

关于博客中使用的Guns版本问题请先阅读   Guns二次开发目录       

       Guns中的字段管理是一个很不错的功能,我其实也是第一次发现还能这么玩,因为以前一直使用的方法是:后端直接将数据库保存的状态值返回给前端,然后在文档中加上字段不同值的解释,前端针对这个字段做不同的 if else 判断来解释其含义,并回显到页面中。某种意义上来讲,这其实是后端开发人员将自己的工作量抛给前端开发人员,以此减轻自己的工作量。但是对于mvc项目下的后台管理系统,此时前端代码和后端代码都是由Java开发包圆了,于是后端抛出去的球又回到了自己手中,在这种情况下,字典管理便应运而生了。当然了,以上都是我个人的想法,大家当个段子看便好。




      需求: 准确点描述就是,在sys_dict 表中,对于pid为0的记录,要保证name字段的唯一性(也就是保证字典名称的唯一性)。对于pid不为0的同级别记录(即pid相等但pid不为0的记录),要保证name和code字段的唯一性。


























     * 新增字典
     * @param dictValues 格式例如   "1:启用;2:禁用;3:冻结"
    @BussinessLog(value = "添加字典记录", key = "dictName,dictValues", dict = DictMap.class)
    @RequestMapping(value = "/add")
    public Object add(@RequestParam(required = false,defaultValue = "0",value = "dictNum")Integer dictNum,
            String dictCode, String dictTips, String dictName, String dictValues) {
        if (ToolUtil.isOneEmpty(dictCode, dictValues,dictName)) {
            throw new ServiceException(BizExceptionEnum.REQUEST_NULL);
        this.dictService.addDict(dictCode, dictName, dictTips, dictValues,dictNum);
        return SUCCESS_TIP;

     * 修改字典
    @BussinessLog(value = "修改字典", key = "dictName,dictValues", dict = DictMap.class)
    @RequestMapping(value = "/update")
    public Object update(@RequestParam(required = false,defaultValue = "0",value = "dictNum")Integer dictNum,
                         Integer dictId, String dictCode, String dictName, String dictTips, String dictValues) {
        if (ToolUtil.isOneEmpty(dictId, dictCode, dictName, dictValues)) {
            throw new ServiceException(BizExceptionEnum.REQUEST_NULL);
        dictService.editDict(dictId, dictCode, dictName, dictTips, dictValues,dictNum);
        return SUCCESS_TIP;

    public void addDict(String dictCode, String dictName, String dictTips, String dictValues, Integer dictNum) {

        insertDict(dictCode, dictName, dictTips, dictValues, dictNum);


     * 公共的添加字典业务
    private void insertDict(String dictCode, String dictName, String dictTips, String dictValues, Integer dictNum){

        List list = getDictList(dictValues);

        Dict dict = new Dict();

        int count = dictMapper.insert(dict);
        if(count==0) {
            throw new ServiceException(BizExceptionEnum.FAIL_ADD_RECORD);

        Wrapper wrapper = new EntityWrapper<>();
        count = dictMapper.selectCount(wrapper);
            throw new ServiceException(BizExceptionEnum.DICT_NAME_EXISTED);

        Dict item = null;
        Integer pid = dict.getId();//获取父类id
        for(int i=0; i dictEntityWrapper = new EntityWrapper<>();
        dictEntityWrapper = dictEntityWrapper.eq("pid", dictId);


     * 解析一个组合字符串(例如:  "1:启用;2:禁用;3:冻结"  这样的字符串)
     * 本方法是将字符串直接转换成对应的Dict实体类集合,
     * 如果前端传入参数的方式错误
     * 或者用户输入的参数不合法,此处都会抛出异常,终止程序
    private List getDictList(String mutiString) {

        List list = new ArrayList<>();

        List split = StringUtil.split(mutiString,";");
//            ERROR_ITEM_EMPTY(500, "字典详情不能为空"),
            throw new ServiceException(BizExceptionEnum.ERROR_ITEM_EMPTY);

