req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", fmt.Sprintf("", logFormater.LogId), nil)
ctx := self.C.Request.Context()
span := opentracing.SpanFromContext(ctx)
if span == nil {
panic("nil span")
//trace info 注入req.Header
req.Header.Set("x-hop", logFormater.XHop.Hex())
resp, err := http.DefaultClient.Do(req)
bs, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
package trace
import (
opentracing ""
const defaultComponentName = "net/http"
type Options struct {
tracer opentracing.Tracer
opNameFunc func(r *http.Request) string
spanObserver func(span opentracing.Span, r *http.Request)
urlTagFunc func(u *url.URL) string
componentName string
type OptionsFunc func(*Options)
func OperationNameFunc(f func(r *http.Request) string) OptionsFunc {
return func(options *Options) {
options.opNameFunc = f
func WithTracer(tracer opentracing.Tracer) OptionsFunc {
return func(options *Options) {
options.tracer = tracer
func WithComponentName(componentName string) OptionsFunc {
return func(options *Options) {
options.componentName = componentName
func WithSpanObserver(f func(span opentracing.Span, r *http.Request)) OptionsFunc {
return func(options *Options) {
options.spanObserver = f
func WithURLTagFunc(f func(u *url.URL) string) OptionsFunc {
return func(options *Options) {
options.urlTagFunc = f
//OpenTracing 链路追踪中间件
func OpenTracing(serviceName string, options ...OptionsFunc) gin.HandlerFunc {
opts := Options{
opNameFunc: func(r *http.Request) string {
return r.Proto + " " + r.Method
spanObserver: func(span opentracing.Span, r *http.Request) {},
urlTagFunc: func(u *url.URL) string {
return u.String()
for _, opt := range options {
if opts.tracer == nil {
opts.tracer = opentracing.GlobalTracer()
return func(c *gin.Context) {
carrier := opentracing.HTTPHeadersCarrier(c.Request.Header)
spanContext, _ := opts.tracer.Extract(opentracing.HTTPHeaders, carrier)
op := opts.opNameFunc(c.Request)
sp := opts.tracer.StartSpan(op, opentracing.ChildOf(spanContext), opentracing.StartTime(time.Now()))
ext.HTTPMethod.Set(sp, c.Request.Method)
ext.HTTPUrl.Set(sp, opts.urlTagFunc(c.Request.URL))
opts.spanObserver(sp, c.Request)
componentName := opts.componentName
if componentName == "" {
componentName = defaultComponentName
ext.Component.Set(sp, componentName)
c.Request = c.Request.WithContext(
opentracing.ContextWithSpan(c.Request.Context(), sp))
//trace info 注入resp.Header
sp.Tracer().Inject(sp.Context(), opentracing.HTTPHeaders,
ext.HTTPStatusCode.Set(sp, uint16(c.Writer.Status()))
sp.FinishWithOptions(opentracing.FinishOptions{FinishTime: time.Now()})
type TraceInjecter struct {}
func (injecter *TraceInjecter)InjectTrace(c *gin.Context, logFormater *log.LogFormat, req *http.Request) {
ctx := c.Request.Context()
span := opentracing.SpanFromContext(ctx)
if span == nil {
panic("nil span")
//trace info 注入req.Header
span.Tracer().Inject(span.Context(), opentracing.HTTPHeaders,
req.Header.Set("x-hop", logFormater.XHop.Hex())
package xhop
import (
// Generally speaking,for every http request, the hierarchy of the http rpc calls is a DAG(directed acycline graph).
// The X-Hop system is designed to accurately track the hierarchical http rpc call details. It use Hop, a binary encoded integer, to describe every module's hierarchy in the entire DAG from beginning/app to the farest backend end.
// In X-Hop system, a module is a http server instance that serves http requests and possibly send one or more rpc calls to other modules. A module must send correct X-Hop value in the request header X-Hop field when sending a http call and its downstream then receives the X-Hop from the request header. When a module receive a request without a X-Hop, it should set X-Hop to 1. The Hop value of a module is calcuted as follows:
// 1. Every positive bit in the X-Hop indicates a module.
// 2. A module's X-Hop stripping the leftmost positive bit indicates its parent's X-Hop.
// a. The root module's (usually the outer GFW) Hop is always 1.
// b. The count of positive bit in a module's X-Hop indicates the hierarchy of the entire http rpc calls for the specific module.
// 2. The ith http call's X-hop sending from a module M should add (100...0)b to the leftmost of M's X-Hop. There as (i - 1) 0s in total.
// For example, module A calls B and C, and B calls D and E, and C calls F, and D calls G at last.
