进入项目的 artifacts
目录中,创建 network-config.yaml
$ cd $HOME/kevin-fabric-sdk-node/artifacts/
$ vim network-config.yaml
# The network connection profile provides client applications the information about the target
# blockchain network that are necessary for the applications to interact with it. These are all
# knowledge that must be acquired from out-of-band sources. This file provides such a source.
name: "kevin-fabric-sdk-node"
# Any properties with an "x-" prefix will be treated as application-specific, exactly like how naming
# in HTTP headers or swagger properties work. The SDK will simply ignore these fields and leave
# them for the applications to process. This is a mechanism for different components of an application
# to exchange information that are not part of the standard schema described below. In particular,
# the "x-type" property with the "hlfv1" value example below is used by Hyperledger Composer to
# determine the type of Fabric networks (v0.6 vs. v1.0) it needs to work with.
x-type: "hlfv1"
# Describe what the target network is/does.
description: "Balance Transfer Network"
# Schema version of the content. Used by the SDK to apply the corresponding parsing rules.
version: "1.0"
# The client section will be added on a per org basis see org1.yaml and org2.yaml
# [Optional]. But most apps would have this section so that channel objects can be constructed
# based on the content below. If an app is creating channels, then it likely will not need this
# section.
# name of the channel
# Required. list of orderers designated by the application to use for transactions on this
# channel. This list can be a result of access control ("org1" can only access "ordererA"), or
# operational decisions to share loads from applications among the orderers. The values must
# be "names" of orgs defined under "organizations/peers"
- orderer.kevin.kongyixueyuan.com
# Required. list of peers from participating orgs
# [Optional]. will this peer be sent transaction proposals for endorsement? The peer must
# have the chaincode installed. The app can also use this property to decide which peers
# to send the chaincode install request. Default: true
endorsingPeer: true
# [Optional]. will this peer be sent query proposals? The peer must have the chaincode
# installed. The app can also use this property to decide which peers to send the
# chaincode install request. Default: true
chaincodeQuery: true
# [Optional]. will this peer be sent query proposals that do not require chaincodes, like
# queryBlock(), queryTransaction(), etc. Default: true
ledgerQuery: true
# [Optional]. will this peer be the target of the SDK's listener registration? All peers can
# produce events but the app typically only needs to connect to one to listen to events.
# Default: true
eventSource: true
endorsingPeer: false
chaincodeQuery: true
ledgerQuery: true
eventSource: false
endorsingPeer: true
chaincodeQuery: true
ledgerQuery: true
eventSource: true
endorsingPeer: false
chaincodeQuery: true
ledgerQuery: true
eventSource: false
# [Optional]. what chaincodes are expected to exist on this channel? The application can use
# this information to validate that the target peers are in the expected state by comparing
# this list with the query results of getInstalledChaincodes() and getInstantiatedChaincodes()
# the format follows the "cannonical name" of chaincodes by fabric code
- mycc:v0
# list of participating organizations in this network
mspid: org1.kevin.kongyixueyuan.com
- peer0.org1.kevin.kongyixueyuan.com
- peer1.org1.kevin.kongyixueyuan.com
# [Optional]. Certificate Authorities issue certificates for identification purposes in a Fabric based
# network. Typically certificates provisioning is done in a separate process outside of the
# runtime network. Fabric-CA is a special certificate authority that provides a REST APIs for
# dynamic certificate management (enroll, revoke, re-enroll). The following section is only for
# Fabric-CA servers.
- ca-org1
# [Optional]. If the application is going to make requests that are reserved to organization
# administrators, including creating/updating channels, installing/instantiating chaincodes, it
# must have access to the admin identity represented by the private key and signing certificate.
# Both properties can be the PEM string or local path to the PEM file. Note that this is mainly for
# convenience in development mode, production systems should not expose sensitive information
# this way. The SDK should allow applications to set the org admin identity via APIs, and only use
# this route as an alternative when it exists.
path: artifacts/channel/crypto-config/peerOrganizations/org1.kevin.kongyixueyuan.com/users/Admin@org1.kevin.kongyixueyuan.com/msp/keystore/ca72ee77552f81537f82c98f4d2abc6d6df1c94c8022f1a176c45e35a812496d_sk
path: artifacts/channel/crypto-config/peerOrganizations/org1.kevin.kongyixueyuan.com/users/Admin@org1.kevin.kongyixueyuan.com/msp/signcerts/Admin@org1.kevin.kongyixueyuan.com-cert.pem
