import tensorflow as tf
import timeit
import tensorflow.compat.v1 as tf
import numpy as np
from tensorflow.keras.datasets.cifar10 import load_data
def model():
x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, 32, 32, 3])
y = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, 10])
rate = tf.placeholder(tf.float32)
conv_1 = tf.layers.conv2d(x, 32, [3, 3], padding='SAME', activation=tf.nn.relu)
max_pool_1 = tf.layers.max_pooling2d(conv_1, [2, 2], strides=2, padding='SAME')
drop_1 = tf.layers.dropout(max_pool_1, rate=rate)
conv_2 = tf.layers.conv2d(drop_1, 64, [3, 3], padding="SAME", activation=tf.nn.relu)
max_pool_2 = tf.layers.max_pooling2d(conv_2, [2, 2], strides=2, padding="SAME")
drop_2 = tf.layers.dropout(max_pool_2, rate=rate)
conv_3 = tf.layers.conv2d(drop_2, 128, [3, 3], padding="SAME", activation=tf.nn.relu)
max_pool_3 = tf.layers.max_pooling2d(conv_3, [2, 2], strides=2, padding="SAME")
drop_3 = tf.layers.dropout(max_pool_3, rate=rate)
flat = tf.reshape(drop_3, shape=[-1, 4 * 4 * 128])
fc_1 = tf.layers.dense(flat, 80, activation=tf.nn.relu)
drop_4 = tf.layers.dropout(fc_1 , rate=rate)
fc_2 = tf.layers.dense(drop_4, 10)
output = tf.nn.relu(fc_2)
correct_prediction = tf.equal(tf.argmax(y, 1), tf.argmax(output, 1))
accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct_prediction, tf.float32))
loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=output, labels=y))
optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(1e-4, beta1=0.9, beta2=0.999, epsilon=1e-8).minimize(loss)
return x, y, rate, accuracy, loss, optimizer
def one_hot_encoder(y):
ret = np.zeros(len(y) * 10)
ret = ret.reshape([-1, 10])
for i in range(len(y)):
ret[i][y[i]] = 1
return (ret)
def train(x_train, y_train, sess, x, y, rate, optimizer, accuracy, loss):
batch_size = 128
y_train_cls = one_hot_encoder(y_train)
start = end = 0
for i in range(int(len(x_train) / batch_size)):
if (i + 1) % 100 == 1:
start = timeit.default_timer()
batch_x = x_train[i * batch_size:(i + 1) * batch_size]
batch_y = y_train_cls[i * batch_size:(i + 1) * batch_size]
_, batch_loss, batch_accuracy = sess.run([optimizer, loss, accuracy], feed_dict={x:batch_x, y:batch_y, rate:0.4})
if (i + 1) % 100 == 0:
end = timeit.default_timer()
print("Time:", end-start, "s the loss is ", batch_loss, " and the accuracy is ", batch_accuracy * 100, "%")
def test(x_test, y_test, sess, x, y, rate, accuracy, loss):
batch_size = 64
y_test_cls = one_hot_encoder(y_test)
global_loss = 0
global_accuracy = 0
for t in range(int(len(x_test) / batch_size)):
batch_x = x_test[t * batch_size : (t + 1) * batch_size]
batch_y = y_test_cls[t * batch_size : (t + 1) * batch_size]
batch_loss, batch_accuracy = sess.run([loss, accuracy], feed_dict={x:batch_x, y:batch_y, rate:1})
global_loss += batch_loss
global_accuracy += batch_accuracy
global_loss = global_loss / (len(x_test) / batch_size)
global_accuracy = global_accuracy / (len(x_test) / batch_size)
print("In Test Time, loss is ", global_loss, ' and the accuracy is ', global_accuracy)
EPOCH = 100
(x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) = load_data()
print("There is ", len(x_train), " training images and ", len(x_test), " images")
x, y, rate, accuracy, loss, optimizer = model()
sess = tf.Session()
for i in range(EPOCH):
print("Train on epoch ", i ," start")
train(x_train, y_train, sess, x, y, rate, optimizer, accuracy, loss)
test(x_train, y_train, sess, x, y, rate, accuracy, loss)
D:\Anaconda3\envs\TF_CPU\python.exe D:/untitled5/.idea/test.py
WARNING:tensorflow:From D:\Anaconda3\envs\TF_CPU\lib\site-packages\tensorflow_core\python\compat\v2_compat.py:65: disable_resource_variables (from tensorflow.python.ops.variable_scope) is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
Instructions for updating:
non-resource variables are not supported in the long term
There is 50000 training images and 10000 images
WARNING:tensorflow:From D:/untitled5/.idea/test.py:18: conv2d (from tensorflow.python.layers.convolutional) is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
Instructions for updating:
Use `tf.keras.layers.Conv2D` instead.
