Given a stringS, find the longest palindromic substring in S. You may assume that the maximumlength of S is 1000, and there exists one unique longest palindromic substring.
若字符串str为对称串则称str为回文 (palindromic) 串;若str中子串subStr为对称串,则subStr为str的回文子串。例如字符串str=”abbacde”,其中子串subStr=”abba”为回文子串,且str中不存在比subStr更长的回文子串,则subStr为str的最长回文子串。
(1) 最长公共子串参考,实现如下:
string longestPalindrome(strings)
string result;
string rs;
int size = s.size();
while (size > 0)
int lenth = 0;
int pos = findLongestCommanSubString(s,rs, lenth);
while (lenth-- > 0)
return result;
int findLongestCommanSubString(conststring &s1, const string &s2, int &lenth)
int pos = 0;
int size1 = s1.size();
int size2 = s2.size();
if (0 == size1 || 0 == size2)
return 0;
vector > table(2,vector(size2, 0));
int comparisons = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < size2; ++j)
if (s1[0] == s2[j])
table[0][j] = 1;
if (0 == lenth)
lenth = 1;
pos = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < size1; ++i)
int cur = ((i & 1) == 1);
int pre = ((i & 1) == 0);
table[cur][0] = 0;
if (s1[i] == s2[0])
table[cur][0] = 1;
if (0 == lenth)
lenth = 1;
pos = i;
for (int j = 1; j < size2; ++j)
if (s1[i] == s2[j])
table[cur][j] =table[pre][j - 1] + 1;
if (lenth
(2) 对应2.2,代码如下:
string longestPalindrom(strings)
int l, r;
l = r = 0;
int len = s.size();
int start = 0;
int maxLen = 0;
if (len <= 1)
return s;
int tempLen = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i)
l = i - 1;
r = i + 1;
tempLen = 1;
while (l >= 0 && r <=len - 1 && s[l] == s[r])
tempLen += 2;
if (tempLen > maxLen)
start = l;
maxLen = tempLen;
l = i;
r = i + 1;
tempLen = 0;
while (l >= 0 && r <=len - 1 && s[l] == s[r])
tempLen += 2;
if (tempLen > maxLen)
start = l;
maxLen = tempLen;
string res = s.substr(start, maxLen);
return res;