        Set codeSet = new HashSet<>();

        Set nameSet = new HashSet<>();

        Dict dict = null;
        List attrs = null;
        String attr = null;
        for (String item : split) {
            dict = new Dict();

            attrs = StringUtil.split(item,":");
            if(attrs.size() !=3){
                throw new ServiceException(BizExceptionEnum.DICT_PARAMS_ILLEGAL);

            attr = attrs.get(0);
                throw new ServiceException(400,"值【"+attr+"】重复");

            attr = attrs.get(1);
                throw new ServiceException(400,"名称【"+attr+"】重复");

                //ERROR_NUM_TYPE(500, "字典详情序号只能是数字"),
                throw new ServiceException(BizExceptionEnum.DICT_MUST_BE_NUMBER);
            dict.setNum(new Integer(attrs.get(2)));

        return list;






















       不知道大家还记不记得,上一篇博客 Guns二次开发(三):解决用户性别字典显示错误 中,我们在解决用户性别字典显示错误的时候,有读到这么一段源码:





















       但是这样一来,就降低了用户体验,因为有时候,用户修改字典名称的需求还是很大的,不能因为设计者的无能而降低了用户的体验。所以,给字典定义一个不变且唯一的字段也就变得很有必要,一说到唯一且不变,我们应该很下意识就能想到数据表的主键id,主键id因为是自增的,所以能保证唯一,又因为是主键,所以更新操作通常都不会改变它。不过呢,只是正常情况下如此,我们只要去查看字典修改接口 /dict/update 的内部实现逻辑,就会发现它的逻辑是:先删除掉原来的字典,然后再重新添加一遍。如此一来,修改之后,主键id也会跟着改变,如下图源码:




       我原本是想将物理删除修改为逻辑删除(sys_dict表中加个状态字段),但是考虑到这样修改的成本太大,而且我的时间也有限,自己项目的进度也很紧,所以最终还是以 “尽量减少改动原代码”的原则,做出如下的修改思路:
