# the profile will contain public information about organizations other than the one it belongs to.
# These are necessary information to make transaction lifecycles work, including MSP IDs and
# peers with a public URL to send transaction proposals. The file will not contain private
# information reserved for members of the organization, such as admin key and certificate,
# fabric-ca registrar enroll ID and secret, etc.
mspid: org2.kevin.kongyixueyuan.com
- peer0.org2.kevin.kongyixueyuan.com
- peer1.org2.kevin.kongyixueyuan.com
- ca-org2
path: artifacts/channel/crypto-config/peerOrganizations/org2.kevin.kongyixueyuan.com/users/Admin@org2.kevin.kongyixueyuan.com/msp/keystore/77c2e4e04f4098e29b6143f18a378a20fce8af5151b7e93aafba327fc2256c30_sk
path: artifacts/channel/crypto-config/peerOrganizations/org2.kevin.kongyixueyuan.com/users/Admin@org2.kevin.kongyixueyuan.com/msp/signcerts/Admin@org2.kevin.kongyixueyuan.com-cert.pem
# List of orderers to send transaction and channel create/update requests to. For the time
# being only one orderer is needed. If more than one is defined, which one get used by the
# SDK is implementation specific. Consult each SDK's documentation for its handling of orderers.
url: grpcs://localhost:7050
# these are standard properties defined by the gRPC library
# they will be passed in as-is to gRPC client constructor
ssl-target-name-override: orderer.kevin.kongyixueyuan.com
path: artifacts/channel/crypto-config/ordererOrganizations/kevin.kongyixueyuan.com/orderers/orderer.kevin.kongyixueyuan.com/tls/ca.crt
# List of peers to send various requests to, including endorsement, query
# and event listener registration.
# this URL is used to send endorsement and query requests
url: grpcs://localhost:7051
ssl-target-name-override: peer0.org1.kevin.kongyixueyuan.com
path: artifacts/channel/crypto-config/peerOrganizations/org1.kevin.kongyixueyuan.com/peers/peer0.org1.kevin.kongyixueyuan.com/tls/ca.crt
url: grpcs://localhost:7056
ssl-target-name-override: peer1.org1.kevin.kongyixueyuan.com
path: artifacts/channel/crypto-config/peerOrganizations/org1.kevin.kongyixueyuan.com/peers/peer1.org1.kevin.kongyixueyuan.com/tls/ca.crt
url: grpcs://localhost:8051
ssl-target-name-override: peer0.org2.kevin.kongyixueyuan.com
path: artifacts/channel/crypto-config/peerOrganizations/org2.kevin.kongyixueyuan.com/peers/peer0.org2.kevin.kongyixueyuan.com/tls/ca.crt
url: grpcs://localhost:8056
eventUrl: grpcs://localhost:8058
ssl-target-name-override: peer1.org2.kevin.kongyixueyuan.com
path: artifacts/channel/crypto-config/peerOrganizations/org2.kevin.kongyixueyuan.com/peers/peer1.org2.kevin.kongyixueyuan.com/tls/ca.crt
# Fabric-CA is a special kind of Certificate Authority provided by Hyperledger Fabric which allows
# certificate management to be done via REST APIs. Application may choose to use a standard
# Certificate Authority instead of Fabric-CA, in which case this section would not be specified.
url: https://localhost:7054
# the properties specified under this object are passed to the 'http' client verbatim when
# making the request to the Fabric-CA server
verify: false
path: artifacts/channel/crypto-config/peerOrganizations/org1.kevin.kongyixueyuan.com/ca/ca.org1.kevin.kongyixueyuan.com-cert.pem
