自顶向下 递归 if elseif else 【错误结构 不报错】

    private static final String IF = "if";
    private static final String ELSE_IF = "else if";
    private static final String ELSE = "else";
    private static final String THEN = "then";

    private class TwoTuple {
        public String token;
        public T value;

        private TwoTuple() {
        private TwoTuple(String token, T t) {
            this.token = token;
            this.value = t;
    private List> tokens;
    private TwoTuple result_token;

    private Promise(List> tokens) {
        this.tokens = tokens;

//    private Promise(List> tokens, Throwable error) {
//        this.tokens = tokens;
//        this.error = error;
//    }

    private  Promise programPromise(List> tokens) {
        if (tokens == null) {
            throw new RuntimeException("please use begin() to start using promise in ef/eeseEf/else/thenDo !");
        return new Promise<>(tokens);

    public  Promise begin() {
        return programPromise(XType.list());

     * syntax :
     * S -> if .then .T
     * T -> else if .then .T | else |ε
     * . 分隔词组
     * @param t
     * @param 
     * @return
    public  Promise ef(I t) {
        tokens.add(new TwoTuple<>(IF, t));
//        return programPromise(tokens);
        return this;

    public  Promise eeseEf(I t) {
        tokens.add(new TwoTuple<>(ELSE_IF, t));
//        return programPromise(tokens);
        return this;

    public  Promise thenDo(ReturnCallbackNoParam callback) {
        tokens.add(new TwoTuple<>(THEN, callback));
//        return programPromise(tokens);
        return this;

//    public  Promise thenDo(ReturnCallbackWithParam callback) {
//        tokens.add(new TwoTuple<>(THEN, callback));
////        return programPromise(tokens);
//        return this;
//    }

//    public Promise thenDo(VoidCallbackWithParam callback) {
//        tokens.add(new TwoTuple<>(THEN, callback));
////        return programPromise(tokens);
//        return this;
//    }

    public Promise thenDo(VoidCallbackNoParam callback) {
        tokens.add(new TwoTuple<>(THEN, callback));
//        return programPromise(tokens);
        return this;

    public  Promise eese(ReturnCallbackNoParam callback) {
        tokens.add(new TwoTuple<>(ELSE, callback));
//        return programPromise(tokens);
        return this;

//    public  Promise eese(ReturnCallbackWithParam callback) {
//        tokens.add(new TwoTuple<>(ELSE, callback));
////        return programPromise(tokens);
//        return this;
//    }

//    public Promise eese(VoidCallbackWithParam callback) {
//        tokens.add(new TwoTuple<>(ELSE, callback));
////        return programPromise(tokens);
//        return this;
//    }

    public Promise eese(VoidCallbackNoParam callback) {
        tokens.add(new TwoTuple<>(ELSE, callback));
//        return programPromise(tokens);
        return this;

    private  R whatCallback(TwoTuple token) {
        R r = null;
        if (token.value instanceof VoidCallbackNoParam) {
            VoidCallbackNoParam callback = XType.cast(token.value);
//        else if (token.value instanceof ReturnCallbackWithParam) {
//            ReturnCallbackWithParam callback = XType.cast(token.value);
//            r = callback.rci(XType.cast(value));
//        } 
        else if (token.value instanceof ReturnCallbackNoParam) {
            ReturnCallbackNoParam callback = XType.cast(token.value);
            r = callback.rcv();
//        else if (token.value instanceof VoidCallbackWithParam) {
//            VoidCallbackWithParam callback = XType.cast(token.value);
//            callback.vci(XType.cast(value));
//        }

        return r;

    private void S_token(Iterator> it) {
    	if(it.hasNext()) {
    		//S -> if then T
    		TwoTuple if_token = it.next();
    		if(IF.equals(if_token.token)) {    			
    			TwoTuple then_token = it.next();
					if(result_token == null && parseBoolean(if_token.value)) {						
						result_token = then_token;
//						result_token_value_if_null(then_token);
					//T -> else if then T | else | E
    private void T_token(Iterator> it) {
    	if(it.hasNext()) {
    		TwoTuple t_token = it.next();
    		if(ELSE_IF.equals(t_token.token)) {
    			TwoTuple then_token = it.next();
					if(result_token == null  && parseBoolean(t_token.value)) {						
						result_token = then_token;
					//T -> else if then T | else | E
    		}else if(ELSE.equals(t_token.token)) {
    			if(result_token == null) {
    				result_token = t_token;

	//不支持 if else 嵌套!
    private  R analyzeTokensAndExec() {
    	return whatCallback(result_token);
//        R r = null;
//        if (tokens != null) {
//            if (!tokens.isEmpty()) {
//                TwoTuple tuple = tokens.get(0);
//                //check first parameter,must start with if / match
//                if (!IF.equals(tuple.token)) {
//                    throw new RuntimeException("please use structure begin().ef().thenDo().elseEf().thenDo().else().end()!");
//                }
//                for (int i = 0; tokens != null && i < tokens.size(); i++) {
//                    tuple = tokens.get(i);
//                    if (IF.equals(tuple.token) || ELSE_IF.equals(tuple.token)) {
//                        if (i + 1 >= tokens.size()) {
//                            throw new RuntimeException("not match if.elseif.else or if.else;after ef()/eeseEf() it's thenDo(),like ef().thenDo().elseEf().thenDo()");
//                        }
//                        TwoTuple nextToken = tokens.get(i + 1);
//                        if (THEN.equals(nextToken.token)) {
//                            if (parseBoolean(tuple.value)) {
//                                r = whatCallback(nextToken, tuple.value);
//                                break;//因为是 if else 只执行一个!
//                            }
//                        }
//                    }
//                }
//            }
//        }
//        return r;

    public  Promise end() {

        R r = analyzeTokensAndExec();
//        clear tokens!
        tokens = null;
        return new Promise<>(r);
			XLog.lg("else if");

