1.They are implicitly linked in their definition order.
@startuml :Hello world; :This is on defined on several **lines**; @enduml basic diagram activity Start/Stop
You can use if, then and else keywords to put tests if your diagram. Labels can be provided using parentheses.
@startuml start if (Graphviz installed?) then (yes) :process all\ndiagrams; else (no) :process only __sequence__ and __activity__ diagrams; endif stop @enduml
3.if then else example
You can use the elseif keyword to have several tests :
@startuml start if (condition A) then (yes) :Text 1; elseif (condition B) then (yes) :Text 2; stop elseif (condition C) then (yes) :Text 3; elseif (condition D) then (yes) :Text 4; else (nothing) :Text else; endif stop @enduml
4.several if test
Repeat loop
You can use repeat and repeatwhile keywords to have repeat loops.
@startuml start repeat :read data; :generate diagrams; repeat while (more data?) stop @enduml
5.basic repeat while loop
While loop
You can use while and end while keywords to have repeat loops.
@startuml start while (data available?) :read data; :generate diagrams; endwhile stop @enduml
6.another while loop
It is possible to provide a label after the endwhile keyword, or using the is keyword.
@startuml while (check filesize ?) is (not empty) :read file; endwhile (empty) :close file; @enduml
7.while loop with labels
Parallel processing
You can use fork, fork again and end fork keywords to denote parallel processing.
@startuml start if (multiprocessor?) then (yes) fork :Treatment 1; fork again :Treatment 2; end fork else (monoproc) :Treatment 1; :Treatment 2; endif @enduml
8.activity diagram with parallel processing
Text formatting can be done using creole wiki syntax.
A note can be floating, using floating keyword.
@startuml start :foo1; floating note left: This is a note :foo2; note right This note is on several //lines// and can contain <b>HTMLb> ==== * Calling the method ""foo()"" is prohibited end note stop @enduml
9.add notes on activity diagram
You can use specify a color for some activities.
@startuml start :starting progress; #HotPink:reading configuration files These files should edited at this point!; #AAAAAA:ending of the process; @enduml
10.changing colors
Using the -> notation, you can add texts to arrow, and change their color.
It’s also possible to have dotted, dashed, bold or hidden arrows.
@startuml :foo1; -> You can put text on arrows; if (test) then -[#blue]-> :foo2; -[#green,dashed]-> The text can also be on several lines and **very** long...; :foo3; else -[#black,dotted]-> :foo4; endif -[#gray,bold]-> :foo5; @enduml
11.colored arrows
You can group activity together by defining partition:
@startuml start partition Initialization { :read config file; :init internal variable; } partition Running { :wait for user interaction; :print information; } stop @enduml
12.grouping and partitionning in activity diagram
Using pipe |, you can define swimlanes.
It’s also possible to change swimlanes color.
@startuml |Swimlane1| start :foo1; |#AntiqueWhite|Swimlane2| :foo2; :foo3; |Swimlane1| :foo4; |Swimlane2| :foo5; stop @enduml
It’s possible to remove an arrow using the detach keyword.
@startuml :start; fork :foo1; :foo2; fork again :foo3; detach endfork if (foo4) then :foo5; detach endif :foo6; detach :foo7; stop @enduml
14.stop in activity diagrams
By changing the final ; separator, you can set different rendering for the activity:
@startuml :Ready; :next(o)| :Receiving; split :nak(i)< :ack(o)> split again :ack(i)< :next(o) on several line| :i := i + 1] :ack(o)> split again :err(i)< :nak(o)> split again :foo/ split again :i > 5} stop end split :finish; @enduml
15.SDL example
Complete example
@startuml start :ClickServlet.handleRequest(); :new page; if (Page.onSecurityCheck) then (true) :Page.onInit(); if (isForward?) then (no) :Process controls; if (continue processing?) then (no) stop endif if (isPost?) then (yes) :Page.onPost(); else (no) :Page.onGet(); endif :Page.onRender(); endif else (false) endif if (do redirect?) then (yes) :redirect process; else if (do forward?) then (yes) :Forward request; else (no) :Render page template; endif endif stop @enduml
@startuml start :初始化; :创建看门狗线程; fork #00FF00:while(1); note right 看门狗线程 end note repeat if(>2min没喂狗) then (Y) #8EE5EE:取消点; endif :sleep(5); repeat while(1) fork again #HotPink:while(1); note left a线程 end note repeat if (注册标志==1) then (Y) :喂狗; else (N) endif :db; if(检测成功?) then (Y) #A020F0:获取; note left 根据 end note if(有d? && 未?) then (Y) :clear; note left clear共干了4件事 ==== * 1.kill * 2.set !!! * 3.set global * 4.stop end note if(c_m成功?) then (Y) :调m脚本; note left 脚本在这里调用的 end note if(调用成功?) then (Y) #A020F0:修改DONE_SUCCESS; else (N) #A020F0:修改DONE_FAIL; endif else (N) #HotPink:goto while(1); detach endif else (N) endif if(注册标志==0 && >60) then(Y) #8EE5EE:注册; :标志=1; else (N) endif :10min更新一次; note left 1.保存master机器 否则…… 2.实例的, 所以去除…… end note :10min运行一次; else (N) #A020F0:获取d; if(有d?) then (Y) if(未?) then (Y) :"clear"; if(clear成功) then (Y) else (N) #HotPink:goto while(1); detach endif else (N) endif :重新; if("检测成功?") then (N) else (Y) #HotPink:goto while(1); detach endif else (N) endif if("可忽略err?") then (N) #8EE5EE:取消al; :标志=0; #0000FF:exit(0); stop else (Y) endif endif :sleep(1); #HotPink:goto while(1); @enduml