WARNING:tensorflow:From D:\Anaconda3\envs\TF_CPU\lib\site-packages\tensorflow_core\python\layers\convolutional.py:424: Layer.apply (from tensorflow.python.keras.engine.base_layer) is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
Instructions for updating:
Please use `layer.__call__` method instead.
WARNING:tensorflow:From D:/untitled5/.idea/test.py:19: max_pooling2d (from tensorflow.python.layers.pooling) is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
Instructions for updating:
Use keras.layers.MaxPooling2D instead.
WARNING:tensorflow:From D:/untitled5/.idea/test.py:20: dropout (from tensorflow.python.layers.core) is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
Instructions for updating:
Use keras.layers.dropout instead.
WARNING:tensorflow:From D:/untitled5/.idea/test.py:31: dense (from tensorflow.python.layers.core) is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
Instructions for updating:
Use keras.layers.Dense instead.
Train on epoch 0 start
Time: 21.203392899999997 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 9.375 %
Time: 20.751058699999998 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 10.9375 %
Time: 20.8148093 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 13.28125 %
In Test Time, loss is 0.6929250178527832 and the accuracy is 0.09996
Train on epoch 1 start
Time: 20.332358599999992 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 9.375 %
Time: 20.938636499999987 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 10.9375 %
Time: 20.3336999 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 13.28125 %
In Test Time, loss is 0.6929250178527832 and the accuracy is 0.09996
Train on epoch 2 start
Time: 20.006705600000004 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 9.375 %
Time: 20.16880950000001 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 10.9375 %
Time: 20.013400399999995 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 13.28125 %
In Test Time, loss is 0.6929250178527832 and the accuracy is 0.09996
Train on epoch 3 start
Time: 20.09196579999997 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 9.375 %
Time: 20.06129440000001 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 10.9375 %
Time: 20.078529500000002 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 13.28125 %
In Test Time, loss is 0.6929250178527832 and the accuracy is 0.09996
Train on epoch 4 start
Time: 23.332075400000008 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 9.375 %
Time: 20.275492600000007 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 10.9375 %
Time: 19.09587099999999 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 13.28125 %
In Test Time, loss is 0.6929250178527832 and the accuracy is 0.09996
Train on epoch 5 start
Time: 19.506426799999986 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 9.375 %
Time: 19.549414699999943 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 10.9375 %
Time: 18.895077400000105 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 13.28125 %
In Test Time, loss is 0.6929250178527832 and the accuracy is 0.09996
Train on epoch 6 start
Time: 19.267970399999967 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 9.375 %
Time: 18.957625699999994 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 10.9375 %
Time: 18.87618889999999 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 13.28125 %
In Test Time, loss is 0.6929250178527832 and the accuracy is 0.09996
Train on epoch 7 start
Time: 19.032007399999998 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 9.375 %
Time: 18.786247900000035 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 10.9375 %
Time: 19.177377500000034 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 13.28125 %
In Test Time, loss is 0.6929250178527832 and the accuracy is 0.09996
Train on epoch 8 start
Time: 18.84394800000007 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 9.375 %
Time: 18.768973500000016 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 10.9375 %
Time: 18.81735720000006 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 13.28125 %
In Test Time, loss is 0.6929250178527832 and the accuracy is 0.09996
Train on epoch 9 start
Time: 18.945515999999998 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 9.375 %
Time: 19.01871749999998 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 10.9375 %
Time: 19.7515535 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 13.28125 %
In Test Time, loss is 0.6929250178527832 and the accuracy is 0.09996
Train on epoch 10 start
Time: 20.147383199999922 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 9.375 %
Time: 19.99609179999993 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 10.9375 %
Time: 21.170174100000054 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 13.28125 %
In Test Time, loss is 0.6929250178527832 and the accuracy is 0.09996
Train on epoch 11 start
Time: 20.212694900000088 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 9.375 %
Time: 19.446790499999906 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 10.9375 %
Time: 22.012526399999842 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 13.28125 %
In Test Time, loss is 0.6929250178527832 and the accuracy is 0.09996