 * Copyright 2018-2020 stylefeng & fengshuonan (

* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at *

* *

* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package cn.stylefeng.guns.modular.system.controller; import cn.stylefeng.guns.core.common.annotion.BussinessLog; import cn.stylefeng.guns.core.common.annotion.Permission; import cn.stylefeng.guns.core.common.constant.Const; import cn.stylefeng.guns.core.common.constant.dictmap.DictMap; import cn.stylefeng.guns.core.common.constant.factory.ConstantFactory; import cn.stylefeng.guns.core.common.exception.BizExceptionEnum; import cn.stylefeng.guns.core.log.LogObjectHolder; import cn.stylefeng.guns.modular.system.model.Dict; import cn.stylefeng.guns.modular.system.service.IDictService; import cn.stylefeng.guns.modular.system.warpper.DictWarpper; import cn.stylefeng.roses.core.base.controller.BaseController; import cn.stylefeng.roses.core.util.ToolUtil; import cn.stylefeng.roses.kernel.model.exception.ServiceException; import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.mapper.EntityWrapper; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller; import org.springframework.ui.Model; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.*; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; /** * 字典控制器 * * @author fengshuonan * @Date 2017年4月26日 12:55:31 */ @Controller @RequestMapping("/dict") public class DictController extends BaseController { private String PREFIX = "/system/dict/"; @Autowired private IDictService dictService; /** * 跳转到字典管理首页 */ @RequestMapping("") public String index() { return PREFIX + "dict.html"; } /** * 跳转到添加字典 */ @RequestMapping("/dict_add") public String deptAdd() { return PREFIX + "dict_add.html"; } /** * 跳转到修改字典 */ @Permission(Const.ADMIN_NAME) @RequestMapping("/dict_edit/{dictId}") public String deptUpdate(@PathVariable Integer dictId, Model model) { Dict dict = dictService.selectById(dictId); model.addAttribute("dict", dict); List subDicts = dictService.selectList(new EntityWrapper().eq("pid", dictId)); model.addAttribute("subDicts", subDicts);; return PREFIX + "dict_edit.html"; } /** * 新增字典 * * @param dictValues 格式例如 "1:启用;2:禁用;3:冻结" */ @BussinessLog(value = "添加字典记录", key = "dictName,dictValues", dict = DictMap.class) @RequestMapping(value = "/add") @Permission(Const.ADMIN_NAME) @ResponseBody public Object add(@RequestParam(required = false,defaultValue = "0",value = "dictNum")Integer dictNum, String dictCode, String dictTips, String dictName, String dictValues) { if (ToolUtil.isOneEmpty(dictCode, dictValues,dictName)) { throw new ServiceException(BizExceptionEnum.REQUEST_NULL); } this.dictService.addDict(dictCode, dictName, dictTips, dictValues,dictNum); return SUCCESS_TIP; } /** * 修改字典 */ @BussinessLog(value = "修改字典", key = "dictName,dictValues", dict = DictMap.class) @RequestMapping(value = "/update") @Permission(Const.ADMIN_NAME) @ResponseBody public Object update(@RequestParam(required = false,defaultValue = "0",value = "dictNum")Integer dictNum, Integer dictId, String dictCode, String dictName, String dictTips, String dictValues) { if (ToolUtil.isOneEmpty(dictId, dictCode, dictName, dictValues)) { throw new ServiceException(BizExceptionEnum.REQUEST_NULL); } dictService.editDict(dictId, dictCode, dictName, dictTips, dictValues,dictNum); return SUCCESS_TIP; } /** * 获取所有字典列表 */ @RequestMapping(value = "/list") @Permission(Const.ADMIN_NAME) @ResponseBody public Object list(String condition) { List> list = this.dictService.list(condition); return super.warpObject(new DictWarpper(list)); } /** * 字典详情 */ @RequestMapping(value = "/detail/{dictId}") @Permission(Const.ADMIN_NAME) @ResponseBody public Object detail(@PathVariable("dictId") Integer dictId) { return dictService.selectById(dictId); } /** * 删除字典记录 */ @BussinessLog(value = "删除字典记录", key = "dictId", dict = DictMap.class) @RequestMapping(value = "/delete") @Permission(Const.ADMIN_NAME) @ResponseBody public Object delete(@RequestParam Integer dictId) { //缓存被删除的名称; this.dictService.delteDict(dictId); return SUCCESS_TIP; } }



