[讲座笔记] 沈向洋博士《You are how you read》

You are how you read


Why reading a research paper?


  1. 推荐论文或者上一篇论文引用
  2. 自己需要做一个presentation或者做相关topic的综述
  3. 论文中的某些工作值得借鉴
  4. 学习论文写作

Why is reading research papers so hard?


  1. Hard to read
  2. Difficult to understand: 缺乏对其相关topic的了解
  3. Easy to get stuck:当阅读过程中遇到问题,该向谁或者在哪里寻求帮助
  4. What to read next:在读完这篇论文之后,该接着读哪一篇?
  5. Impossible to fucus

How do you approach reading papers?


  • Propose/formulate a new problem
  • Solve a problem peple care about
  • Exposition and survey


Quick skimming


  1. Title
  2. Abstract
  3. Introduction
  4. The rest of the paper

这个阶段,主要是做shallow learning,这是很重要的。读者更关注于前面三个部分,并且做出判断:

  • Is this paper worth reading
  • Should I know something about this paper?
  • Can this be quickly rejected (by conference)?


  • What your paper is about
  • What problem it solves
  • Why the problem is interesting
  • What is really new (and what isn’t)
  • Why it’s so neat

Critical reading


  • are they solving the right problem?
  • are there simple solutions not have considered?
  • what are the limitations of the solution?

Deep analyzing

  • Reading well is about understanding how the paper is written
  • Longer term, reading is about enhancing your cognitive model

Creative reading: positive thinking


  • What are the good idea in this paper
  • Improvements that might make important pratical differences?
  • Applications/extensions that the authors might not have thought of?
  • Can they be generalized further?
  • If you were going to start doing research from this paper, what next thing would you do?

Write a one-page review

  • Your summary:Key idea in a sentence or two
  • Learning from critical reading:any problem?
  • Learning from creative reading?:idea for next year’s conference?
  • Your opinion:do you recommend this paper?

Analyze with a list of questions


  • What’s main claim? Key idea?
  • What’s key limitation?
  • Is there code available ? Data?
  • Is the idea neat? Is it counter-intuitive?
  • Is the contribution significant enough?
  • Is the experimentation good? Manual tuning?
  • Are there important related papers I missed?
  • Is it useful to my work e.g. product dev?
  • Is this a paper worth following?
  • What do other peple think about this paper?
  • Who are dominating this area of research?
  • What question should I ask the authors



  • Read more. Keep reading.
  • Be patient:reading = building your cognitive model!