Train on epoch 12 start
Time: 18.72157990000005 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 9.375 %
Time: 18.83971140000017 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 10.9375 %
Time: 18.739757000000054 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 13.28125 %
In Test Time, loss is 0.6929250178527832 and the accuracy is 0.09996
Train on epoch 13 start
Time: 19.98869990000003 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 9.375 %
Time: 19.812551800000165 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 10.9375 %
Time: 18.931553800000074 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 13.28125 %
In Test Time, loss is 0.6929250178527832 and the accuracy is 0.09996
Train on epoch 14 start
Time: 19.421632700000146 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 9.375 %
Time: 20.1103442000001 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 10.9375 %
Time: 19.692313499999955 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 13.28125 %
In Test Time, loss is 0.6929250178527832 and the accuracy is 0.09996
Train on epoch 15 start
Time: 18.888019100000065 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 9.375 %
Time: 19.963650200000075 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 10.9375 %
Time: 19.25893680000013 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 13.28125 %
In Test Time, loss is 0.6929250178527832 and the accuracy is 0.09996
Train on epoch 16 start
Time: 19.96096160000002 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 9.375 %
Time: 19.571430699999837 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 10.9375 %
Time: 20.063769100000172 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 13.28125 %
In Test Time, loss is 0.6929250178527832 and the accuracy is 0.09996
Train on epoch 17 start
Time: 21.112071699999888 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 9.375 %
Time: 19.413590699999986 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 10.9375 %
Time: 19.963195399999904 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 13.28125 %
In Test Time, loss is 0.6929250178527832 and the accuracy is 0.09996
Train on epoch 18 start
Time: 19.857431399999996 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 9.375 %
Time: 19.846892400000115 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 10.9375 %
Time: 20.776408200000105 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 13.28125 %
In Test Time, loss is 0.6929250178527832 and the accuracy is 0.09996
Train on epoch 19 start
Time: 20.411574900000005 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 9.375 %
Time: 20.37522560000002 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 10.9375 %
Time: 20.98152190000019 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 13.28125 %
In Test Time, loss is 0.6929250178527832 and the accuracy is 0.09996
Train on epoch 20 start
Time: 20.22379500000011 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 9.375 %
Time: 21.745848499999965 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 10.9375 %
Time: 19.991685299999972 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 13.28125 %
In Test Time, loss is 0.6929250178527832 and the accuracy is 0.09996
Train on epoch 21 start
Time: 20.480996300000243 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 9.375 %
Time: 20.501550299999963 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 10.9375 %
Time: 20.14066550000007 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 13.28125 %
In Test Time, loss is 0.6929250178527832 and the accuracy is 0.09996
Train on epoch 22 start
Time: 20.02437480000026 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 9.375 %
Time: 20.17780509999966 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 10.9375 %
Time: 19.926445500000227 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 13.28125 %
In Test Time, loss is 0.6929250178527832 and the accuracy is 0.09996
Train on epoch 23 start
Time: 19.91206340000008 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 9.375 %
Time: 20.25160189999997 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 10.9375 %
Time: 19.94909120000011 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 13.28125 %
In Test Time, loss is 0.6929250178527832 and the accuracy is 0.09996
Train on epoch 24 start
Time: 20.04053900000008 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 9.375 %
Time: 18.9201779 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 10.9375 %
Time: 20.979841799999576 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 13.28125 %
In Test Time, loss is 0.6929250178527832 and the accuracy is 0.09996
Train on epoch 25 start
Time: 22.48507580000023 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 9.375 %
Time: 21.283742099999927 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 10.9375 %
Time: 19.935952900000302 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 13.28125 %
In Test Time, loss is 0.6929250178527832 and the accuracy is 0.09996
Train on epoch 26 start
Time: 19.686442100000022 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 9.375 %
Time: 19.83128280000028 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 10.9375 %
Time: 19.58035629999995 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 13.28125 %
