rawBytes = null;
   _rawAttachment = null;


  /// New Attachment

  /// attachment bytes content
  /// file length
  /// file name
  /// content type
  public Attachment(byte[] bytAttachment, long lngFileLength, string strFileName, string strContentType)
   _inBytes = true;
   _rawBytes = bytAttachment;
   _contentLength = lngFileLength;
   _contentFileName = strFileName;
   _contentType = strContentType;


  /// New Attachment

  /// attachment bytes content
  /// file name
  /// content type
  public Attachment(byte[] bytAttachment, string strFileName, string strContentType)
   _inBytes = true;
   _rawBytes = bytAttachment;
   _contentLength = bytAttachment.Length;
   _contentFileName = strFileName;
   _contentType = strContentType;


  /// New Attachment

  /// attachment content
  /// content type
  /// whether only parse the header or not
  public Attachment(string strAttachment, string strContentType, bool blnParseHeader)
   if (!blnParseHeader)
    _contentFileName = _defaultMSTNEFFileName;
    _contentType = strContentType;
   this.NewAttachment(strAttachment, blnParseHeader);


  /// New Attachment

  /// attachment content
  public Attachment(string strAttachment)
   this.NewAttachment(strAttachment, true);


  /// create attachment

  /// raw attachment text
  /// parse header
  private void NewAttachment(string strAttachment, bool blnParseHeader)
   _inBytes = false;

   if (strAttachment == null)
    throw new ArgumentNullException("strAttachment");

   StringReader srReader = new StringReader(strAttachment);

   if (blnParseHeader)
    string strLine = srReader.ReadLine();
    while (Utility.IsNotNullTextEx(strLine))
     ParseHeader(srReader, ref strLine);
     if (Utility.IsOrNullTextEx(strLine))
      strLine = srReader.ReadLine();

   this._rawAttachment = srReader.ReadToEnd();
   _contentLength = this._rawAttachment.Length;


  /// Parse header fields and set member variables

  /// string reader
  /// header line
  private void ParseHeader(StringReader srReader, ref string strLine)
   string[] array = Utility.GetHeadersValue(strLine); //Regex.Split(strLine,":");
   string[] values = Regex.Split(array[1], ";"); //array[1].Split(';');
   string strRet = null;

   switch (array[0].ToUpper())
    case "CONTENT-TYPE":
     if (values.Length > 0)
      _contentType = values[0].Trim();
     if (values.Length > 1)
      _contentCharset = Utility.GetQuotedValue(values[1], "=", "charset");
     if (values.Length > 2)
      _contentFormat = Utility.GetQuotedValue(values[2], "=", "format");
     _contentFileName = Utility.ParseFileName(strLine);
     if (_contentFileName == "")
      strRet = srReader.ReadLine();
      if (strRet == "")
       strLine = "";
      _contentFileName = Utility.ParseFileName(strLine);
      if (_contentFileName == "")
       ParseHeader(srReader, ref strRet);
     _contentTransferEncoding = Utility.SplitOnSemiColon(array[1])[0].Trim();
     _contentDescription = Utility.DecodeText(Utility.SplitOnSemiColon(array[1])[0].Trim());
     if (values.Length > 0)
      _contentDisposition = values[0].Trim();

     ///reported by grandepuffo @ https://sourceforge.net/forum/message.php?msg_id=2589759
     if (values.Length > 1)
      _contentFileName = values[1];
      _contentFileName = "";

     if (_contentFileName == "")
      _contentFileName = srReader.ReadLine();

     _contentFileName = _contentFileName.Replace("\t", "");
     _contentFileName = Utility.GetQuotedValue(_contentFileName, "=", "filename");
     _contentFileName = Utility.DecodeText(_contentFileName);
    case "CONTENT-ID":
     _contentID = Utility.SplitOnSemiColon(array[1])[0].Trim('<').Trim('>');


  /// verify the encoding

  /// encoding to verify
  /// true if encoding
  private bool IsEncoding(string encoding)
   return _contentTransferEncoding.ToLower().IndexOf(encoding.ToLower()) != -1;


  /// Decode the attachment to text

  /// Decoded attachment text
  public string DecodeAsText()
   string decodedAttachment = null;

    if (_contentType.ToLower() == "message/rfc822".ToLower())
     decodedAttachment = Utility.DecodeText(_rawAttachment);
    else if (_contentTransferEncoding != null)
     decodedAttachment = _rawAttachment;

     if (!IsEncoding("7bit"))
      if (IsEncoding("8bit") && _contentCharset != null & _contentCharset != "")
       decodedAttachment = Utility.Change(decodedAttachment, _contentCharset);

      if (Utility.IsQuotedPrintable(_contentTransferEncoding))
       decodedAttachment = DecodeQP.ConvertHexContent(decodedAttachment);
      else if (IsEncoding("8bit"))
       decodedAttachment = decodedAttachment;
       decodedAttachment = Utility.deCodeB64s(Utility.RemoveNonB64(decodedAttachment));
    else if (_contentCharset != null)
     decodedAttachment = Utility.Change(_rawAttachment, _contentCharset); //Encoding.Default.GetString(Encoding.GetEncoding(_contentCharset).GetBytes(_rawAttachment));
     decodedAttachment = _rawAttachment;
    decodedAttachment = _rawAttachment;
   return decodedAttachment;


  /// decode attachment to be a message object

  /// message
  public Message DecodeAsMessage()
   bool blnRet = false;
   return new Message(ref blnRet, "", false, _rawAttachment, false);


  /// Decode the attachment to bytes

  /// Decoded attachment bytes
  public byte[] DecodedAsBytes()
   if (_rawAttachment == null)
    return null;
   if (_contentFileName != "")
    byte[] decodedBytes = null;

    if (_contentType != null && _contentType.ToLower() == "message/rfc822".ToLower())
     decodedBytes = Encoding.Default.GetBytes(Utility.DecodeText(_rawAttachment));
    else if (_contentTransferEncoding != null)
     string bytContent = _rawAttachment;

     if (!IsEncoding("7bit"))
      if (IsEncoding("8bit") && _contentCharset != null & _contentCharset != "")
       bytContent = Utility.Change(bytContent, _contentCharset);

      if (Utility.IsQuotedPrintable(_contentTransferEncoding))
       decodedBytes = Encoding.Default.GetBytes(DecodeQP.ConvertHexContent(bytContent));
      else if (IsEncoding("8bit"))
       decodedBytes = Encoding.Default.GetBytes(bytContent);
       decodedBytes = Convert.FromBase64String(Utility.RemoveNonB64(bytContent));
      decodedBytes = Encoding.Default.GetBytes(bytContent);
    else if (_contentCharset != null)
     decodedBytes = Encoding.Default.GetBytes(Utility.Change(_rawAttachment, _contentCharset)); //Encoding.Default.GetString(Encoding.GetEncoding(_contentCharset).GetBytes(_rawAttachment));
     decodedBytes = Encoding.Default.GetBytes(_rawAttachment);

    return decodedBytes;
    return null;

  public int CompareTo(object attachment)
   return (this.RawAttachment.CompareTo(((Attachment) (attachment)).RawAttachment));

 public enum MessageImportanceType
  HIGH = 5,
  NORMAL = 3,
  LOW = 1


 /// Decoding Quoted-Printable text

 public class DecodeQP
  public DecodeQP()


  /// Decoding Quoted-Printable string

  /// Quoted-Printable encoded string
  /// encoding method
  /// decoded string
  public static string ConvertHexToString(string Hexstring, string Encoding)
    return ConvertHexToString(Hexstring, System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding(Encoding));
    return ConvertHexContent(Hexstring);


  /// Decoding Quoted-Printable string

  /// Quoted-Printable encoded string
  /// encoding method
  /// decoded string
  public static string ConvertHexToString(string Hexstring, Encoding encode)
    if (Hexstring == null || Hexstring.Equals("")) return "";

    if (Hexstring.StartsWith("=")) Hexstring = Hexstring.Substring(1);

    string[] aHex = Hexstring.Split(new char[1] {'='});
    byte[] abyte = new Byte[aHex.Length];

    for (int i = 0; i < abyte.Length; i++)
     // Console.WriteLine(aHex[i]);
     abyte[i] = (byte) int.Parse(aHex[i], NumberStyles.HexNumber);
    return encode.GetString(abyte);
    return Hexstring;


  /// Decoding Quoted-Printable string at a position

  /// Quoted-Printable encoded string
  /// encoding method, "Default" is suggested
  /// position to start, normally 0
  /// decoded string
  public static string ConvertHexContent(string Hexstring, Encoding encode, long nStart)
   if (nStart >= Hexstring.Length) return Hexstring;

   //to hold string to be decoded
   StringBuilder sbHex = new StringBuilder();
   //to hold decoded string
   StringBuilder sbEncoded = new StringBuilder();
   //wether we reach Quoted-Printable string
   bool isBegin = false;
   string temp;
   int i = (int) nStart;

   while (i < Hexstring.Length)
    //init next loop
    sbHex.Remove(0, sbHex.Length);
    isBegin = false;
    int count = 0;

    while (i < Hexstring.Length)
     temp = Hexstring.Substring(i, 1); //before reaching Quoted-Printable string, one char at a time
     if (temp.StartsWith("="))
      temp = Hexstring.Substring(i, 3); //get 3 chars
      if (temp.EndsWith("\r\n")) //return char
       if (isBegin && (count%2 == 0))
       // sbEncoded.Append("");
       i = i + 3;
      else if (!temp.EndsWith("3D"))
       isBegin = true; //we reach Quoted-Printable string, put it into buffer
       i = i + 3;
      else //if it ends with 3D, it is "="
       if (isBegin && (count%2 == 0)) //wait until even items to handle all character sets

       i = i + 3;

      if (isBegin) //we have got the how Quoted-Printable string, break it
      sbEncoded.Append(temp); //not Quoted-Printable string, put it into buffer

    //decode Quoted-Printable string
    sbEncoded.Append(ConvertHexToString(sbHex.ToString(), encode));

   return sbEncoded.ToString();


  /// Decoding Quoted-Printable string using default encoding and begin at 0

  /// Quoted-Printable encoded string
  /// decoded string
  public static string ConvertHexContent(string Hexstring)
   if (Hexstring == null || Hexstring.Equals("")) return Hexstring;

   return ConvertHexContent(Hexstring, Encoding.Default, 0);



 /// Message Parser.

 public class Message
  #region Member Variables

  private ArrayList _attachments = new ArrayList();
  private string _rawHeader = null;
  private string _rawMessage = null;
  private string _rawMessageBody = null;
  private int _attachmentCount = 0;
  private string _replyTo = null;
  private string _replyToEmail = null;
  private string _from = null;
  private string _fromEmail = null;
  private string _date = null;
  private string _dateTimeInfo = null;
  private string _subject = null;
  private string[] _to = new string[0];
  private string[] _cc = new string[0];
  private string[] _bcc = new string[0];
  private ArrayList _keywords = new ArrayList();
  private string _contentType = null;
  private string _contentCharset = null;
  private string _reportType = null;
  private string _contentTransferEncoding = null;
  private bool _html = false;
  private long _contentLength = 0;
  private string _contentEncoding = null;
  private string _returnPath = null;
  private string _mimeVersion = null;
  private string _received = null;
  private string _importance = null;
  private string _messageID = null;
  private string _attachmentboundry = null;
  private string _attachmentboundry2 = null;
  private bool _hasAttachment = false;
  private string _dispositionNotificationTo = null;
  private ArrayList _messageBody = new ArrayList();
  private string _basePath = null;
  private bool _autoDecodeMSTNEF = false;
  private Hashtable _customHeaders = new Hashtable();


  #region Properties


  /// custom headers

  public Hashtable CustomHeaders
    return _customHeaders;
    _customHeaders = value;


  /// whether auto decoding MS-TNEF attachment files

  public bool AutoDecodeMSTNEF
    return _autoDecodeMSTNEF;
    _autoDecodeMSTNEF = value;


  /// path to extract MS-TNEF attachment files

  public string BasePath
    return _basePath;
     if (value.EndsWith("\\"))
      _basePath = value;
      _basePath = value + "\\";


  /// message keywords

  public ArrayList Keywords
    return _keywords;


  /// disposition notification

  public string DispositionNotificationTo
    return _dispositionNotificationTo;


  /// received server

  public string Received
    return _received;


  /// importance level

  public string Importance
    return _importance;


  /// importance level type

  public MessageImportanceType ImportanceType
    switch (_importance.ToUpper())
     case "5":
     case "HIGH":
      return MessageImportanceType.HIGH;
     case "3":
     case "NORMAL":
      return MessageImportanceType.NORMAL;
     case "1":
     case "LOW":
      return MessageImportanceType.LOW;
      return MessageImportanceType.NORMAL;


  /// Content Charset

  public string ContentCharset
    return _contentCharset;


  /// Content Transfer Encoding

  public string ContentTransferEncoding
    return _contentTransferEncoding;


  /// Message Bodies

  public ArrayList MessageBody
    return _messageBody;


  /// Attachment Boundry

  public string AttachmentBoundry
    return _attachmentboundry;


  /// Alternate Attachment Boundry

  public string AttachmentBoundry2
    return _attachmentboundry2;


  /// Attachment Count

  public int AttachmentCount
    return _attachmentCount;


  /// Attachments

  public ArrayList Attachments
    return _attachments;


  /// CC

  public string[] CC
    return _cc;


  /// BCC

  public string[] BCC
    return _bcc;


  /// TO

  public string[] TO
    return _to;


  /// Content Encoding

  public string ContentEncoding
    return _contentEncoding;


  /// Content Length

  public long ContentLength
    return _contentLength;


  /// Content Type

  public string ContentType
    return _contentType;


  /// Report Type

  public string ReportType
    return _reportType;


  /// HTML

  public bool HTML
    return _html;


  /// Date

  public string Date
    return _date;


  /// DateTime Info

  public string DateTimeInfo
    return _dateTimeInfo;


  /// From name

  public string From
    return _from;


  /// From Email

  public string FromEmail
    return _fromEmail;


  /// Reply to name

  public string ReplyTo
    return _replyTo;


  /// Reply to email

  public string ReplyToEmail
    return _replyToEmail;


  /// whether has attachment

  public bool HasAttachment
    return _hasAttachment;