 * Copyright 2018-2020 stylefeng & fengshuonan (

* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at *

* *

* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package cn.stylefeng.guns.modular.system.service.impl; import cn.stylefeng.guns.core.common.exception.BizExceptionEnum; import cn.stylefeng.guns.elephish.utils.StringUtil; import cn.stylefeng.guns.modular.system.dao.DictMapper; import cn.stylefeng.guns.modular.system.model.Dict; import cn.stylefeng.guns.modular.system.service.IDictService; import cn.stylefeng.roses.kernel.model.exception.ServiceException; import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.mapper.EntityWrapper; import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.mapper.Wrapper; import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.service.impl.ServiceImpl; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.math.NumberUtils; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional; import javax.annotation.Resource; import java.util.*; /** * 字典服务 * * @author fengshuonan * @Date 2018/10/15 下午11:39 */ @Service public class DictServiceImpl extends ServiceImpl implements IDictService { @Resource private DictMapper dictMapper; @Override @Transactional//为了保证事务一致性,必须加上这个注解 public void addDict(String dictCode, String dictName, String dictTips, String dictValues, Integer dictNum) { //添加字典 Dict dict = new Dict(); dict.setName(dictName); dict.setCode(dictCode); dict.setTips(dictTips); dict.setNum(dictNum);//此处传入设置的num dict.setPid(0); //执行字典名的添加操作 int count = dictMapper.insert(dict); if(count==0) { //FAIL_ADD_RECORD(500,"数据库中新增数据失败"), throw new ServiceException(BizExceptionEnum.FAIL_ADD_RECORD); } //因为要保证字典名的唯一性,所以需要再查询一遍,判断是否冲突 Wrapper wrapper = new EntityWrapper<>(); wrapper.eq("pid",0) .eq("name",dictName); count = dictMapper.selectCount(wrapper); if(count>1){ //DICT_NAME_EXISTED(400,"字典名称已经存在"), throw new ServiceException(BizExceptionEnum.DICT_NAME_EXISTED); } //添加字典条目 addChildrenDict(dictValues,dict.getId()); } /** * 公共的添加字典条目 */ private void addChildrenDict( String dictValues, Integer pid){ //解析dictValues List list = getDictList(dictValues); //添加字典条目 Dict item = null; for(int i=0; i wrapper = new EntityWrapper<>(); wrapper.eq("pid", dictId); dictMapper.delete(wrapper); //添加新的字典条目 addChildrenDict(dicts,dictId); } /** * 解析一个组合字符串(例如: "1:启用;2:禁用;3:冻结" 这样的字符串) * 本方法是将字符串直接转换成对应的Dict实体类集合, * 如果前端传入参数的方式错误 * 或者用户输入的参数不合法,此处都会抛出异常,终止程序 */ private List getDictList(String mutiString) { List list = new ArrayList<>(); //判断分隔后是否为空数组 List split = StringUtil.split(mutiString,";"); if(split.isEmpty()){ // ERROR_ITEM_EMPTY(500, "字典详情不能为空"), throw new ServiceException(BizExceptionEnum.ERROR_ITEM_EMPTY); } //用来封装已经存在的code参数,如果有重复的值,说明前端传入的值错误了, //此时也应该抛出异常 Set codeSet = new HashSet<>(); Set nameSet = new HashSet<>(); Dict dict = null; List attrs = null; String attr = null; for (String item : split) { dict = new Dict(); //如果数组长度不为3,说明前端的传入数据错误,此时请求应终止 attrs = StringUtil.split(item,":"); if(attrs.size() !=3){ //DICT_PARAMS_ILLEGAL(400,"请填写完整的字典详情信息"), throw new ServiceException(BizExceptionEnum.DICT_PARAMS_ILLEGAL); } //保证code值的唯一 attr = attrs.get(0); if(codeSet.contains(attr)){ throw new ServiceException(400,"值【"+attr+"】重复"); } codeSet.add(attr); dict.setCode(attr); //为了字典的可读性,我这边也要保证name字段的一致 attr = attrs.get(1); if(nameSet.contains(attr)){ throw new ServiceException(400,"名称【"+attr+"】重复"); } nameSet.add(attr); dict.setName(attr); //保存排序编号 if(!NumberUtils.isDigits(attrs.get(2))){ //ERROR_NUM_TYPE(500, "字典详情序号只能是数字"), throw new ServiceException(BizExceptionEnum.DICT_MUST_BE_NUMBER); } dict.setNum(new Integer(attrs.get(2))); list.add(dict); } return list; } @Override public List> list(String conditiion) { Wrapper wrapper = new EntityWrapper<>(); if(StringUtils.isNoneBlank(conditiion)){"name",conditiion.trim()); } //此处添加按num字段顺序排序 wrapper.eq("pid",0).orderBy("num",true); return dictMapper.selectMaps(wrapper); } @Override @Transactional public void delteDict(Integer dictId) { //删除这个字典的子词典 Wrapper dictEntityWrapper = new EntityWrapper<>(); dictEntityWrapper = dictEntityWrapper.eq("pid", dictId); dictMapper.delete(dictEntityWrapper); //删除这个词典 dictMapper.deleteById(dictId); } @Override public List selectByCode(String code) { return this.baseMapper.selectByCode(code); } @Override public List selectByParentCode(String code) { return this.baseMapper.selectByParentCode(code); } }