In Test Time, loss is 0.6929250178527832 and the accuracy is 0.09996
Train on epoch 27 start
Time: 19.346683799999937 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 9.375 %
Time: 19.376182299999982 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 10.9375 %
Time: 19.53395569999975 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 13.28125 %
In Test Time, loss is 0.6929250178527832 and the accuracy is 0.09996
Train on epoch 28 start
Time: 19.451986300000044 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 9.375 %
Time: 19.415619999999763 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 10.9375 %
Time: 19.55812220000007 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 13.28125 %
In Test Time, loss is 0.6929250178527832 and the accuracy is 0.09996
Train on epoch 29 start
Time: 19.51894719999973 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 9.375 %
Time: 19.624729800000296 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 10.9375 %
Time: 19.942798699999912 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 13.28125 %
In Test Time, loss is 0.6929250178527832 and the accuracy is 0.09996
Train on epoch 30 start
Time: 19.68347790000007 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 9.375 %
Time: 19.577559500000007 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 10.9375 %
Time: 19.38549950000015 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 13.28125 %
In Test Time, loss is 0.6929250178527832 and the accuracy is 0.09996
Train on epoch 31 start
Time: 20.590400099999897 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 9.375 %
Time: 19.736777099999927 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 10.9375 %
Time: 19.878477000000203 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 13.28125 %
In Test Time, loss is 0.6929250178527832 and the accuracy is 0.09996
Train on epoch 32 start
Time: 19.22034080000003 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 9.375 %
Time: 19.39115899999979 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 10.9375 %
Time: 19.436029399999825 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 13.28125 %
In Test Time, loss is 0.6929250178527832 and the accuracy is 0.09996
Train on epoch 33 start
Time: 23.000235900000007 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 9.375 %
Time: 20.73536430000013 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 10.9375 %
Time: 19.864717400000245 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 13.28125 %
In Test Time, loss is 0.6929250178527832 and the accuracy is 0.09996
Train on epoch 34 start
Time: 19.878210399999716 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 9.375 %
Time: 19.618968500000392 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 10.9375 %
Time: 20.1185617000001 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 13.28125 %
In Test Time, loss is 0.6929250178527832 and the accuracy is 0.09996
Train on epoch 35 start
Time: 19.84757189999982 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 9.375 %
Time: 19.570888400000058 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 10.9375 %
Time: 19.555691500000194 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 13.28125 %
In Test Time, loss is 0.6929250178527832 and the accuracy is 0.09996
Train on epoch 36 start
Time: 20.150548399999934 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 9.375 %
Time: 20.174190700000054 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 10.9375 %
Time: 19.41122069999983 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 13.28125 %
In Test Time, loss is 0.6929250178527832 and the accuracy is 0.09996
Train on epoch 37 start
Time: 19.250992100000076 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 9.375 %
Time: 19.47662799999989 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 10.9375 %
Time: 19.772566000000097 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 13.28125 %
In Test Time, loss is 0.6929250178527832 and the accuracy is 0.09996
Train on epoch 38 start
Time: 20.192026599999735 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 9.375 %
Time: 19.588151100000232 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 10.9375 %
Time: 20.14196750000019 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 13.28125 %
In Test Time, loss is 0.6929250178527832 and the accuracy is 0.09996
Train on epoch 39 start
Time: 19.400119200000063 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 9.375 %
Time: 19.546305200000006 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 10.9375 %
Time: 19.792549099999633 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 13.28125 %
In Test Time, loss is 0.6929250178527832 and the accuracy is 0.09996
Train on epoch 40 start
Time: 20.334336899999926 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 9.375 %
Time: 19.614521500000137 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 10.9375 %
Time: 19.852216599999792 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 13.28125 %
In Test Time, loss is 0.6929250178527832 and the accuracy is 0.09996
Train on epoch 41 start
Time: 21.386216700000205 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 9.375 %