  /// raw message body

  public string RawMessageBody
    return _rawMessageBody;


  /// Message ID

  public string MessageID
    return _messageID;


  /// MIME version

  public string MimeVersion
    return _mimeVersion;


  /// raw header

  public string RawHeader
    return _rawHeader;


  /// raw message

  public string RawMessage
    return _rawMessage;


  /// return path

  public string ReturnPath
    return _returnPath;


  /// subject

  public string Subject
    return _subject;



  /// release all objects

   _attachments = null;
   _keywords = null;
   _messageBody = null;
   _customHeaders = null;


  /// New Message

  /// reference for the finishing state
  /// path to extract MS-TNEF attachment files
  /// whether auto decoding MS-TNEF attachments
  /// whether only decode the header without body
  /// file of email content to load from
  public Message(ref bool blnFinish, string strBasePath, bool blnAutoDecodeMSTNEF, bool blnOnlyHeader, string strEMLFile)
   string strMessage = null;
   if (Utility.ReadPlainTextFromFile(strEMLFile, ref strMessage))
    NewMessage(ref blnFinish, strBasePath, blnAutoDecodeMSTNEF, strMessage, blnOnlyHeader);
    blnFinish = true;


  /// New Message

  /// reference for the finishing state
  /// path to extract MS-TNEF attachment files
  /// whether auto decoding MS-TNEF attachments
  /// raw message content
  /// whether only decode the header without body
  public Message(ref bool blnFinish, string strBasePath, bool blnAutoDecodeMSTNEF, string strMessage, bool blnOnlyHeader)
   NewMessage(ref blnFinish, strBasePath, blnAutoDecodeMSTNEF, strMessage, blnOnlyHeader);


  /// New Message

  /// reference for the finishing state
  /// raw message content
  /// whether only decode the header without body
  public Message(ref bool blnFinish, string strMessage, bool blnOnlyHeader)
   NewMessage(ref blnFinish, "", false, strMessage, blnOnlyHeader);


  /// New Message

  /// reference for the finishing state
  /// raw message content
  public Message(ref bool blnFinish, string strMessage)
   NewMessage(ref blnFinish, "", false, strMessage, false);


  /// get valid attachment

  /// attachment index in the attachments collection
  /// attachment
  public Attachment GetAttachment(int intAttachmentNumber)
   if (intAttachmentNumber < 0 || intAttachmentNumber > _attachmentCount || intAttachmentNumber > _attachments.Count)
    Utility.LogError("GetAttachment():attachment not exist");
    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("intAttachmentNumber");
   return (Attachment) _attachments[intAttachmentNumber];


  /// New Message

  /// reference for the finishing state
  /// path to extract MS-TNEF attachment files
  /// whether auto decoding MS-TNEF attachments
  /// raw message content
  /// whether only decode the header without body
  /// construction result whether successfully new a message
  private bool NewMessage(ref bool blnFinish, string strBasePath, bool blnAutoDecodeMSTNEF, string strMessage, bool blnOnlyHeader)
   StringReader srdReader = new StringReader(strMessage);
   StringBuilder sbdBuilder = new StringBuilder();
   _basePath = strBasePath;
   _autoDecodeMSTNEF = blnAutoDecodeMSTNEF;

   _rawMessage = strMessage;

   string strLine = srdReader.ReadLine();
   while (Utility.IsNotNullTextEx(strLine))
    sbdBuilder.Append(strLine + "\r\n");
    ParseHeader(sbdBuilder, srdReader, ref strLine);
    if (Utility.IsOrNullTextEx(strLine))
     strLine = srdReader.ReadLine();

   _rawHeader = sbdBuilder.ToString();


   if (_contentLength == 0)
    _contentLength = strMessage.Length; //_rawMessageBody.Length;

   if (blnOnlyHeader == false)
    _rawMessageBody = srdReader.ReadToEnd().Trim();

    //the auto reply mail by outlook uses ms-tnef format
    if ((_hasAttachment == true && _attachmentboundry != null) || MIMETypes.IsMSTNEF(_contentType))

     if (this.Attachments.Count > 0)
      Attachment at = this.GetAttachment(0);
      if (at != null && at.NotAttachment)
      //in case body parts as text[0] html[1]
      if (this.Attachments.Count > 1 && !this.IsReport())
       at = this.GetAttachment(1);
       if (at != null && at.NotAttachment)

   blnFinish = true;
   return true;


  /// parse message body

  /// raw message body
  /// message body
  public string GetTextBody(string strBuffer)
   if (strBuffer.EndsWith("\r\n."))
    return strBuffer.Substring(0, strBuffer.Length - "\r\n.".Length);
    return strBuffer;


  /// parse message body

  /// raw message body
  public void GetMessageBody(string strBuffer)
   int end, begin;
   string body;
   string encoding = "";

   begin = end = 0;

    if (Utility.IsOrNullTextEx(strBuffer))
    else if (Utility.IsOrNullTextEx(_contentType) && _contentTransferEncoding == null)
    else if (_contentType != null && _contentType.IndexOf("digest") >= 0)
     // this is a digest method
    else if (_attachmentboundry2 == null)
     body = GetTextBody(strBuffer);

     if (Utility.IsQuotedPrintable(_contentTransferEncoding))
      body = DecodeQP.ConvertHexContent(body);
     else if (Utility.IsBase64(_contentTransferEncoding))
      body = Utility.deCodeB64s(Utility.RemoveNonB64(body));
     else if (Utility.IsNotNullText(_contentCharset))
      body = Encoding.GetEncoding(_contentCharset).GetString(Encoding.Default.GetBytes(body));
     begin = 0;

     while (begin != -1)
      // find "\r\n\r\n" denoting end of header
      begin = strBuffer.IndexOf("--" + _attachmentboundry2, begin);
      if (begin != -1)
       encoding = MIMETypes.GetContentTransferEncoding(strBuffer, begin);

       begin = strBuffer.IndexOf("\r\n\r\n", begin + 1); //strBuffer.LastIndexOfAny(ALPHABET.ToCharArray());

       // find end of text
       end = strBuffer.IndexOf("--" + _attachmentboundry2, begin + 1);

       if (begin != -1)
        if (end != -1)
         begin += 4;
         if (begin >= end)
         else if (this._contentEncoding != null && this._contentEncoding.IndexOf("8bit") != -1)
          body = Utility.Change(strBuffer.Substring(begin, end - begin - 2), _contentCharset);
          body = strBuffer.Substring(begin, end - begin - 2);
         body = strBuffer.Substring(begin);

        if (Utility.IsQuotedPrintable(encoding))
         string ret = body;
         ret = DecodeQP.ConvertHexContent(ret);
        else if (Utility.IsBase64(encoding))
         string ret = Utility.RemoveNonB64(body);
         ret = Utility.deCodeB64s(ret);
         if (ret != "\0")

        if (end == -1) break;
       if (_messageBody.Count == 0)
   catch (Exception e)
    Utility.LogError("GetMessageBody():" + e.Message);

   if (_messageBody.Count > 1)
    _html = true;


  /// verify if the message is a report

  /// if it is a report message, return true, else, false
  public bool IsReport()
   if (Utility.IsNotNullText(_contentType))
    return (_contentType.ToLower().IndexOf("report".ToLower()) != -1);
    return false;


  /// verify if the attachment is MIME Email file

  /// attachment
  /// if MIME Email file, return true, else, false
  public bool IsMIMEMailFile(Attachment attItem)
    return (attItem.ContentFileName.ToLower().EndsWith(".eml".ToLower()) || attItem.ContentType.ToLower() == "message/rfc822".ToLower());
   catch (Exception e)
    Utility.LogError("IsMIMEMailFile():" + e.Message);
    return false;


  /// translate pictures url within the body

  /// message body
  /// pictures collection
  /// translated message body
  public string TranslateHTMLPictureFiles(string strBody, Hashtable hsbFiles)
    for (int i = 0; i < this.AttachmentCount; i++)
     Attachment att = this.GetAttachment(i);
     if (Utility.IsPictureFile(att.ContentFileName) == true)
      if (Utility.IsNotNullText(att.ContentID))
       //support for embedded pictures
       strBody = strBody.Replace("cid:" + att.ContentID, hsbFiles[att.ContentFileName].ToString());

      strBody = strBody.Replace(att.ContentFileName, hsbFiles[att.ContentFileName].ToString());
   catch (Exception e)
    Utility.LogError("TranslateHTMLPictureFiles():" + e.Message);
   return strBody;


  /// translate pictures url within the body

  /// message body
  /// path of the pictures
  /// translated message body
  public string TranslateHTMLPictureFiles(string strBody, string strPath)
    if (!strPath.EndsWith("\\"))
     strPath += "\\";
    for (int i = 0; i < this.AttachmentCount; i++)
     Attachment att = this.GetAttachment(i);
     if (Utility.IsPictureFile(att.ContentFileName) == true)
      if (Utility.IsNotNullText(att.ContentID))
       //support for embedded pictures
       strBody = strBody.Replace("cid:" + att.ContentID, strPath + att.ContentFileName);
      strBody = strBody.Replace(att.ContentFileName, strPath + att.ContentFileName);
   catch (Exception e)
    Utility.LogError("TranslateHTMLPictureFiles():" + e.Message);
   return strBody;


  /// Get the proper attachment file name

  /// attachment
  /// propery attachment file name
  public string GetAttachmentFileName(Attachment attItem)
   int items = 0;

   //return unique body file names
   for (int i = 0; i < _attachments.Count; i++)
    if (attItem.ContentFileName == attItem.DefaultFileName)
     attItem.ContentFileName = attItem.DefaultFileName2.Replace("*", items.ToString());
   string name = attItem.ContentFileName;

   return (name == null || name == "" ? (IsReport() == true ? (this.IsMIMEMailFile(attItem) == true ? attItem.DefaultMIMEFileName : attItem.DefaultReportFileName) : (attItem.ContentID != null ? attItem.ContentID : attItem.DefaultFileName)) : name);


  /// save attachments to a defined path

  /// path to have attachments to be saved to
  /// true if save successfully, false if failed
  public bool SaveAttachments(string strPath)
   if (Utility.IsNotNullText(strPath))
     bool blnRet = true;

     if (!strPath.EndsWith("\\"))
      strPath += "\\";
     for (int i = 0; i < this.Attachments.Count; i++)
      Attachment att = GetAttachment(i);
      blnRet = SaveAttachment(att, strPath + GetAttachmentFileName(att));
      if (!blnRet)
     return blnRet;
    catch (Exception e)
     return false;
    return false;


  /// save attachment to file

  /// Attachment
  /// File to be saved to
  /// true if save successfully, false if failed
  public bool SaveAttachment(Attachment attItem, string strFileName)
   byte[] da;
    //    FileStream fs=File.Create(strFileName);
    //    byte[] da;
    //    if(attItem.ContentFileName.Length>0)
    //    {
    //     da=attItem.DecodedAttachment;
    //    }
    //    else
    //    {
    //     this.GetMessageBody(attItem.DecodeAttachmentAsText());
    //     da=Encoding.Default.GetBytes((string)this.MessageBody[this.MessageBody.Count-1]);
    //    }
    //    fs.Write(da,0,da.Length);
    //    fs.Close();
    //    return true;
    if (attItem.InBytes)
     da = attItem.RawBytes;
    else if (attItem.ContentFileName.Length > 0)
     da = attItem.DecodedAttachment;
    else if (attItem.ContentType.ToLower() == "message/rfc822".ToLower())
     da = Encoding.Default.GetBytes(attItem.RawAttachment);
     da = Encoding.Default.GetBytes((string) this.MessageBody[this.MessageBody.Count - 1]);
    return Utility.SaveByteContentToFile(strFileName, da);
    return false;*/
    da = Encoding.Default.GetBytes(attItem.RawAttachment);
    return Utility.SaveByteContentToFile(strFileName, da);


  /// set attachments

  private void set_attachments()
   int indexOf_attachmentstart = 0;
   int indexOfAttachmentEnd = 0;
   bool processed = false;

   Attachment att = null;


   while (!processed)
    if (Utility.IsNotNullText(_attachmentboundry))
     indexOf_attachmentstart = _rawMessageBody.IndexOf(_attachmentboundry, indexOf_attachmentstart) + _attachmentboundry.Length;
     if (_rawMessageBody == "" || indexOf_attachmentstart < 0) return;

     indexOfAttachmentEnd = _rawMessageBody.IndexOf(_attachmentboundry, indexOf_attachmentstart + 1);
     indexOfAttachmentEnd = -1;

    if (indexOfAttachmentEnd != -1)
    else if (indexOfAttachmentEnd == -1 && !processed && _attachmentCount == 0)
     processed = true;
     indexOfAttachmentEnd = _rawMessageBody.Length;

    if (indexOf_attachmentstart == indexOfAttachmentEnd - 9)
     indexOf_attachmentstart = 0;
     processed = true;

    string strLine = _rawMessageBody.Substring(indexOf_attachmentstart, (indexOfAttachmentEnd - indexOf_attachmentstart - 2));
    bool isMSTNEF;
    isMSTNEF = MIMETypes.IsMSTNEF(_contentType);
    att = new Attachment(strLine.Trim(), _contentType, !isMSTNEF);

    //ms-tnef format might contain multiple attachments
    if (MIMETypes.IsMSTNEF(att.ContentType) && AutoDecodeMSTNEF && !isMSTNEF)
     Utility.LogError("set_attachments():found ms-tnef file");
     TNEFParser tnef = new TNEFParser();
     TNEFAttachment tatt = new TNEFAttachment();
     Attachment attNew = null;

     tnef.Verbose = false;
     tnef.BasePath = this.BasePath;
     //tnef.LogFilePath=this.BasePath + "OpenPOP.TNEF.log";
     if (tnef.OpenTNEFStream(att.DecodedAsBytes()))
      if (tnef.Parse())
       for (IDictionaryEnumerator i = tnef.Attachments().GetEnumerator(); i.MoveNext(); )
        tatt = (TNEFAttachment) i.Value;
        attNew = new Attachment(tatt.FileContent, tatt.FileLength, tatt.FileName, MIMETypes.GetMimeType(tatt.FileName));
       Utility.LogError("set_attachments():ms-tnef file parse failed");
      Utility.LogError("set_attachments():ms-tnef file open failed");