 * Copyright 2018-2020 stylefeng & fengshuonan (

* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at *

* *

* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package cn.stylefeng.guns.modular.system.warpper; import cn.stylefeng.guns.core.common.constant.factory.ConstantFactory; import cn.stylefeng.guns.elephish.constants.WrapperDictNameConstant; import cn.stylefeng.roses.core.base.warpper.BaseControllerWrapper; import; import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.plugins.Page; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; /** * 用户管理的包装类 * * @author fengshuonan * @date 2017年2月13日 下午10:47:03 */ public class UserWarpper extends BaseControllerWrapper { public UserWarpper(Map single) { super(single); } public UserWarpper(List> multi) { super(multi); } public UserWarpper(Page> page) { super(page); } public UserWarpper(PageResult> pageResult) { super(pageResult); } /** * 此处自定义添加需要包装的字段的字典信息 */ @Override protected void wrapTheMap(Map map) { //这段代码表示,我需要在返回值中添加一个属性 sexName, // 这个seName是字段sex对应的字典解释信息,比如如果sex=1,那么sexName=男 // map.put("sexName", (Integer)map.get("sex"))); map.put("sexName",, map.get("sex").toString())); map.put("roleName", map.get("roleid"))); map.put("deptName", map.get("deptid"))); map.put("statusName", map.get("status"))); } }