Time: 20.18270910000001 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 10.9375 %
Time: 20.125284300000203 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 13.28125 %
In Test Time, loss is 0.6929250178527832 and the accuracy is 0.09996
Train on epoch 42 start
Time: 19.251350399999865 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 9.375 %
Time: 19.680053600000065 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 10.9375 %
Time: 19.95804490000046 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 13.28125 %
In Test Time, loss is 0.6929250178527832 and the accuracy is 0.09996
Train on epoch 43 start
Time: 20.58289689999947 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 9.375 %
Time: 20.270364300000438 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 10.9375 %
Time: 20.671484399999827 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 13.28125 %
In Test Time, loss is 0.6929250178527832 and the accuracy is 0.09996
Train on epoch 44 start
Time: 19.853200800000195 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 9.375 %
Time: 19.722616899999593 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 10.9375 %
Time: 20.09028970000054 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 13.28125 %
In Test Time, loss is 0.6929250178527832 and the accuracy is 0.09996
Train on epoch 45 start
Time: 19.560798800000157 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 9.375 %
Time: 20.321581700000024 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 10.9375 %
Time: 19.725710299999264 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 13.28125 %
In Test Time, loss is 0.6929250178527832 and the accuracy is 0.09996
Train on epoch 46 start
Time: 19.537518599999203 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 9.375 %
Time: 20.774617999999464 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 10.9375 %
Time: 20.947719200000392 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 13.28125 %
In Test Time, loss is 0.6929250178527832 and the accuracy is 0.09996
Train on epoch 47 start
Time: 19.16960040000049 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 9.375 %
Time: 19.324159100000543 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 10.9375 %
Time: 19.51822970000012 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 13.28125 %
In Test Time, loss is 0.6929250178527832 and the accuracy is 0.09996
Train on epoch 48 start
Time: 19.769867599999998 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 9.375 %
Time: 19.700265300000865 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 10.9375 %
Time: 19.3430642000003 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 13.28125 %
In Test Time, loss is 0.6929250178527832 and the accuracy is 0.09996
Train on epoch 49 start
Time: 20.426578499999778 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 9.375 %
Time: 19.593095500000345 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 10.9375 %
Time: 19.748196000000462 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 13.28125 %
In Test Time, loss is 0.6929250178527832 and the accuracy is 0.09996
Train on epoch 50 start
Time: 19.385684399999263 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 9.375 %
Time: 19.479044000000613 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 10.9375 %
Time: 19.356824899999992 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 13.28125 %
In Test Time, loss is 0.6929250178527832 and the accuracy is 0.09996
Train on epoch 51 start
Time: 19.192696999999498 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 9.375 %
Time: 19.723360900000444 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 10.9375 %
Time: 20.352915700000267 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 13.28125 %
In Test Time, loss is 0.6929250178527832 and the accuracy is 0.09996
Train on epoch 52 start
Time: 19.663637700000436 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 9.375 %
Time: 19.715485300000182 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 10.9375 %
Time: 19.350935400000708 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 13.28125 %
In Test Time, loss is 0.6929250178527832 and the accuracy is 0.09996
Train on epoch 53 start
Time: 19.19973740000023 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 9.375 %
Time: 19.475662900000316 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 10.9375 %
Time: 19.671331600000485 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 13.28125 %
In Test Time, loss is 0.6929250178527832 and the accuracy is 0.09996
Train on epoch 54 start
Time: 19.24498500000027 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 9.375 %
Time: 19.15782080000008 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 10.9375 %
Time: 19.30621439999959 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 13.28125 %
In Test Time, loss is 0.6929250178527832 and the accuracy is 0.09996
Train on epoch 55 start
Time: 19.338836799999626 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 9.375 %
Time: 19.39915959999962 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 10.9375 %
Time: 19.18653069999982 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 13.28125 %
In Test Time, loss is 0.6929250178527832 and the accuracy is 0.09996