  /// Set alternative attachment boundry

  /// raw message
  private void SetAttachmentBoundry2(string strBuffer)
   int indexOfAttachmentBoundry2Begin = 0;
   int indexOfAttachmentBoundry2End = 0;
   indexOfAttachmentBoundry2Begin = strBuffer.ToLower().IndexOf("Multipart/Alternative".ToLower());
   if (indexOfAttachmentBoundry2Begin != -1)
    /*    indexOfAttachmentBoundry2Begin=strBuffer.IndexOf("boundary=\"");
    indexOfAttachmentBoundry2Begin = strBuffer.IndexOf("boundary=");
    if (indexOfAttachmentBoundry2Begin != -1)
     int p = strBuffer.IndexOf("\r\n", indexOfAttachmentBoundry2Begin);
     string s = strBuffer.Substring(indexOfAttachmentBoundry2Begin + 29, 4);
     indexOfAttachmentBoundry2End = strBuffer.IndexOf("\r\n", indexOfAttachmentBoundry2Begin + 9);
     if (indexOfAttachmentBoundry2End == -1)
      indexOfAttachmentBoundry2End = strBuffer.Length;
     _attachmentboundry2 = Utility.RemoveQuote(strBuffer.Substring(indexOfAttachmentBoundry2Begin + 9, indexOfAttachmentBoundry2End - indexOfAttachmentBoundry2Begin - 9));
    _attachmentboundry2 = _attachmentboundry;


  /// Save message content to eml file

  public bool SaveToMIMEEmailFile(string strFile, bool blnReplaceExists)
   return Utility.SavePlainTextToFile(strFile, _rawMessage, blnReplaceExists);


  /// parse multi-line header

  /// string builder to hold header content
  /// string reader to get each line of the header
  /// first line content
  /// reference header line
  /// collection to hold every content line
  private void ParseStreamLines(StringBuilder sbdBuilder
                                , StringReader srdReader
                                , string strValue
                                , ref string strLine
                                , ArrayList alCollection)
   string strFormmated;
   int intLines = 0;


   strLine = srdReader.ReadLine();

   while (strLine.Trim() != "" && (strLine.StartsWith("\t") || strLine.StartsWith(" ")))
    strFormmated = strLine.Substring(1);
    strLine = srdReader.ReadLine();

   if (strLine != "")
   else if (intLines == 0)
    strLine = srdReader.ReadLine();

   ParseHeader(sbdBuilder, srdReader, ref strLine);


  /// parse multi-line header

  /// string builder to hold header content
  /// string reader to get each line of the header
  /// collection key
  /// first line content
  /// reference header line
  /// collection to hold every content line
  private void ParseStreamLines(StringBuilder sbdBuilder
                                , StringReader srdReader
                                , string strName
                                , string strValue
                                , ref string strLine
                                , Hashtable hstCollection)
   string strFormmated;
   string strReturn = strValue;
   int intLines = 0;


   strLine = srdReader.ReadLine();
   while (strLine.Trim() != "" && (strLine.StartsWith("\t") || strLine.StartsWith(" ")))
    strFormmated = strLine.Substring(1);
    strReturn += Utility.DecodeLine(strFormmated);
    sbdBuilder.Append(strLine + "\r\n");
    strLine = srdReader.ReadLine();
   if (!hstCollection.ContainsKey(strName))
    hstCollection.Add(strName, strReturn);

   if (strLine != "")
    sbdBuilder.Append(strLine + "\r\n");
   else if (intLines == 0)
    //     strLine=srdReader.ReadLine();
    //     sbdBuilder.Append(strLine + "\r\n");

   ParseHeader(sbdBuilder, srdReader, ref strLine);


  /// parse multi-line header

  /// string builder to hold header content
  /// string reader to get each line of the header
  /// first line content
  /// reference header line
  /// return value
  /// decode each line
  private void ParseStreamLines(StringBuilder sbdBuilder
                                , StringReader srdReader
                                , string strValue
                                , ref string strLine
                                , ref string strReturn
                                , bool blnLineDecode)
   string strFormmated;
   int intLines = 0;
   strReturn = strValue;

   sbdBuilder.Append(strLine + "\r\n");

   if (blnLineDecode == true)
    strReturn = Utility.DecodeLine(strReturn);

   strLine = srdReader.ReadLine();
   while (strLine.Trim() != "" && (strLine.StartsWith("\t") || strLine.StartsWith(" ")))
    strFormmated = strLine.Substring(1);
    strReturn += (blnLineDecode == true ? Utility.DecodeLine(strFormmated) : "\r\n" + strFormmated);
    sbdBuilder.Append(strLine + "\r\n");
    strLine = srdReader.ReadLine();

   if (strLine != "")
    sbdBuilder.Append(strLine + "\r\n");
   else if (intLines == 0)
    strLine = srdReader.ReadLine();
    sbdBuilder.Append(strLine + "\r\n");

   if (!blnLineDecode)
    strReturn = Utility.RemoveWhiteBlanks(Utility.DecodeText(strReturn));

   ParseHeader(sbdBuilder, srdReader, ref strLine);


  /// Parse the headers populating respective member fields

  /// string builder to hold the header content
  /// string reader to get each line of the header
  /// reference header line
  private void ParseHeader(StringBuilder sbdBuilder, StringReader srdReader, ref string strLine)
   string[] array = Utility.GetHeadersValue(strLine); //Regex.Split(strLine,":");

   switch (array[0].ToUpper())
    case "TO":
     _to = array[1].Split(',');
     for (int i = 0; i < _to.Length; i++)
      _to[i] = Utility.DecodeLine(_to[i].Trim());

    case "CC":
     _cc = array[1].Split(',');
     for (int i = 0; i < _cc.Length; i++)
      _cc[i] = Utility.DecodeLine(_cc[i].Trim());

    case "BCC":
     _bcc = array[1].Split(',');
     for (int i = 0; i < _bcc.Length; i++)
      _bcc[i] = Utility.DecodeLine(_bcc[i].Trim());

    case "FROM":
     Utility.ParseEmailAddress(array[1], ref _from, ref _fromEmail);

    case "REPLY-TO":
     Utility.ParseEmailAddress(array[1], ref _replyTo, ref _replyToEmail);

    case "KEYWORDS": //ms outlook keywords
     ParseStreamLines(sbdBuilder, srdReader, array[1].Trim(), ref strLine, _keywords);

    case "RECEIVED":
     ParseStreamLines(sbdBuilder, srdReader, array[1].Trim(), ref strLine, ref _received, true);

    case "IMPORTANCE":
     _importance = array[1].Trim();

     _dispositionNotificationTo = array[1].Trim();

    case "MIME-VERSION":
     _mimeVersion = array[1].Trim();

    case "SUBJECT":
    case "THREAD-TOPIC":
     string strRet = null;
     for (int i = 1; i < array.Length; i++)
      strRet += array[i];
     ParseStreamLines(sbdBuilder, srdReader, strRet, ref strLine, ref _subject, false);

    case "RETURN-PATH":
     _returnPath = array[1].Trim().Trim('>').Trim('<');

    case "MESSAGE-ID":
     _messageID = array[1].Trim().Trim('>').Trim('<');

    case "DATE":
     for (int i = 1; i < array.Length; i++)
      _dateTimeInfo += array[i];
     _dateTimeInfo = _dateTimeInfo.Trim();
     _date = Utility.ParseEmailDate(_dateTimeInfo);

    case "CONTENT-LENGTH":
     _contentLength = Convert.ToInt32(array[1]);

     _contentTransferEncoding = array[1].Trim();

    case "CONTENT-TYPE":
     //if already content type has been assigned
     if (_contentType != null)

     strLine = array[1];

     _contentType = strLine.Split(';')[0];
     _contentType = _contentType.Trim();

     int intCharset = strLine.IndexOf("charset=");
     if (intCharset != -1)
      int intBound2 = strLine.ToLower().IndexOf(";", intCharset + 8);
      if (intBound2 == -1)
       intBound2 = strLine.Length;
      intBound2 -= (intCharset + 8);
      _contentCharset = strLine.Substring(intCharset + 8, intBound2);
      _contentCharset = Utility.RemoveQuote(_contentCharset);
      intCharset = strLine.ToLower().IndexOf("report-type=".ToLower());
      if (intCharset != -1)
       int intPos = strLine.IndexOf(";", intCharset + 13);
       _reportType = strLine.Substring(intCharset + 12, intPos - intCharset - 13);
      else if (strLine.ToLower().IndexOf("boundary=".ToLower()) == -1)
       strLine = srdReader.ReadLine();
       if (strLine == "")
       intCharset = strLine.ToLower().IndexOf("charset=".ToLower());
       if (intCharset != -1)
        _contentCharset = strLine.Substring(intCharset + 9, strLine.Length - intCharset - 10);
       else if (strLine.IndexOf(":") != -1)
        sbdBuilder.Append(strLine + "\r\n");
        ParseHeader(sbdBuilder, srdReader, ref strLine);
        sbdBuilder.Append(strLine + "\r\n");
     if (_contentType == "text/plain")
     else if (_contentType.ToLower() == "text/html" || _contentType.ToLower().IndexOf("multipart/") != -1)
      _html = true;

     if (strLine.Trim().Length == _contentType.Length + 1 || strLine.ToLower().IndexOf("boundary=".ToLower()) == -1)
      strLine = srdReader.ReadLine();
      if (strLine == null || strLine == "" || strLine.IndexOf(":") != -1)
       sbdBuilder.Append(strLine + "\r\n");
       ParseHeader(sbdBuilder, srdReader, ref strLine);
       sbdBuilder.Append(strLine + "\r\n");

      if (strLine.ToLower().IndexOf("boundary=".ToLower()) == -1)
       _attachmentboundry = srdReader.ReadLine();
       sbdBuilder.Append(_attachmentboundry + "\r\n");
      _attachmentboundry = strLine;
      _attachmentboundry = strLine;

     int intBound = _attachmentboundry.ToLower().IndexOf("boundary=");
     if (intBound != -1)
      int intBound2 = _attachmentboundry.ToLower().IndexOf(";", intBound + 10);
      if (intBound2 == -1)
       intBound2 = _attachmentboundry.Length;
      intBound2 -= (intBound + 9);
      _attachmentboundry = _attachmentboundry.Substring(intBound + 9, intBound2);
     _attachmentboundry = Utility.RemoveQuote(_attachmentboundry);
     _hasAttachment = true;


     if (array.Length > 1) //here we parse all custom headers
      string headerName = array[0].Trim();
      if (headerName.ToUpper().StartsWith("X")) //every custom header starts with "X"
       ParseStreamLines(sbdBuilder, srdReader, headerName, array[1].Trim(), ref strLine, _customHeaders);


 /// MIMETypes

 public class MIMETypes
  public const string MIMEType_MSTNEF = "application/ms-tnef";
  private const string Content_Transfer_Encoding_Tag = "Content-Transfer-Encoding";
  private static Hashtable _MIMETypeList = null;

  public static string GetContentTransferEncoding(string strBuffer, int pos)
   int begin = 0, end = 0;
   begin = strBuffer.ToLower().IndexOf(Content_Transfer_Encoding_Tag.ToLower(), pos);
   if (begin != -1)
    end = strBuffer.ToLower().IndexOf("\r\n".ToLower(), begin + 1);
    return strBuffer.Substring(begin + Content_Transfer_Encoding_Tag.Length + 1, end - begin - Content_Transfer_Encoding_Tag.Length).Trim();
    return "";

  public static bool IsMSTNEF(string strContentType)
   if (strContentType != null & strContentType != "")
    if (strContentType.ToLower() == MIMEType_MSTNEF.ToLower())
     return true;
     return false;
    return false;

  public static string ContentType(string strExtension)
   if (_MIMETypeList.ContainsKey(strExtension))
    return _MIMETypeList[strExtension].ToString();
    return null;

  public static Hashtable MIMETypeList
    return _MIMETypeList;
    _MIMETypeList = value;

   _MIMETypeList = null;