 * Copyright 2018-2020 stylefeng & fengshuonan (

* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at *

* *

* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package cn.stylefeng.guns.core.common.constant.factory; import cn.hutool.core.convert.Convert; import cn.hutool.core.util.StrUtil; import cn.stylefeng.guns.core.common.constant.cache.Cache; import cn.stylefeng.guns.core.common.constant.cache.CacheKey; import cn.stylefeng.guns.core.common.constant.state.ManagerStatus; import cn.stylefeng.guns.core.common.constant.state.MenuStatus; import cn.stylefeng.guns.core.log.LogObjectHolder; import cn.stylefeng.guns.modular.system.dao.*; import cn.stylefeng.guns.modular.system.model.*; import cn.stylefeng.roses.core.util.SpringContextHolder; import cn.stylefeng.roses.core.util.ToolUtil; import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.mapper.EntityWrapper; import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.mapper.Wrapper; import lombok.val; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.springframework.cache.annotation.Cacheable; import org.springframework.context.annotation.DependsOn; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * 常量的生产工厂 * * @author fengshuonan * @date 2017年2月13日 下午10:55:21 */ @Component @DependsOn("springContextHolder") public class ConstantFactory implements IConstantFactory { private RoleMapper roleMapper = SpringContextHolder.getBean(RoleMapper.class); private DeptMapper deptMapper = SpringContextHolder.getBean(DeptMapper.class); private DictMapper dictMapper = SpringContextHolder.getBean(DictMapper.class); private UserMapper userMapper = SpringContextHolder.getBean(UserMapper.class); private MenuMapper menuMapper = SpringContextHolder.getBean(MenuMapper.class); private NoticeMapper noticeMapper = SpringContextHolder.getBean(NoticeMapper.class); public static IConstantFactory me() { return SpringContextHolder.getBean("constantFactory"); } /** * 根据用户id获取用户名称 * * @author stylefeng * @Date 2017/5/9 23:41 */ @Override public String getUserNameById(Integer userId) { User user = userMapper.selectById(userId); if (user != null) { return user.getName(); } else { return "--"; } } /** * 根据用户id获取用户账号 * * @author stylefeng * @date 2017年5月16日21:55:371 */ @Override public String getUserAccountById(Integer userId) { User user = userMapper.selectById(userId); if (user != null) { return user.getAccount(); } else { return "--"; } } /** * 通过角色ids获取角色名称 */ @Override @Cacheable(value = Cache.CONSTANT, key = "'" + CacheKey.ROLES_NAME + "'+#roleIds") public String getRoleName(String roleIds) { if (ToolUtil.isEmpty(roleIds)) { return ""; } Integer[] roles = Convert.toIntArray(roleIds); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int role : roles) { Role roleObj = roleMapper.selectById(role); if (ToolUtil.isNotEmpty(roleObj) && ToolUtil.isNotEmpty(roleObj.getName())) { sb.append(roleObj.getName()).append(","); } } return StrUtil.removeSuffix(sb.toString(), ","); } /** * 通过角色id获取角色名称 */ @Override @Cacheable(value = Cache.CONSTANT, key = "'" + CacheKey.SINGLE_ROLE_NAME + "'+#roleId") public String getSingleRoleName(Integer roleId) { if (0 == roleId) { return "--"; } Role roleObj = roleMapper.selectById(roleId); if (ToolUtil.isNotEmpty(roleObj) && ToolUtil.isNotEmpty(roleObj.getName())) { return roleObj.getName(); } return ""; } /** * 通过角色id获取角色英文名称 */ @Override @Cacheable(value = Cache.CONSTANT, key = "'" + CacheKey.SINGLE_ROLE_TIP + "'+#roleId") public String getSingleRoleTip(Integer roleId) { if (0 == roleId) { return "--"; } Role roleObj = roleMapper.selectById(roleId); if (ToolUtil.isNotEmpty(roleObj) && ToolUtil.isNotEmpty(roleObj.getName())) { return roleObj.getTips(); } return ""; } /** * 获取部门名称 */ @Override @Cacheable(value = Cache.CONSTANT, key = "'" + CacheKey.DEPT_NAME + "'+#deptId") public String getDeptName(Integer deptId) { Dept dept = deptMapper.selectById(deptId); if (ToolUtil.isNotEmpty(dept) && ToolUtil.isNotEmpty(dept.getFullname())) { return dept.getFullname(); } return ""; } /** * 获取菜单的名称们(多个) */ @Override public String getMenuNames(String menuIds) { Integer[] menus = Convert.toIntArray(menuIds); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int menu : menus) { Menu menuObj = menuMapper.selectById(menu); if (ToolUtil.isNotEmpty(menuObj) && ToolUtil.isNotEmpty(menuObj.getName())) { sb.append(menuObj.getName()).append(","); } } return StrUtil.removeSuffix(sb.toString(), ","); } /** * 获取菜单名称 */ @Override public String getMenuName(Long menuId) { if (ToolUtil.isEmpty(menuId)) { return ""; } else { Menu menu = menuMapper.selectById(menuId); if (menu == null) { return ""; } else { return menu.getName(); } } } /** * 获取菜单名称通过编号 */ @Override public String getMenuNameByCode(String code) { if (ToolUtil.isEmpty(code)) { return ""; } else { Menu param = new Menu(); param.setCode(code); Menu menu = menuMapper.selectOne(param); if (menu == null) { return ""; } else { return menu.getName(); } } } /** * 获取字典名称 */ @Override public String getDictName(Integer dictId) { if (ToolUtil.isEmpty(dictId)) { return ""; } else { Dict dict = dictMapper.selectById(dictId); if (dict == null) { return ""; } else { return dict.getName(); } } } /** * 获取通知标题 */ @Override public String getNoticeTitle(Integer dictId) { if (ToolUtil.isEmpty(dictId)) { return ""; } else { Notice notice = noticeMapper.selectById(dictId); if (notice == null) { return ""; } else { return notice.getTitle(); } } } /** * 获取性别名称 */ @Override public String getSexName(Integer sex) { return getDictsByName("性别", sex); } @Override public String getDictByNameAndCode(String name, String code) { /** * 判断是否 */ if (StringUtils.isBlank(name) || StringUtils.isBlank(code)) { return ""; } //通过name字段查询父类字典 Dict temp = new Dict(); temp.setName(name); temp.setPid(0); Dict dict = dictMapper.selectOne(temp); if(dict==null){ return ""; } Wrapper wrapper = new EntityWrapper<>(); //遍历操作太过耗费内存资源,不如直接查结果 wrapper.setSqlSelect("name")//提高封装效率,只查一个字段 .eq("pid", dict.getId()) .eq("code", code.trim()); //理论上只会查询到一条字段,但是为了安全起见,还是查询集合,并且只取第一条记录 List dicts = dictMapper.selectList(wrapper); //mybatis-plus返回的list不会为null,如果没有查到结果,会返回空集合 if (!dicts.isEmpty()) { return dicts.get(0).getName(); } return ""; } @Override public String getDictById(Integer id, String code) { //判断是否合法参数 if(id==null || StringUtils.isBlank(code)){ return ""; } Wrapper wrapper = new EntityWrapper<>(); //遍历操作太过耗费内存资源,不如直接查结果 wrapper.setSqlSelect("name")//提高查询后的封装效率,只查一个字段 .eq("pid", id) .eq("code", code.trim()); //理论上只会查询到一条字段,但是为了安全起见,还是查询集合,并且只取第一条记录 List dicts = dictMapper.selectList(wrapper); //mybatis-plus返回的list不会为null,如果没有查到结果,会返回空集合 if(!dicts.isEmpty()){ return dicts.get(0).getName(); } return ""; } /** * 根据字典名称和字典中的值获取对应的名称 */ @Override public String getDictsByName(String name, Integer val) { //判断是否为null if(StringUtils.isBlank(name) ||val == null){ return ""; } //通过name字段查询父类字典 Dict temp = new Dict(); temp.setName(name); Dict dict = dictMapper.selectOne(temp); if (dict == null) { return ""; } else { Wrapper wrapper = new EntityWrapper<>(); //遍历操作太过耗费内存资源,不如直接查结果 wrapper.eq("pid", dict.getId()).eq("code",val.toString());//注意,要转换成字符串后再传入参数 //有可能会查询到多条记录,因为添加的时候没有做code的唯一判断 List dicts = dictMapper.selectList(wrapper); //mybatis-plus返回的list不会为null,如果没有查到结果,会返回空集合 if(!dicts.isEmpty()){ return dicts.get(0).getName(); } return ""; // wrapper = wrapper.eq("pid", dict.getId()); // List dicts = dictMapper.selectList(wrapper); // for (Dict item : dicts) { // if (item.getNum() != null && item.getNum().equals(val)) { // return item.getName(); // } // } } } /** * 获取用户登录状态 */ @Override public String getStatusName(Integer status) { return ManagerStatus.valueOf(status); } /** * 获取菜单状态 */ @Override public String getMenuStatusName(Integer status) { return MenuStatus.valueOf(status); } /** * 查询字典 */ @Override public List findInDict(Integer id) { if (ToolUtil.isEmpty(id)) { return null; } else { EntityWrapper wrapper = new EntityWrapper<>(); List dicts = dictMapper.selectList(wrapper.eq("pid", id)); if (dicts == null || dicts.size() == 0) { return null; } else { return dicts; } } } /** * 获取被缓存的对象(用户删除业务) */ @Override public String getCacheObject(String para) { return; } /** * 获取子部门id */ @Override public List getSubDeptId(Integer deptid) { Wrapper wrapper = new EntityWrapper<>(); wrapper ="pids", "%[" + deptid + "]%"); List depts = this.deptMapper.selectList(wrapper); ArrayList deptids = new ArrayList<>(); if (depts != null && depts.size() > 0) { for (Dept dept : depts) { deptids.add(dept.getId()); } } return deptids; } /** * 获取所有父部门id */ @Override public List getParentDeptIds(Integer deptid) { Dept dept = deptMapper.selectById(deptid); String pids = dept.getPids(); String[] split = pids.split(","); ArrayList parentDeptIds = new ArrayList<>(); for (String s : split) { parentDeptIds.add(Integer.valueOf(StrUtil.removeSuffix(StrUtil.removePrefix(s, "["), "]"))); } return parentDeptIds; } }