Train on epoch 56 start
Time: 19.16429049999988 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 9.375 %
Time: 19.28424509999968 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 10.9375 %
Time: 19.416009499999745 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 13.28125 %
In Test Time, loss is 0.6929250178527832 and the accuracy is 0.09996
Train on epoch 57 start
Time: 19.25305979999939 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 9.375 %
Time: 19.169926800000212 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 10.9375 %
Time: 19.69760799999949 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 13.28125 %
In Test Time, loss is 0.6929250178527832 and the accuracy is 0.09996
Train on epoch 58 start
Time: 19.314217500000268 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 9.375 %
Time: 21.50200550000045 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 10.9375 %
Time: 20.280547399999705 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 13.28125 %
In Test Time, loss is 0.6929250178527832 and the accuracy is 0.09996
Train on epoch 59 start
Time: 19.83883269999933 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 9.375 %
Time: 22.391052400000262 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 10.9375 %
Time: 20.059513000000152 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 13.28125 %
In Test Time, loss is 0.6929250178527832 and the accuracy is 0.09996
Train on epoch 60 start
Time: 19.265117300000384 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 9.375 %
Time: 19.39153940000051 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 10.9375 %
Time: 19.223210399999516 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 13.28125 %
In Test Time, loss is 0.6929250178527832 and the accuracy is 0.09996
Train on epoch 61 start
Time: 19.33709120000003 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 9.375 %
Time: 19.292303399999582 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 10.9375 %
Time: 19.548213600000054 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 13.28125 %
In Test Time, loss is 0.6929250178527832 and the accuracy is 0.09996
Train on epoch 62 start
Time: 21.536534000000756 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 9.375 %
Time: 21.929268100000627 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 10.9375 %
Time: 20.831132600000274 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 13.28125 %
In Test Time, loss is 0.6929250178527832 and the accuracy is 0.09996
Train on epoch 63 start
Time: 21.10963889999948 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 9.375 %
Time: 19.412601500000164 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 10.9375 %
Time: 19.757640200000424 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 13.28125 %
In Test Time, loss is 0.6929250178527832 and the accuracy is 0.09996
Train on epoch 64 start
Time: 19.47648289999961 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 9.375 %
Time: 19.367159299999912 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 10.9375 %
Time: 19.47778180000023 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 13.28125 %
In Test Time, loss is 0.6929250178527832 and the accuracy is 0.09996
Train on epoch 65 start
Time: 19.343294600000263 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 9.375 %
Time: 19.433388000000377 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 10.9375 %
Time: 19.393278699999428 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 13.28125 %
In Test Time, loss is 0.6929250178527832 and the accuracy is 0.09996
Train on epoch 66 start
Time: 21.780029999999897 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 9.375 %
Time: 19.511691200000314 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 10.9375 %
Time: 21.38421070000004 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 13.28125 %
In Test Time, loss is 0.6929250178527832 and the accuracy is 0.09996
Train on epoch 67 start
Time: 19.251305899999352 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 9.375 %
Time: 19.388316799999302 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 10.9375 %
Time: 19.39323390000027 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 13.28125 %
In Test Time, loss is 0.6929250178527832 and the accuracy is 0.09996
Train on epoch 68 start
Time: 19.360708299999715 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 9.375 %
Time: 19.463829799999985 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 10.9375 %
Time: 19.342427300000054 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 13.28125 %
In Test Time, loss is 0.6929250178527832 and the accuracy is 0.09996
Train on epoch 69 start
Time: 19.334424199999376 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 9.375 %
Time: 22.524791599999844 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 10.9375 %
Time: 20.814159200000176 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 13.28125 %
In Test Time, loss is 0.6929250178527832 and the accuracy is 0.09996
Train on epoch 70 start
Time: 20.449167800000396 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 9.375 %
Time: 22.636178700000528 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 10.9375 %