  public MIMETypes()
   _MIMETypeList.Add(".323", "text/h323");
   _MIMETypeList.Add(".3gp", "video/3gpp");
   _MIMETypeList.Add(".3gpp", "video/3gpp");
   _MIMETypeList.Add(".acp", "audio/x-mei-aac");
   _MIMETypeList.Add(".act", "text/xml");
   _MIMETypeList.Add(".actproj", "text/plain");
   _MIMETypeList.Add(".ade", "application/msaccess");
   _MIMETypeList.Add(".adp", "application/msaccess");
   _MIMETypeList.Add(".ai", "application/postscript");
   _MIMETypeList.Add(".aif", "audio/aiff");
   _MIMETypeList.Add(".aifc", "audio/aiff");
   _MIMETypeList.Add(".aiff", "audio/aiff");
   _MIMETypeList.Add(".asf", "video/x-ms-asf");
   _MIMETypeList.Add(".asm", "text/plain");
   _MIMETypeList.Add(".asx", "video/x-ms-asf");
   _MIMETypeList.Add(".au", "audio/basic");
   _MIMETypeList.Add(".avi", "video/avi");
   _MIMETypeList.Add(".bmp", "image/bmp");
   _MIMETypeList.Add(".bwp", "application/x-bwpreview");
   _MIMETypeList.Add(".c", "text/plain");
   _MIMETypeList.Add(".cat", "application/vnd.ms-pki.seccat");
   _MIMETypeList.Add(".cc", "text/plain");
   _MIMETypeList.Add(".cdf", "application/x-cdf");
   _MIMETypeList.Add(".cer", "application/x-x509-ca-cert");
   _MIMETypeList.Add(".cod", "text/plain");
   _MIMETypeList.Add(".cpp", "text/plain");
   _MIMETypeList.Add(".crl", "application/pkix-crl");
   _MIMETypeList.Add(".crt", "application/x-x509-ca-cert");
   _MIMETypeList.Add(".cs", "text/plain");
   _MIMETypeList.Add(".css", "text/css");
   _MIMETypeList.Add(".csv", "application/vnd.ms-excel");
   _MIMETypeList.Add(".cxx", "text/plain");
   _MIMETypeList.Add(".dbs", "text/plain");
   _MIMETypeList.Add(".def", "text/plain");
   _MIMETypeList.Add(".der", "application/x-x509-ca-cert");
   _MIMETypeList.Add(".dib", "image/bmp");
   _MIMETypeList.Add(".dif", "video/x-dv");
   _MIMETypeList.Add(".dll", "application/x-msdownload");
   _MIMETypeList.Add(".doc", "application/msword");
   _MIMETypeList.Add(".dot", "application/msword");
   _MIMETypeList.Add(".dsp", "text/plain");
   _MIMETypeList.Add(".dsw", "text/plain");
   _MIMETypeList.Add(".dv", "video/x-dv");
   _MIMETypeList.Add(".edn", "application/vnd.adobe.edn");
   _MIMETypeList.Add(".eml", "message/rfc822");
   _MIMETypeList.Add(".eps", "application/postscript");
   _MIMETypeList.Add(".etd", "application/x-ebx");
   _MIMETypeList.Add(".etp", "text/plain");
   _MIMETypeList.Add(".exe", "application/x-msdownload");
   _MIMETypeList.Add(".ext", "text/plain");
   _MIMETypeList.Add(".fdf", "application/vnd.fdf");
   _MIMETypeList.Add(".fif", "application/fractals");
   _MIMETypeList.Add(".fky", "text/plain");
   _MIMETypeList.Add(".gif", "image/gif");
   _MIMETypeList.Add(".gz", "application/x-gzip");
   _MIMETypeList.Add(".h", "text/plain");
   _MIMETypeList.Add(".hpp", "text/plain");
   _MIMETypeList.Add(".hqx", "application/mac-binhex40");
   _MIMETypeList.Add(".hta", "application/hta");
   _MIMETypeList.Add(".htc", "text/x-component");
   _MIMETypeList.Add(".htm", "text/html");
   _MIMETypeList.Add(".html", "text/html");
   _MIMETypeList.Add(".htt", "text/webviewhtml");
   _MIMETypeList.Add(".hxx", "text/plain");
   _MIMETypeList.Add(".i", "text/plain");
   _MIMETypeList.Add(".iad", "application/x-iad");
   _MIMETypeList.Add(".ico", "image/x-icon");
   _MIMETypeList.Add(".ics", "text/calendar");
   _MIMETypeList.Add(".idl", "text/plain");
   _MIMETypeList.Add(".iii", "application/x-iphone");
   _MIMETypeList.Add(".inc", "text/plain");
   _MIMETypeList.Add(".infopathxml", "application/ms-infopath.xml");
   _MIMETypeList.Add(".inl", "text/plain");
   _MIMETypeList.Add(".ins", "application/x-internet-signup");
   _MIMETypeList.Add(".iqy", "text/x-ms-iqy");
   _MIMETypeList.Add(".isp", "application/x-internet-signup");
   _MIMETypeList.Add(".java", "text/java");
   _MIMETypeList.Add(".jfif", "image/jpeg");
   _MIMETypeList.Add(".jnlp", "application/x-java-jnlp-file");
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Returns the MIME content-type for the supplied file extension
  /// string MIME type (Example: \"text/plain\")
  public static string GetMimeType(string strFileName)
    string strFileExtension = new FileInfo(strFileName).Extension;
    string strContentType = null;
    bool MONO = false;

    if (MONO)
     strContentType = MIMETypes.ContentType(strFileExtension);
     Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey extKey = Microsoft.Win32.Registry.ClassesRoot.OpenSubKey(strFileExtension);
     strContentType = (string) extKey.GetValue("Content Type");

    if (strContentType.ToString() != null)
     return strContentType.ToString();
     return "application/octet-stream";
   catch (System.Exception)
    return "application/octet-stream";



 /// Summary description for Coding.

 public class QuotedCoding
  /// zwraca tablice bajtow
  /// zamienia 3 znaki np '=A9' na odp wartosc.
  /// zamienia '_' na znak 32

  /// Kupis_Pawe=B3
  /// Kupis Pawe?/returns>
  public static byte[] GetByteArray(string s)
   byte[] buffer = new byte[s.Length];

   int bufferPosition = 0;
   if (s.Length > 1)
    for (int i = 0; i < s.Length; i++)
     if (s[i] == '=')
      if (s[i + 1] == '\r' && s[i + 2] == '\n')
       buffer[bufferPosition] = System.Convert.ToByte(s.Substring(i + 1, 2), 16);
      i += 2;
     else if (s[i] == '_')
      buffer[bufferPosition] = 32;
      buffer[bufferPosition] = (byte) s[i];
    buffer[bufferPosition] = 32;

   byte[] newArray = new byte[bufferPosition];
   Array.Copy(buffer, newArray, bufferPosition);
   return newArray;


  /// Decoduje string "=?iso-8859-2?Q?Kupis_Pawe=B3?="
  /// lub zakodowany base64
  /// na poprawny

  /// "=?iso-8859-2?Q?Kupis_Pawe=B3?="
  /// Kupis Pawe?/returns>
  public static string DecodeOne(string s)
   char[] separator = {'?'};
   string[] sArray = s.Split(separator);
   if (sArray[0].Equals("=") == false)
    return s;

   byte[] bArray;
   //rozpoznaj rodzj kodowania
   if (sArray[2].ToUpper() == "Q") //querystring
    bArray = GetByteArray(sArray[3]);
   else if (sArray[2].ToUpper() == "B") //base64
    bArray = Convert.FromBase64String(sArray[3]);
    return s;
   //pobierz strone kodowa
   Encoding encoding = Encoding.GetEncoding(sArray[1]);
   return encoding.GetString(bArray);


  /// decoduje string zamienia wpisy (=?...?=) na odp wartosci

  /// "ala i =?iso-8859-2?Q?Kupis_Pawe=B3?= ma kota"
  /// "ala i Pawe?Kupis ma kota"
  public static string Decode(string s)
   StringBuilder retstring = new StringBuilder();
   int old = 0, start = 0, stop;
   for (;; )
    start = s.IndexOf("=?", start);
    if (start == -1)
     retstring.Append(s, old, s.Length - old);
     return retstring.ToString();
    stop = s.IndexOf("?=", start + 2);
    if (stop == -1) //blad w stringu
     return s;
    retstring.Append(s, old, start - old);
    retstring.Append(DecodeOne(s.Substring(start, stop - start + 2)));
    start = stop + 2;
    old = stop + 2;



 /// TNEFAttachment

 public class TNEFAttachment
  #region Member Variables

  private string _fileName = "";
  private long _fileLength = 0;
  private string _subject = "";
  private byte[] _fileContent = null;


  #region Properties


  /// attachment subject

  public string Subject
    return _subject;
    _subject = value;


  /// attachment file length

  public long FileLength
    return _fileLength;
    _fileLength = value;


  /// attachment file name

  public string FileName
    return _fileName;
    _fileName = value;


  /// attachment file content

  public byte[] FileContent
    return _fileContent;
    _fileContent = value;


  public TNEFAttachment()

   _fileContent = null;


 /// OpenPOP.MIMEParser.TNEFParser

 public class TNEFParser
  #region Member Variables

  private const int TNEF_SIGNATURE = 0x223e9f78;
  private const int LVL_MESSAGE = 0x01;
  private const int LVL_ATTACHMENT = 0x02;
  private const int _string = 0x00010000;
  private const int _BYTE = 0x00060000;
  private const int _WORD = 0x00070000;
  private const int _DWORD = 0x00080000;

  private const int AVERSION = (_DWORD | 0x9006);
  private const int AMCLASS = (_WORD | 0x8008);
  private const int ASUBJECT = (_DWORD | 0x8004);
  private const int AFILENAME = (_string | 0x8010);
  private const int ATTACHDATA = (_BYTE | 0x800f);

  private Stream fsTNEF;
  private Hashtable _attachments = new Hashtable();
  private TNEFAttachment _attachment = null;

  private bool _verbose = false;
  //private string _logFile="OpenPOP.TNEF.log";
  private string _basePath = null;
  private int _skipSignature = 0;
  private bool _searchSignature = false;
  private long _offset = 0;
  private long _fileLength = 0;
  private string _tnefFile = "";
  private string strSubject;


  #region Properties

  //  public string LogFilePath
  //  {
  //   get{return _logFile;}
  //   set{_logFile=value;}
  //  }

  public string TNEFFile
    return _tnefFile;
    _tnefFile = value;

  public bool Verbose
    return _verbose;
    _verbose = value;

  public string BasePath
    return _basePath;
     if (value.EndsWith("\\"))
      _basePath = value;
      _basePath = value + "\\";

  public int SkipSignature
    return _skipSignature;
    _skipSignature = value;

  public bool SearchSignature
    return _searchSignature;
    _searchSignature = value;

  public long Offset
    return _offset;
    _offset = value;


  private int GETINT32(byte[] p)
   return (p[0] + (p[1] << 8) + (p[2] << 16) + (p[3] << 24));

  private short GETINT16(byte[] p)
   return (short) (p[0] + (p[1] << 8));

  private int geti32()
   byte[] buf = new byte[4];

   if (StreamReadBytes(buf, 4) != 1)
    Utility.LogError("geti32():unexpected end of input\n");
    return 1;
   return GETINT32(buf);

  private int geti16()
   byte[] buf = new byte[2];

   if (StreamReadBytes(buf, 2) != 1)
    Utility.LogError("geti16():unexpected end of input\n");
    return 1;
   return GETINT16(buf);

  private int geti8()
   byte[] buf = new byte[1];

   if (StreamReadBytes(buf, 1) != 1)
    Utility.LogError("geti8():unexpected end of input\n");
    return 1;
   return (int) buf[0];

  private int StreamReadBytes(byte[] buffer, int size)
    if (fsTNEF.Position + size <= _fileLength)
     fsTNEF.Read(buffer, 0, size);
     return 1;
     return 0;
   catch (Exception e)
    Utility.LogError("StreamReadBytes():" + e.Message);
    return 0;

  private void CloseTNEFStream()
   catch (Exception e)
    Utility.LogError("CloseTNEFStream():" + e.Message);


  /// Open the MS-TNEF stream from file

  /// MS-TNEF file
  public bool OpenTNEFStream(string strFile)

   TNEFFile = strFile;
    fsTNEF = new FileStream(strFile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
    FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(strFile);
    _fileLength = fi.Length;
    fi = null;
    return true;
   catch (Exception e)
    Utility.LogError("OpenTNEFStream(File):" + e.Message);
    return false;


  /// Open the MS-TNEF stream from bytes

  /// MS-TNEF bytes
  public bool OpenTNEFStream(byte[] bytContents)

    fsTNEF = new MemoryStream(bytContents);
    _fileLength = bytContents.Length;
    return true;
   catch (Exception e)
    Utility.LogError("OpenTNEFStream(Bytes):" + e.Message);
    return false;


  /// Find the MS-TNEF signature

  /// true if found, vice versa
  public bool FindSignature()
   bool ret = false;
   long lpos = 0;

   int d;

    for (lpos = 0;; lpos++)
     if (fsTNEF.Seek(lpos, SeekOrigin.Begin) == -1)
      PrintResult("No signature found\n");
      return false;

     d = geti32();
     if (d == TNEF_SIGNATURE)
      PrintResult("Signature found at {0}\n", lpos);
    ret = true;
   catch (Exception e)
    Utility.LogError("FindSignature():" + e.Message);
    ret = false;

   fsTNEF.Position = lpos;

   return ret;

  private void decode_attribute(int d)
   byte[] buf = new byte[4000];
   int len;
   int v;
   int i;

   len = geti32(); /* data length */

   switch (d & 0xffff0000)
    case _BYTE:
     PrintResult("Attribute {0} =", d & 0xffff);
     for (i = 0; i < len; i += 1)
      v = geti8();

      if (i < 10) PrintResult(" {0}", v);
      else if (i == 10) PrintResult("...");
    case _WORD:
     PrintResult("Attribute {0} =", d & 0xffff);
     for (i = 0; i < len; i += 2)
      v = geti16();

      if (i < 6) PrintResult(" {0}", v);
      else if (i == 6) PrintResult("...");
    case _DWORD:
     PrintResult("Attribute {0} =", d & 0xffff);
     for (i = 0; i < len; i += 4)
      v = geti32();

      if (i < 4) PrintResult(" {0}", v);
      else if (i == 4) PrintResult("...");
    case _string:
     StreamReadBytes(buf, len);

     PrintResult("Attribute {0} = {1}\n", d & 0xffff, Encoding.Default.GetString(buf));
     StreamReadBytes(buf, len);
     PrintResult("Attribute {0}\n", d);

   geti16(); /* checksum */

  private void decode_message()
   int d;

   d = geti32();


  private void decode_attachment()
   byte[] buf = new byte[4096];
   int d;
   int len;
   int i, chunk;

   d = geti32();

   switch (d)
    case ASUBJECT:
     len = geti32();

     StreamReadBytes(buf, len);

     byte[] _subjectBuffer = new byte[len - 1];

     Array.Copy(buf, _subjectBuffer, (long) len - 1);

     strSubject = Encoding.Default.GetString(_subjectBuffer);

     PrintResult("Found subject: {0}", strSubject);

     geti16(); /* checksum */


    case AFILENAME:
     len = geti32();
     StreamReadBytes(buf, len);
     //PrintResult("File-Name: {0}\n", buf);
     byte[] _fileNameBuffer = new byte[len - 1];
     Array.Copy(buf, _fileNameBuffer, (long) len - 1);

     if (_fileNameBuffer == null) _fileNameBuffer = Encoding.Default.GetBytes("tnef.dat");
     string strFileName = Encoding.Default.GetString(_fileNameBuffer);

     PrintResult("{0}: WRITING {1}\n", BasePath, strFileName);

     //new attachment found because attachment data goes before attachment name
     _attachment.FileName = strFileName;
     _attachment.Subject = strSubject;
     _attachments.Add(_attachment.FileName, _attachment);

     geti16(); /* checksum */


    case ATTACHDATA:
     len = geti32();
     PrintResult("ATTACH-DATA: {0} bytes\n", len);

     _attachment = new TNEFAttachment();
     _attachment.FileContent = new byte[len];
     _attachment.FileLength = len;

     for (i = 0; i < len; )
      chunk = len - i;
      if (chunk > buf.Length) chunk = buf.Length;

