2020-5-31 吴恩达-NN&DL-w2 NN基础(课后作业)


2020-5-31 吴恩达-NN&DL-w2 NN基础(课后作业)_第1张图片
1、What does a neuron compute?

  • A neuron computes an activation function followed by a linear function (z = Wx + b)
  • A neuron computes a linear function (z = Wx + b) followed by an activation function
  • A neuron computes a function g that scales the input x linearly (Wx + b)
  • A neuron computes the mean of all features before applying the output to an activation function


  • 神经元先计算激活函数,再计算线性函数(z = Wx + b)
  • 神经元先计算线性函数(z = Wx + b),再计算激活函数。(正确)
  • 神经元计算函数g,函数g计算(Wx + b)。
  • 在将输出应用于激活函数之前,神经元计算所有特征的平均值


2、Which of these is the “Logistic Loss”?以下哪个是逻辑回归损失函数?

  • L ( i ) ( y ^ ( i ) , y ( i ) ) = ∣ y ( i ) − y ^ ( i ) ∣ L^{(i)}(\hat y^{(i)},y^{(i)})=|y^{(i)}-\hat y^{(i)}| L(i)(y^(i),y(i))=y(i)y^(i)
  • L ( i ) ( y ^ ( i ) , y ( i ) ) = m a x ( 0 , y ( i ) − y ^ ( i ) ) L^{(i)}(\hat y^{(i)},y^{(i)})=max(0,y^{(i)}-\hat y^{(i)}) L(i)(y^(i),y(i))=max(0,y(i)y^(i))
  • L ( i ) ( y ^ ( i ) , y ( i ) ) = − ( y ( i ) l o g ( y ^ ( i ) ) + ( 1 + y ( i ) ) l o g ( 1 − y ^ ( i ) ) ) L^{(i)}(\hat y^{(i)},y^{(i)})=-(y^{(i)}log(\hat y^{(i)})+(1+y^{(i)})log(1-\hat y^{(i)})) L(i)(y^(i),y(i))=(y(i)log(y^(i))+(1+y(i))log(1y^(i)))。(正确)
  • L ( i ) ( y ^ ( i ) , y ( i ) ) = ∣ y ( i ) − y ^ ( i ) ∣ 2 L^{(i)}(\hat y^{(i)},y^{(i)})=|y^{(i)}-\hat y^{(i)}|^2 L(i)(y^(i),y(i))=y(i)y^(i)2

参见2.3 logistic 回归损失函数 。采用平方误差可能导致优化非凸(局部最优,不是全局最优),而上面定义的损失函数可以得到全局最优结果。


3、Suppose img is a (32,32,3) array, representing a 32x32 image with 3 color channels red, green and blue. How do you reshape this into a column vector?

假设img是一个(32,32,3)数组,具有3个颜色通道:红色、绿色和蓝色的32x32像素的图像。 如何将其转换为列向量?

  • x = img.reshape((1,32 * 32 * 3))
  • x = img.reshape((32 * 32 , 3))
  • x = img.reshape((32 * 32 * 3, 1))。正确
  • x = img.reshape((3,32 * 32 ))

参见2.16 关于 python / numpy 向量的说明


4、Consider the two following random arrays “a” and “b”: 有2个随机数组a和b

a = np.random.randn(2, 3) # a.shape = (2, 3)
b = np.random.randn(2, 1) # b.shape = (2, 1)
c = a + b

What will be the shape of “c”? 请问数组c的维度是怎么样?

  • c.shape = (3, 2)
  • c.shape = (2, 1)
  • c.shape = (2, 3)。(正确)
  • The computation cannot happen because the sizes don’t match.It’s going to be “Error”!

参见2.15 Python 中的广播。


5、Consider the two following random arrays “a” and “b”:有2个随机数组a和b

a = np.random.randn(4, 3) # a.shape = (4, 3)
b = np.random.randn(3, 2) # b.shape = (3, 2)
c = a * b

What will be the shape of “c”? 请问数组c的维度是怎么样?

  • The computation cannot happen because the sizes don’t match.It’s going to be “Error”!(正确)
  • c.shape = (4, 3)
  • c.shape = (3, 3)
  • c.shape = (4, 2)



6、Suppose you have n_x input features per example. Recall that X = [ x ( 1 ) , x ( 2 ) … x ( m ) ] X=[x^{(1)}, x^{(2)}…x^{(m)}] X=[x(1),x(2)x(m)]. What is the dimension of X?
假设你的每一个实例有 n x n_x nx个输入特征,想一下在 X = [ x ( 1 ) , x ( 2 ) … x ( m ) ] X=[x^{(1)}, x^{(2)}…x^{(m)}] X=[x(1),x(2)x(m)]中,X的维度是多少?

  • (m,1)
  • (m, n x n_x nx)
  • ( n x n_x nx,m)。(正确)
  • (1,m)

m个x向量横向堆叠。x是包含 n x n_x nx个元素的列向量。


7、Recall that np.dot(a,b) performs a matrix multiplication on a and b, whereas a*b performs an element-wise multiplication.
回想一下,np.dot(a,b)在a和b上执行矩阵乘法,而`a * b’执行元素方式的乘法。

Consider the two following random arrays “a” and “b”:

a = np.random.randn(12288, 150) # a.shape = (12288, 150)
b = np.random.randn(150, 45) # b.shape = (150, 45)
c = np.dot(a, b)

What is the shape of c? 请问数组c的维度是怎么样?

  • c.shape = (150, 150)
  • The computation cannot happen because the sizes don’t match.It’s going to be “Error”!
  • c.shape = (12288, 150)
  • c.shape = (12288, 45)。(正确)



8、Consider the following code snippet: 观察下面代码

# a.shape = (3,4)

# b.shape = (4,1)

for i in range(3):
  for j in range(4):
    c[i][j] = a[i][j] + b[j]

How do you vectorize this? 如何向量化?

  • c = a + b.T。(正确)
  • c = a.T + b
  • c = a + b
  • c = a.T + b.T



9、Consider the following code: 观察下面代码

a = np.random.randn(3, 3)
b = np.random.randn(3, 1)
c = a * b

What will be c?

  • This will invoke broadcasting, so b is copied three times to become (3,3), and * is an element-wise product so c.shape = (3, 3).(正确)
  • This will invoke broadcasting, so b is copied three times to become (3,3), and * invokes a matrix multiplication operation of 3x3 matrices so c will be (3, 3).
  • This will multiply a 3x3 matrix a with a 3x1 vector, thus resulting in a 3x1 vector. That is, c.shape= (3, 1).
  • It will lead to an error since you cannot use “*” to operate on these two matrices. You need to instead use np.dot(a,b).



10、Consider the following computation graph. 观察下面计算图

2020-5-31 吴恩达-NN&DL-w2 NN基础(课后作业)_第2张图片

What is the output J? J是什么?

  • J= (c - 1) * (b + a)
  • J= (a - 1) * (b + c)。(正确)
  • J= a * b + b * c + a * c
  • J= (b - 1) * (c + a)


J = u + v - w
  = a * b + a * c - (b + c)
  = a * (b + c) - (b + c)
  = (a - 1) * (b + c)
