Everything 支持正则快速搜索定位文件

命令行 接口es.exe 第三方工具已经有收录 http://www.bathome.net/s/tool/index.html

c:\>es -h
-r Search the database using a basic POSIX regular expression.
-i Does a case sensitive search.
-w Does a whole word search.
-p Does a full path search.
-h --help Display this help.
-n  Limit the amount of results shown to .
-s Sort by full path.
Everything.exe [filename] [options]

filename        Open the specified file list.

-?        Show this help.
-admin        Run Everything as Administrator.
-admin-server-share-links        Use \\Server\C$ links for ETP connections.
-app-data        Store data in application data.
-bookmark         Open a bookmark.
-case        Enable case matching.
-choose-language        Show the language selection page.
-choose-volumes        Do not automatically index volumes.
-config         The filename of the ini file.
-connect         Connect to an ETP server.
-console        Show the debugging console.
-create-filelist          Create a file list of a path.
-db         The filename of the database.
-debug        Show the debugging console.
-diacritics        Enable diacritics matching.
-disable-run-as-admin        Disable run as administrator.
-disable-update-notification        Disable update notification on startup.
-drive-links        Use C: links for ETP connections.
-edit         Open a file list with the file list editor.
-enable-run-as-admin        Enable run as administrator.
-enable-update-notification        Enable update notification on startup.
-exit        Exit "Everything".
-filelist         Open a file list.
-filename         Search for a file or folder by filename.
-filter         Select a search filter.
-ftp-links        Use ftp://host/C: links for ETP connections.
-fullscreen        Show the search window fullscreen.
-h        Show this help.
-help        Show this help.
-install         Install Everything to a new location.
-install-client-service        Install the "Everything" client as a service.
-install-config         Install the specified ini file.
-install-desktop-shortcut        Install desktop shortcut.
-install-efu-association        Install EFU file association.
-install-folder-context-menu        Install folder context menus.
-install-quick-launch-shortcut        Install Quick Launch shortcut.
-install-run-on-system-startup        Install "Everything" from the system startup.
-install-service        Install and start the "Everything" service.
-install-service-port         Install the Everything service on the specified port.
-install-start-menu-shortcuts        Install "Everything" shortcuts from the Start menu.
-install-url-protocol        Install URL Protocol.
-instance         The name of the Everything instance.
-load-delay         The delay in milliseconds before loading the database.
-l        Load the local database.
-language         Set the language to the specified language ID.
-local        Load the local database.
-matchpath        Enable full path matching.
-maximized        Maximize the search window.
-minimized        Minimize the search window.
-newwindow        Create a new search window.
-noapp-data        Store data in executable location.
-nocase        Disable case matching.
-nodb        Do not save to or load from the "Everything" database file.
-nodiacritics        Disable diacritics matching.
-nofullscreen        Show the search window in a window.
-nomatchpath        Disable full path matching.
-nomaximized        Unmaximize the search window.
-nominimized        Unminimize the search window.
-nonewwindow        Show an existing search window.
-noontop        Disable always ontop.
-noregex        Disable Regex.
-noverbose        Display only basic debug messages.
-nowholeword        Disable match whole word.
-noww        Disable match whole word.
-ontop        Enable always ontop.
-p         Search for a path.
-parentpath         Search for the parent of a path.
-path         Search for a path.
-quit        Exit "Everything".
-read-only        Loads the database in read-only mode.
-regex        Enable Regex.
-reindex        Force database rebuild.
-s         Set the search.
-search         Set the search.
-server-share-links        Use \\Server\C: links for ETP connections.
-service-port         Connect to the Everything service on the specified port.
-sort         Set the sort to the specified name.
-sort-ascending        Sort ascending.
-sort-descending        Sort descending.
-start-client-service        Start the Everything client service.
-start-service        Start the Everything service.
-startup        Run Everything in the background.
-stop-client-service        Stop the Everything client service.
-stop-service        Stop the Everything service.
-svc        Run Everything as a service.
-svc-port         Run the Everything service on the specified port.
-uninstall [path]        Uninstall Everything from the specified path.
-uninstall-client-service        Uninstall the "Everything" client service.
-uninstall-desktop-shortcut        Uninstall desktop shortcut.
-uninstall-efu-association        Uninstall EFU file association.
-uninstall-folder-context-menu        Uninstall folder context menus.
-uninstall-quick-launch-shortcut        Uninstall Quick Launch shortcut.
-uninstall-run-on-system-startup        Remove "Everything" from the system startup.
-uninstall-service        Uninstall the "Everything" service.
-uninstall-start-menu-shortcuts        Uninstall "Everything" shortcuts from the Start menu.
-uninstall-url-protocol        Uninstall URL Protocol.
-uninstall-user        Uninstall user files.
-update        Save the database to disk.
-url <[es:]search>        Set the search from an ES: URL.
-verbose        Display all debug messages.
-wholeword        Enable match whole word.
-ww        Enable match whole word.


c:\>es -i "sed.exe"

需要erverything 运行状态,否则es不能工作。

c:\>es -r "[ww]cmd"
C:\Program Files\Double Commander\pixmaps\dctheme\32x32\actions\cm_showcmdlinehistory.png
C:\Program Files (x86)\AliWorkbench\3.03.06N\WWCmd.exe
C:\Program Files (x86)\AliWorkbench\3.05.05N\WWCmd.exe

#需要erverything 运行状态,否则es不能工作。
c:\>es -r "[ww]cmd"
Everything IPC window not found, IPC unavailable.

官方有SDK :

你可能感兴趣的:(Everything 支持正则快速搜索定位文件)