      StreamReadBytes(buf, chunk);

      Array.Copy(buf, 0, _attachment.FileContent, i, chunk);

      i += chunk;

     geti16(); /* checksum */




  /// decoded attachments

  /// attachment array
  public Hashtable Attachments()
   return _attachments;


  /// save all decoded attachments to files

  /// true is succeded, vice versa
  public bool SaveAttachments()
   bool blnRet = false;
   IDictionaryEnumerator ideAttachments = _attachments.GetEnumerator();

   while (ideAttachments.MoveNext())
    blnRet = SaveAttachment((TNEFAttachment) ideAttachments.Value);

   return blnRet;


  /// save a decoded attachment to file

  /// decoded attachment
  /// true is succeded, vice versa
  public bool SaveAttachment(TNEFAttachment attachment)
    string strOutFile = BasePath + attachment.FileName;

    if (File.Exists(strOutFile))
    FileStream fsData = new FileStream(strOutFile, FileMode.CreateNew, FileAccess.Write);

    fsData.Write(attachment.FileContent, 0, (int) attachment.FileLength);


    return true;
   catch (Exception e)
    Utility.LogError("SaveAttachment():" + e.Message);
    return false;


  /// parse MS-TNEF stream

  /// true is succeded, vice versa
  public bool Parse()
   byte[] buf = new byte[4];
   int d;

   if (FindSignature())
    if (SkipSignature < 2)
     d = geti32();
     if (SkipSignature < 1)
      if (d != TNEF_SIGNATURE)
       PrintResult("Seems not to be a TNEF file\n");
       return false;

    d = geti16();
    PrintResult("TNEF Key is: {0}\n", d);
    for (;; )
     if (StreamReadBytes(buf, 1) == 0)

     d = (int) buf[0];

     switch (d)
      case LVL_MESSAGE:
       PrintResult("{0}: Decoding Message Attributes\n", fsTNEF.Position);
      case LVL_ATTACHMENT:
       PrintResult("Decoding Attachment\n");
       PrintResult("Coding Error in TNEF file\n");
       return false;
    return true;
    return false;

  private void PrintResult(string strResult, params object[] strContent)
   string strRet = string.Format(strResult, strContent);
   if (Verbose)

   _attachments = null;

  public TNEFParser()


  /// open MS-TNEF stream from a file

  /// MS-TNEF file
  public TNEFParser(string strFile)


  /// open MS-TNEF stream from bytes

  /// MS-TNEF bytes
  public TNEFParser(byte[] bytContents)


 /// Summary description for Utility.

 public class Utility
  private static bool m_blnLog = false;
  private static string m_strLogFile = "OpenPOP.log";

  public Utility()

  //  public static string[] SplitText(string strText, string strSplitter)
  //  {
  //   string []segments=new string[0];
  //   int indexOfstrSplitter=strText.IndexOf(strSplitter);
  //   if(indexOfstrSplitter!=-1)
  //   {
  //   }
  //   return segments;
  //  }


  /// Verifies whether the file is of picture type or not

  /// File to be verified
  /// True if picture file, false if not
  public static bool IsPictureFile(string strFile)
    if (strFile != null && strFile != "")
     strFile = strFile.ToLower();
     if (strFile.EndsWith(".jpg") || strFile.EndsWith(".bmp") || strFile.EndsWith(".ico") || strFile.EndsWith(".gif") || strFile.EndsWith(".png"))
      return true;
      return false;
     return false;
    return false;


  /// Parse date time info from MIME header

  /// Encoded MIME date time
  /// Decoded date time info
  public static string ParseEmailDate(string strDate)
   string strRet = strDate.Trim();
   int indexOfTag = strRet.IndexOf(",");
   if (indexOfTag != -1)
    strRet = strRet.Substring(indexOfTag + 1);

   strRet = QuoteText(strRet, "+");
   strRet = QuoteText(strRet, "-");
   strRet = QuoteText(strRet, "GMT");
   strRet = QuoteText(strRet, "CST");
   return strRet.Trim();


  /// Quote the text according to a tag

  /// Text to be quoted
  /// Quote tag
  /// Quoted Text
  public static string QuoteText(string strText, string strTag)
   int indexOfTag = strText.IndexOf(strTag);
   if (indexOfTag != -1)
    return strText.Substring(0, indexOfTag - 1);
    return strText;


  /// Parse file name from MIME header

  /// MIME header
  /// Decoded file name
  public static string ParseFileName(string strHeader)
   string strTag;
   strTag = "filename=";
   int intPos = strHeader.ToLower().IndexOf(strTag);
   if (intPos == -1)
    strTag = "name=";
    intPos = strHeader.ToLower().IndexOf(strTag);
   string strRet;
   if (intPos != -1)
    strRet = strHeader.Substring(intPos + strTag.Length);
    intPos = strRet.ToLower().IndexOf(";");
    if (intPos != -1)
     strRet = strRet.Substring(1, intPos - 1);
    strRet = RemoveQuote(strRet);
    strRet = "";

   return strRet;


  /// Parse email address from MIME header

  /// MIME header
  /// Decoded user name
  /// Decoded email address
  /// True if decoding succeeded, false if failed
  public static bool ParseEmailAddress(string strEmailAddress, ref string strUser, ref string strAddress)
   int indexOfAB = strEmailAddress.Trim().LastIndexOf("<");
   int indexOfEndAB = strEmailAddress.Trim().LastIndexOf(">");
   strUser = strEmailAddress;
   strAddress = strEmailAddress;
   if (indexOfAB >= 0 && indexOfEndAB >= 0)
    if (indexOfAB > 0)
     strUser = strUser.Substring(0, indexOfAB - 1);
     //     strUser=strUser.Substring(0,indexOfAB-1).Trim('\"');
     //     if(strUser.IndexOf("\"")>=0)
     //     {
     //      strUser=strUser.Substring(1,strUser.Length-1);
     //     }
    strUser = strUser.Trim();
    strUser = strUser.Trim('\"');
    strAddress = strAddress.Substring(indexOfAB + 1, indexOfEndAB - (indexOfAB + 1));
   strUser = strUser.Trim();
   strUser = DecodeText(strUser);
   strAddress = strAddress.Trim();

   return true;


  /// Save byte content to a file

  /// File to be saved to
  /// Byte array content
  /// True if saving succeeded, false if failed
  public static bool SaveByteContentToFile(string strFile, byte[] bytContent)
    if (File.Exists(strFile))
    FileStream fs = File.Create(strFile);
    fs.Write(bytContent, 0, bytContent.Length);
    return true;
   catch (Exception e)
    Utility.LogError("SaveByteContentToFile():" + e.Message);
    return false;


  /// Save text content to a file

  /// File to be saved to
  /// Text content
  /// Replace file if exists
  /// True if saving succeeded, false if failed
  public static bool SavePlainTextToFile(string strFile, string strText, bool blnReplaceExists)
    bool blnRet = true;

    if (File.Exists(strFile))
     if (blnReplaceExists)
      blnRet = false;

    if (blnRet == true)
     StreamWriter sw = File.CreateText(strFile);

    return blnRet;
   catch (Exception e)
    Utility.LogError("SavePlainTextToFile():" + e.Message);
    return false;


  /// Read text content from a file

  /// File to be read from
  /// Read text content
  /// True if reading succeeded, false if failed
  public static bool ReadPlainTextFromFile(string strFile, ref string strText)
   if (File.Exists(strFile))
    StreamReader fs = new StreamReader(strFile);
    strText = fs.ReadToEnd();
    return true;
    return false;


  /// Sepearte header name and header value

  public static string[] GetHeadersValue(string strRawHeader)
   if (strRawHeader == null)
    throw new ArgumentNullException("strRawHeader", "Argument was null");

   string[] array = new string[2] {"", ""};
   int indexOfColon = strRawHeader.IndexOf(":");

    array[0] = strRawHeader.Substring(0, indexOfColon).Trim();
    array[1] = strRawHeader.Substring(indexOfColon + 1).Trim();
   catch (Exception)

   return array;


  /// Get quoted text

  /// Text with quotes
  /// Splitter
  /// Target tag
  /// Text without quote
  public static string GetQuotedValue(string strText, string strSplitter, string strTag)
   if (strText == null)
    throw new ArgumentNullException("strText", "Argument was null");

   string[] array = new string[2] {"", ""};
   int indexOfstrSplitter = strText.IndexOf(strSplitter);

    array[0] = strText.Substring(0, indexOfstrSplitter).Trim();
    array[1] = strText.Substring(indexOfstrSplitter + 1).Trim();
    int pos = array[1].IndexOf("\"");
    if (pos != -1)
     int pos2 = array[1].IndexOf("\"", pos + 1);
     array[1] = array[1].Substring(pos + 1, pos2 - pos - 1);
   catch (Exception)

   //return array;
   if (array[0].ToLower() == strTag.ToLower())
    return array[1].Trim();
    return null;

   /*   string []array=null;
       //return array;
        return RemoveQuote(array[1].Trim());
        return null;
      {return null;}*/


  /// Change text encoding

  /// Source encoded text
  /// New charset
  /// Encoded text with new charset
  public static string Change(string strText, string strCharset)
   if (strCharset == null || strCharset == "")
    return strText;
   byte[] b = Encoding.Default.GetBytes(strText);
   return new string(Encoding.GetEncoding(strCharset).GetChars(b));


  /// Remove non-standard base 64 characters

  /// Source text
  /// standard base 64 text
  public static string RemoveNonB64(string strText)
   return strText.Replace("\0", "");


  /// Remove white blank characters

  /// Source text
  /// Text with white blanks
  public static string RemoveWhiteBlanks(string strText)
   return strText.Replace("\0", "").Replace("\r\n", "");


  /// Remove quotes

  /// Text with quotes
  /// Text without quotes
  public static string RemoveQuote(string strText)
   string strRet = strText;
   if (strRet.StartsWith("\""))
    strRet = strRet.Substring(1);
   if (strRet.EndsWith("\""))
    strRet = strRet.Substring(0, strRet.Length - 1);
   return strRet;


  /// Decode one line of text

  /// Encoded text
  /// Decoded text
  public static string DecodeLine(string strText)
   return DecodeText(RemoveWhiteBlanks(strText));


  /// Verifies wether the text is a valid MIME Text or not

  /// Text to be verified
  /// True if MIME text, false if not
  private static bool IsValidMIMEText(string strText)
   int intPos = strText.IndexOf("=?");
   return (intPos != -1 && strText.IndexOf("?=", intPos + 6) != -1 && strText.Length > 7);


  /// Decode text

  /// Source text
  /// Decoded text
  public static string DecodeText(string strText)
    string strRet="";
    string strBody="";
    MatchCollection mc=Regex.Matches(strText,@"\=\?(?\S+)\?(?\w)\?(?\S+)\?\=");

    for(int i=0;i    {

       case "B":
       case "Q":
        strBody=DecodeQP.ConvertHexContent(strBody);//, m.Groups["Charset"].Value);
    return strRet;
   {return strText;}*/

    string strRet = "";
    string[] strParts = Regex.Split(strText, "\r\n");
    string strBody = "";
    const string strRegEx = @"\=\?(?\S+)\?(?\w)\?(?\S+)\?\=";
    Match m = null;

    for (int i = 0; i < strParts.Length; i++)
     m = Regex.Match(strParts[i], strRegEx);
     if (m.Success)
      strBody = m.Groups["Content"].Value;

      switch (m.Groups["Encoding"].Value.ToUpper())
       case "B":
        strBody = deCodeB64s(strBody, m.Groups["Charset"].Value);
       case "Q":
        strBody = DecodeQP.ConvertHexContent(strBody); //, m.Groups["Charset"].Value);
      strRet += strBody;
      if (!IsValidMIMEText(strParts[i]))
       strRet += strParts[i];
       //blank text
    return strRet;
    return strText;

         //position at the end of charset
         int intPos=strText.IndexOf("=?");
         int intPos2=strText.IndexOf("?",intPos+2);
          string strCharset=strText.Substring(2,intPos2-2);
          string strEncoding=strText.Substring(intPos2+1,1);
          int intPos3=strText.IndexOf("?=",intPos2+3);
          string strBody=strText.Substring(intPos2+3,intPos3-intPos2-3);
          string strHead="";
          string strEnd="";
          if(intPos3          {
           case "B":
           case "Q":
           return DecodeText(strText);
           return strText;
         {return strText;}
        {return strText;}
       {return strText;}
      {return strText;}*/



  public static string deCodeB64s(string strText)
   return Encoding.Default.GetString(deCodeB64(strText));

  public static string deCodeB64s(string strText, string strEncoding)
    if (strEncoding.ToLower() == "ISO-8859-1".ToLower())
     return deCodeB64s(strText);
     return Encoding.GetEncoding(strEncoding).GetString(deCodeB64(strText));
    return deCodeB64s(strText);

  private static byte[] deCodeB64(string strText)
   byte[] by = null;
    if (strText != "")
     by = Convert.FromBase64String(strText);
   catch (Exception e)
    by = Encoding.Default.GetBytes("\0");
    LogError("deCodeB64():" + e.Message);
   return by;


  /// Turns file logging on and off.

