
using namespace std;
vector compress(string& sin)
    istringstream in(sin);
    // initialize the table, add all visible ascii char into the dictionary
    mapint> dic;
    for(char c=32;c<=126;c++)
    vector ret;
    // do the encoding
    string w;
    for(char c=in.get(); c!=EOF; c=in.get())
        string wc=w+c;
    return ret;
string decompress(vector& data)
    // the dictionary, a aditional set is used to test whether a word is already in the dictionary
    vector dic;
    set dic_set;
    // initialize the dictionary
    for(char c=32; c<=126;c++)
        dic.push_back(string(1, c));
    // decode
    string w, ret;
    for(size_t i=0;i
        size_t code=data[i];
        // please refer to: http://www.cis.udel.edu/~amer/CISC651/lzw.and.gif.explained.html
        string en = code>=dic.size() ? w+w[0] : dic[code];
        string nw=w+en[0];
    return ret;
int main()
    //string s("ToBeOrNotToBe");
    string s("aaaaaffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffaaaafafafafaaaa");
    vector ret=compress(s);
    string s2=decompress(ret);