# Fabric-CA supports dynamic user enrollment via REST APIs. A "root" user, a.k.a registrar, is
# needed to enroll and invoke new users.
- enrollId: admin
enrollSecret: adminpw
# [Optional] The optional name of the CA.
caName: ca-org1
url: https://localhost:8054
verify: false
path: artifacts/channel/crypto-config/peerOrganizations/org2.kevin.kongyixueyuan.com/ca/ca.org2.kevin.kongyixueyuan.com-cert.pem
- enrollId: admin
enrollSecret: adminpw
# [Optional] The optional name of the CA.
caName: ca-org2
您可以通过直接编辑network-config.yaml文件或为备用目标网络提供其他文件来更改配置参数。该应用程序使用可选的环境变量“TARGET_NETWORK”来控制要使用的配置文件。例如,如果您在Amazon Web Services EC2上部署了目标网络,则可以添加文件“network-config-aws.yaml”,并将“TARGET_NETWORK”环境设置为“aws”。该应用程序将获取“network-config-aws.yaml”文件中的设置。
如果您选择通过为对等方和订购者硬编码IP地址和PORT信息来自定义docker-compose yaml文件,那么您还必须将相同的值添加到network-config.yaml文件中。需要调整url和eventUrl设置以匹配docker-compose yaml文件。
url: grpcs://x.x.x.x:7056
eventUrl: grpcs://x.x.x.x:7058
$ vim network-config-aws.yaml
# The network connection profile provides client applications the information about the target
# blockchain network that are necessary for the applications to interact with it. These are all
# knowledge that must be acquired from out-of-band sources. This file provides such a source.
name: "kevin-fabric-sdk-node"
# Any properties with an "x-" prefix will be treated as application-specific, exactly like how naming
# in HTTP headers or swagger properties work. The SDK will simply ignore these fields and leave
# them for the applications to process. This is a mechanism for different components of an application
# to exchange information that are not part of the standard schema described below. In particular,
# the "x-type" property with the "hlfv1" value example below is used by Hyperledger Composer to
# determine the type of Fabric networks (v0.6 vs. v1.0) it needs to work with.
x-type: "hlfv1"
# Describe what the target network is/does.
description: "Balance Transfer Network"
# Schema version of the content. Used by the SDK to apply the corresponding parsing rules.
version: "1.0"