  /// Comming soon.
  public static bool Log
    return m_blnLog;
    m_blnLog = value;

  internal static void LogError(string strText)
   if (Log)
    FileInfo file = null;
    FileStream fs = null;
    StreamWriter sw = null;
     file = new FileInfo(m_strLogFile);
     sw = file.AppendText();
     //fs = new FileStream(m_strLogFile, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Write);
     //sw = new StreamWriter(fs);
     if (sw != null)
      sw = null;
     if (fs != null)
      fs = null;


  public static bool IsQuotedPrintable(string strText)
   if (strText != null)
    return (strText.ToLower() == "quoted-printable".ToLower());
    return false;

  public static bool IsBase64(string strText)
   if (strText != null)
    return (strText.ToLower() == "base64".ToLower());
    return false;

  public static string[] SplitOnSemiColon(string strText)
   if (strText == null)
    throw new ArgumentNullException("strText", "Argument was null");

   string[] array = null;
   int indexOfColon = strText.IndexOf(";");

   if (indexOfColon < 0)
    array = new string[1];
    array[0] = strText;
    return array;
    array = new string[2];

    array[0] = strText.Substring(0, indexOfColon).Trim();
    array[1] = strText.Substring(indexOfColon + 1).Trim();
   catch (Exception)

   return array;

  public static bool IsNotNullText(string strText)
    return (strText != null && strText != "");
    return false;

  public static bool IsNotNullTextEx(string strText)
    return (strText != null && strText.Trim() != "");
    return false;

  public static bool IsOrNullTextEx(string strText)
    return (strText == null || strText.Trim() == "");
    return false;



namespace OpenPOP.POP3
 using System;
 using System.IO;
 using System.Text;
 using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
 using System.Collections;
 using System.Net.Sockets;
 using System.Security.Cryptography;
 using System.Threading;


 /// Possible responses received from the server when performing an Authentication

 public enum AuthenticationResponse
  /// Authentication succeeded

  SUCCESS = 0,
  /// Login doesn't exist on the POP3 server
  /// Password is invalid for the give login

  /// Invalid login and/or password



 /// Authentication method to use

 /// TRYBOTH means code will first attempt by using APOP method as its more secure.
 ///  In case of failure the code will fall back to USERPASS method.

 public enum AuthenticationMethod
  /// Authenticate using the USER/PASS method. USER/PASS is secure but all POP3 servers may not support this method

  /// Authenticate using the APOP method

  APOP = 1,
  /// Authenticate using USER/PASS. In case USER/PASS fails then revert to APOP



 /// Thrown when the POP3 Server sends an error (-ERR) during intial handshake (HELO)

 public class PopServerNotAvailableException : Exception


 /// Thrown when the specified POP3 Server can not be found or connected with
 public class PopServerNotFoundException : Exception


 /// Thrown when the attachment is not in a format supported by OpenPOP.NET

 /// Supported attachment encodings are Base64,Quoted Printable,MS TNEF
 public class AttachmentEncodingNotSupportedException : Exception


 /// Thrown when the supplied login doesn't exist on the server

 /// Should be used only when using USER/PASS Authentication Method
 public class InvalidLoginException : Exception


 /// Thrown when the password supplied for the login is invalid
 /// Should be used only when using USER/PASS Authentication Method
 public class InvalidPasswordException : Exception


 /// Thrown when either the login or the password is invalid on the POP3 Server

 /// /// Should be used only when using APOP Authentication Method
 public class InvalidLoginOrPasswordException : Exception


 /// Thrown when the user mailbox is in a locked state

 /// The mail boxes are locked when an existing session is open on the mail server. Lock conditions are also met in case of aborted sessions
 public class PopServerLockException : Exception


 /// Summary description for MyMD5.

 public class MyMD5
  public static string GetMD5Hash(String input)
   MD5 md5 = new MD5CryptoServiceProvider();
   //the GetBytes method returns byte array equavalent of a string
   byte[] res = md5.ComputeHash(Encoding.Default.GetBytes(input), 0, input.Length);
   char[] temp = new char[res.Length];
   //copy to a char array which can be passed to a String constructor
   System.Array.Copy(res, temp, res.Length);
   //return the result as a string
   return new String(temp);

  public static string GetMD5HashHex(String input)
   MD5 md5 = new MD5CryptoServiceProvider();
   DES des = new DESCryptoServiceProvider();
   //the GetBytes method returns byte array equavalent of a string
   byte[] res = md5.ComputeHash(Encoding.Default.GetBytes(input), 0, input.Length);

   String returnThis = "";

   for (int i = 0; i < res.Length; i++)
    returnThis += System.Uri.HexEscape((char) res[i]);
   returnThis = returnThis.Replace("%", "");
   returnThis = returnThis.ToLower();

   return returnThis;




 /// POPClient

 public class POPClient
  /// Event that fires when begin to connect with target POP3 server.

  public event EventHandler CommunicationBegan;


  /// Event that fires when connected with target POP3 server.

  public event EventHandler CommunicationOccured;


  /// Event that fires when disconnected with target POP3 server.

  public event EventHandler CommunicationLost;


  /// Event that fires when authentication began with target POP3 server.

  public event EventHandler AuthenticationBegan;


  /// Event that fires when authentication finished with target POP3 server.

  public event EventHandler AuthenticationFinished;


  /// Event that fires when message transfer has begun.
  public event EventHandler MessageTransferBegan;


  /// Event that fires when message transfer has finished.

  public event EventHandler MessageTransferFinished;

  internal void OnCommunicationBegan(EventArgs e)
   if (CommunicationBegan != null)
    CommunicationBegan(this, e);

  internal void OnCommunicationOccured(EventArgs e)
   if (CommunicationOccured != null)
    CommunicationOccured(this, e);

  internal void OnCommunicationLost(EventArgs e)
   if (CommunicationLost != null)
    CommunicationLost(this, e);

  internal void OnAuthenticationBegan(EventArgs e)
   if (AuthenticationBegan != null)
    AuthenticationBegan(this, e);

  internal void OnAuthenticationFinished(EventArgs e)
   if (AuthenticationFinished != null)
    AuthenticationFinished(this, e);

  internal void OnMessageTransferBegan(EventArgs e)
   if (MessageTransferBegan != null)
    MessageTransferBegan(this, e);

  internal void OnMessageTransferFinished(EventArgs e)
   if (MessageTransferFinished != null)
    MessageTransferFinished(this, e);

  private const string RESPONSE_OK = "+OK";
  //private const string RESPONSE_ERR="-ERR";
  private TcpClient clientSocket = null;
  private StreamReader reader;
  private StreamWriter writer;
  private string _Error = "";
  private int _receiveTimeOut = 60000;
  private int _sendTimeOut = 60000;
  private int _receiveBufferSize = 4090;
  private int _sendBufferSize = 4090;
  private string _basePath = null;
  private bool _receiveFinish = false;
  private bool _autoDecodeMSTNEF = true;
  private int _waitForResponseInterval = 200;
  private int _receiveContentSleepInterval = 100;
  private string _aPOPTimestamp;
  private string _lastCommandResponse;
  private bool _connected = true;

  public bool Connected
    return _connected;

  public string APOPTimestamp
    return _aPOPTimestamp;


  /// receive content sleep interval

  public int ReceiveContentSleepInterval
    return _receiveContentSleepInterval;
    _receiveContentSleepInterval = value;


  /// wait for response interval

  public int WaitForResponseInterval
    return _waitForResponseInterval;
    _waitForResponseInterval = value;


  /// whether auto decoding MS-TNEF attachment files

  public bool AutoDecodeMSTNEF
    return _autoDecodeMSTNEF;
    _autoDecodeMSTNEF = value;


  /// path to extract MS-TNEF attachment files

  public string BasePath
    return _basePath;
     if (value.EndsWith("\\"))
      _basePath = value;
      _basePath = value + "\\";


  /// Receive timeout for the connection to the SMTP server in milliseconds.
  /// The default value is 60000 milliseconds.

  public int ReceiveTimeOut
    return _receiveTimeOut;
    _receiveTimeOut = value;


  /// Send timeout for the connection to the SMTP server in milliseconds.
  /// The default value is 60000 milliseconds.

  public int SendTimeOut
    return _sendTimeOut;
    _sendTimeOut = value;


  /// Receive buffer size

  public int ReceiveBufferSize
    return _receiveBufferSize;
    _receiveBufferSize = value;


  /// Send buffer size

  public int SendBufferSize
    return _sendBufferSize;
    _sendBufferSize = value;

  private void WaitForResponse(bool blnCondiction, int intInterval)
   if (intInterval == 0)
    intInterval = WaitForResponseInterval;
   while (!blnCondiction == true)

  private void WaitForResponse(ref StreamReader rdReader, int intInterval)
   if (intInterval == 0)
    intInterval = WaitForResponseInterval;
   //while(rdReader.Peek()==-1 || !rdReader.BaseStream.CanRead)
   while (!rdReader.BaseStream.CanRead)

  private void WaitForResponse(ref StreamReader rdReader)
   DateTime dtStart = DateTime.Now;
   TimeSpan tsSpan;
   while (!rdReader.BaseStream.CanRead)
    tsSpan = DateTime.Now.Subtract(dtStart);
    if (tsSpan.Milliseconds > _receiveTimeOut)

  private void WaitForResponse(ref StreamWriter wrWriter, int intInterval)
   if (intInterval == 0)
    intInterval = WaitForResponseInterval;
   while (!wrWriter.BaseStream.CanWrite)


  /// Examines string to see if it contains a timestamp to use with the APOP command
  /// If it does, sets the ApopTimestamp property to this value

  /// string to examine
  private void ExtractApopTimestamp(string strResponse)
   Match match = Regex.Match(strResponse, "<.+>");
   if (match.Success)
    _aPOPTimestamp = match.Value;


  /// Tests a string to see if it's a "+OK" string

  /// string to examine
  /// true if response is an "+OK" string
  private bool IsOkResponse(string strResponse)
   return (strResponse.Substring(0, 3) == RESPONSE_OK);


  /// get response content

  /// string to examine
  /// response content
  private string GetResponseContent()
   return _lastCommandResponse.Substring(3);


  /// Sends a command to the POP server.

  /// command to send to server
  /// Do not give error
  /// true if server responded "+OK"
  private bool SendCommand(string strCommand, bool blnSilent)
   _lastCommandResponse = "";
    if (writer.BaseStream.CanWrite)
     //WaitForResponse(ref reader,WaitForResponseInterval);
     WaitForResponse(ref reader);
     _lastCommandResponse = reader.ReadLine();
     return IsOkResponse(_lastCommandResponse);
     return false;
   catch (Exception e)
    if (!blnSilent)
     _Error = strCommand + ":" + e.Message;
    return false;


  /// Sends a command to the POP server.

  /// command to send to server
  /// true if server responded "+OK"
  private bool SendCommand(string strCommand)
   return SendCommand(strCommand, false);


  /// Sends a command to the POP server, expects an integer reply in the response

  /// command to send to server
  /// integer value in the reply
  private int SendCommandIntResponse(string strCommand)
   int retVal = 0;
   if (SendCommand(strCommand))
     retVal = int.Parse(_lastCommandResponse.Split(' ')[1]);
    catch (Exception e)
     Utility.LogError(strCommand + ":" + e.Message);
   return retVal;


  /// Construct new POPClient

  public POPClient()
   Utility.Log = false;


  /// Construct new POPClient

  public POPClient(string strHost, int intPort, string strlogin, string strPassword, AuthenticationMethod authenticationMethod)
   Connect(strHost, intPort);
   Authenticate(strlogin, strPassword, authenticationMethod);


  /// connect to remote server

  /// POP3 host
  /// POP3 port
  public void Connect(string strHost, int intPort)

   clientSocket = new TcpClient();
   clientSocket.ReceiveTimeout = _receiveTimeOut;
   clientSocket.SendTimeout = _sendTimeOut;
   clientSocket.ReceiveBufferSize = _receiveBufferSize;
   clientSocket.SendBufferSize = _sendBufferSize;

    clientSocket.Connect(strHost, intPort);
   catch (SocketException e)
    Utility.LogError("Connect():" + e.Message);
    throw new PopServerNotFoundException();

   reader = new StreamReader(clientSocket.GetStream(), Encoding.Default, true);
   writer = new StreamWriter(clientSocket.GetStream());
   writer.AutoFlush = true;

   WaitForResponse(ref reader, WaitForResponseInterval);

   string strResponse = reader.ReadLine();

   if (IsOkResponse(strResponse))
    _connected = true;
    Utility.LogError("Connect():" + "Error when login, maybe POP3 server not exist");
    throw new PopServerNotAvailableException();


  /// Disconnect from POP3 server

  public void Disconnect()
    clientSocket.ReceiveTimeout = 500;
    clientSocket.SendTimeout = 500;
    SendCommand("QUIT", true);
    clientSocket.ReceiveTimeout = _receiveTimeOut;
    clientSocket.SendTimeout = _sendTimeOut;
    reader = null;
    writer = null;
    clientSocket = null;


  /// release me



  /// verify user and password

  /// user name
  /// password
  public void Authenticate(string strlogin, string strPassword)
   Authenticate(strlogin, strPassword, AuthenticationMethod.USERPASS);


  /// verify user and password

  /// user name
  /// strPassword
  /// verification mode
  public void Authenticate(string strlogin, string strPassword, AuthenticationMethod authenticationMethod)
   if (authenticationMethod == AuthenticationMethod.USERPASS)
    AuthenticateUsingUSER(strlogin, strPassword);
   else if (authenticationMethod == AuthenticationMethod.APOP)
    AuthenticateUsingAPOP(strlogin, strPassword);
   else if (authenticationMethod == AuthenticationMethod.TRYBOTH)
     AuthenticateUsingUSER(strlogin, strPassword);
    catch (InvalidLoginException e)
     Utility.LogError("Authenticate():" + e.Message);
    catch (InvalidPasswordException e)
     Utility.LogError("Authenticate():" + e.Message);
    catch (Exception e)
     Utility.LogError("Authenticate():" + e.Message);
     AuthenticateUsingAPOP(strlogin, strPassword);


  /// verify user and password

  /// user name
  /// password
  private void AuthenticateUsingUSER(string strlogin, string strPassword)

   if (!SendCommand("USER " + strlogin))
    Utility.LogError("AuthenticateUsingUSER():wrong user");
    throw new InvalidLoginException();

   WaitForResponse(ref writer, WaitForResponseInterval);

   if (!SendCommand("PASS " + strPassword))
    if (_lastCommandResponse.ToLower().IndexOf("lock") != -1)
     Utility.LogError("AuthenticateUsingUSER():maildrop is locked");
     throw new PopServerLockException();
     Utility.LogError("AuthenticateUsingUSER():wrong password or " + GetResponseContent());
     throw new InvalidPasswordException();



  /// verify user and password using APOP

  /// user name
  /// password
  private void AuthenticateUsingAPOP(string strlogin, string strPassword)

   if (!SendCommand("APOP " + strlogin + " " + MyMD5.GetMD5HashHex(strPassword)))
    Utility.LogError("AuthenticateUsingAPOP():wrong user or password");
    throw new InvalidLoginOrPasswordException();