 * Copyright 2018-2020 stylefeng & fengshuonan (

* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at *

* *

* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package cn.stylefeng.guns.core.common.constant.factory; import cn.stylefeng.guns.modular.system.model.Dict; import io.swagger.models.auth.In; import java.util.List; /** * 常量生产工厂的接口 * * @author fengshuonan * @date 2017-06-14 21:12 */ public interface IConstantFactory { /** * 根据用户id获取用户名称 * * @author stylefeng * @Date 2017/5/9 23:41 */ String getUserNameById(Integer userId); /** * 根据用户id获取用户账号 * * @author stylefeng * @date 2017年5月16日21:55:371 */ String getUserAccountById(Integer userId); /** * 通过角色ids获取角色名称 */ String getRoleName(String roleIds); /** * 通过角色id获取角色名称 */ String getSingleRoleName(Integer roleId); /** * 通过角色id获取角色英文名称 */ String getSingleRoleTip(Integer roleId); /** * 获取部门名称 */ String getDeptName(Integer deptId); /** * 获取菜单的名称们(多个) */ String getMenuNames(String menuIds); /** * 获取菜单名称 */ String getMenuName(Long menuId); /** * 获取菜单名称通过编号 */ String getMenuNameByCode(String code); /** * 获取字典名称 */ String getDictName(Integer dictId); /** * 获取通知标题 */ String getNoticeTitle(Integer dictId); /** * 根据字典名称和字典中的值获取对应的名称 */ String getDictsByName(String name, Integer val); // String getDictsByName(String name, String val); /** * 根据字典名称和字典中的值获取对应的名称 */ String getDictByNameAndCode(String name,String code); /** * 根据字典父类id和对应的子类字典的code获取对应的子类字典名称 * @param id 字典的父类id * @param code 字典的子类id * @return */ String getDictById(Integer id,String code); /** * 获取性别 */ String getSexName(Integer sex); // String getSexName(String sex); /** * 获取用户登录状态 */ String getStatusName(Integer status); /** * 获取菜单状态 */ String getMenuStatusName(Integer status); /** * 查询字典 */ List findInDict(Integer id); /** * 获取被缓存的对象(用户删除业务) */ String getCacheObject(String para); /** * 获取子部门id */ List getSubDeptId(Integer deptid); /** * 获取所有父部门id */ List getParentDeptIds(Integer deptid); }



package cn.stylefeng.guns.elephish.constants;

 * 字典包装类的字典名称常量
 * Created by hqq on 2020/4/15.
public interface WrapperDictNameConstant {

     * sys_user 表中 sex 字段对应的字典名称 的ID
    int SYS_USER_SEX_ID = 127;




package cn.stylefeng.guns.elephish.utils;

import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.math.NumberUtils;
import org.apache.velocity.runtime.directive.Foreach;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

 * 自定义的字符串工具类
 * Created by hqq on 2020/4/15.
public class StringUtil {

     * 自定义字符串split方法,并去除每一个元素的首尾空格
     * 如果传入的参数是null或空串,容量为0的字符串集合
     * 如果分隔后的结果为null或空数组,返回容量为0的集合,防止调用者空指针异常
     * 示例如:split("aa,  bb  ,c  c," , ",");
     * 得到结果: ["aa","bb","c  c"]
     * @param mutiString  需要进行分割的字符串
     * @param separatorChars 分割标志
     * @return
    public static List split(String mutiString,final String separatorChars){

        List result = new ArrayList<>();

            return result;

        String[] split = StringUtils.split(mutiString,separatorChars);
        if(split==null || split.length<1){
            return result;

        for (int i = 0; i





        写了这么多,目的只有一个,就是通过带领大家修改guns源码来加深对guns的理解,以此帮助大家更高效的对Guns进行二次开发,我们对guns上手的越快,那我们就能更多的将时间花在我们自己的业务上。另外,有些人可能会抗拒这种修改,我想说的是,  ultimate v2.5 版本的Guns,也对字典模块进行了较大的改变,所以,就连guns作者也在进步,因为不进步,就只能被社会淘汰,哪怕你曾经很牛逼!


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