// The DAG shows as follows:
// A
// / \
// B C
// / \ |
// D E F
// / \ |
// G G2 H
// / \ /|\
// I I2 J K L
// / \ |
// M M2 N
// / \ |
// O P Q
// / \ |
// R S T
// / \ |
// U V W
// | / \
// X Y Z
// Suppose Hop(i) indicates the module i's Hop, then:
// Hop(A) = (00000001)b 1
// Hop(B) = (00000011)b 3
// Hop(C) = (00000101)b 5
// Hop(D) = (00000111)b 7
// Hop(E) = (00001011)b 11
// Hop(F) = (00001101)b 13
// Hop(G) = (00001111)b
// Hop(G2) = (00010111)b
// Hop(H) = (00011101)b
// Hop(I) = (00011111)b
// Hop(I2) = (00101111)b
// Hop(J) = (00111101)b
// Hop(K) = (01011101)b
// Hop(L) = (10011101)b
// Hop(M) = (00111111)b
// Hop(M2) = (01011111)b
// Hop(N) = (11011101)b
// Hop(O) = (01111111)b
// Hop(P) = (10111111)b
// Hop(Q) = (00000001 11011101)b
// Hop(R) = (00000001 10111111)b
// Hop(S) = (00000010 10111111)b
// Hop(T) = (00000011 11011101)b
// Hop(U) = (00000110 10111111)b
// Hop(V) = (00001010 10111111)b
// Hop(W) = (00000111 11011101)b
// Hop(X) = (00011010 10111111)b
// Hop(Y) = (00001111 11011101)b
type XHop struct {
buf []byte //use little endian for efficiency
c uint64 //current children rpc call counter
func NewXhopNull() *XHop {
b := &XHop{
buf: make([]byte, 1),
b.buf[0] = byte(0)
return b
func NewXHop() *XHop {
b := &XHop{
buf: make([]byte, 1),
b.buf[0] = byte(1)
return b
func (x *XHop) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
if x == nil {
return nil, errors.New("nil XHop")
return []byte(fmt.Sprintf("\"%s\"", x.Hex())), nil
func (x *XHop) IsRootXHop() bool {
if x == nil {
return false
return len(x.buf) == 1 && x.buf[0] == byte(1)
func NewFromHex(s string) (*XHop, error) {
if buf, err := hex.DecodeString(s); err != nil {
return nil, err
} else {
//change buf from BigEndian to LittleEndian
var (
i int = 0
j int = len(buf) - 1
p byte
for i < j {
p = buf[i]
buf[i] = buf[j]
buf[j] = p
//the byteorder of buf is already LittleEndian now.
//the last byte, the most important byte, should not be zero.
if buf[len(buf)-1] == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("corrupted xhop, the last byte should not be zero:%s", s)
return &XHop{buf: buf}, nil
func (x *XHop) Dup() *XHop {
if x == nil {
return NewXHop()
xhop := &XHop{
buf: make([]byte, len(x.buf)),
copy(xhop.buf, x.buf)
return xhop
func (x *XHop) Equal(x2 *XHop) bool {
if x == nil || x2 == nil {
return x == nil && x2 == nil
} else {
return bytes.Compare(x.buf, x2.buf) == 0 && x.c == x2.c
//String should only be used for human reading.
//The func does not take performance into account.
//little endian
func (x *XHop) String() string {
if x == nil {
return ""
var (
s = make([]byte, 0, 9*len(x.buf)-1) //8*N + N-1
u uint8
for i := len(x.buf) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
u = 128
for u > 0 {
if u&x.buf[i] == u {
s = append(s, '1')
} else {
s = append(s, '0')
u >>= 1
s = append(s, ' ') //add extra space for human reading
return string(s[:len(s)-1]) //strip the last extra space
//to hex
func (x *XHop) Hex() string {
if x == nil {
return ""
//create a new buf in BigEndian
var buf = make([]byte, len(x.buf))
for i := 0; i < len(buf); i++ {
buf[i] = x.buf[len(buf)-1-i]
return hex.EncodeToString(buf)
//to decimal
func (x *XHop) Decimal() int64 {
if x == nil {
return 0
//create a new buf in BigEndian
var buf = make([]byte, len(x.buf))
for i := 0; i < len(buf); i++ {
buf[i] = x.buf[len(buf)-1-i]
hexRes := hex.EncodeToString(buf)
res, err := strconv.ParseInt(hexRes, 16, 64)
if err != nil {
return res
// 1. strip the leftmost positive bit.
// 2. strip the leading zero bytes before 1.
//little endian
func (x *XHop) Parent() *XHop {
if x == nil {
return NewXHop()
//Root XHop's Parent is always itself.
if x.IsRootXHop() {
return x.Dup()
//attention: x.buf is in LittleEndian!
xhop := x.Dup()
var b = x.buf[len(x.buf)-1]
xhop.buf[len(x.buf)-1] = b & ^(1 << (leftMostBitPos(b) - 1))
//strip the left zero bytes
n := len(xhop.buf) - 1
for n > 0 {
if xhop.buf[n] != 0 {
n -= 1
xhop.buf = xhop.buf[:n+1]
return xhop
//pading 100...0(seq 0) the x
func (x *XHop) Next() *XHop {
if x == nil {
return NewXHop().Next()
xhop := x.Dup()
var (
b = x.buf[len(x.buf)-1]
bp = uint64(leftMostBitPos(b)) //1~8
xhop.c = x.c
if xhop.c >= 8-bp {
xhop.c -= 8 - bp
leading := make([]byte, xhop.c/8) //zero bytes
leading = append(leading, 1<<(xhop.c%8))
xhop.buf = append(xhop.buf, leading...)
} else {
xhop.buf[len(x.buf)-1] += (1 << xhop.c) << bp
//update counter
xhop.c = 0
x.c += 1
return xhop
//pading 100...0(n 0 in total) the x
//different to Next(), NextN do not touch x.c
//use to current node rpc count add one(param is c.n)
func (x *XHop) NextN(n uint64) *XHop {
if x == nil {
return NewXHop().NextN(n)
xhop := x.Dup()
xhop.c = n
return xhop.Next()
func (x *XHop) Hierarchy() (n int) {
if x == nil {
for _, b := range x.buf {
n += byteBits(b)
func byteBits(b byte) (c int) {
n := uint8(b)
for n > 0 {
n &= (n - 1)
c += 1
func leftMostBitPos(b byte) uint8 {
var (
p uint8 = 128
pos uint8 = 8
for p > 0 {
if b&p == p {
p >>= 1
pos -= 1
return pos
func (x *XHop) GetCount() uint64 {
return x.c
func (node *XHop)GetNext() *XHop {
return node.NextN(node.c)
func Test(){
node := NewXHop()
fmt.Println(node.Next()) //当前node第1次调用
fmt.Println(node.NextN(1)) //当前node第2次调用
fmt.Println(node.NextN(2)) //当前node第3次调用