Time: 20.01946560000033 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 13.28125 %
In Test Time, loss is 0.6929250178527832 and the accuracy is 0.09996
Train on epoch 71 start
Time: 19.44488629999978 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 9.375 %
Time: 19.46133689999988 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 10.9375 %
Time: 19.502331700000468 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 13.28125 %
In Test Time, loss is 0.6929250178527832 and the accuracy is 0.09996
Train on epoch 72 start
Time: 19.40064170000005 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 9.375 %
Time: 19.327821799999583 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 10.9375 %
Time: 19.44252510000024 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 13.28125 %
In Test Time, loss is 0.6929250178527832 and the accuracy is 0.09996
Train on epoch 73 start
Time: 20.304611399999885 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 9.375 %
Time: 22.524367600000005 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 10.9375 %
Time: 20.00520929999948 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 13.28125 %
In Test Time, loss is 0.6929250178527832 and the accuracy is 0.09996
Train on epoch 74 start
Time: 19.713276500000575 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 9.375 %
Time: 19.453332899999623 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 10.9375 %
Time: 19.380054799999925 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 13.28125 %
In Test Time, loss is 0.6929250178527832 and the accuracy is 0.09996
Train on epoch 75 start
Time: 19.367600099999436 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 9.375 %
Time: 19.502799400000185 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 10.9375 %
Time: 19.62077489999956 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 13.28125 %
In Test Time, loss is 0.6929250178527832 and the accuracy is 0.09996
Train on epoch 76 start
Time: 19.6316209000006 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 9.375 %
Time: 19.43015110000033 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 10.9375 %
Time: 22.317291000000296 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 13.28125 %
In Test Time, loss is 0.6929250178527832 and the accuracy is 0.09996
Train on epoch 77 start
Time: 20.376217600000018 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 9.375 %
Time: 19.965900299999703 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 10.9375 %
Time: 23.015151399999922 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 13.28125 %
In Test Time, loss is 0.6929250178527832 and the accuracy is 0.09996
Train on epoch 78 start
Time: 19.52313630000026 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 9.375 %
Time: 19.51479339999969 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 10.9375 %
Time: 19.652652100000523 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 13.28125 %
In Test Time, loss is 0.6929250178527832 and the accuracy is 0.09996
Train on epoch 79 start
Time: 19.776634699999704 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 9.375 %
Time: 19.482929400000103 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 10.9375 %
Time: 19.434468399999787 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 13.28125 %
In Test Time, loss is 0.6929250178527832 and the accuracy is 0.09996
Train on epoch 80 start
Time: 21.423262299999806 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 9.375 %
Time: 21.192282500000147 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 10.9375 %
Time: 22.837351600000147 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 13.28125 %
In Test Time, loss is 0.6929250178527832 and the accuracy is 0.09996
Train on epoch 81 start
Time: 22.94633889999932 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 9.375 %
Time: 20.35269310000058 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 10.9375 %
Time: 19.479853299999377 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 13.28125 %
In Test Time, loss is 0.6929250178527832 and the accuracy is 0.09996
Train on epoch 82 start
Time: 19.578532700000324 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 9.375 %
Time: 19.52964879999945 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 10.9375 %
Time: 19.612676499999907 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 13.28125 %
In Test Time, loss is 0.6929250178527832 and the accuracy is 0.09996
Train on epoch 83 start
Time: 19.852523399999882 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 9.375 %
Time: 19.491047399998934 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 10.9375 %
Time: 19.58659919999991 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 13.28125 %
In Test Time, loss is 0.6929250178527832 and the accuracy is 0.09996
Train on epoch 84 start
Time: 22.807383400000617 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 9.375 %
Time: 20.622955399998318 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 10.9375 %
Time: 19.758014099999855 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 13.28125 %
In Test Time, loss is 0.6929250178527832 and the accuracy is 0.09996
Train on epoch 85 start
Time: 19.660556099999667 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 9.375 %
