



⒈ 时间:周五晚8点至9点

⒉ 地点:学生俱乐部

⒊ 内容:生日歌、蛋糕、游戏等

⒋ 要求:备小礼物


⒈ 词数100左右,开头语已为你写好;


⒊ 答案必须写在 答题卡 相应的位置上。

Hi, Susan,

We’re throwing a surprise party for Xiao Ming’s birthday.


Hi, Susan,

We’re throwing a surprise party for Xiao Ming’s birthday. How are you doing? I’m Li Hua. The vice minister of your class. This Friday,a birthday party will be held for Xiao Ming. So,I,on behalf of my class,am going to invite you to come

   Here are several details about the activity. First and foremost, it will be held in the student club from 8:00 pm. to 9:00 pm. Additionally, not only will we sing a birthday song, but also we are able to share a birthday cake and play some interesting games,Which will be both meaningful and entertaining. Last but not least,each of us is supposed to give Xiao Ming a gift;As a result,you need to bring one.

We Would feel extremely honored and delighted,if you could make it to our activity,Please drop me a line or send me a text message to let me know your decision soon. I‘m looking forward to your reply and your presence.

Best wishes to you!


Li Hua

Hi, Susan,

We’re throwing a surprise party for Xiao Ming’s birthday.

How are you doing? I’m Li Hua. The vice minister of your class.

1 不要写How are you,增加你的字数 让阅卷老师觉得你的作文有规范有制度

2 Vice minister 副班长、副主席 要给出一个身份,介绍自己是谁,加上这个能让阅卷老师知道你在班上有职位,字好看等等

This Friday,a birthday party will be held for Xiao Ming

提出时间 为了某人都用For,把主语放在了前面,后面的动词用的被动,使你的逼格高,也可以写成There will be a birthday party for Xiao Ming

So,I,on behalf of my class,am going to invite you to come

So,因此,So连接新的句子用逗号,On behalf of代表…,这个句子是一个插入语,例如第三者。第三者不会影响句子成分,不会影响成分,直接把她干掉。即I am going to invite you to come。【需慎重】

Here are several details about the activity.

介绍活动内容时,要写一个承上启下的过渡句,否则会显得比较生疏。Several建议替换成A great majority of.即许多。

First and foremost, it will be held in the student club from 8:00 pm. to 9:00 pm.

主语用的是物,后面谓语动词是被,刚刚提到了activity不能重复了,it指的就是那个活动。It will be hold将会被举行.

Additionally, not only will we sing a birthday song, but also we are able to share a birthday cake and play some interesting games,Which will be both meaningful and entertaining.

1 两个东西并且很长的句子不用写and,Not only but also.前倒后不倒,情态动词提前,后面就正常语序

2 Be able to=can 可以

3 Which will be both meaningful and entertaining.【高逼格】【必背】一个事情很非常棒,就可以加这个这件事情是多么的有意义和开心的

例子:You are supposed to read much more English books, which will be both meaningful and entertaining.

Last but not least,each of us is supposed to give Xiao Ming a gift;As a result,you need to bring one.

Each of us【这不是复数√】我们每一个人 是一个单数。

One指礼物,这里As a result是所以的意思=so

We Would feel extremely honored and delighted,if you could make it to our activity,Please drop me a line or send me a text message to let me know your decision soon.

1 你将会感到非常荣耀和高兴的

2 if you could make it to our activity

可以替换成简单的句子:If you could come to our activity.

3 Drop me a line 留个短信

4 let me know your decision soon让我们尽快知道你的决定

I‘m looking forward to your reply and your presence.

Best wishes to you!




Presense 出席                                              