# The client section will be added on a per org basis see org1.yaml and org2.yaml
# [Optional]. But most apps would have this section so that channel objects can be constructed
# based on the content below. If an app is creating channels, then it likely will not need this
# section.
# name of the channel
# Required. list of orderers designated by the application to use for transactions on this
# channel. This list can be a result of access control ("org1" can only access "ordererA"), or
# operational decisions to share loads from applications among the orderers. The values must
# be "names" of orgs defined under "organizations/peers"
- orderer.kevin.kongyixueyuan.com
# Required. list of peers from participating orgs
# [Optional]. will this peer be sent transaction proposals for endorsement? The peer must
# have the chaincode installed. The app can also use this property to decide which peers
# to send the chaincode install request. Default: true
endorsingPeer: true
# [Optional]. will this peer be sent query proposals? The peer must have the chaincode
# installed. The app can also use this property to decide which peers to send the
# chaincode install request. Default: true
chaincodeQuery: true
# [Optional]. will this peer be sent query proposals that do not require chaincodes, like
# queryBlock(), queryTransaction(), etc. Default: true
ledgerQuery: true
# [Optional]. will this peer be the target of the SDK's listener registration? All peers can
# produce events but the app typically only needs to connect to one to listen to events.
# Default: true
eventSource: true
endorsingPeer: false
chaincodeQuery: true
ledgerQuery: true
eventSource: false
endorsingPeer: true
chaincodeQuery: true
ledgerQuery: true
eventSource: true
endorsingPeer: false
chaincodeQuery: true
ledgerQuery: true
eventSource: false
# [Optional]. what chaincodes are expected to exist on this channel? The application can use
# this information to validate that the target peers are in the expected state by comparing
# this list with the query results of getInstalledChaincodes() and getInstantiatedChaincodes()
# the format follows the "cannonical name" of chaincodes by fabric code
- mycc:v0
# list of participating organizations in this network
mspid: org1.kevin.kongyixueyuan.com
- peer0.org1.kevin.kongyixueyuan.com
- peer1.org1.kevin.kongyixueyuan.com
# [Optional]. Certificate Authorities issue certificates for identification purposes in a Fabric based
# network. Typically certificates provisioning is done in a separate process outside of the
# runtime network. Fabric-CA is a special certificate authority that provides a REST APIs for
# dynamic certificate management (enroll, revoke, re-enroll). The following section is only for
# Fabric-CA servers.
- ca-org1
# [Optional]. If the application is going to make requests that are reserved to organization
# administrators, including creating/updating channels, installing/instantiating chaincodes, it
# must have access to the admin identity represented by the private key and signing certificate.
# Both properties can be the PEM string or local path to the PEM file. Note that this is mainly for
# convenience in development mode, production systems should not expose sensitive information
# this way. The SDK should allow applications to set the org admin identity via APIs, and only use
# this route as an alternative when it exists.
path: artifacts/channel/crypto-config/peerOrganizations/org1.kevin.kongyixueyuan.com/users/Admin@org1.kevin.kongyixueyuan.com/msp/keystore/ca72ee77552f81537f82c98f4d2abc6d6df1c94c8022f1a176c45e35a812496d_sk
path: artifacts/channel/crypto-config/peerOrganizations/org1.kevin.kongyixueyuan.com/users/Admin@org1.kevin.kongyixueyuan.com/msp/signcerts/Admin@org1.kevin.kongyixueyuan.com-cert.pem
# the profile will contain public information about organizations other than the one it belongs to.
# These are necessary information to make transaction lifecycles work, including MSP IDs and
# peers with a public URL to send transaction proposals. The file will not contain private
# information reserved for members of the organization, such as admin key and certificate,
# fabric-ca registrar enroll ID and secret, etc.
mspid: org2.kevin.kongyixueyuan.com
- peer0.org2.kevin.kongyixueyuan.com
- peer1.org2.kevin.kongyixueyuan.com
- ca-org2
path: artifacts/channel/crypto-config/peerOrganizations/org2.kevin.kongyixueyuan.com/users/Admin@org2.kevin.kongyixueyuan.com/msp/keystore/77c2e4e04f4098e29b6143f18a378a20fce8af5151b7e93aafba327fc2256c30_sk
path: artifacts/channel/crypto-config/peerOrganizations/org2.kevin.kongyixueyuan.com/users/Admin@org2.kevin.kongyixueyuan.com/msp/signcerts/Admin@org2.kevin.kongyixueyuan.com-cert.pem
# List of orderers to send transaction and channel create/update requests to. For the time
# being only one orderer is needed. If more than one is defined, which one get used by the
# SDK is implementation specific. Consult each SDK's documentation for its handling of orderers.
url: grpcs://ec2-13-59-99-140.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7050
# these are standard properties defined by the gRPC library
# they will be passed in as-is to gRPC client constructor
ssl-target-name-override: orderer.kevin.kongyixueyuan.com
path: artifacts/channel/crypto-config/ordererOrganizations/kevin.kongyixueyuan.com/orderers/orderer.kevin.kongyixueyuan.com/tls/ca.crt
# List of peers to send various requests to, including endorsement, query
# and event listener registration.
# this URL is used to send endorsement and query requests
url: grpcs://ec2-13-59-99-140.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7051
ssl-target-name-override: peer0.org1.kevin.kongyixueyuan.com
path: artifacts/channel/crypto-config/peerOrganizations/org1.kevin.kongyixueyuan.com/peers/peer0.org1.kevin.kongyixueyuan.com/tls/ca.crt
url: grpcs://ec2-13-59-99-140.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7056
eventUrl: grpcs://ec2-13-59-99-140.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7058
ssl-target-name-override: peer1.org1.kevin.kongyixueyuan.com
path: artifacts/channel/crypto-config/peerOrganizations/org1.kevin.kongyixueyuan.com/peers/peer1.org1.kevin.kongyixueyuan.com/tls/ca.crt
url: grpcs://ec2-13-59-99-140.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:8051
ssl-target-name-override: peer0.org2.kevin.kongyixueyuan.com
path: artifacts/channel/crypto-config/peerOrganizations/org2.kevin.kongyixueyuan.com/peers/peer0.org2.kevin.kongyixueyuan.com/tls/ca.crt
url: grpcs://ec2-13-59-99-140.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:8056
ssl-target-name-override: peer1.org2.kevin.kongyixueyuan.com
path: artifacts/channel/crypto-config/peerOrganizations/org2.kevin.kongyixueyuan.com/peers/peer1.org2.kevin.kongyixueyuan.com/tls/ca.crt
# Fabric-CA is a special kind of Certificate Authority provided by Hyperledger Fabric which allows
# certificate management to be done via REST APIs. Application may choose to use a standard
# Certificate Authority instead of Fabric-CA, in which case this section would not be specified.
url: https://ec2-13-59-99-140.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:7054
# the properties specified under this object are passed to the 'http' client verbatim when
# making the request to the Fabric-CA server
verify: false
path: artifacts/channel/crypto-config/peerOrganizations/org1.kevin.kongyixueyuan.com/ca/ca.org1.kevin.kongyixueyuan.com-cert.pem