  /*  private string GetCommand(string input)
      return input.Split(' ')[0];
     catch(Exception e)
      return "";

  private string[] GetParameters(string input)
   string[] temp = input.Split(' ');
   string[] retStringArray = new string[temp.Length - 1];
   Array.Copy(temp, 1, retStringArray, 0, temp.Length - 1);

   return retStringArray;


  /// get message count

  /// message count
  public int GetMessageCount()
   return SendCommandIntResponse("STAT");


  /// Deletes message with given index when Close() is called

  public bool DeleteMessage(int intMessageIndex)
   return SendCommand("DELE " + intMessageIndex.ToString());


  /// Deletes messages

  public bool DeleteAllMessages()
   int messageCount = GetMessageCount();
   for (int messageItem = messageCount; messageItem > 0; messageItem--)
    if (!DeleteMessage(messageItem))
     return false;
   return true;


  /// quit POP3 server

  public bool QUIT()
   return SendCommand("QUIT");


  /// keep server active

  public bool NOOP()
   return SendCommand("NOOP");


  /// keep server active

  public bool RSET()
   return SendCommand("RSET");


  /// identify user

  public bool USER()
   return SendCommand("USER");



  /// get messages info

  /// message number
  /// Message object
  public MIMEParser.Message GetMessageHeader(int intMessageNumber)

   //MIMEParser.Message msg = FetchMessage("TOP " + intMessageNumber.ToString() + " 0", true);

   //modify by playyuer $at$ Microshaoft.com
   MIMEParser.Message msg = FetchMessage(intMessageNumber, "TOP {0} 0", true);


   return msg;


  /// get message uid

  /// message number
  public string GetMessageUID(int intMessageNumber)
   string[] strValues = null;
   if (SendCommand("UIDL " + intMessageNumber.ToString()))
    strValues = GetParameters(_lastCommandResponse);
   return strValues[1];


  /// get message uids

  public ArrayList GetMessageUIDs()
   ArrayList uids = new ArrayList();
   if (SendCommand("UIDL"))
    string strResponse = reader.ReadLine();
    while (strResponse != ".")
     uids.Add(strResponse.Split(' ')[1]);
     strResponse = reader.ReadLine();
    return uids;
    return null;


  /// Get the sizes of all the messages
  /// CAUTION:  Assumes no messages have been deleted

  /// Size of each message
  public ArrayList LIST()
   ArrayList sizes = new ArrayList();
   if (SendCommand("LIST"))
    string strResponse = reader.ReadLine();
    while (strResponse != ".")
     sizes.Add(int.Parse(strResponse.Split(' ')[1]));
     strResponse = reader.ReadLine();
    return sizes;
    return null;


  /// get the size of a message

  /// message number
  /// Size of message
  public int LIST(int intMessageNumber)
   return SendCommandIntResponse("LIST " + intMessageNumber.ToString());

  //add by playyuer $at$ Microshaoft.com
  public delegate void DataEventHandler(int MessageID, int Data);

  public event DataEventHandler DataArrival;

  public void OnMessageReceiving(int MessageID, int Data)
   if (DataArrival != null)
    DataArrival(MessageID, Data);


  /// read stream content

  /// length of content to read
  /// content
  private string ReceiveContent(int MessageID, int intContentLength)
   string strResponse = null;
   StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();

   WaitForResponse(ref reader, WaitForResponseInterval);

   strResponse = reader.ReadLine();
   int intLines = 0;
   int intLen = 0;
   //add by playyuer $at$ microshaoft.com
   OnMessageReceiving(MessageID, intLen);

   while (strResponse != ".") // || (intLen   {
    builder.Append(strResponse + "\r\n");
    intLines += 1;
    intLen += strResponse.Length + "\r\n".Length;

    //add by playyuer $at$ microshaoft.com
    OnMessageReceiving(MessageID, intLen);

    WaitForResponse(ref reader, 1);

    strResponse = reader.ReadLine();
    if ((intLines%_receiveContentSleepInterval) == 0) //make an interval pause to ensure response from server

   OnMessageReceiving(MessageID,-1); //接收一封邮件完毕

   builder.Append(strResponse + "\r\n");

   return builder.ToString();



  /// get message info

  /// message number on server
  /// Message object
  public MIMEParser.Message GetMessage(int intNumber, bool blnOnlyHeader)

   //modify by playyuer $at$ Microshaoft.com
   MIMEParser.Message msg = FetchMessage(intNumber, "RETR {0}", blnOnlyHeader);


   return msg;


  /// fetches a message or a message header

  /// Command to send to Pop server
  /// Only return message header?
  /// Message object
  public MIMEParser.Message FetchMessage(string strCommand, bool blnOnlyHeader)
   _receiveFinish = false;
   if (!SendCommand(strCommand))
    return null;

    string receivedContent = ReceiveContent(0, -1);

    MIMEParser.Message msg = new MIMEParser.Message(ref _receiveFinish, _basePath, _autoDecodeMSTNEF, receivedContent, blnOnlyHeader);

    WaitForResponse(_receiveFinish, WaitForResponseInterval);

    return msg;
   catch (Exception e)
    Utility.LogError("FetchMessage():" + e.Message);
    return null;

  //overload by playyuer©㊣®microshaoft.com
  public MIMEParser.Message FetchMessage(int MessageID, string strCommand, bool blnOnlyHeader)
   _receiveFinish = false;

   string s = string.Format(strCommand, MessageID).ToUpper();
   if (!SendCommand(s))
    return null;

    string receivedContent = ReceiveContent(MessageID, -1);

    MIMEParser.Message msg = new MIMEParser.Message(ref _receiveFinish, _basePath, _autoDecodeMSTNEF, receivedContent, blnOnlyHeader);

    WaitForResponse(_receiveFinish, WaitForResponseInterval);

    return msg;
   catch (Exception e)
    Utility.LogError("FetchMessage():" + e.Message);
    return null;



 /// Utility functions

 public class Utility
  /// Weather auto loggin is on or off

  private static bool m_blnLog = false;


  /// The file name in which the logging will be done

  private static string m_strLogFile = "OpenPOP.log";


  /// Turns file logging on and off.

Change Property Name


  /// Comming soon.
  public static bool Log
    return m_blnLog;
    m_blnLog = value;


  /// Log an error to the log file

  /// The error text to log
  internal static void LogError(string strText)
   if (Log)
    FileInfo file = null;
    FileStream fs = null;
    StreamWriter sw = null;
     file = new FileInfo(m_strLogFile);
     sw = file.AppendText();
     //fs = new FileStream(m_strLogFile, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Write);
     //sw = new StreamWriter(fs);
     if (sw != null)
      sw = null;
     if (fs != null)
      fs = null;




//前妻 jmail 的外衣不能扔继续留给 OpenPOP.Net 穿
//《封装 JMail 4.4 的 POP3 为 .Net 组件 (.dll 程序集),实现 "邮件(附件) 到达" 等 "事件"!
w3 JMail v4.4 Professional 的获取请自行 google!
或参阅 http://community.csdn.net/Expert/TopicView.asp?id=3739405

w3 JMail v4.4 Professional 是一个 COM 的组件,我用 C# 把其 POP3 COM 类封装成
一个用于收取邮件的 .Net 组件:
  public event MessagesEventHandler MessageReceived; //一封邮件已收到本地
  public event MessagesEventHandler MessageReceive; //一封邮件正到达
  public event AttachmentsEventHandler AttachmentReceive; //一封邮件的附件正到达

  public event MessagesEventHandler MessageException;
  public event AttachmentsEventHandler AttachmentException;


1.复制到 Microsoft Visual Studio .Net 2003 的新建的 "控制台应用程序" 项目的 *.cs 文件中
2.然后添加引用 JMail 4.x Library!
jmail 的注册方法,运行命令行: regsvr32 e:\jmail\jmail.dll
3.F5 运行

1.复制到任意一个 *.cs 文件中保存!(如: e:\temp\OpenMail.cs)
2.使用 tlbimp.exe(类型库导入程序)实用工具生成一个 .Net 程序集
执行命令行: (位于 Ms VS.Net 安装目录下的: E:\MsVS.Net\SDK\v1.1\Bin\TlbImp.exe)
tlbimp.exe e:\jmail\jmail.dll /out:e:\temp\jmail.net.dll /namespace:jmail
生成的 jmail.net.dll 与 *.cs 文件放在同一目录下!
3.执行 csc 命令行编译 *.cs
编译成 exe : (这里是为了演示测试效果所以编译成 exe)
csc.exe OpenMail.cs /r:jmail.net.dll
编译成 dll ,即可由别的 .Net 程序添加引用:
csc.exe /t:library OpenMail.cs /r:jmail.net.dll

(当然也可将 namespace Microshaoft.OpenMail 下的代码单独编译成 dll)

namespace Microshaoft.OpenMail
 //using jmail;
 //using System;

 public class POP3
  public delegate void MessagesEventHandler(MessagesState oMessagesState);
  public delegate void AttachmentsEventHandler(AttachmentsState oAttachmentsState);

  public event MessagesEventHandler MessagesReceiveAsync;
  public event AttachmentsEventHandler AttachmentsReceiveAsync;

  public event MessagesEventHandler MessageReceived;
  public event MessagesEventHandler MessageReceive;
  public event AttachmentsEventHandler AttachmentReceive;

  public event MessagesEventHandler MessageException;
  public event AttachmentsEventHandler AttachmentException;

  public delegate void DataEventHandler(int MessageID,int Data);

  public event DataEventHandler DataArrival;

  private string _UserName;
  private string _Password;
  private string _Server;
  private int _Port = 110;

  private static object _SyncObject = new object();

  public POP3(string UserName,string Password,string Server,int Port)
   this._UserName = UserName;
   this._Password = Password;
   this._Server = Server;
   this._Port = Port;

  public POP3(string UserName,string Password,string Server)
   this._UserName = UserName;
   this._Password = Password;
   this._Server = Server;

  public string UserName
    return _UserName;
    _UserName = value;

  public string Password
    return _Password;
    _Password = value;

  public string Server
    return _Server;
    _Server = value;

  public int Port
    return _Port;
    _Port = value;
  public void Execute()
  OpenPOP.POP3.POPClient pop3;

  public void Execute(bool IsAsync)
   pop3 = new OpenPOP.POP3.POPClient();
   pop3.DataArrival += new OpenPOP.POP3.POPClient.DataEventHandler(pop3_DataArrival);
    //pop3.Timeout = 0;
    //jmail.MessagesClass jms = (jmail.MessagesClass) pop3.Messages;
    int I = pop3.GetMessageCount();;
    MessagesState omss = null;
    for (int i = 0; i < I ; i++)
      OpenPOP.MIMEParser.Message jmc = pop3.GetMessage(i+1,false);
      if (omss == null || omss.MessageID != i+1)
       omss = new MessagesState(i+1,jmc,pop3);
      if (this.MessageReceive != null)
       if (!omss.CancelCurrent)
        if (IsAsync)
         //System.IAsyncResult iar =
         (new MessagesEventHandler(this.MessageExecuteAsync)).BeginInvoke(omss,new System.AsyncCallback(this.OnMessageCallBack),omss);
         if (jmc != null)
          int J = jmc.Attachments.Count;
          AttachmentsState oass = null;
          for (int j = 0; j < J; j++)
            if (oass == null || oass.AttachmentID != j)
             oass = new AttachmentsState(j,omss);
            if (this.AttachmentReceive != null)
             if (!oass.CancelCurrent)
              string s = oass.FileName;
              omss.SetFilePath(System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(s) + @"\");

           catch (System.Exception e)
            if (this.AttachmentException != null)
             oass.Exception = e;
             if (oass.ExceptionAction == Microshaoft.OpenMail.ExceptionActions.CancelAll)
              if (oass.ExceptionAction == Microshaoft.OpenMail.ExceptionActions.Retry)
              if (oass.ExceptionAction == Microshaoft.OpenMail.ExceptionActions.Ignore)
              if (oass.ExceptionAction == Microshaoft.OpenMail.ExceptionActions.Throw)
              throw e;
             throw e;
         if (this.MessageReceived != null)
     catch (System.Exception e)
      if (this.MessageException != null)
       omss.Exception = e;
       if (omss.ExceptionAction == Microshaoft.OpenMail.ExceptionActions.CancelAll)
        if (omss.ExceptionAction == Microshaoft.OpenMail.ExceptionActions.Retry)
        if (omss.ExceptionAction == Microshaoft.OpenMail.ExceptionActions.Ignore)
        if (omss.ExceptionAction == Microshaoft.OpenMail.ExceptionActions.Throw)
        throw e;
       throw e;
   catch (System.Exception e)
    throw e;
    pop3 = null;
   //System.Console.WriteLine("main end");

  private void MessageExecuteAsync(MessagesState oMessagesState)
   int J = oMessagesState.jMessage.Attachments.Count;
   for (int j = 0; j < J; j++)
    AttachmentsState oass = new AttachmentsState(j,oMessagesState);
    //System.IAsyncResult iar =
    (new AttachmentsEventHandler(this.AttachmentExecuteAsync)).BeginInvoke(oass,new System.AsyncCallback(this.OnAttachemnetCallBack),oass);

  private void AttachmentExecuteAsync(AttachmentsState oAttachmentsState)

  private void OnMessageCallBack(System.IAsyncResult iar)
   MessagesState omss = (MessagesState) iar.AsyncState;
   if (this.MessagesReceiveAsync != null)
    if (omss.jMessage.Attachments.Count == 0)

  private void OnAttachemnetCallBack(System.IAsyncResult iar)
   AttachmentsState oass = (AttachmentsState) iar.AsyncState;
   if (this.AttachmentsReceiveAsync != null)
   if (!oass.CancelCurrent)
    catch (System.Exception e)
     oass.Exception = e;
     if (AttachmentException != null)
      if (oass.ExceptionAction == Microshaoft.OpenMail.ExceptionActions.CancelAll)

       if (oass.ExceptionAction == Microshaoft.OpenMail.ExceptionActions.Retry)
       this.OnAttachemnetCallBack((System.IAsyncResult) oass);
       if (oass.ExceptionAction == Microshaoft.OpenMail.ExceptionActions.Ignore)

       if (oass.ExceptionAction == Microshaoft.OpenMail.ExceptionActions.Throw)
       throw e;
   if (this.MessagesReceiveAsync != null)
    if (oass.AttachmentsCount == 0)