Time: 19.386748799999623 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 10.9375 %
Time: 19.466345700000602 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 13.28125 %
In Test Time, loss is 0.6929250178527832 and the accuracy is 0.09996
Train on epoch 86 start
Time: 19.478356599998733 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 9.375 %
Time: 19.55870859999959 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 10.9375 %
Time: 19.498218999999153 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 13.28125 %
In Test Time, loss is 0.6929250178527832 and the accuracy is 0.09996
Train on epoch 87 start
Time: 19.646091399999932 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 9.375 %
Time: 20.661324099999547 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 10.9375 %
Time: 21.2971280999991 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 13.28125 %
In Test Time, loss is 0.6929250178527832 and the accuracy is 0.09996
Train on epoch 88 start
Time: 19.631480699999884 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 9.375 %
Time: 22.605080100000123 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 10.9375 %
Time: 21.033928000000742 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 13.28125 %
In Test Time, loss is 0.6929250178527832 and the accuracy is 0.09996
Train on epoch 89 start
Time: 19.576197700000193 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 9.375 %
Time: 19.566822999999204 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 10.9375 %
Time: 19.618474900000365 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 13.28125 %
In Test Time, loss is 0.6929250178527832 and the accuracy is 0.09996
Train on epoch 90 start
Time: 19.76536070000111 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 9.375 %
Time: 19.413818499999252 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 10.9375 %
Time: 19.40671250000014 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 13.28125 %
In Test Time, loss is 0.6929250178527832 and the accuracy is 0.09996
Train on epoch 91 start
Time: 21.68035400000008 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 9.375 %
Time: 22.698377900000196 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 10.9375 %
Time: 21.20118899999943 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 13.28125 %
In Test Time, loss is 0.6929250178527832 and the accuracy is 0.09996
Train on epoch 92 start
Time: 21.056157600000006 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 9.375 %
Time: 19.432837199999994 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 10.9375 %
Time: 19.59424880000006 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 13.28125 %
In Test Time, loss is 0.6929250178527832 and the accuracy is 0.09996
Train on epoch 93 start
Time: 19.660379700000703 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 9.375 %
Time: 19.46614109999973 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 10.9375 %
Time: 19.64750500000082 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 13.28125 %
In Test Time, loss is 0.6929250178527832 and the accuracy is 0.09996
Train on epoch 94 start
Time: 19.637523399998827 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 9.375 %
Time: 19.59939420000046 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 10.9375 %
Time: 20.127211400000306 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 13.28125 %
In Test Time, loss is 0.6929250178527832 and the accuracy is 0.09996
Train on epoch 95 start
Time: 21.358406999999715 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 9.375 %
Time: 19.485649099999137 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 10.9375 %
Time: 22.27195390000088 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 13.28125 %
In Test Time, loss is 0.6929250178527832 and the accuracy is 0.09996
Train on epoch 96 start
Time: 19.618636199998946 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 9.375 %
Time: 19.511788499999966 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 10.9375 %
Time: 19.48230059999878 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 13.28125 %
In Test Time, loss is 0.6929250178527832 and the accuracy is 0.09996
Train on epoch 97 start
Time: 19.354758299999958 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 9.375 %
Time: 19.471648100001403 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 10.9375 %
Time: 19.63559559999885 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 13.28125 %
In Test Time, loss is 0.6929250178527832 and the accuracy is 0.09996
Train on epoch 98 start
Time: 19.531141200001002 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 9.375 %
Time: 22.348694700000124 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 10.9375 %
Time: 21.709597799999756 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 13.28125 %
In Test Time, loss is 0.6929250178527832 and the accuracy is 0.09996
Train on epoch 99 start
Time: 21.608640300000843 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 9.375 %
Time: 21.606484300000375 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 10.9375 %
Time: 19.332638599998972 s the loss is 0.6931463 and the accuracy is 13.28125 %
In Test Time, loss is 0.6929250178527832 and the accuracy is 0.09996