RPC for C/C++

There is a lot of RPC technology for C/C++.

For not using JNI, here are some library which support native C/C++.

thrift: open-sourced by facebook, and it is used by Taobao. Support multiple language, but NOT support dynamic typing,

Avro:used by hadoop, supply serialization and RPC for many language.

   But sadly, it hava NOT supply RPC framework for C/C++.

MessagePack: It seems to be useful and easy, also support dynamic typing and  multiple language.

       Here is info at  http://msgpack.org/.

protocol buffer: open-sourced by google. But it NOT offically provide RPC framework. Maybe you can find some third part.

RCF: Only for C++. Here is info at http://deltavsoft.com/.

Recommend: http://www.igvita.com/2011/08/01/protocol-buffers-avro-thrift-messagepack/
