[仿真验证] - Modelsim - Modelsim添加波形

  • 添加数据到wave并创建到group中 :add wave -position insertpoint -group “spi_flash_tx” sim:/Testbench/uut/spi_flash_tx/

  • 创建divider

add wave -dirider divider_name

  • 只显示信号名

使用configure来进行配置 : configure wave -signalnamewidth。其中-signalnamewidth有以下描述:

-signalnamewidth []
(optional) Controls the number of hierarchical regions displayed as part of a signal name
shown in the pathname pane. Related Tcl variable is PrefWave(SignalNameWidth). Can
also be set with the WaveSignalNameWidth variable in the modelsim.ini file.
 — Any non-negative integer where the default is 0 (display the full path. For
example,1 displays only the leaf path element, 2 displays the last two path elements,
and so on. 
