sqlzoo--More JOIN operations

  • sqlzoo–select basics,select from world

  • sqlzoo–select from nobel ,select in select

  • sqlzoo–sum and count

  • sqlzoo–the join operation

  • sqlzoo–More JOIN operations

  • sqlzoo–using null

  • sqlzoo–self join

More JOIN operations




  1. 列出1962年首映的电影,显示其id,title

    SELECT  id,title
     FROM movie
     WHERE yr=1962;
  2. 电影citizen kane 的首映年份

    select yr from movie
    where title = 'Citizen Kane';
  3. 列出所有star trek星空奇遇系列的电影,包括id,title,yr.按年份顺序排列

    select id,title,yr from movie 
    where title like 'Star Trek%' 
    order by yr;
  4. id是11768,11955,21191的电影是什么名称?

    select title from movie
    where id in (11768,11955,21191);
  5. 女演员Glenn Close的编号id是什么

    select id from actor 
    where name = 'Glenn Close';
  6. 电影Casablanca的编号id

    select id from movie 
    where title = 'Casablanca';
  7. 列出电影Casablanca的演员名单

    select name from actor 
    join casting on id = actorid 
    where movieid = 11768;
  8. 显示电影类型Alien的演员清单

    select name from actor 
    where id in(
    select actorid from movie 
    join casting on id = movieid
    where title like 'Alien');
  9. 列出演员Harrison Ford曾出演的电影

    select title from movie
    where id in (
    select movieid from casting
    join actor on actorid = id
    where name = 'Harrison Ford');
  10. 列出演员Harrison Ford曾演出的电影,但不是第一主角。

    select title from movie 
    where id in (
    select movieid from casting join 
    actor on actorid = id where ord != 1
    and name = 'Harrison Ford');
  11. 列出1962年首映的电影及其第一主角

    select m.title,a.name from movie m
    join casting c on m.id = c.movieid 
    join actor a on c.actorid = a.id
    where c.ord = 1 and yr = 1962;
  12. john travolta 最忙的年份,显示年份和该年的电影数目。


    SELECT yr,COUNT(title) FROM
      movie m JOIN casting c ON m.id = c.movieid
             JOIN actor a ON c.actorid = a.id
    where name = 'John Travolta'
    GROUP BY yr
    (SELECT yr,COUNT(title) AS c 
    FROM movie 
    JOIN casting ON movie.id=movieid
    JOIN actor   ON actorid=actor.id
     where name='John Travolta'
     GROUP BY yr) AS t


    SELECT yr,COUNT(title) FROM
      movie m JOIN casting c ON m.id = c.movieid
             JOIN actor a ON c.actorid = a.id
    where name = 'John Travolta'
    GROUP BY yr
    order by count(title) DESC limit 1;
  13. 列出演员Julie Andrews曾参演的电影名称及其第一主角。

    select title,name from movie m
    join casting c on m.id = c.movieid
    join actor a on c.actorid = a.id
    where movieid in (SELECT movieid FROM casting
    WHERE actorid IN (
      SELECT id FROM actor
      WHERE name='Julie Andrews'))
      and ord = 1;
  14. 按字母顺序列出哪一演员曾做过30次第一主角。

    select distinct(name) from actor a
    join casting c on a.id = c.actorid
    join movie m on c.movieid = m.id
    where c.actorid in (
    select actorid from casting c
    where ord = 1 
    group by actorid
    having count(ord) >= 30);
  15. 列出1978年首映的电影名称及角色数目,按照数目由多到少排序。

    select title,count(actorid) from movie m
    join casting c on c.movieid=m.id
    join actor a on c.actorid=a.id
    where yr=1978
    group by title
    order by count(actorid) desc,title;


  16. 列出曾与Art Garfunkel合作过的演员姓名。

    select name from actor a
    join casting c on a.id = c.actorid
    join movie m on m.id = c.movieid
    where name != 'Art Garfunkel' 
    and m.id in (
    select movieid from casting c 
    join movie m on m.id = c.movieid
    join actor a on c.actorid = a.id
    where a.name = 'Art Garfunkel');