  private void pop3_DataArrival(int MessageID, int Data)
   if (DataArrival != null)


 public class MessagesState //Messages 状态
  private static object _SyncObject = new object();
  private int _MessageID;
  private OpenPOP.MIMEParser.Message _jMessage;
  //private jmail.MessagesClass _jMessages;
  private OpenPOP.POP3.POPClient _jPOP3;
  private string _FilePath;
  private bool _CancelCurrent ;

  private System.Exception _Exception;
  private ExceptionActions _ExceptionAction;

  public int ReceivedLength
   get { return _ReceivedLength; }
   set { _ReceivedLength = value; }

  private int _ReceivedLength;


  public ExceptionActions ExceptionAction
    return _ExceptionAction;
    this._ExceptionAction = value;

  public System.Exception Exception
    return _Exception;
    this._Exception = value;

  public string FilePath
    return this._FilePath;

  internal void SetFilePath(string FilePath)
   this._FilePath = FilePath;

  public bool CancelCurrent
    return this._CancelCurrent;
    this._CancelCurrent = value;

  public int MessagesCount //尚未处理的邮件数
    return this._jPOP3.GetMessageCount() - this._MessageID;

  public OpenPOP.MIMEParser.Message jMessage
    return this._jMessage;

  public int MessageID
    return this._MessageID;

  internal MessagesState(int MessageID,OpenPOP.MIMEParser.Message jMessage,OpenPOP.POP3.POPClient jPOP3)
   this._MessageID = MessageID;
   this._jMessage = jMessage;
   //this._jMessages = jMessages;
   this._jPOP3 = jPOP3;

  public void DeleteSingleMessage()

  public void DeleteSingleMessage(int MessageID)

  public void DeleteMessages()

 public enum ExceptionActions

 public class AttachmentsState //Attachments 状态
  private MessagesState _MessagesState;
  private int _AttachmentID;
  private string _FileName;
  private static object _SyncObject = new object();
  private OpenPOP.MIMEParser.Attachment _jAttachment;
  private bool _CancelCurrent;
  private System.Exception _Exception;
  private ExceptionActions _ExceptionAction;

  public ExceptionActions ExceptionAction
    return _ExceptionAction;
    this._ExceptionAction = value;

  public System.Exception Exception
    return _Exception;
    this._Exception = value;

  public bool CancelCurrent
    return this._CancelCurrent;
    this._CancelCurrent = value;

  public OpenPOP.MIMEParser.Attachment jAttachment
    return this._jAttachment;

  public int AttachmentsCount //尚未处理的邮件附件数
    return this._MessagesState.jMessage.Attachments.Count - this._AttachmentID - 1;

  public string FileName
    return this._FileName;
    this._FileName = value;

  public MessagesState MessagesState
    return this._MessagesState;

  public int AttachmentID
    return this._AttachmentID;

  public void SaveToFile(string FileName)
   //if (!this.CancelCurrent)

  internal AttachmentsState(int AttachmentID,MessagesState oMessagesState)
   this._MessagesState = oMessagesState;
   this._AttachmentID = AttachmentID;
   this._jAttachment = (OpenPOP.MIMEParser.Attachment) oMessagesState.jMessage.Attachments[AttachmentID];
   this._FileName = System.String.Format("[{0}].{1}.[{2}].{3}",oMessagesState.MessageID,oMessagesState.jMessage.Subject,AttachmentID,oMessagesState.jMessage.GetAttachmentFileName(_jAttachment));

//下面写一个测试类: 定时收取邮件
// Console 测试程序:
namespace Microshaoft.OpenMail.ConsoleApplicationTest
using System;
using Microshaoft.OpenMail;
using POP = Microshaoft.OpenMail.POP3;

class ConsoleApplicationTest
 string POP3_Server = "mail.xxxx.com";//System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["POP3_Server"];
 string POP3_User = "userid";//System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["POP3_User"];
 string POP3_Password = "password";//System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["POP3_Password"];

 int Interval = 20;//Convert.ToInt32(System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["TimerInterval"]);

 POP Pop1;

 bool IsBusy = false;

 static void Main()
  ConsoleApplicationTest a = new ConsoleApplicationTest();

  a.Pop1 = new POP(a.POP3_User, a.POP3_Password, a.POP3_Server);
  a.Pop1.MessageReceived += new Microshaoft.OpenMail.POP3.MessagesEventHandler(a.Pop1_MessageReceived);
  a.Pop1.AttachmentReceive += new Microshaoft.OpenMail.POP3.AttachmentsEventHandler(a.Pop1_AttachmentReceive);
  a.Pop1.MessageReceive += new Microshaoft.OpenMail.POP3.MessagesEventHandler(a.Pop1_MessageReceive);
  //订阅 Exception 事件
  a.Pop1.AttachmentException += new Microshaoft.OpenMail.POP3.AttachmentsEventHandler(a.Pop1_AttachmentException);
  a.Pop1.DataArrival += new Microshaoft.OpenMail.POP3.DataEventHandler(a.Pop1_DataArrival);
  a.t = new System.Timers.Timer();
  a.t.Interval = 1000 * a.Interval; //每 30 秒收取一次邮件
  a.t.Elapsed += new System.Timers.ElapsedEventHandler(a.t_Elapsed);
  a.t_Elapsed(null, null);

  while (System.Console.ReadLine().ToLower() != "exit")
   System.Console.WriteLine("press \"exit\" to exit this programe!");

 System.Timers.Timer t;

 private void t_Elapsed(object sender, System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs e)

 public void RefreshSettings()
  System.Xml.XmlDocument xd = new System.Xml.XmlDocument();
  POP3_Server = xd.SelectSingleNode("/configuration/appSettings/add[@key=\"POP3_Server\"]").Attributes["value"].Value; //System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["POP3_Server"];
  POP3_User = xd.SelectSingleNode("/configuration/appSettings/add[@key=\"POP3_User\"]").Attributes["value"].Value; //System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["POP3_User"];
  POP3_Password = xd.SelectSingleNode("/configuration/appSettings/add[@key=\"POP3_Password\"]").Attributes["value"].Value; //System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["POP3_User"];//System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["POP3_Password"];
  Interval = Convert.ToInt32(xd.SelectSingleNode("/configuration/appSettings/add[@key=\"TimerInterval\"]").Attributes["value"].Value);
  t.Interval = Interval * 1000;
  this.Pop1.UserName = POP3_User;
  this.Pop1.Password = POP3_Password;
  this.Pop1.Server = POP3_Server;

 private void DoWait()
  Wait(ref IsBusy); //由委托调用的真正函数

 private void Run()
  if (!IsBusy)
   System.Console.WriteLine("\nBusy {0}", System.DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime().ToUniversalTime());
   this.t.Enabled = false;
   this.IsBusy = true;
   //this.Pop1.Execute(true); //异步执行
    this.Pop1.Execute(); //同步执行
   catch (System.Exception ex)
    this.IsBusy = false;
    t.Enabled = true;

 private void Idle()
  System.Console.WriteLine("\nIdle {0}", System.DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime().ToUniversalTime());
  System.Console.WriteLine("The programme will receive mails next time , after " + t.Interval.ToString() + "ms");
  System.Console.WriteLine("press \"exit\" to exit this programe!");
  new System.Threading.Thread(new System.Threading.ThreadStart(DoWait)).Start(); //监视线程: 显示滚动计数器

 private void Pop1_MessagesReceiveAsync(MessagesState oMessagesState)

 private void Pop1_MessageReceived(MessagesState oMessagesState)
  System.Console.WriteLine("\nMessage: [{0}].{1} of {2} Messages have been recieved! {3}", oMessagesState.MessageID, oMessagesState.jMessage.Subject, 0, oMessagesState.MessagesCount);

  if (!oMessagesState.CancelCurrent)

 private void Wait(ref bool Flag) //Flag 可在其他线程改
  int i = 0;
  string bs = "";
  string s = "";
  while (!Flag)
   s = System.DateTime.Now.ToString();
   System.Console.Write(bs + "\b\b\b" + ++i + " 秒," + s);
   System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); // 1 second
   bs = new string('\b', Digits(i) + s.Length + 1); //19 为日期时间字符串长度, 1 是 ","

 private void Pop1_AttachmentReceive(AttachmentsState oAttachmentsState)
  oAttachmentsState.CancelCurrent = true;
  if (!oAttachmentsState.MessagesState.CancelCurrent)
   string S = @"e:\temp\" + oAttachmentsState.FileName;

 private void Pop1_MessageReceive(MessagesState oMessagesState)
  //oMessagesState.CancelCurrent = true;
  if (oMessagesState.jMessage.Subject != null)


 private void Pop1_AttachmentException(Microshaoft.OpenMail.AttachmentsState oAttachmentsState)
  System.Console.WriteLine("Execute Exception: {0}", oAttachmentsState.Exception.Message);
  oAttachmentsState.FileName = "e:\\temp\\copy of " + oAttachmentsState.jAttachment.DefaultFileName;
  oAttachmentsState.ExceptionAction = Microshaoft.OpenMail.ExceptionActions.Retry; //上一句文件改名后重新处理
  oAttachmentsState.ExceptionAction = Microshaoft.OpenMail.ExceptionActions.Ignore; //处理下一个附件
  //oAttachmentsState.ExceptionAction = Microshaoft.OpenMail.ExceptionActions.Throw;

 string bs = ""; //用于记录上次的位数
 private void Pop1_DataArrival(int MessageID, int Data)
  if (Data == 0)
   System.Console.Write("已接收 Message: [{0}] 数据:    ", MessageID);
   bs = "";
  if (Data > 0)
   System.Console.Write(bs + "\b\b\b" + Data + " 行");
   bs = new string('\b', Digits(Data));

 int Digits(int n) //数字所占位数
  n = System.Math.Abs(n);
  n = n/10;
  int i = 1;
  while (n > 0)
   n = n/10;
  return i;

// Windows 测试程序:

namespace Microshaoft.OpenMail.WindowsApplicationTest
using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;


/// Form1 的摘要说明。

public class Form1 : System.Windows.Forms.Form
 private System.Windows.Forms.Button button1;
 private System.Windows.Forms.Timer timer1;
 private System.ComponentModel.IContainer components;

 public Form1()
  // Windows 窗体设计器支持所必需的

  // TODO: 在 InitializeComponent 调用后添加任何构造函数代码


 /// 清理所有正在使用的资源。

 protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
  if (disposing)
   if (components != null)

 #region Windows 窗体设计器生成的代码


 /// 设计器支持所需的方法 - 不要使用代码编辑器修改
 /// 此方法的内容。

 private void InitializeComponent()
  this.components = new System.ComponentModel.Container();
  this.button1 = new System.Windows.Forms.Button();
  this.timer1 = new System.Windows.Forms.Timer(this.components);
  // button1
  this.button1.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(24, 24);
  this.button1.Name = "button1";
  this.button1.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(80, 40);
  this.button1.TabIndex = 0;
  this.button1.Text = "button1";
  this.button1.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.button1_Click);
  // timer1
  this.timer1.Tick += new System.EventHandler(this.timer1_Tick);
  // Form1
  this.AutoScaleBaseSize = new System.Drawing.Size(6, 14);
  this.ClientSize = new System.Drawing.Size(292, 273);
  this.Name = "Form1";
  this.Text = "Form1";




 /// 应用程序的主入口点。

 public static void Main0() //Main() //若要单独的 Windows 程序可再换回 Main()
  Application.Run(new Form1());

 private Microshaoft.OpenMail.POP3 x;

 private void button1_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
  timer1.Interval = 1000 * 120; //每 120 秒收取一次邮件
  new System.Threading.Thread(new System.Threading.ThreadStart(this.ThreadProc)).Start();

 private void ThreadProc()
  button1.Enabled = false;
  x = new Microshaoft.OpenMail.POP3("UserName", "Password", "mail.xxx.com");
  x.MessageReceive += new Microshaoft.OpenMail.POP3.MessagesEventHandler(x_MessageReceive);
  x.MessageReceived += new Microshaoft.OpenMail.POP3.MessagesEventHandler(x_MessageReceived);
  x.AttachmentReceive += new Microshaoft.OpenMail.POP3.AttachmentsEventHandler(x_AttachmentReceive);
  x.AttachmentException += new Microshaoft.OpenMail.POP3.AttachmentsEventHandler(x_AttachmentException);
  timer1.Interval = 1000*120; //每 120 秒收取一次邮件
  timer1.Enabled = false;
  button1.Enabled = true;

 private void x_MessageReceive(Microshaoft.OpenMail.MessagesState oMessagesState)
  System.Console.WriteLine("{0},《{1}》", oMessagesState.MessageID.ToString(), oMessagesState.jMessage.Subject);



 private void timer1_Tick(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
  new System.Threading.Thread(new System.Threading.ThreadStart(this.ThreadProc)).Start();

 private void x_MessageReceived(Microshaoft.OpenMail.MessagesState oMessagesState)
  if (oMessagesState.MessagesCount == 0)
   //System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("game over");

 private void x_AttachmentReceive(Microshaoft.OpenMail.AttachmentsState oAttachmentsState)
  oAttachmentsState.FileName = "e:\\temp\\" + oAttachmentsState.FileName;
  if (oAttachmentsState.Exception != null)
   //throw oAttachmentsState.Exception;

  oAttachmentsState.CancelCurrent = true; //不Save处理当前附件
  if (oAttachmentsState.AttachmentsCount == 0)

 private void x_AttachmentException(Microshaoft.OpenMail.AttachmentsState oAttachmentsState)
  System.Console.WriteLine("Execute Exception: {0}", oAttachmentsState.Exception.Message);
  oAttachmentsState.FileName = "e:\\temp\\copy of " + oAttachmentsState.jAttachment.DefaultFileName;
  //oAttachmentsState.ExceptionAction = Microshaoft.OpenMail.ExceptionActions.Retry; //上一句文件改名后重新处理
  oAttachmentsState.ExceptionAction = Microshaoft.OpenMail.ExceptionActions.Ignore; //处理下一个附件
  //oAttachmentsState.ExceptionAction = Microshaoft.OpenMail.ExceptionActions.Throw;


你可能感兴趣的:(给 OpenPOP.Net 加一个小功能,可用于收取邮件时监测数据流量!)