# Fabric-CA supports dynamic user enrollment via REST APIs. A "root" user, a.k.a registrar, is
# needed to enroll and invoke new users.
- enrollId: admin
enrollSecret: adminpw
# [Optional] The optional name of the CA.
caName: ca-org1
url: https://ec2-13-59-99-140.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:8054
verify: false
path: artifacts/channel/crypto-config/peerOrganizations/org2.kevin.kongyixueyuan.com/ca/ca.org2.kevin.kongyixueyuan.com-cert.pem
- enrollId: admin
enrollSecret: adminpw
# [Optional] The optional name of the CA.
caName: ca-org2
新建 org1.yaml 配置文件并编辑
$ vim org1.yaml
# The network connection profile provides client applications the information about the target
# blockchain network that are necessary for the applications to interact with it. These are all
# knowledge that must be acquired from out-of-band sources. This file provides such a source.
name: "kevin-fabric-sdk-node-org1"
# Any properties with an "x-" prefix will be treated as application-specific, exactly like how naming
# in HTTP headers or swagger properties work. The SDK will simply ignore these fields and leave
# them for the applications to process. This is a mechanism for different components of an application
# to exchange information that are not part of the standard schema described below. In particular,
# the "x-type" property with the "hlfv1" value example below is used by Hyperledger Composer to
# determine the type of Fabric networks (v0.6 vs. v1.0) it needs to work with.
x-type: "hlfv1"
# Describe what the target network is/does.
description: "Balance Transfer Network - client definition for Org1"
# Schema version of the content. Used by the SDK to apply the corresponding parsing rules.
version: "1.0"
# The client section is SDK-specific. The sample below is for the node.js SDK
# Which organization does this application instance belong to? The value must be the name of an org
# defined under "organizations"
organization: Org1
# Some SDKs support pluggable KV stores, the properties under "credentialStore"
# are implementation specific
# [Optional]. Specific to FileKeyValueStore.js or similar implementations in other SDKs. Can be others
# if using an alternative impl. For instance, CouchDBKeyValueStore.js would require an object
# here for properties like url, db name, etc.
path: "./fabric-client-kv-org1"
# [Optional]. Specific to the CryptoSuite implementation. Software-based implementations like
# CryptoSuite_ECDSA_AES.js in node SDK requires a key store. PKCS#11 based implementations does
# not.
# Specific to the underlying KeyValueStore that backs the crypto key store.
path: "/tmp/fabric-client-kv-org1"
# [Optional]. Specific to Composer environment
wallet: wallet-name
新建 org2.yaml 配置文件并编辑
$ vim org2.yaml
# The network connection profile provides client applications the information about the target
# blockchain network that are necessary for the applications to interact with it. These are all
# knowledge that must be acquired from out-of-band sources. This file provides such a source.
name: "kevin-fabric-sdk-node-org2"
# Any properties with an "x-" prefix will be treated as application-specific, exactly like how naming
# in HTTP headers or swagger properties work. The SDK will simply ignore these fields and leave
# them for the applications to process. This is a mechanism for different components of an application
# to exchange information that are not part of the standard schema described below. In particular,
# the "x-type" property with the "hlfv1" value example below is used by Hyperledger Composer to
# determine the type of Fabric networks (v0.6 vs. v1.0) it needs to work with.
x-type: "hlfv1"
# Describe what the target network is/does.
description: "Balance Transfer Network - client definition for Org2"
# Schema version of the content. Used by the SDK to apply the corresponding parsing rules.
version: "1.0"
# The client section is SDK-specific. The sample below is for the node.js SDK
# Which organization does this application instance belong to? The value must be the name of an org
# defined under "organizations"
organization: Org2
# Some SDKs support pluggable KV stores, the properties under "credentialStore"
# are implementation specific
# [Optional]. Specific to FileKeyValueStore.js or similar implementations in other SDKs. Can be others
# if using an alternative impl. For instance, CouchDBKeyValueStore.js would require an object
# here for properties like url, db name, etc.
path: "./fabric-client-kv-org2"
# [Optional]. Specific to the CryptoSuite implementation. Software-based implementations like
# CryptoSuite_ECDSA_AES.js in node SDK requires a key store. PKCS#11 based implementations does
# not.
# Specific to the underlying KeyValueStore that backs the crypto key store.
path: "/tmp/fabric-client-kv-org2"
# [Optional]. Specific to Composer environment
wallet: wallet-name